آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2019-03-18
We Implore the Lord God To Never Allow It to Take Place: The Scenario of Total Destruction after the New Zealand Massacre (1)
Published in March 17, 2019
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Firstly: between the divine, celestial religion and the devilish, terrestrial religions:
1- The divine, celestial religion (i.e., the Quran) has descended to establish peace (see 2:208 and 4:91-92) and justice (see 57:25) and to forbid sins and injustices (see 16:90). This is why wars within Islam are only for the sake of self-defense and to restore peace; this is proven in detail in many of our books and articles.
2- Yet, human beings formulate devilish, terrestrial religions which reflect their desires and whims; if their nature is belligerent, their religions reflect aggression and violence committed against others appear as religious duties or 'jihad'; such wars of aggression is described by the Lord God in the Quran as fighting for the sake of Satan; the Quran describes self-defense fighting as fighting for the sake of the Lord God (see 4:75-76). The wars of aggression are grave sins committed by Arab and Ottoman caliphs within their Sunnite religion of Satan.
Secondly: types of war:
There are secular, non-religious wars which aim only at expansion and annexing stretches of land; they have no religious ideology at all; they are exemplified in the points below.
1- The wars of Thutmose III of Egypt (1425 B.C.) whose empire remained until c. 1070 B.C. or until the reign of Ramses XI.
2- The wars of Ramses II of Egypt (1303 – 1213 B.C.).
3- The wars of Alexander the Great whose empire stretched between Greece to the borders of India.
4- The wars of Julius Caesar who was born in 100 B.C. and was assassinated in 44 B.C.
5- The wars of Genghis Khan whose empire included China and Central Asia.
6- The wars of Tamerlane whose empire stretched between Central Asia to India and his military troops reached Damascus, in the Levant; his empire lasted after his death in 1405 until 1506 A.D.
7- Because of the fact that the above wars were secular and non-religious (i.e., they had no religious motives at all), we conclude the following points.
7/1: Secular and non-religious wars might occur between two countries who share one religion; e.g., England and France within the Hundred Years' War (1337 – 1453 A.D.)
7/2: A Christian country like Britain allied itself to 'Islamic' countries against another Christian country (i.e., Russia) within the Crimean War (1853 – 1856 A.D.) which broke out between Russia and the Ottoman empire; the allies of the Ottomans at the time were Egypt, Tunisia, and Britain. Russia desired to annex lands of the Ottomans but Britain had to prevent this with all its might so as to keep the sick man of Europe (i.e., the Ottoman empire) as it was until the ripe time came and Britain would invade and occupy its lands.
7/3: Within secular and non-religious wars, enmity may turn into friendship and alliance; e.g., within the friendly agreement between Britain and France on the 8th of April, 1904, as France acknowledged Britain's 'right' to occupy Egypt and Britain acknowledged France's 'right' to occupy North Africa. Both Britain and France were allies in WWI and WWII.
Thirdly: the main differences between religious wars and secular ones:
1- Some secular and non-religious wars lasted for nearly a century or many decades such as wars of the Mongols and the Hundred Years' War; some secular and non-religious wars had about 100 million victims (killed + injured people) such as WWI and WWII. Yet, they ended and became mere history; former enemies became allies later on. No one in Greece demanded following the steps of Alexander the Great as one of the 'good' ancestors. No one in Germany, Italy, Egypt, and Mongolia/China did the same with Hitler, Mussolini, Thutmose III or Ramses II, and Genghis Khan, respectively. These historical figures are dead and their empires died out.
2- In contrast, in religious wars which were based on any of the religious ideologies, we see that leaders of such wars are deified after their death; the masses consider them as immortal gods. As long as such devilish, terrestrial religions remain to exist, such religious wars go on internally and externally. This is the case with today's Arabs who deify the conquering caliphs and deem them as 'good' ancestors who existed in a 'golden era'. The Arabs are reluctant to admit to the fact that the eras of caliphs were filled with injustices, tyranny, corruption, and bloodshed. Currently, there are Arab regimes of tyranny which have their own clergymen of Satan who make such culture of religious wars as part of religious duties. Conquerors who had no religious ideology behind their wars from Alexander the Great to Genghis Khan died and no one deified them; in contrast, the Muhammadans (Sunnites + Sufis) still deify the conquerors/caliphs of religious wars or the unjust Arab conquests: Abou Bakr, Omar, and Othman. Sadly, in modern-day secular Turkey, we see a call for the return of the Ottoman theocracy and the rotten culture of religious wars.
3- We find the same call inside the West countries, especially the USA, after Wahabism has infiltrated among the 'Muslim' minorities there; we see in politics and the media a revival of the culture of Crusades and reminding the masses with the tragedies resulted from the military struggles in history between the Arabs and the West in general, especially the historical episodes when the West was victorious over the Turkish and Arab invasion.
4- The sinful, immoral caliphs died (from the Qorayish pre-Umayyad caliphs to the Ottoman caliphs), and yet, the culture of their unjust religious wars of aggression remains until now as it has become part of the Sunnite religion of Satan which deifies such murderers. Similarly, Europeans (especially the Spanish) carried the cross as a sign when they went on their geographical discoveries and killed off tens of thousands of natives in many areas. This massacring ended when Europe got rid of the evil control of the Church and became secular; they Europeans became more humane or humanistic. Despite the end of the Crusades in the Middle-East, the traces of Crusades are being revived now in the political life and in the media in the West; this is clearly shown in the slogans written by the Australian criminal on his weapons used by him to massacre people coming out of two mosques in New Zealand.
5- because religious wars are based on fanaticism and hatred of the (other) outside one's country within wars, the (other) inside one's country is typically persecuted. We mean here the persecution against the (other) who has different doctrine or religion; inquisition or religious trials flourish at such eras and those who have other religious or political thought are declared as 'infidels' and they may be put to death. This occurred within the history of Europe and the history of the caliphs in the Middle-Ages. As the Sunnite Hanbali Wahabi religion of Satan flourishes now, those who criticize it are persecuted severely; the main victims of such persecutions are our person and many other Quranists. This is not to mention the disgrace of the Catholic Church within its shameful inquisition eras.
Fourthly: types of leaders within the religious wars:
Because religious wars are based on certain ideologies, they have its preachers and active military leaders; in some cases, the preachers were also military combatants and leaders at the same time. Let us exemplify this in the points below.
Within the history of caliphs:
The early caliphs were preachers of what they called as 'jihad', but the active military leaders were others and not these caliphs themselves. We focus here only on the roots of Wahabism which is the Sunnite doctrine of Hanbalism; we quote the following lines about the Hanbali movement from our book titled "Hanbalism – the Mother of Wahabism – and the Destruction of Iraq in the Second Abbasid Era".
1- Ahmad Ibn Hanbal was an extremist Sunnite fiqh scholar and author of hadiths; he invented and fabricated so many hadiths and ascribed them to Muhammad as part of the Sunnite religion of Satan, while assuming such hadiths to be part of the 'divine' revelation. Ibn Hanbal (and his disciples) invented the cursed hadiths of changing vice/sin by force; this was the main notion of the Hanbali religion of Satan so that its followers (led by Al-Khozaay) controlled the streets of Baghdad; Al-Khozaay was put to death by the Abbasid caliph Al-Wathiq in 231 A.H. Ibn Hanbal (who died in 241 A.H.) was persecuted for years until the Abbasid caliph Al-Motawakil protected and sided with the Hanbali scholars and imposed their Sunnite doctrine on people as the official religion of the Abbasid theocracy or caliphate; he allowed Hanbali scholars and disciples to control the streets of Baghdad and to persecute non-Hanbali people within the protection and permission of the Abbasids. Thus, Ibn Hanbal was the preacher and Al-Khozaay was the active combatant and military leader.
2- The troubles caused by the Hanbali scholars and disciples in the streets of Baghdad led to chaos and turmoil; the followers of the Hanbali religion of Satan persecuted severely Shiites, Sufis, Jews, Christians, and Al-Mu'tazala philosophers and killed Al-Tabari the most famous historian and non-Hanbali Sunnite fiqh scholar.
3- When the Turkish Seljuks controlled the Abbasid caliphate and embraced the Sunnite Hanbalism of Satan as if it were 'Islam', they became armed Hanbali followers who ruled the Abbasid theocracy; they persecuted the Christian European pilgrims who sought to reach Jerusalem via Asia Minor (ruled at the time by rival princes of the Seljuks) and thus they indirectly caused the Crusades; many complaints of European pilgrims caused the Europeans (among them Peter the Hermit) to launch the Crusades as a result of Hanbali extremism.
Within the history of the Crusades:
1- Peter the Hermit roamed several European countries to urge kings to participate in the military endeavors to liberate Jerusalem from the Saracens (or 'Muslim' infidels) and he pretended that Jesus Christ appeared to him in a dream to command him to lead this mission; many poor peasants followed Peter the Hermit; this was the popular crusade which receded the very first Crusade; of course, the Seljuks killed most of them; Peter the Hermit ran away for his life; he was a preacher of a religious war and an active military leader and combatant at the same time.
2- The Catholic Pope Urban II in 1095 A.D. urged the European kings and princes to liberate Jerusalem within military endeavors; this resulted in the very first Crusade which established the European kingdoms in the Levant, especially in Jerusalem. This means that Pope Urban II was a mere preacher of a religious war and he never participated in it.
Within the history of Wahabism in the modern age:
1- The sheikh M. Ibn Abdul-Wahab was a preacher of religious wars and he participated in them as a military leader and as an active combatant as well. Of course, his striving to apply his notions provoked the ire of his foes and they tried to assassinate him; he fled his native city to a small city known as Al-Ainiyya, where he gathered many followers including the emir of Al-Ainiyya; he and his followers destroyed Sufi mausoleums everywhere and stoned to death an adulteress after claiming that she confessed her sin to him! for centuries, no one stoned anyone to death for adultery; this remained until this era as a devilish unapplied notion in lines of fiqh books. This made Ibn Abdul-Wahab grew famous and the number of his foes increased. Eventually, he allied himself to the prince Ibn Saud and fought among his military troops to establish the very first Saudi kingdom.
2- Ibn Abdul-Wahab was influenced by the Hanbali scholar and writer Ibn Taymiyya who lived during the Mameluke Era in Egypt who was both a preacher of religious wars and an active combatant and military leader in them.
3- When Wahabism was propagated and spread worldwide through Saudi money while posing as if it were Islam, many Wahabi leaders, organizations, and movements have emerged. Some of them served enthroned tyrannical rulers/sultans (e.g., the Salafists) and some seek power (e.g., the terrorist MB organization members). Some of them have managed to establish temporary states such as the ISIS terrorists. Yet, the real leaders of such Wahabi movements seen in the media (i.e., in the press, TV satellite channels, and the Internet) are only the preachers; e.g., those ISIS terrorists who fought against Bashar Al-Assad in Syria and propagated the notion of sex jihad; some of the Wahabi men were military leaders and combatants like Bin Laden and Al-Zarqawi. Some of them were preachers and military leaders/combatants simultaneously such as Al-Zawahiri.
There are those who were preachers of religious wars of Satan and those who are their active military leaders and combatants; there are those who combine both being preachers and combatants. How would we classify the Australian criminal who massacred the people of the two mosques in New Zealand? How is this linked to the scenario of total destruction which we implore the Lord God to never allow it to take place? We answer these questions in the following article.
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5171 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,736,648 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,479 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,871 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
القاموس القرآنى عن ( الاستعجال )
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القاموس القرآنى : الكفّارة والفدية
الفصل الأول : التقوى والايمان باليوم الآخر أساس الاجتهاد الاسلامى
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