Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy:
Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Fourteen

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2019-02-19


Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Fourteen

Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy



The Quranic Term (Deserve)

Published in February 11, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … What is the meaning of the term (deserve), which is mentioned in the Quranic text several times? … Thank you …    


 Its meaning differs from one Quranic context to another. Monotheists are the most deserving ones to belong to Abraham and NOT those who were merely born from the progeny of Isaac and Ishmael: "The people most deserving of Abraham are those who followed him, and this prophet, and those who believe.God is the Ally of the believers." (3:68). About caring for one's relative as per God's commands: "...Whether one is rich or poor, they deserve that God takes care of both..." (4:135); "...But family members deserve to be nearer to one another..." (8:75).  Real believers in Arabia during Muhammad's lifetime deserved to belong to him as they defend and respect him; they are never to marry his widows after his death: "The prophet is more caring of the believers, who deserve it, than they are of themselves, and his wives are mothers to them..." (33:6). Sinners who never repented before their death deserve Hell: "We are fully aware of those most deserving to burn in it." (19:70).








Blessings and Approval

Published in February 11, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm a Quranist Muslim who never believes in any discourses alongside with the Quran; I adhere to piety and acts of worship and all religious duties. Am I, then among those who are seeking blessings from their Lord and approval, as per the Quran? What do you think? … Thank you …  


 Of course, you are among them since you are sincere in your piety, monotheistic faith, and good deeds whose excellent quality and quantity are maintained by you with all your might, provided that you are not a hypocrite who does so in public to earn praises of others or to get famous and popular among them. The Quranic phrase (those who are seeking blessings from their Lord and approval) is mentioned in the context of pilgrims in Mecca in 5:2, 2:197-198, and it describes good, sincere believers in Arabia during Muhammad's lifetime in 59:8 and 48:29.  









About the Quranic Term (Maqeen)

Published in February 12, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, …  What is the meaning of the Quranic/Arabic term (Maqeen) which is repeated in the Quranic text? … Thank you …


 The first meaning of this adjective is having power, security, and authority; Joseph was described using this word by the Hyksos king of Egypt: "."This day you are with us established and secure."" (12:54). This word describe the arch-angel Gabriel here: "Endowed with power, eminent with the Lord of the Throne." (81:20), then we read this verse about Muhammad: "Your friend is not possessed." (81:22). The second meaning of this adjective is being protected/secure; this comes in the context of describing wombs in which fetuses/embryos grow: "We created man from an extract of clay. Then We made him a seed, in a secure repository." (23:12-13); "Then lodged it in a secure place." (77:21).








About Pharaonic History

Published in February 12, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … Discoveries about Pharaonic history in the 20th and 21st centuries sometimes contradict the Quranic and Biblical stories which mention Egypt....... the so-called psalms of David are said to resemble words written by Akhenaten to praise and glorify the god Aton ..... The influence of the ancient Egyptian religion stretched from Europe to Mesopotamia and Arabia; Arabs worshiped the goddess Isis, among other lesser goddesses, and this cult of the sacred feminine refutes the idea that some Arab men buried their female babies or pre-adolescent daughters alive ........ Clouds of doubt sometimes cross my mind; was the Quranic text influenced by the Egyptian Pharaonic religion regarding the notions of the Hereafter?! Ancient Egypt gave the whole ancient world the concepts of religion, civilization, conscience, nostalgia, peace, etc. as you know........ Yet, some people say that the Quranic term (Misr) might not be referring to Egypt at all, I think.........What do you think? … Thank you …    


 You should read more within our archive of books. The issue raised in your message about Egypt is tackled in details by our person in some of our English books (and annexes attached to them):

"The Character of Egypt after the Arab Conquest", found in English on this link:

"Egypt in the Holy Quran", found in English on this link:

"The Israelites in Pharaonic Egypt within a Quranist Vision", found in English on this link:

"Torment and Torture within a Quranist Vision", found in English on this link:








The Self-Deified Moses' Pharaoh in Sufi Books

Published in February 12, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … Before converting to Quranism, I was an avid reader of Sufi poetry and books because I found them highly entertaining; I realize now that they are never part of Islam. I remember reading that some Sufi authors assume that Moses' Pharaoh was forgiven by the Lord God and he was not drowned; on the contrary, he was delivered to safety and died as a believer in the Lord God, whereas those who died and are being tormented in a Barsakh level are only his retinue members, viziers, soldiers, and courtiers. What do you think of this Sufi myth? What is its origin?! Who was the first Sufi author/sheikh to say so? … Thank you …      


 Such Sufi myth which contradicts the Quran is first fabricated by the Sufi author Mohei-Eddine Ibn Araby in his book titled (Fusus Al-Hukm); he writes blasphemies which include that Pharaoh was the Lord and master of Moses and that the self-deified Pharaoh was united with the Lord God in the ways typical of self-deified Sufi sheikhs. Of course, Ibn Araby in his writings distorts the meanings of the Quranic verses about Moses' Pharaoh to accommodate Sufi notions of deifying mortals who are assumed to be united with the Lord God or that He manifests Himself in their bodies; such blasphemies are very insulting to the Lord God. After spending more than four decades of our life in researching and studying within our field of specialization, we assert here the fact that sheikhs/imams/authors of the Muhammadans (Sufis and others) are the arch-enemies of the Quran (i.e., True Islam).        







About the Quranic Term (Zulfa)

Published in February 13, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … What is the meaning of the Quranic/Arabic term (Zulfa) which is repeated in many verses of the Quranic text? … Thank you …      


  It means nearness or getting nearer in general. This term is mentioned in the following Quranic contexts. Getting nearer to the Lord God is possible within performing good deeds and NOT within mediators/allies or one's wealth: "It is neither your wealth nor your children that bring you closer/Zulfa to Us, but it is he who believes and does good deeds..." (34:37); "Is not to God that entire religion is due? As for those who take allies besides Him, "We only worship them that they may bring us nearer/Zulfa to God." God will judge between them regarding their differences..." (39:3). Some people will be among the near ones on the Last Day; e.g., David: "So We forgave him that. And for him is nearness/Zulfa to Us, and a good place of return." (38:25), and Solomon: "For him is nearness/Zulfa to Us, and a good place of return." (38:40). On the Last Day, Paradise will draw near to its dwellers: "And Paradise will be brought near for the righteous." (26:90); "And Paradise will be brought closer to the pious, not far away." (50:31); "When Paradise is brought near. " (81:13). Of course, the Hour is drawing near and so is the Day of Judgment: "But when they see it approaching, the faces of those who disbelieved will turn gloomy, and it will be said, "This is what you used to call for."" (67:27). This is about praying near the night: "Perform the prayer at the borders of the day, and during the approaches of the night. The good deeds take away the bad deeds. This is a reminder for those who remember." (11:114). The shore was nearer to the Israelites and they survived, while Pharaoh and his people drowned in the Red Sea: "We inspired Moses: "Strike the sea with your staff." Whereupon it parted, and each part was like a huge hill. And there We brought the others near. And We saved Moses and those with him, all together. Then We drowned the others." (26:63-66).







About my Fiancée! 

Published in February 13, 2018




Question:  … Dear Sir, … Whenever I try to come closer to my fiancée (physically) by touching her or trying to hold her hand, she refuses to allow me to do so, and she says that this is forbidden/prohibited in Islam. Yet, I do believe I have the right to express my love and desire for her in this innocent manner (I never intend to have premarital sex with her or with anyone else, of course). What do you think? … Thank you …        


 Being betrothed/engaged to someone does not allow kissing, hugging, sexual touching, etc. between you and your fiancée. Being engaged to be married is an old tradition, as we infer from the story of Moses in the Quranic verses 28:27-28. This known tradition has no Quranic rules/legislations (except about meeting with the woman to ask her hand as per 2:235 within piety and respect); this means you are to adhere to norms/traditions of marriage (regarding what is deemed as just and fair) within the society where you live; besides, you are to adhere to piety, propriety, and decency all the time.







About the Quranic Term (Maqnoon)

Published in February 14, 2018



Question:  … Dear Sir, … What is the meaning of the Quranic/Arabic term (Maqnoon)which is repeated in the Quranic text; e.g., in this verse about Paradise: "Serving them will be youths like hidden/Maqnoon pearls." (52:24)? … Thank you …      


 The first meaning of the adjective (Maqnoon) is hidden away from the prying eyes; it describes houris of Paradise in the verses 56:22-23 and 37:48-49. The figurative style is employed in the Quran to describe Paradise, as we cannot fully imagine its immense, limitless bliss and intense pleasures. The second meaning of the adjective (Maqnoon), describing the Quran, is protected, as we read in the Quranic context 56:77-80 explained in the verses 43:2-4 and 85:21-22.







Hypocrites in Yathreb

Published in February 14, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … Muhammad died and left hypocrites in Yathreb (who pretended to convert) to destroy and distort Islam by inventing hadiths and creating chaos of revolts and civil wars; why did not Muhammad expose them and expel them out of Yathreb?! What do you think? … Thank you …   


 The disbelieving hypocrites are of two types as per the Quran: (1) those whose deeds, stances, and words exposed them during Muhammad's lifetime (and he thus knew them and avoided them as per the Quranic commands; they were not expelled or fought because they were peaceful non-violent persons) and this type is never mentioned in history after the death of Muhammad, and (2) those adamant in hypocrisy who concealed their true stance during Muhammad's lifetime; Muhammad never knew them (see 9:101); once he died, they are mentioned in history because they ruled and initiated the Arab conquests and civil war; chief among those hypocrites never known to Muhammad were the four pre-Umayyad caliphs. For more details, please read our book, in English, titled "The Unspoken-of History of the Pre-Umayyad 'Righteous' Caliphs" found on this link:      







The Quran and Grammatical Rules of the Arabic Tongue

Published in February 14, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … (1) I've noticed that some Quranic phrases contradict the grammatical and syntactical rules of the Arabic tongue; would you explain this to me?! (2) Why does the Quranic text mention and record the polytheistic stances/views of non-believers? … Thank you …     


 As for your first question, Arabic rules of grammar and syntax (formulated in the Abbasid Era) have nothing to do with the unique Quranic tongue; please wait for our coming book about the Quran in relation to the Arabic grammar. As for your second question, within Quranic stories, words of some characters and figures express views of those who uttered those words (even if their words contradict Islam/monotheism), and the Quran mentions such words/stances to refute them and to show to us that polytheistic notions (which are to be avoided by monotheists) are the same in every era until the end of days.







Persecution Inflicted by Worshipers of Mammon

Published in February 15, 2018


Question: …  Dear Sir, … I live in the USA along with my kids now. During the era of the Mubarak regime in Egypt, I lived in Cairo, but I had to leave in order to flee from severe persecution: worshipers of Mammon/money among the affluent, ruling class at the time persecuted me and my brother severely within our big business and factory because we refused to make them as partners in our business! I have suffered a lot from the Mubarak's men of the State Security Apparatus; my brother was threatened of being framed to remain for the rest of his life in a prison cell if he would not submit to the affluent, powerful men of the regime! I fled to the USA with as much of my wealth as I can, whereas my brother suffered from the terrorist MB organization members who continued to pest him when they ruled Egypt (2012-2013) to force themselves as partners in the business, but he refused to submit to them; now, my brother is facing more troubles as he is accused of being a member of the terrorist MB organization! Fearing to be unjustly imprisoned, he has waived the business and factory; this occurred after the affluent class members imprisoned our 80-year-old mother to force my brother to submit to their will! Thus, he waived everything so that the unjust ones would release our mother! My brother and I feel so much saddened and insulted by such grave injustices! Any soothing, comforting words?! …  Thank you …        


 Sadly, affluent unjust corrupters and thieves are so many in Egypt, past and present. Please do not feel saddened; you should adhere to patience and prayers to face any calamities, while feeling assured that the Lord God will punish the unjust ones severely in this world and the next one and that He will support you and compensate you for your losses.






About the Quranic Verse 32:13

Published in February 15, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir,  … Would you please explain the Quranic verse 32:13 to me? … Thank you …


 The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "Had We willed, We could have given every soul its guidance, but the declaration from Me will come true: "I will fill Hell with jinn and humans, altogether."" (32:13). This means that jinn and humans are created as free agents; yet, the vast majority of them misuse this freedom by disobeying the Lord God and those sinners deserve Hell as per the verse 32:13. This meaning is repeated here: "Had your Lord willed, He could have made humanity one community, but they continue to differ. Except those on whom your Lord has mercy-for that reason He created them. The Word of your Lord is final: "I will fill Hell with jinn and humans, altogether."" (11:118-119); this is why compulsion in religion is prohibited: "Had your Lord willed, everyone on earth would have believed. Will you compel people to become believers? No soul can believe except by God's leave; and He lays disgrace upon those who refuse to understand." (10:99-100).







Consummation of Marriage before the Wedding Party!

Published in February 15, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … The marriage contract has been drawn days ago; yet, my wedding party is scheduled months later. Am I allowed in that case to remain alone with my wife and/or have sex with her? Is this legal and permissible in Islam or not? …  Thank you …    


 You can spend time with her in private, but if you decide have sex with her (within mutual consent, naturally), you legally have the right to do, provided that you notify her family members beforehand. This is because consummation (or lack thereof) is the major factor on which rules of divorce and the three-month waiting period depend, as per the Quranic verses 2:237 and 33:49.   







This Is Not True!

Published in February 16, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, …  I admire your Quranist website very much and I'm a big fan for several years now. When I chat online with some Christian people to tell them that Quranism is the True Islam and it has nothing to do with persecution of Christian Copts or with atrocities committed by Sunnites in all eras until now, some of these Christian people try to proselytize their religion, hoping that I might convert to it. My question is as follows: at one time while chatting, a Christian man told me that God is One and He is never born/begotten and that Christianity is based on monotheism and not on the so-called 'holy' trinity. Does this imply that there are Christian sects/doctrines who believe in the fact that Christ was a mortal prophet and that there are no deified mortals, angels, or things besides the Lord God? What do you think? …  Thank you …


 This is not true; all Christians of all doctrines, past and present, deify Jesus Christ (as God or a son of God) and the Holy Spirit (i.e., the arch-angel Gabriel) as part of God. The Lord God has nothing to do with such claims, myths, and lies which are blasphemies very insulting to Him. Christianity is all about polytheism and paganism, and it has nothing to do with monotheism at all. Many sects deify Mary (i.e., Mariology is found in the Catholic and Orthodox churches), with the exception of some Protestant sects which never do so. This is not to mention the deification of the so-called 'saints'. The Lord God refutes such Christian falsehoods in the Quranic verses 5:17, 5:72-73, and 5:116. We are to remember that the Muhammadans are more polytheistic disbelievers than Christians, as they have rejected the Quranic Truth in order to deify Muhammad, Ali (and his wife and her two sons), saints, imams, sheikhs, etc. while claiming falsely that they believe in the Quran at the same time. Please stop trying to preach Quranism to non-Muhammadans online; you should focus on the Muhammadans instead; you can copy and paste links of our videos, books, and articles to participate in the endeavors of introducing religious reform in the Arab world. The religious reform of today's Christians and Jews should never be the concern of any Quranists in Egypt or elsewhere. Thank you.    







Roaches and Locusts inside the Sacred Kaaba Mosque

Published in February 16, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir,  … When huge numbers of roaches and locusts spread days ago insidethe Sacred Kaaba Mosque, workers there collected and killed these insects. Is it permissible in Islam to kill any living creatures insidethe Sacred Kaaba Mosque? I think not; what do you think? … Thank you …     


 It is prohibited in Islam to kill any creatures inside the Sacred Kaaba Mosque; it is allowed to remove them or to shoo them away while keeping them alive.     






About the Quranic Verse 33:58

Published in February 16, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir,  … The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "Those who harm believing men and believing women, for acts they did not commit, bear the burden of perjury and a flagrant sin." (33:58). My question is as follows: does this imply that one may harm believers for acts they've committed? Would you explain this to me? … Thank you … 


 No believers are infallible; if they commit crimes/misdeeds, they should pay the price; "harm" here in the verse 33:58 means punishment and/or rebuke and forcing them to make amends. 







Inheritance Share of a Natural Son

Published in February 16, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … A man discovered recently that he is the natural son of a certain dead man; does he have the right to demand an inheritance share after proving that this dead man was his biological father? …  Thank you …


 Yes; if he can prove this, he has to right to demand his legal inheritance share (and all other rights as a son); this has nothing to do with being born out of wedlock; we are not to punish him for the sins of his biological mother and father. The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "That no soul bears the burdens of another soul." (53:38).






The Quranic Term (Messenger)

Published in February 17, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … I grew tired and weary of using Arabic dictionaries and lexicons to understand the Quranic text; how should I differentiate between the usage of the Quranic term (Messenger) to indicate Muhammad and the usage indicating the Quran itself?  The case of the Quranic verse 5:104 baffles me in this respect....... … Thank you …    


 The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "And when it is said to them, "Come to what God has revealed, and to the Messenger," they say, "Sufficient for us is what we found our forefathers upon." Even if their forefathers knew nothing, and were not guided?" (5:104); the term (Messenger) here does NOT refer to Muhammad; it refers to the Quran itself; the term (Messenger) here is synonymous with the preceding phrase: (what God has revealed). Do not use any Arabic dictionaries and lexicons to understand the Quran; Quranism is all about understanding the Quranic verses using other Quranic verses which explain them. Quranic verses explain one another if you examine and study carefully all verses covering one term or one topic: "Whatever argument they come to you with, We provide you with the Truth, and a better explanation." (25:33). In fact, the verse 5:104 is explained by these two verses: "And when it is said to them, "Follow what God has revealed," they say, "Rather, we follow what we found our parents devoted to." Even if Satan is calling them to the suffering of Hell?" (31:21); "And when it is said to them, "Follow what God has revealed," they say, "We will follow what we found our ancestors following." Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided?" (2:170).






The Problem of my Children

Published in February 17, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … Years ago, I caught my wife with her lover in the bed-chamber of my house. Utterly shocked, I closed the door of the bed-chamber with my key until I went and fetched my wife's brother; I divorced her verbally and her indignant brother took her to their village in Upper Egypt, where the so-called 'honor' killing was still practiced; when I sent divorce papers to her, they were not received by anyone; my ex-wife was declared as 'missing'; when I contacted her brother, he confessed to me that he killed her himself and buried her corpse! There are no contacts now between myself and the family of my ex-wife. My children grow up and they never knew about their mother's infidelity; they knew only that she died during their infancy when she was living with her relatives in a remote village, after my divorcing her. They never know that I am the indirect reason for her death! I never knew that she was going to be murdered! Should I tell my children the truth or not?! They blame me now for divorcing her and forsaking her! They assume as if she died of sorrow for being deprived of her children forever! They are beginning to hate me! What shall I do?! Any advice?! … Thank you …  


 In our view, this depends on the age-group of your children; if they are (pre-)adolescents, do no tell them the truth and be patient until they become responsible adults. If they are already responsible, mature adults, we think you should tell them the whole truth; i.e., to tell them the plain facts of the case in a very frank manner.








My Husband and Masturbation!

Published in February 18, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … I've discovered recently that my husband, who shares my bed of course, masturbates while he thinks that I'm fast asleep; am I allowed in that case to demand divorce from him (in court) because of the harm caused to me in my marital (sexual) life? … Thank you …        


 Yes, you have the right to demand divorce whenever you please; yet, the court will decide if this is a sufficient reason to demand divorce or not.

اجمالي القراءات 3892

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
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بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : United State

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