The Scenario of Total Destruction after the New Zealand Massacre (4)::
Deep-Seated Hatred among Arabs towards the Byzantines Made Them Disregard A Quranic Miraculous Historical Prediction

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2019-03-22


The Scenario of Total Destruction after the New Zealand Massacre (4):

Deep-Seated Hatred among Arabs towards the Byzantines Made Them Disregard A Quranic Miraculous Historical Prediction


Published in March 21, 2019

Translated by: Ahmed Fathy





1- History records and registers events which took place in the past and the ones taking place in the present (i.e., when historians were contemporaries and/or eye-witnesses of such events); yet, history cannot have accounts/narratives related to the metaphysical aspects of the unseen/unknown within the present or the past.

2- The Quranic stories contain some items related to the metaphysical aspects of the unseen/unknown linked to the past, the present, and the future. These items include predictions about the near-future events (i.e., events occurred during Muhammad's lifetime) and the future events in eras which followed the descent/revelation of the entire Quran; this is in addition to mentioning future events of the end of days when the Hour comes and the universe is destroyed and the events of the Hereafter: the Day of the Resurrection, Gathering, Judgment, Hell, and Paradise.

3- The Quran, the Lord God's Word, contains predictions of things which will be said/uttered by disbelievers in Arabia and they actually said them; this means that such predictions (concerning the metaphysical aspect of the near future) were fulfilled during Muhammad's lifetime; for instance: "The ignorant among the people will say, "What has turned them away from the direction of prayer they once followed?" Say, "To God belong the East and the West. He guides whom He wills to a Straight Path."" (2:142). The expression ([They] will say) is repeated twelve times in the Quranic text within predictions regarding the near future.

4- The most important prediction in the Quranic verses revealed in Mecca (i.e., not in Yathreb to which Muhammad and early believers immigrated) is the final victory for the Byzantines within the war of the ancient world's two superpowers at the time: the Byzantines and the Persians, after initial victory of the Persians over the Byzantines, because the Quran predicts the victory attained later on by the Byzantines of the West (i.e., Europe), and this is mentioned as a divine promise from the Lord God Himself: "Alif, Lam, Meem. The Byzantines have been defeated. In a nearby territory. But following their defeat, they will be victorious. In a nearby territory. But following their defeat, they will be victorious. In a few years. The matter is up to God, in the past, and in the future. On that day, the believers will rejoice. In God's victory. He supports whomever He wills. He is the Almighty, the Merciful. The promise of God - God never breaks His promise, but most people do not know." (30:1-6).

5- We focus here on pondering on the verses 30:1-6, as this topic is closely linked to the Christchurch mass shooting, an atrocity committed by an Australian criminal who sought taking revenge as he resented the heinous crimes of Arab and Ottoman caliphs who fought against the West starting with waging wars against the Byzantine empire; later on, the Ottomans conquered and invaded its capital, Constantinople or Byzantium, renaming it as Asitana and Islambul/Istanbul, and turned its great cathedral into a mosque.


Firstly: the divine promise of granting victory to the Byzantines:

1- The victory attained by the Byzantines over the Persians was predicted in the Quran as a divine promise made with believing Arabs in Arabia during Muhammad's lifetime: "The promise of God - God never breaks His promise, but most people do not know." (30:6).

2- This means that the Lord God will grant victory to the Byzantines over the Persians after the initial defeat of the Byzantines by the Persians: "...But following their defeat, they will be victorious. In a few years. The matter is up to God, in the past, and in the future. On that day, the believers will rejoice. In God's victory. He supports whomever He wills. He is the Almighty, the Merciful." (30:3-5).

3- This means that the might and power of the Lord God Himself is the cause behind the defeat of the Persians and the victory of the Byzantines; the Quran predicts that this will happen within a few years after the descent/revelation of the verses 30:1-6 to Muhammad.

4- This divine promise of granting victory to the Byzantines is not addressed to the Byzantines themselves; rather, it is addressed to weakened, oppressed early believers in Mecca persecuted severely by the leaders of Qorayish tribe, especially the Umayyad faction of it who controlled the trade caravans within the winter and summer journeys (to Yemen and to the Levant, respectively). Those weakened, oppressed, persecuted believers in Mecca wished that victory would be granted to the Byzantines, whereas the polytheistic disbelievers of Qorayish hoped that the Persians would be the victorious side; the trade caravans of Qorayish brought the news of the victory of the Persians over the Byzantines; the polytheists of Qorayish were glad because this will weaken the Byzantine control of the Levant (where trade caravans of Qorayish went annually). The oppressed believers in Mecca were saddened by the defeat of the Byzantines; the divine promise has come in the Quran (in 30:1-6) to bring them glad tidings of the victory of the Byzantines in few years; this victory caused the believers to feel very happy because it will change their miserable state of fear and danger into security and safety.        


Secondly: as per written history of that era, the Quranic miraculous historical prediction was fulfilled before the death of Muhammad:

1- Let us compare the Quranic context of 30:1-6 with events registered in the history of the struggle between the Byzantines and Persians at the time.

2- We trace the historical accounts of the struggle between the Byzantines and the Persians during the lifetime of Muhammad; Muhammad who lived in Mecca, Arabia, was over thirty years old when war broke out between the Byzantines and the Persian emperorKhosrow II (or Chosroes II,entitled "Aparvez" or Parvez (The Victorious) of the Sasanian dynasty) in 603 A.D. This war ended in 627 A.D.; i.e., few years before the death of Muhammad at the age of 63. This means that Muhammad and the believers with him saw that the Quranic prediction was fulfilled during their lifetime: "The Byzantines have been defeated. In a nearby territory. But following their defeat, they will be victorious. In a nearby territory. But following their defeat, they will be victorious. In a few years. The matter is up to God, in the past, and in the future. On that day, the believers will rejoice." (30:2-4).

3- And we quote historical narratives in the points below.

3/1: In 603 A.D., the Byzantine emperor Maurice was assassinated, and there were cordial relations at the time between the Byzantines and the Persians; this is why the son of Maurice went to Persia and sought the protection of Khosrow II against Phocas who assassinated Maurice and usurped the crown and the throne.  

3/2: Khosrow II seized the chance and led his military troops to conquer Mesopotamia (controlled by the Byzantines at the time) while sent other military troops to conquer the Levant (also controlled by the Byzantines at the time) and Asia Minor; the Persian troops drew very near to the Byzantine capital Byzantium/Constantinople

3/3: The Byzantines were frightened and Phocas, the Byzantine emperor at the time, could not do anything; the Byzantines dethroned him and Heraclius ascended to the throne as the new emperor.

3/4: The military troops of Heraclius marched from North Africa to Constantinople to save the besieged capital; the Persian troops of Khosrow II in 611 A.D. invaded the entire Levantine region and stole the so-called 'True Cross' which was carried away to the Persian empire in triumph; in 616 A.D., few years after the beginning of the ministry of Muhammad as a prophet, the Persian troops led by the Persian general Shahrbaraz conquered the Egyptian Nile Delta and Alexandria controlled by the Byzantines at the time.  

3/5: In 617 A.D., the Persians managed to conquer all regions of Asia Minor, including Chalcedon, near Constantinople.

3/6: The situation was very critical for the Byzantines and their  empire was on the verge of collapse after such a defeat. Meanwhile, the Quran was being revealed to Muhammad; in the context of 30:1-6, the Lord God has brought glad tidings to the believers in Mecca that the Christian Byzantines in a few years will defeat and achieve victory over the pagan, fire-worshiping Persians.   

3/7: Of course, Heraclius never heard of this Quranic prediction; at the time, he considered fleeing into Carthage; he sent treasures of Constantinople in a huge fleet into Carthage; yet, such fleet sank into the Mediterranean Sea. Heraclius had to submit to the pressure of the Byzantine nation and the clergymen and to try to fight back the Persian invaders; the Byzantine Church offered Heraclius its treasures and money to assist Heraclius in the military efforts.  

3/8: Hence, Heraclius launched his war to recapture lost territories; he led his military troops and crossed the Dardanelles in 622 A.D. and marched into Armenia and defeated the Persians there before returning to Constantinople.

3/9: In 623 A.D., Heraclius cooperated with the northern nations and attacked the Persian empire from the north; Khosrow II had to send military troops (40 thousand soldiers) to face Heraclius there, but Heraclius attained victory over the Persians in Azerbaijan.

3/10: Heraclius went on with his swift military attacks on 'holy' and important Persian cities in 623 A.D.

3/11: In 624 A.D., Khosrow II prepared for a decisive battle; yet, Heraclius re-conquered Armenia and defeated the separate Persian troops before they were gathered and before any reinforcement could reach them.

3/12: Heraclius had to rest and tae his breath for a while to prepare his Byzantine troops for a decisive battle; Khosrow II prepared two massive armies for this battle: one army to face Heraclius in the battlefield and one army, led by generalShahin , in a fleet to siege Constantinople. Heraclius left some troops to defend Constantinople and he led the rest of his troops to the north of Persia and attacked Tiflis (in modern Georgia now).

3/13: Constantinople was attacked and sieged by sea (by the Persian fleet, which was the largest military fleet at the time) and by land (by a massive Persian army). The Persian fleet and army attacking Constantinople by sea and by land were defeated miraculously without the intervention of the Byzantines; strong winds caused the Persian fleet to sink and caused the disintegration of the Persian army attacking by land. Shahin died of sorrow as he witnessed his defeat by weather facts he could never defeat. This means that the Lord God Himself has defeated the Persians; the Omnipotent, Omniscient Lord God revealed this prediction to Muhammad in the Quran: "Alif, Lam, Meem. The Byzantines have been defeated. In a nearby territory. But following their defeat, they will be victorious. In a nearby territory. But following their defeat, they will be victorious. In a few years. The matter is up to God, in the past, and in the future. On that day, the believers will rejoice. In God's victory. He supports whomever He wills. He is the Almighty, the Merciful. The promise of God - God never breaks His promise, but most people do not know." (30:1-6).

3/14: This maritime and land defeat of the Persians who attacked Constantinople was the beginning of their end; Khosrow II had to flee after the battle of Dastgerd. The Persians dethroned him and later on assassinated him; he was succeeded by the Persian emperor Kavad II, his son, who made peace treaties with Heraclius.   


Thirdly: a comparison/analogy between the conditions of the Byzantines and the conditions of the early believers in Arabia at the time in relation to the Quranic prediction in 30:1-6:

1- In 617 A.D., Khosrow II attained his biggest victories and Heraclius sent him an envoy to negotiate a possible peace treaty; yet, the proud Persian emperor arrogantly refused and locked up the Byzantine envoy; he sent a letter to Heraclius to come to the Persian emperor palace himself while being fettered with chains! Frightened, Heraclius considered fleeing into Carthage. The Byzantines at this moment in history lost all hope. Meanwhile, glad tidings of their victory in few years descended in the Quran addressing the believers in Mecca. This victory was achieved in few years; it began in 622 A.D. when the troops of Heraclius re-conquered lost territories until the decisive moment when the Persian troops were unexpectedly defeated once and for all in 626 A.D. Thus, the Quranic prediction in 30:1-6 has been fulfilled. Yet, what did this have to do with the early believers in Mecca?      

2- The early believers in Mecca in 716 A.D. wished that the Christian Byzantines would be victorious, whereas the polytheists of Mecca hoped that the Persians would achieve victory to spite and to taunt the followers of the Quran. The early believers in Mecca at the time were weakened, oppressed, and persecuted; their wishes to see the Byzantines as victorious were linked to their other hopes of achieving victory one day over the polytheists of Mecca. This hope was reinforced by the Quranic prediction: "....On that day, the believers will rejoice. In God's victory. He supports whomever He wills. He is the Almighty, the Merciful. The promise of God - God never breaks His promise, but most people do not know." (30:4-6). They rejoiced because God never breaks His promises and this includes the promise of victory. The Quranic prediction boosted their morale as they felt the psychological pain of persecution; the Lord God has promised to grant victory to the Byzantines and this means that He will grant victory as well to Muhammad and the believers with him. At the time, the Byzantines never heard of the Quran and of Muhammad; in their fearful ordeal, they would never have cared even if they were to hear about the Quranic prediction. This means that this Quranic prediction is not addressed to the defeated Byzantines but to the early believers in Mecca; when this promise/prediction is fulfilled regarding the Byzantines, this means that the divine promise of granting victory to the early believers in Arabia will be realized later on.

3- This is asserted by the fact that the events witnessed by the Byzantines coincided with the events witnessed by the early believers in Arabia.

3/1: When Heraclius began to achieve his victories in 622 A.D., this was the year when the early believers immigrated to Yathreb.

3/2: In 610 A.D. and the years following it, the ordeal of the early believers (who embraced the new message of the Quran which emerged at the time when the Lord God commanded Muhammad to convey it to people) who were persecuted by the polytheists of Mecca coincided with the ordeal of the Byzantines who were defeated by the Persian troops conquering the Levant and Asia Minor. The persecution of Qorayish to the believers in Mecca ended when the believers immigrated to Yathreb in 622 A.D., and this coincided with the victories attained by Heraclius began in 622 A.D. as he re-conquered lost territories.  

3/3: It is noteworthy that the worst year of hardships witnessed by the Byzantines was 617 A.D.; this coincided with the year of sorrow in Arabia when the persecution of the Qorayish polytheists inflicted on Muhammad and the early believers in Mecca reached unprecedented levels.

3/4: The stage of victories of the Byzantines over the Persians coincided with the stage of establishing the Yathreb city-state as a safe haven for the early believers who were rejoiced as the Byzantines defeated the Persians as this ushered the divine promise of granting victory of the early believers in their Yathreb city-state after period of being constantly endangered by the aggressive troops of the polytheists who attacked Yathreb more often than not from all directions. 

3/4/1: We can imagine how the early believers (in the first years after settling in Yathreb) felt overjoyed as they received news of the victories of the Byzantines as the divine promise in 30:1-6 was realized.

3/4/2: We can also imagine how the early believers ardently looked forward to a divine promise addressing them that they will achieve victory over the polytheists who attacked Yathreb and endanger them; this divine promise came here in this Quranic verse revealed in Yathreb: "God has promised those of you who believe and do righteous deeds, that He will make them successors on earth, as He made those before them successors, and He will establish for them their religion - which He has approved for them-and He will substitute security in place of their fear. They worship Me, never associating anything with Me. But whoever disbelieves after that - these are the sinners." (24:55). This divine promise is not unconditional; it will be realized provided that they adhere to monotheism and performing good deeds, with a prediction at the end of 24:55 that some of the settlers in Yathreb will be sinners who will disbelieve in the Quranic message later on.

3/4/3: The divine promise in 24:55 was fulfilled gradually; fear was removed from the settlers in Yathreb and they had self-confidence after their victory in the battle of Badr: "And remember when you were few, oppressed in the land, fearing that people may capture you; but He sheltered you, and supported you with His victory, and provided you with good things - so that you may be thankful." (8:26).

4- The succession of victories of the early believers in Arabia over the polytheists coincided with the succession of victories of the Byzantines led by Heraclius. In 627 A.D., the decisive, final victory of Heraclius was attained and he reached the summit of glory; meanwhile, Muhammad made peace treaties with his defeated enemies and the rise of the early Muslims in Arabia began in this point in time; the Quran marks this event as great victory: "We have granted you a conspicuous victory." (48:1). In 629 A.D., Muhammad and the early believers conquered and entered into Mecca peacefully. Muhammad died in c. 632 A.D. (i.e., c. 11 A.H.) after he witnessed the fact that Arabs embraced the religion of peace en masse (i.e., Islam in terms of peaceful behavior only): "When there comes God's victory and triumph. And you see the people entering God's religion in multitudes. Then celebrate the praise of your Lord, and seek His forgiveness. He is the Accepter of Repentance." (110:1-3). Muhammad was not a mind-reader and he never knew the metaphysical realm of the unseen and unknown; i.e., he could not know if Arabs embraced Islam in terms of belief/faith inside their hearts/souls or not; what he saw was merely their adherence to peace and stopping their violence.


Fourthly: the rule of the Meccan Qorayish tribe through its sinful caliphs:

1- Muhammad never knew that the nearest men to him are described here: "Among the Desert-Arabs around you there are some hypocrites, and among the dwellers of the city too. They have become adamant in hypocrisy. You do not know them, but We know them. We will torment them twice; then they will be returned to a severe torment." (9:101). Their drawing very near to Muhammad earned them high stature and allowed them to rule Yathreb once he died; those are the sinful caliphs deified as the 'wise', 'infallible' caliphs by the Sunnites.

2- The power, authority, and stature of the Qorayish tribe was because of the Kaaba in Mecca; Qorayish made good use of such stature by controlling and protecting their trade caravans in winter and summer journeys to Yemen and the Levant, respectively, to carry merchandise of India and Europe. Qorayish opposed Islam (i.e., the Quran) as it felt it threatened its financial interests, and we infer this from this Quranic context: "Is it this Discourse that you take so lightly? And you make it your livelihood to deny it?" (56:81-82). The Qorayish tribesmen knew that the Quran is the Source of Divine Guidance, but they were afraid that other Arabian tribes would rebel against them because Qorayish deceived them (by polytheism) for so long to protect its trade, but the Lord God has refuted their claim: "And they say, "If we follow the guidance with you, we will be snatched from our land." Did We not establish for them a Safe Sanctuary, to which are brought all kinds of fruits, as provision from Ourselves? But most of them do not know." (28:57). The deceit of Qorayish was that it made all of the belligerent Arabian tribes put statues of their pagan gods around the Kaaba in return for never attacking/raiding Meccan trade caravan; another deceit was intentionally keeping such Arabian tribes busy fighting one another. Within the military struggle between Mecca and Yathreb, the Arabian tribes knew the importance and value of peaceful behavior (which is Islam in terms of demeanor, of course) instead of endless, futile wars. They also realized the silliness of worshiping pagan idols and statues; they knew that Qorayish had deceived them. Thus, many of these tribe embraced Islam and posed a threat to the trade caravans of Qorayish as they began to attack them. When the Qorayish tribesmen felt that Islam is gaining ground and is victorious; they feigned a conversion to the new faith, whereas their spies/agents in Yathreb (who were adamant in hypocrisy) drew nearer to Muhammad; they waited for Muhammad's death to confiscate and monopolize power and authority. This is what happened as per history.

3- Once the sinful caliphs ruled, the aggression known as the Arab conquests began within the trade routes in the north, east, and west of Arabia.

3/1: Arabs began by conquering the Levant and Iraq (the caliph Omar Ibn Al-Khattab rebuilt the port of Basra to receive the merchandise of India and the East) and then the Persian empire until the troops of the Umayyad powerful vizier and governor Al-Hajaj Ibn Youssef managed to conquer the north of India, and we provide in the points below some registered historical events with their dates.

3/1/1: In 633 A.D. – 12 A.H., the military leader Khaled Ibn Al-Waleed defeated the Persians in Zat Al-Salasel battle.

3/1/2: In 635 A.D. – 14 A.H., the military leader Saad Ibn Abou Waqqas defeated the Persians in the battle of Al-Qadisiyyah, thus allowing Arabs more control over Iraq and some major cities in Persia.

3/2: Within the Levant:

3/2/1: In 634 A.D. – 13 A.H., Khaled Ibn Al-Waleed defeated the Byzantines in Al-Yarmouk battle and he conquered the Levant. Heraclius left Homs while bidding farewell to the Levant as he knew that he would never set foot there again. 

3/2/2: In 638 A.D. – 17 A.H., the caliph Omar Ibn Al-Khattab received the keys of Jerusalem and his military troops conquered Egypt.

3/2/3: In 640 A.D., Arab troops begin conquering North Africa; they defeated the Byzantines in Zat Al-Sawary battle in 655 A.D. – 35 A.H; thus, Arabs controlled the Mediterranean Sea. Heraclius did not witness such a defeat in 655 A.D. because he died earlier in 642 A.D.

3/2/4: In 668 A.D., the Arabs sieged Constantinople but could not conquer it during the reign of the first Umayyad caliph Mu'aweiya. 

3/2/5: In 715 A.D.,  the regions conquered by the Arabs stretched from the Pyrenees, south of France, to the borders of China during the reign of the Umayyad caliph Al-Waleed Ibn Abdul-Malik.


Lastly: some additional notes:

1- In the Quranic text, the Lord God mentions the Byzantines and does not mention the terms "the Arabs" or "Arabia"; the term ''Arabic'' is mentioned in the Quranic text to describe the Arabic tongue with which the Holy Quran was revealed to Muhammad.

2- The Qorayish tribe of Mecca is the sinful, aggressive party with its conquests and invasions; they violated human rights by committing heinous crimes of aggression against people and violated Islamic/Quranic teachings and sharia legislations and ascribed their atrocities of the Arab conquests falsely and forcibly to the name of Islam (God's Religion). Hence, this distorted image of Islam is the one known to the West, past and present.  

3- The criminal, sinful caliphs/killers of the Arab conquests underwent a sort of apotheosis; i.e., they have been made into immortal gods after their death by the polytheistic Muhammadans in their terrestrial religions of Satan. The heinous crimes, atrocities, and injustices of such deified caliphs have been turned into a source of pride; hating the West is the main feature of the terrestrial religions of the Muhammadans, which are the religions that emerged and developed and were protected within the eras of many sinful caliphs.   

4- Because of the fact that the terrestrial religions of the Muhammadans have turned such Arab conquests into a 'holy' religious war, this is the basis of the culture of hating Europe (and the West in general) which dominates until now among the Muhammadans. This is a double standard: Middle-Eastern people hate the European colonialism while they love the Arab conquests of Arab caliphs who conquered, robbed, enslaved, humiliated, persecuted, and oppressed their peaceful ancestors; this is because of Sunnite deification of the four sinful pre-Umayyad caliphs. Arab conquests were launched against nations who never attacked Arabia.

5- Hating the West is the dominant culture among Wahabis who reside in the West countries while assuming wrongly that the west is the territory of war and disbelief and that 'infidels' (i.e., all non-Wahabis!) must be fought; this is why Wahabi terrorist operations and suicide attacks are spread in the West falsely in the name of Islam and jihad. When some of the West people expressed their fear and hatred of 'Muslims'/Muhammadans who immigrated to the West, Islamophobia has been discussed over many years in defense of Islam, 'Muslims', and diversity. Yet, the culture of hating the West is still deeply rooted among the Muhammadans, especially Wahabis. Hence, as the Wahabi terrorist attacks and crimes continue to take place in the West, a terrorist counter-attacks are beginning to be launched by some white extremists of the West people against the Muhammadans who immigrated to the West, and this includes the heinous crime of the Australian criminal in Christchurch, New Zealand, whose heart is filled with hatred and rancor for historical reasons including the fall of Constantinople.

6- This dominant culture of hating the West among the Muhammadans, in every era, made them disregard (A) the Quranic miraculous historical prediction concerning the Byzantines in 30:1-6, and (B) the higher Quranic values of Islam: peace, justice, charity, kindness, freedom, mercy, and resisting/stopping injustices.   

7- The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "O you who believe! Be upright to God, witnessing with justice; and let not the hatred of a certain people prevent you from acting justly. Adhere to justice, for that is nearer to piety; and fear God. God is informed of what you do." (5:8). As always, the Lord God says nothing but the Absolute Truth.

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