The Belief Is Not In Muhammad But In What Has Descended Upon Muhammad: Those Who Believe In Muhammad Are Disbelievers: PART III :
PART III The Problematic Issue for Polytheists Regarding the Fact that the Messenger/Prophet Muhammad Was a Mortal Human Being (3/1)

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2020-01-24

The Belief Is Not In Muhammad But In What Has Descended Upon Muhammad: Those Who Believe In Muhammad Are Disbelievers: PART III

The Problematic Issue for Polytheists Regarding the Fact that the Messenger/Prophet Muhammad Was a Mortal Human Being (3/1)



Published in January 23, 2020

Translated by: Ahmed Fathy




The problematic issue for polytheists regarding the fact that the messenger/prophet Muhammad was a mortal human being (3/1)


1- The Muhammadans who deify Muhammad refuse to imagine him as a mortal human being like them. Likewise, Christians who deify Jesus Christ refuse to imagine him as a mortal human being like them. In contrast, monotheists/Muslims (including Quranists) who believe in Allah as the Only Lord God Who has no partners or associates know for sure that both Jesus and Muhammad were mortal prophets; both were human beings like the rest of all humanity.

2- The disbelievers/polytheists among the ancient nations and communities disbelieved in the Celestial Messages granted by the Lord God to His messengers/prophets manly because they refused to believe that fact that such messengers/prophets were mortals like the rest of all human beings; they assumed that messengers/prophets are larger than life or above the level of any human beings!

3- This is problematic issue for polytheists regarding the fact that the messengers/prophets were mortal human beings. We provide more details in the points below.


Firstly: messengers/prophets and sexual movements:

1- The classical Arabic term (Rahz) refers to the movement of the pelvis and the legs during coitus or having sex. During the Abbasid Era, a concubine who knew (in the biblical sense of this verb) tens of men was known for her four lines of poetry about the meaning of sexual love; for such a concubine, lovemaking meant violent, animalistic sex; she employs the term (Rahz) in her poem; here are the lines of her poem (which we hope will not shock very much any virgin readers especially young women):

Love is nothing but bruising kisses and embraces

And two naked bellies rubbing against each other

And violent Rahz causing tears to fill the eyes

And shaking heads, arms, and shoulders with bare hands

 We desire to be very frank regarding our topic here; we know that in order for human males to have offspring, they must have sex with human  females; this entails having an erection and Rahz so that the penis would move in and out of the female genitalia so that ejaculation would take place by this friction as the seminal fluid helps the movement of semen in order to inseminate the ovum inside the female reproductive system. Of course, the erection of the human penis entails a certain degree of arousal caused by sexual word and foreplay; when it is ready to enter into the female genitalia, coitus or penetration is possible. During penetration and Rahz, both the male and the female human beings lose their self-respect regarding what they say and how they move and what they do; they turn into a pair of human animals. This ends after the ejaculation; both return to their normal state of mind. We hope such facts will not shock any of our readers. Yet, the Muhammadans who deify Muhammad will be shocked and enraged when we write the fact that this applies to all human beings including prophets/messengers. Muhammad is no exception to this rule. The Muhammadans cannot imagine their deity as a mortal man who had erections and had sex with his wives and performed Rahz and sexual talking and foreplay with his wives. The Muhammadans can imagine all that being done by their own biological fathers because they do not deify their fathers; yet, it is impossible for them to imagine Muhammad having sex with his wives because they deify him as an immortal god besides Allah! This polytheism of theirs, because they deify Muhammad, drives them to disbelieve in the Quran especially the Quranic facts about the all of the prophets/messengers of the Lord God who were mortal human beings; none of them were deities/gods. This means that they were men who had sex with their wives, in the way described above, like all normal, healthy human males. While addressing Muhammad, the Lord God says the following about all prophets/messengers: "We sent messengers before you, and We assigned for them wives and offspring..." (13:38). This means that all messengers/prophets had wives, had sex with their wives, and had children. To imagine that they never knew or touched their spouses is absurd. They had sex with their wives; otherwise, how come that they had progeny? Of course, the spouses of messengers/prophets did not conceive such children miraculously without having sex. Coitus, penetration, and Rahz occurred between the messengers/prophets and their wives so that the procreation of offspring would take place. This fact is indisputable and undeniable. This is how Noah had a son whose story is mentioned in the Quran; this is how Abraham begot his first-born son Ishmael and his second son Isaac. Moses got married and his wife bore him children. Zachariah wished he would have a son because his wife was barren; eventually, he had a son named John. Such progeny is mentioned in the Quran and was conceived by having sex in the abovementioned manner. Those readers whose hearts still negate such a fact are still deifying messengers/prophets of the Lord God; this is sheer polytheism.     

2- What applied to all messengers/prophets applied also to the last one of them; namely, Muhammad. Of course, we know from the Quran that Muhammad had several wives; he had several daughters and not one daughter; he suffered from his wives; even some Quranic verses (in the Quranic Chapters 33 and 66) have served as a warning to these spouses of Muhammad. Despite his being married, Muhammad admired the beauty of some pretty women among his contemporaries. Let us exemplify this by quoting the following Quranic verses.

2/1: "O prophet! Tell your wives, and your daughters, and the women of the believers, to lengthen their garments. That is more proper, so they will be recognized and not harassed. God is Forgiving and Merciful." (33:59).

2/2: "You may defer any of them you wish, and receive any of them you wish. Should you desire any of those you had deferred, there is no blame on you. This is more proper, so that they will be comforted, and not be grieved, and be content with what you have given each one of them. God knows what is within your hearts. God is Omniscient and Clement." (33:51).

2/3: "Beyond that, no other women are permissible for you, nor can you exchange them for other wives, even if you admire their beauty, except those you already have. God is Watchful over all things." (33:52). Hence, the monotheistic believers in God who never deify any allies/partners/associates besides Him know for sure that Muhammad had sex with his wives like all normal male human beings. This entails sexual talking and foreplay, embracing, kissing, touching,...etc., in the manner described above by the Abbasid concubine who chanted the lines of poetry about the nature of sex she loved, in order for erection, penetration, coitus, and Rahz to happen. This is as per the following Quranic verse: "Your women are cultivation for you; so approach your cultivation whenever you like, and send ahead for yourselves. And fear God, and know that you will meet Him. And give good news to the believers." (2:223). This (sending ahead) indicates sexual foreplay. This applies to all married males when they sexually approach their female spouses; this applies to all human beings including prophets/messengers. Yet, the Muhammadans who deify their imaginary immortal deity whom they named as (Muhammad) cannot think or imagine their deity having sex.

3- Thus, by their deifying Muhammad, they make him appear as if he were a god/deity besides, and equal to, Allah. Only the Lord God is described in the following manner in the Holy Quran:

3/1: "Say, “He is God, the One. God, the Absolute. He begets not, nor was He begotten. And there is none comparable to Him.”" (112:1-4)

3/2: "Originator of the heavens and the earth - how can He have a son when He never had a companion? He created all things, and He has knowledge of all things." (6:101).

3/3: "And Exalted is the Grandeur of our Lord – He is truly our Lord; He never had a mate, nor a child." (71:3).

 Thus, after pondering in the above points, monotheists should discard justifications and myths propagated by polytheists about deifying the Lord God's messengers/prophets. Let us get straight to the point we address to monotheists/Quranists: Do any of our readers feel ashamed or shocked to imagine Prophet Muhammad having sex with his wives like any normal human males? If any of our readers feel 1% or less of sentiments of shock or shame as they read these lines, this means their hearts are still sick with remnants of polytheism which consists of deifying mortals.


Secondly: messengers/prophets and consumption of food resulting in defecating, urinating, burping, and farting:

1- Of course, the consumption of food items by human beings is the biggest indicator showing how all human and non-human creatures need Allah their Creator. This is among the main differences between the creatures and the Lord God the Creator. The Lord Allah says the following in the Holy Quran.

1/1: "I did not create the jinn and the humans except to worship Me. I need no livelihood from them, nor do I need them to feed Me." (51:56-57). The Lord God provides livelihood and food for human beings and never the vice versa. The Lord God is never in need of food.

1/2: This is about those who deify and worship mortals and things/items such as tombs of the so-called saints/allies and also the living self-deified saints/allies: "Say, “Shall I take for myself an ally other than God, Originator of the heavens and the earth, and He feeds and is not fed?” Say, “I am instructed to be the first of those who submit.” And do not be among the polytheists." (6:14). The Lord God provides livelihood and food for human beings and never the vice versa. The Lord God is never in need of food.

 Of course, the story of food with creatures has three stages within which all human and non-human creatures need their Lord God.

The first stage: getting food items:

1- Food is the basic provision or livelihood that sustains living creatures and keeps them alive; they have to seek and to get food items.

1/1: "It is He who made the earth manageable for you, so travel its regions, and eat of His provisions. To Him is the Resurrection." (67:15).

1/2: The Lord God guarantees food/provisions for all living creatures: "There is no moving creature on earth but its sustenance depends on God. And He knows where it lives and where it rests. Everything is in a Clear Book." (11:6).

1/3: "How many a creature there is that does not carry its provision? God provides for them, and for you. He is the Hearer, the Knowledgeable." (29:60). Of course, all human beings seek provisions, sustenance and food items; as for some non-human creatures which cannot move, the Lord God provides food for them.

The second stage: consuming and digesting food items:

1- Sadly, some defiant, arrogant human beings imagine that they do not need their Lord God in this second stage of eating and digestion; they wrongly assume that it is their own bodily ability which helps within both processes; they tend to forget that the Lord God controls this stage as well; the Lord God says the following about Himself: "...He feeds and is not fed..." (6:14); Abraham said the following about the Lord God: "He who created me, and guides me. He who feeds me, and waters me." (26:78-79).

2- Human beings tend to feel the ease and comfort of the processes of eating, drinking, and burping; they tend to forget that such ease is according to the Divine Will of the Dominant Lord God. It happens so easily that beverages and food items might infiltrate into the human trachea, causing suffocation and death. The Dominant Lord God controls the respiratory and digestive systems inside the human body. Could our readers imagine a fishbone or some beans obstructing their gullets? The Dominant Lord God is the Only One Who controls the human body's stomach, esophagus, pancreas, intestines, kidneys, liver,...etc. All the systems of the human body work as per the Divine Will of the Dominant Lord God and not as per the human will. Of course, many human beings suffer many diseases linked to the digestive system.

The third stage: defecating and urinating:

1- The problem of the heedless human beings is that they imagine that they do not need their Lord God in this third stage of defecating and urinating after consumption of food items and water/beverages. The processes of defecating and urinating are done by other systems in the human body and they entail the gravitation of the earth. Could our readers imagine their being unable to urinate/defecate? Could they imagine suffering constipation? Could they imagine having to undergo a surgical operation to be able to defecate/urinate, before feces and urine would poison their bodies, if their bodily systems do not function properly? This possibility may occur to anyone. May the Lord God save us and spare us such pains and ordeals. Many people suffer incontinence/diarrhea and/or constipation; some people whose kidneys never function properly cannot urinate. Such painful tests or ordeals are divine warnings so that the heedless people may take heed and pay attention to the Afterlife. The Dominant Lord God controls our bodies and our vital organs whether some people believe this fact or not and whether they like it or not: "...There is not a creature but He holds it by the forelock..." (11:56). 

2- Many people feel disgusted by the processes of defecating, urinating, and farting; they feel disgusted by their own farts, urine, and feces. They forget that such processes provide comfort to the human body; without these processes, death is bound to occur sooner or later. Yet, such feelings of disgust are not surprising.

3- What can be really surprising is that the Muhammadans who deify Muhammad cannot imagine or assume that Muhammad was a mortal human being who defecated, urinated, burped, and farted. Likewise, the Christians who deify Jesus cannot imagine or assume that Jesus was a mortal human being who defecated, urinated, burped, and farted. We repeat these words, as we have repeated above some sexual words like (Rahz), in order for our readers to test themselves; if they feel shocked or repulsed and if they cringed, this means that they deify Muhammad, Jesus, and other mortal prophets/messengers. This means that the remnants of the sickness of polytheism are still found in their hearts/souls.

4- The Muhammadans never know that the polytheistic disbelievers among the ancient nations arrogantly and defiantly refused to assume that prophets/messengers are mortal human beings who consume food (and thus they defecated, urinated, burped, and farted)

4/1: The tribe/people of Aad rejected their prophet Hud because they saw him as a mortal human being who consumed food items; they imagined that prophets should have God-like qualities and never eat/defecate. This is about Aad and why they rejected Hud: "But the affluent groups among his people, those who disbelieved and denied the meeting of the Hereafter, and We had indulged them in the transient life, said, “This is nothing but a human like you; he eats what you eat, and he drinks what you drink." (23:33).

4/2: The disbelieving polytheists among the Meccan tribe of Qorayish ridiculed Muhammad in the same manner; they rejected him and the Quran he conveyed because he consumed food and moved through marketplaces (and this means that he defecated, urinated, burped, and farted). This is how the Lord God describes their stance: "And they say, “What sort of messenger is this, who eats food, and walks in the marketplaces? If only an angel was sent down with him, to be alongside him a warner.”" (25:7); this is the divine response: "We never sent any messengers before you, but they ate food and walked in the marketplaces..." (25:20). This means all messengers/prophets were mortal human beings who ate, defecated, urinated, burped, and farted. Those who refuse this fact are irrational polytheists who deify mortals.

5- Likewise, the Christians who deify Jesus and Mary adamantly refuse to imagine that both Jesus and Mary consumed food and that both of them defecated, urinated, burped, and farted. This fact is mentioned by the Lord God here: "The Messiah son of Mary was only a messenger, before whom other messengers had passed away, and his mother was a woman of truth. They both used to eat food. Note how We make clear the Verses to them; then note how deluded they are. Say, “Do you worship, besides God, what has no power to harm or benefit you?” But God: He is the Hearer, the Knower." (5:75-76). This means all messengers/prophets were mortal human beings who ate, defecated, urinated, burped, and farted. Those who refuse this fact are irrational polytheists who deify mortals.

 Thus, after pondering in the above points, monotheists should discard justifications and myths propagated by polytheists about deifying the Lord God's messengers/prophets. Let us get straight to the point we address to monotheists/Quranists: Do any of our readers feel ashamed or shocked to imagine Prophet Muhammad eating, defecating, urinating, burping, and farting like any normal and healthy human beings? If any of our readers feel 1% or less of sentiments of shock or shame as they read these lines, this means their hearts are still sick with remnants of polytheism which consists of deifying mortals.

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