آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2020-02-07
PART X: The Names Invented by the Polytheists for Their Imaginary Deity (The Prophet) Muhammad
Published in February 6, 2020
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
The Belief Is Not In Muhammad But In What Has Descended Upon Muhammad: Those Who Believe In Muhammad Are Disbelievers: PART X
The names invented by the polytheists for their imaginary deity (the Prophet) Muhammad
Firstly: their deifying and sanctifying (the Prophet):
1/1: If a man would stand in public in order to insult and curse (Ibn Berzaweih) no one will care to notice this; if the same man would insult and curse (Al-Bokhary) in the same manner, the masses may beat him to death. Most of the masses never know that the real name of Al-Bokhary is Ibn Berzaweih. We have talked about this deification of proper names before. We repeat this here because the sanctification and fame linked to the name (Al-Bokhary) is linked also to his book of hadiths which include the so-called Sunna ascribed by force to Muhammad after his death; the Muhammadan assume wrongly that Muhammad uttered such hadiths; we assert that he never uttered them or even heard about them.
1/2: We have mentioned previously that the Muhammadans sanctify some terms and titles as well; we add to them here the terms (Sunna), (Sunna hadiths), and (God's holy hadiths); if any man dares to attack and question such terms, he will be accused of apostasy and may get killed. Yet, the list of such sanctified terms invented by the polytheists is endless; the hadiths of the Muhammadans are endless; they have increased with the passage of centuries; they are filled with discrepancies and contradictions; even attempts of some Sunnite authors to sort and sift hadiths within many criteria resulted into more disputes and schisms. Of course, hadiths are never part of Islam because they contradict the True Islam; i.e., the Quran. Yet, for the Muhammadans, the hadiths are sanctified and hallowed within an unprecedented level for merely being attributed to the Muhammadans' imaginary deity named as (the Prophet).
2/1: Prophet Muhammad was a mortal human being as per the Quran; yet, the Muhammadans deem him as an immortal deity/god. As per the Quran, the last prophet, a mortal man named Muhammad, never knew the future and never knew the invisible; this is why he never knew those around him in Yathreb among his contemporaries who were adamant in hypocrisy and hid their anti-Quran stance very well (see 9:101). Yet, the Muhammadans in their hadiths made their invented, immortal, and deified prophet know the future and the invisible and act as a 'grand intercessor' who controls the kingdom of the Dominant Lord God in this world and in the Hereafter!
2/2: This deified prophet invented and fashioned by the Muhammadans is referred to, by them, only by the term (the Prophet) without adding any names or words at all. When any of the Muhammadans utter or hear the term (the Prophet), they think of no-one but their immortal deified imaginary Muhammad; no one assumes that the term (the Prophet) might refer to Abraham, Noah, Jesus, Moses, Aaron,...etc.
2/3: The Muhammadans hate it when someone would make Muhammad equal to the previous prophets and messengers of the Lord God; the Muhammadans assume that Muhammad is the 'master' of all prophets and the 'best' one among all messengers. This means that the Muhammadans intentionally disregard the Quranic prohibition of making distinction among prophets and messengers of the Lord God (see 2:136 and 2:285). The Quran never mentions who is the best prophet/messenger before the sight of the Lord God. When a man would tell the Muhammadans that there is no Quranic proof about Muhammad being the 'best' among, or master/imam of, the Lord God's prophets/messengers, the Muhammadans will accuse this man of insulting their deified (Prophet) by casting doubt on his stature or position.
2/4: The (Prophet) for the Muhammadans is a living, immortal deity who lives beneath their feet inside a tomb; they perform pilgrimage to this tomb/mausoleum inside the Yathreb mosque to venerate and worship Muhammad and to supplicate/pray to him while assuming he hears and greets them and grants their wishes! The Muhammadans assume that this imaginary living entombed god reviews their recorded deeds and intercedes on their behalf by asking Allah to forgive them! The Muhammadans hate it when a man dares to ask them how this (Prophet) do such tasks inside a tomb; they will accuse this man of insulting their deified (Prophet) by casting doubt on his stature or position.
2/5: Their imaginary deity named as the (Prophet) has his special prayers and glorifications offered to him; they are never offered to other prophets: Noah, Aaron, Abraham, Moses,...etc. Hence, the Muhammadans invented a special act of worship dedicated to their god whom they name as (Muhammad).
3/1: The entirety of the Quranic Chapter One is phrased that way so that it is employed by believers to worship the Lord God only; it is pronounced in every Raqa within the daily prayers as believers address the Lord God: "In the name of God, the Dominant, the Merciful. Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. The Dominant, the Merciful. Master of the Day of Judgment. It is You we worship, and upon You we call for help. Guide us to the Straight Path. The Path of those You have blessed, not of those against whom there is anger, nor of those who are misguided." (1:1-7).
3/2: During his lifetime in Arabia, the last prophet/messenger of the Lord God, Muhammad, pronounced the Quranic Chapter One within piety and reverence within the daily prayers. This what should be done by pious monotheists; no one among the contemporaries of Muhammad addressed the Quranic Chapter One to any mortals including Muhammad who was their imam of prayers. They never did so because they learned from the messenger Muhammad, as he read the Quran to them, that to worship other than the Lord God is sheer polytheism hated by Allah.
3/3: Yet, the misguided, polytheistic Muhammadans employ the Quranic Chapter One as an element within their worshiping their god; i.e., their deified (Prophet).
3/3/1: They read the Quranic Chapter One within reverence while worshiping and venerating the mausoleum/abomination ascribed to Muhammad inside the Yathreb mosque; they read it within reverence while invoking their god Muhammad, as though he were alive, while seeking help/aid in situations of troubles, reconciliations, deals, transactions,...etc.
3/3/2: When a Quranist man calls the Muhammadans to dedicate and devote their religion and their acts of worship exclusively to the Lord God, this will provoke their anger because they can never imagine to believe in Allah only; they have to add other fashioned deities and gods among mortals. They can never imagine any messengers/prophets as mortal human beings chosen by the Lord God to convey the Divine Message; they insist on adding to them God-like qualities. They refuse to confine the mission of Muhammad, as a messenger, to delivering the Quranic Message; they insist on deifying Muhammad as a god who controls this world and the Hereafter alongside with the Lord God! This is why in situations of troubles, reconciliations, deals, transactions,...etc., the Muhammadans invoke and supplicate reverently to this imaginary deity named by them as Muhammad; it is as if this will bring good luck and ward off evil or failure! Yet, catastrophes, accidents, and ordeals do occur! The Muhammadans live in a series of instances of failure all the time!
Secondly: the names fashioned and invented for their deity (the Prophet):
1- It is never acceptable to give a title or a name to one's late father; this father is dead and he never knew about this title or name. Yet, within the terrestrial religions of Satan to which the Muhammadans adhere, it is a basic notion to invent 'holy' titles/names/epithets to honor and describe the dead gods. This is what the Muhammadans have done with their imaginary, immortal deity the (Prophet) Muhammad. Centuries after the death of Muhammad, the Muhammadans have given him so many names/epithets of which he never heard; he died and never knew about such names/epithets; he died and, like all dead people, he has no ties with anything that happened, happening, and will happen after his death.
2- Some of such false names/epithets are mentioned in some hadiths, attributed by force to Muhammad after his death, in the Al-Bokhary book of hadiths and the Moslem book of hadiths.
2/1: (...I have many names; I am Muhammad, I am Ahmed, I am the Remover of disbelief by God's leave, I am the Gatherer as resurrected souls will be gather above my foot; I am the First and the Last...).We comment on this silly hadiths in the points below.
2/1/1: Disbelief is never removed from this world at all; it has existed and will continue to exist until the end of days. Has disbelief disappeared from planet earth from china to Argentina? Disbelief has never been removed from the countries of the Arabs and the Muhammadans until now!
2/1/2: The Lord God, and never any mortals including Muhammad, is the One Who will gather all souls on the Resurrection Day. Yet, the Muhammadans imagine that their deity and intercessor Muhammad is in full control of the Day of Judgment as if he were its master alongside with, or instead of, the Lord God! This is sheer blasphemy! The laughter-inducing element is about the (foot); will it be the right foot or the left one?! Will it carry all resurrected human souls?! Why not both feet?! Will this foot be big enough to carry all resurrected souls from Adam to the last person in the last human generation on earth?! How come?! What if few billions would fall and dirty their clothes and faces in mud?! Will this feet as big as the heavens and the earth?! Where would be the locations of souls of prophets/messengers above this foot?! Will they be like the souls of the rest of humanity or would they live in special hotels at the ankle or the fingers?!
2/1/3: Muhammad was never the first human being or the last one of them; people continued to exist after his death; he was not alpha and omega; he was not a second Adam; as per the Quran, the First and Last is the Lord God (see 57:3); this silly, laughter-inducing hadith does not even mention that Muhammad was the last prophet; we would like our readers to burst out laughing as we did when we quoted this silly hadith here.
2/2: This silly hadith is repeated many times with slightly different versions in other books of lies/hadiths.
2/3: (... The Messenger of Allah, Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of Allah descend upon him, had many names and he informed us with them: he said: "I am Muhammad, I am Ahmed, I am the Last, I am the Gatherer, I am the Prophet of Mercy, and I am the Prophet of Repentance."...). We see here six names and not five as is the case with the previous hadith. This difference, in number and in names, is in one book; namely, the Al-Bokhary book of hadiths which is a book revered and sanctified by the Muhammadans as their 'holy of holies'!
3- After the era of Al-Bokhary and Moslem books, many machines/fabricators of hadiths vied for inventing so many names to sanctify, glorify, and honor their deity Muhammad as they saw that the already employed names are never enough! The increasing number of 'holy' names/epithets/titles reflects the historical fact that sanctification/deification of Muhammad increased with the passage of the centuries.
3/1: Many Sunnite authors made the number of 'holy' names ascribed to Muhammad reach ninety-nine, and the same number of 'holy' names are attributed by them to Allah. Other authors vied for increasing such 'holy' names. The Sunnite author Al-Jazoly invented two hundred names for Muhammad in his book titled (Dalael Al-Khayraat). Another Sunnite author, Ibn Dahya, made them three hundred names in his book titled (Al-Mustawfa fe Asmaa Al-Mustafa). Some other authors invented a hadith that Allah has one thousand holy names and Muhammad has one thousand holy names; such authors never wrote down such names at all! We pose these 'innocent' questions: Did such authors receive divine revelation? Did Allah talk to them in dreams?! Did they met with Muhammad to verify their claims?! This means that we have to bear in mind that terrestrial religions of Satan are fashioned and fabricated as per the whims of their authors!
3/2: During the eras when Sunnite Sufism was the earthly religion which dominated all aspects of life, the Sufi authors wrote more than fourteen books about 'holy' names and epithets granted by them to their deity Muhammad. Such authors include Al-Qurtubi, Al-Sakhawy, Al-Siyouti, Ibn Fares, and Youssef Al-Nabhany.
3/3: In the 2nd century A.H., the Abbasid author M. Ibn Ishaq fabricated from his own imagination and from scattered oral traditions and narratives the very first fake biography of Muhammad; his book is filled with nothing but myths, falsehoods, and lies. Yet, Ibn Ishaq never wrote a word about the existence of any 'holy' names attributed to Muhammad. Other fake biographies of Muhammad appeared during the Abbasid and the Mameluke eras; this means the number of myths about Muhammad increased exponentially. Such mythical narratives reflect truly the features of polytheism of the Muhammadans who deified and sanctified Prophet Muhammad. Traditions of writing fake biographies of Muhammad included to write chapters about his 'holy' names/epithets! This is evident in the book titled (History of Damascus) by Al-Khateeb and the book titled (Al-Shefa Betaareef Huquq Al-Mustafa) by the judge and fiqh scholar Ayyad.
3/4: The existence of such books which contain 'holy' names/epithets attributed to Muhammad resulted in writing more books about interpreting, annotating, explaining, and commenting on such books; for instance, the book titled (Al-Riyad Al-Aniqa fe Sharh Asmaa Kheir Al-Khaleeqa) by Al-Siyouti.
4- Such polytheistic authors not only vied for increasing the number of 'holy' names/epithets ascribed to Muhammad but also in their exaggeration in inventing such names which express their deifying Muhammad as an immortal god along with Allah.
4/1: Some authors who claimed that Muhammad had only ninety-nine 'holy' names/epithets made about seventy of these names shared with Allah; i.e., the same names/epithets can be used in order to describe both Muhammad and Allah!
4/2: Most of such names are invented within fabricated hadiths; the most frequently repeated names, within hadiths, are (the master of all descendants of Adam) and (the master of all messengers).
4/3: During the eras of Sunnite Sufism, more strange 'holy' names were invented to glorify and honor the deified (Prophet) such as the ones in this list: Aheed (i.e., the unique), Waheed (i.e., the unique), Maneh (i.e., the giver), Mad'oo (i.e., the invited), remover of troubles, pardoner of sins and mistakes, keeper of Allah's knowledge, the sea of divine lights, the repository of secrets, the giver of mercy, the light of lights, the causer of all creatures, the source of all mercy, the focus of Allah's sovereignty, the focus of eternity, the magnet of Allah's majesty, the all-encompassing secret, the greatest veil, and the ayatollah (i.e., the sign of Allah).
5- Within an Indian printed copy of the Quran, ninety-nine names or epithets of their deity Muhammad were written in the covers; the same ninety-nine names/epithets are carved within the southern wall of the Yathreb mosque which houses the mausoleum/abomination attributed to their deity Muhammad.
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5169 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,609,995 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,478 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,869 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
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