Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy:
Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Seventy-Six

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2022-08-25

Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Seventy-Six

Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy

About the Quranic Verse 86:7
Published in November 22, 2020

Question: … Dear Sir, … What is the meaning of 86:7 in relation to the creation of human beings? … Thank you …
The Lord God says the following in the Holy Quran: "Let man consider what he was created from. He was created from gushing liquid. Issuing from between the backbone and the breastbones." (86:5-7). This means that semen & ova are partially made within backbone and breastbones.


About Sorcery
Published in November 20, 2020

Question: … Dear Sir, … As per the Holy Quran, the disbelievers in Mecca accused Muhammad of sorcery (e.g. in 74:24) when he read Quranic verses to them; how come is that since magic/sorcery is linked to the eyes and not the ears as per the Quranic story of Moses in 7:116? Any ideas? … Thank you …
Of course, disbelieving Arabs in the 7th century Arabia have accused Muhammad of being a sorcerer: "Is it a wonder to the people that We inspired a man from among them: “Warn the people, and give good news to those who believe that they are on a sound footing with their Lord”? The disbelievers said, “This is a manifest sorcerer.”" (10:2); "And they marveled that a warner has come to them from among them. The disbelievers said, “This is a lying magician.”" (38:4). This is typical of all disbelievers in all eras and locations: "Likewise, no messenger came to those before them, but they said, “A sorcerer or a madman.” Did they recommend it to one another? …" (51:52-53). Of course, such accusation leveled against Muhammad indicates vilification, hatred, despise, and distain. This differs from magic/sorcery within the Quranic story of Moses when he was in Ancient Egypt where sorcery/witchcraft and magicians/sorcerers were respected and feared within awe though they merely influence the vision of others within deception.


Shiites Distorting the Meanings of the Quranic Verses
Published in November 20, 2020

Question: … Dear Sir, … What do you think of Shiites who intentionally distort/twist meanings of some Quranic verses to accommodate their notions such as deifying Ali and his first two sons? … Thank you …
Of course, their telling lies about the meanings of Quranic verses is a form of polytheism which seeks to undermine/ridicule the Holy Quran and to serve the evil purposes of Shiite clergymen who control their naïve followers. Ali Ibn Abou Talib is never mentioned (explicitly or implicitly) in the Quranic text; let alone his sons. Shiites are as ignorant as both Sufis and Sunnites as far as pondering the Quranic text is concerned. All of them are ignoramuses. Those who die without repentance after intentionally distorting the meanings of the Quranic verses will enter into Hell for committing such a grave sin. The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "Those who seek to undermine Our Verses are not hidden from Us. Is he who is hurled into the Hell-Fire better? Or he who arrives safely on the Day of Resurrection? Do as you please; He is Seeing of everything you do. Those who reject the Reminder when it has come to them - it is an invincible Book. Falsehood cannot approach it, from before it or behind it. It is a revelation from One Wise and Praiseworthy." (41:40-42).


About the Quranic Chapter 24
Published in November 19, 2020

Question: … Dear Sir, … I understand from reading the Quranic Chapter 24 (I mean 24:4-10 & 24:23-25) that men who slander & falsely accuse chaste, guiltless women, without clear proof/evidence (at least 4 eye-witnesses), of fornication/adultery should receive a corporal punishment; yet, there is no mention of punishing women who slander falsely accuse chaste, guiltless men of fornication/adultery; why is that? Any ideas? … Thank you …
This is because in all cultures, past and present, men may brag of their amorous conquests or extramarital relationships, and societies rarely blame/disgrace/shame men for fornication; in contrast, such sexual slanders harm/disgrace/shame any chaste women and make them lose their good reputation. Slanderers are usually men, of course.


Stealing our Ideas about Marriage
Published in November 19, 2020

Question: … Dear Sir, … You never defend yourself when others steal your Quranist ideas and ascribe them to themselves; recently, an Azharite woman gained some fame for asserting that Muslim women can marry peaceful non-Muslim men; such an Azharite woman never ascribed this idea to you despite the fact that you are the very first Muslim scholar to write such an idea/fatwa. … Thank you …
We have mentioned before that we feel overjoyed when our Quranist ideas spread in Egypt (and elsewhere) by others (reformist thinkers and otherwise) even if they never mention our name. It is our greatest victory that we have paved the way for religious reform and peaceful, intellectual jihad for the sake of True Islam (i.e., Quranism). All the 'holy' cows, taboos, idols we have smashed are being questioned by later generations thanks to the cyberspace. We never care if some people who plagiarize seek fame only by quoting Quranist views of ours without ascribing them to us. After our death, the cyberspace will bear witness to our grandkids that we are a pioneer in reformist thought. Our focus is only to gratify the Lord God in order to be among the winners on the Last Day. We implore the Lord God to make our person, on the Last Day, among the witnesses against our contemporaries.


About the Quranic Verse 25:30
Published in November 18, 2020

Question: … Dear Sir, … As per the Quranic text, Muhammad will utter the following on the Judgment Day: "And the messenger will say, “My Lord, my people have abandoned this Quran.”" (25:30). Does his disowning those who reject the Quran include all Muhammadans in all eras or not? Any ideas? … Thank you …
Of course not; Muhammad will bear witness only against his contemporaries in Arabia. Muhammad has nothing to do with monotheistic and polytheistic generations who were born after his death. Besides, 25:30 indicates that Muhammad never left to people any books alongside with the Holy Quran. This means hadiths books have nothing to do with True Islam (i.e. Quranism).


Religions and Conquests
Published in November 17, 2020

Question: … Dear Sir, … Having understood from you that the Arabs have earthly, man-made religions which have nothing to do with the Holy Quran, I'd like to pose this question to you: Could such religions be an excuse to 'justify' the British and French occupation of the Arab world in history? The West people have their own polytheistic, man-made religions you know (esp. deifying Jesus). Yet, they have conquered Egypt and the Arab world for a long time … Any ideas? … Thank you …
The Lord God's celestial/divine religion (i.e., only the Holy Quran itself) is based on peace, justice, freedom/liberty, charity, & mercy. In contrast, earthly, man-made religions of Satan take the shape/form of the tendencies of their followers. For instance, Sufis are peaceful ones among the Muhammadans; Sunnites tend to be more violent & fanatic; Shiites adhere to peace before reaching power but once they reach it, Shiites who ascend to power become as violent as Sunnites; both vie for more power and more violence/fanaticism. Of course, Middle-Ages Catholicism in Europe tended to be violent and Europeans at the time committed bloodshed; this is in contrast to the peaceful nature of Coptic Orthodox Egyptians, past and present, who adhere to patience bordering to passivity. Of course, past and present, the West has its own earthly, man-made religions; yet, European Renaissance and progress is based on secularism/laïcité and preventing the Church & clergy from engaging into political activities. In contrast, the Arab & non-Arab Muhammadans are still fully controlled by tyrants and clergymen, and hence their backwardness & obscurantism. The West is busy exploring the outer space while ignoramuses among the Muhammadan clergymen are still disputing about women's dress code! Middle-Eastern enthroned tyrants enlist the help of the imperialist West powers to help them oppress unarmed citizens; e.g., Washington still supports the KSA and the Gulf monarchies ruled by tyrants. The era of colonization and conquests has come to an end; the current era is worse in the Arab world since its countries are ruled by more brutal military regimes which are worse than European colonizers/occupiers. Enthroned tyrants of the Arab world smuggle their ill-gotten money into the West; we cannot blame any West power which seek to serve its own interests; we blame tyrants who rule the Arab world.


Published in November 17, 2020

Question: … Dear Sir, … I wonder why Allah has chosen Hell-Fire (& the agony of burning for eternity) as the fate of sinners and disbelievers; I think this goes against the mercy of Allah … What is your own view? … Thank you …
You mention Hell torment and you forget that the Holy Quran mentions Paradise pleasures as well. In the Hereafter, Hell has no end and its torment is relentless and will never be lessened; no Hell-dwellers will ever get out of it. Of course, Paradise dwellers will never be made to get out of Paradise and they will enjoy it pleasures forever. You can choose by your deeds and faith to join either party; you cannot choose to escape the test of life; you cannot choose the era, location, & family into which you were born. The Lord God is never unjust to the human souls. Before you hate the idea of Hell to the extent that you might become an atheist or a rejecter of the Holy Quran, remember that human beings are free agents who can choose their fate in the Hereafter as per their belief/faith and deeds; such freedom/liberty comes along with individual responsibility within the test of life. Heedless people are those who forget such Quranic facts and also forget all about the Hereafter.


Arab Thinkers Criticizing Al-Bokhary
Published in November 16, 2020

Question: … Dear Sir, … Many Arab thinkers online now criticize Al-Bokhary book of hadiths; yet, they never mention you as the very first Egyptian thinker to do so in 1977. Why is that? You should defend your stance as a pioneer thinker………… … Thank you …
Thank you for your message our son. Our focus is on gratifying the Lord God in order to be among the winners on the Last Day who will enter into Paradise. We never seek fame. We never seek glory or riches of this transient world. Hence, we are never infuriated by those who spread our ideas without acknowledgement. We never seek wages/rewards or even gratitude from any mortals. May the Lord God accept our good deeds and our belief and include us within His mercy and His Paradise like all pious souls.


Marriage Ads Corner
Published in November 15, 2020

Question: … Dear Sir, … I am a Quranist young man who lives in Egypt and I seek to marry a Quranist young woman but I can never find any! You should establish a marriage ads corner within your great website so that Quranists intermarry if they like; I loathe the mere idea of marrying a Sunnite woman! … Thank you …
Sadly, we cannot have a marriage ads corner; yet; we can publish such messages within our fatwas corner along with emails of Quranist men so that Quranist women who are interested can contact them.


We Fear for You!
Published in November 14, 2020

Question: … Dear Sir, … I live in your native village; we used to meet in the early 1990s; I am your former friend Mr. ...... I hope you remember me & I'd love to join your great website as Quranist writer of articles … Thank you …
Of course, we remember you very well. Thank you for your message; yet, we cannot add you within Facebook or have you within our website since the Egyptian police might arrest you as a result; Quranists of our native village are persecuted for being among our extended family; our own relative Mr. Reda Abdel-Rahman has been unjustly arrested & detained in 2020 since the Egyptian regime desired to punish our person for writing against the current Egyptian President Al-Sisi. We do not want more innocent people imprisoned because of our political stances. We fear for you and your safety.


Islamic Tolerance & Muhammad
Published in November 14, 2020

Question: … Dear Sir, … What was the reaction of Muhammad regarding his adversaries who harmed him with their tongues by slanders, mockery, & accusations? … Thank you …
As per the Holy Quran, Muhammad pardoned them within tolerance, forgiveness, and patience. Muhammad used to implore the Lord God to forgive the foes who slander and ridicule both him and all the early believers. Quranists like ourselves follow the same attitude since Muhammad is an excellent example to us. As much as we can, we personally forgive those who, online, slander and verbally abuse our person and those who send us hate mail. We seek only to gratify the Lord God and seek His reward.
We refer you to our article, in English, on tolerance on the following link:


We and Joe Biden
Published in November 11, 2020

Question: … Dear Sir, … I think you should contact Biden to make him make good use of Quranism within endeavors to reform the Arab world politically and religiously and to spread democracy…etc. I know the previous U.S. presidents have ignored you; It is OK to try anyway now … Thank you …
We never need to contact anyone to raise awareness about Quranism. We have done so in our first years inside the USA. Besides, the Americans in many governmental bodies know about our school of thought since they gather all information within all fields; some of them have appointed our person as a consultant in prestigious institutions and have made us a witness in the Senate in a hearing session to talk about terrorist MB organization. Any American administration acts as per the same political ideas firmly rooted in the U.S. culture. Any consultation done will not necessarily change anything. We were a political asylee when we settled in the USA in 2001; the American government knew about our being persecuted in Egypt because of our political activism and reformist Quranist thought. At first, we sought to reach out for anyone in the government to urge them to use Quranism to combat Wahabi Sunnite terrorism. No one was interested during the eras of Bush, Obama, & Trump. Those who are interested among the Biden administration can contact our person; we shall never knock the doors of anyone among the policymakers; they can contact us when they need us.


Pondering the Quran Centuries Ago
Published in November 14, 2020

Question: … Dear Sir, … Do you think that within the last 14 centuries, no scholar could understand the Quranic text in the right manner or as much as you do? I find this hard to fathom … Any ideas? … Thank you …
Ancient scholars of the past centuries never employed a scientific methodology to understand the Quranic text and terminology. They had their own whims/desires that drove them to distort/twist meanings of the Quranic verses to accommodate any Sunnite, Shiite, or Sufi myths/hadiths and their prejudices while disregarding verses which disprove their whims/desires. Yet, on rare occasions, some authors rightly understood some Quranic verses. We refer you to our book in English on how to understand the Holy Quran, found on the following link:


Those Knowledgeable in the Quranic Text
Published in November 13, 2020

Question: … Dear Sir, … I desire very much to be like you; i.e., among those knowledgeable in the Quranic text; I will dedicate my life to this goal … Any pieces of advice? … Thank you in advance …
You should simply & diligently study our archive of books, articles, fatwas, and YouTube videos. You will learn a lot regarding how to ponder the Quranic text. Yet, you should bear in mind that our views are never the decisive, final word regarding anything; we hope new researchers will continue to aspire to become trailblazers and torchbearers like our person.


About the Duration of Injustice
Published in November 12, 2020

Question: … Dear Sir, … When will injustice end in Egypt and elsewhere in the Arab world? What would be its duration? Any ideas? … Thank you …
Injustice will continue to dominate and reign supreme for as long as no nations readily and willingly resist it.


Intercession and Understanding the Holy Quran
Published in November 9, 2020

Question: … Dear Sir, … To believe in the Quran-only Islam means I should never read/peruse/study books of fiqh and hadiths, right? … I'd like to know more about the notion of intercession on the Last Day as per the Quranic text … Thank you in advance …
Of course, Quranists believe only in the Holy Quran as far as monotheistic belief is concerned. Yet, it is OK to read/study books of hadiths and fiqh to refute them, using, of course, Quranic verses. Quranists, for sure, have no list of prohibited books of any kind (or Index Librorum Prohibitorum). The Author of the Holy Quran (i.e., Allah) is the One Who will judge you in the Hereafter and not the authors of any other books. Of course, cultured Quranists should read a lot within different fields since this helps them delve deeper into pondering the Quranic text within deeper levels. We refer you to our books in English about intercession and Quranism found on the following links:


Yathreb Dwellers Receiving Muhammad
Published in November 6, 2020

Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it a true historical narrative (or not) that the Yathreb dwellers received Muhammad as an immigrant with chanting/singing poetry set to music? … Thank you …
This fictional story is never mentioned in history books of Al-Tabary and Ibn Ishaq. It is a made-up story which emerged during the Mameluke Era and is first written down by the historian Ibn Katheer who lived during the Mameluke Era.


This Shiite Man Abdul-Hussein!
Published in November 6, 2020

Question: … I am sad since you refused my written invitation to attend a conference for Muslim thinkers in Iraq! It seems that you attend only conferences in the UK and the USA while you wear a tuxedo! You hate our Imams Ali and Al-Hussein! You describe them (and their descendants) in your books as 'fools' who sought the glory of this transient world instead of Paradise of the Hereafter! … You are the fool! You are the enemy of Islam! Shame on you! …
We forgive you, Mr. Abdul-Hussein, for insulting our person within your email message. Our poor health prevents now from traveling abroad. We have travelled only two times since our immigration to the USA in 2001; when we went to pilgrimage in Mecca in 2019 and when we attended the wedding party of our third son, Amir, in the West Bank. We have written two separate books, translated into English, about both occasions. All peaceful conferences we've attended in the EU, UK, and USA were before 2001 when we lived in Egypt. Your surname literally means the slave/worshiper of Hussein; all Shiites are polytheists who deify dead persons and practice self-flagellation annually like fools to mourn the death of one of their supreme deities named Hussein. We never deify historical figures; we never deify (wo)men who are mentioned in the Quranic text; let alone Hussein and Ali who are never mentioned in it at all. We pity the sender of this email message.


Egypt in the Holy Quran
Published in November 11, 2020

Question: … Dear Sir, … I'd like to pose some questions about how Egypt is described in the Quranic stories of Moses and Joseph: …… … Thank you …
You will find answers to your questions when you read our book, in English, titled (Egypt in the Holy Quran), found on the following link:

اجمالي القراءات 1844

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
أضف تعليق
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تاريخ الانضمام : 2006-07-05
مقالات منشورة : 5169
اجمالي القراءات : 58,609,609
تعليقات له : 5,478
تعليقات عليه : 14,869
بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : United State

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