Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy:
Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Twelve

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2019-02-06


Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Twelve



Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy







Jumbles of Dreams

Published in January 28, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … I saw a very strange dream/vision during my sleep and I do believe you will help me interpret it: I saw that I and my fiancé .................. By the way, what is the stance of Quranism (i.e., True Islam) regarding dreams in general and the interpretation of dreams in particular? Are dreams/visions messages from the Lord God to people or not?!  … Thank you …    


 As for your dream, we repeat to you, our dear daughter, what the courtiers said to the Hyksos king of Egypt during the era of Joseph: "They said, "Jumbles of dreams, and we know nothing of the interpretation of dreams."" (12:44). The Lord God does not send messages to anyone within dreams since, as per the Quran itself, there are no prophets/messengers who may emerge after the death of Muhammad. You should read what we have written about Joseph and about dreams in relations to Barsakh.







Circumambulation of the Kaaba, Again!

Published in January 28, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … Is there specific times for circling around the Kaaba during Hajj/pilgrimage? If a woman has her period, would she abstain from circling the Kaaba or not? What do you think? … Thank you …  


 Menstruation never prevents any acts of worship including circling the Kaaba during pilgrimage. Of course, the rituals of pilgrimage begin with circumambulation of the Kaaba seven times once you reach Mecca; this can be repeated any time later on as much as you can during other rituals of pilgrimage; you should end your pilgrimage also by circumambulating the Kaaba seven times before you leave Mecca. Within True Islam (i.e., Quranism), pilgrims wear their own clothes during Ihram and never the laughter-inducing white drapes; they never perform the pagan, polytheistic ritual of throwing pebbles at a column representing Satan. Please read our book titled "Pilgrimage between Islam and the Muhammadans", found in English on this link:








To Retreat inside a Mosque which Has a Mausoleum!

Published in January 28, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … I know it is a good Islamic act of worship to retreat for hours or days inside mosques to perform long acts of worship within dedication, sincerity, and devotion; yet, my Sunnite-Sufi relative do so inside a mosque in our village which contains a mausoleum dedicated to a 'saint'! This relative of mine read the Quran there and also Sufi books of prayers/supplications! Of course, he refuses to listen to my advice of doing so in a mosque which contains no mausoleums. My question is as follows: Will the Lord God accept his act of worship inside this Sufi mosque if he does not worship the entombed 'saint'?  … Thank you …


 The answer is no. What your relative is doing is unacceptable. Monotheists should never enter into houses of worship of the polytheistic Muhammadans. In the Hereafter, the Lord God will nullify acts of worship performed by polytheists (who died without repentance) which include worshiping Sufi saints/mausoleums and performing acts of worship near such abominations. Retreating for hours or days in mosques or inside one's home to dedicate time for various acts of worship must be done only within monotheism.  










Repeated Questions

Published in January 29, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … I've come across your great website weeks ago and I'm very much impressed by your unprecedented ideas; yet, I have a couple of questions to you about the Quranic verses tackling the Last-Day events: ............. , .............? … Thank you …    


 These are repeated, frequently asked questions; you will find lengthy, detailed answers to them when you read our entire archive of fatwas, articles, and books besides watching our subtitled-into-English YouTube videos.








About the Daily Prayers

Published in January 29, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm a Persian man and my Arabic is not very good, but I have a good command of English; I did not understand much of your book, in Arabic, about prayers; I have some questions about the daily prayers: ......................................  … Thank you …       


  Our book about prayers between the Quran and the Muhammadans is currently being translated into English by Mr. Ahmed Fathy the translator. Meanwhile, you will find answers to your questions within our recent tensof subtitled-into-English YouTube videos about prayers and within our previous fatwas translated into English. You are welcome to our English section of our website:      







A Messenger to All People

Published in January 29, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … Of course, Muhammad was sent to all human beings and jinn from his own era until the end of days since the Quranic message remains on earth until the end of days. My question is as follows: were the previous prophets/messengers before Muhammad sent for all humanity or not? … Thank you …      


  The answer is no. they were sent to specific tribes/peoples; the only exception is Noah whose people were all people on earth at the time who were centered in one location. After the deluge/flood, human beings roamed the earth and were scattered; different nations emerged; each nation had its prophet/messenger; Muhammad received the Last Message of the Lord God: the Quran. This Divine Message is addressing all humanity and all jinn till the end of days.  








Devilish Jumbles of Dreams

Published in January 30, 2018




Question:  … Dear Sir, … I saw in a dream/vision that as if I'm in the presence of the Lord God somewhere; I felt instinctively that God is angry with me because I missed many prayers recently! What is your own interpretation of my dream? Any ideas? … Thank you …        


 These are devilish jumbles of dreams; we assure you, our son, thatthe Lord God does not send messages to anyone within dreams since there are no prophets/messengers who might emerge after the death of Muhammad. The Lord God does not address anyone in dreams; this devilish notion is derived from the cursed Sufi authors (in Egypt and elsewhere) in the Middle-Ages as their lies/falsehoods include the myth of the Lord God (and/or Muhammad) having a conversation with them within dreams/visions. Some Sunnite-Sufi authors, like Al-Siyouti, had the nerve to claim that he saw the soul of Muhammad talking to him in a daydream! Sufi (and some Hanbali) polytheistic authors claim to have seen the Lord God talking to them in dreams! This lie is utter blasphemy! It is very insulting to the Lord God to attribute their lie to Him. This is part of devilish revelations of Satan (which are going on till the end of days) intending to mislead human souls or to lead them astray. Beware, our son, of suchdevilish jumbles of dreams which are meaningless and whose aim is to make you fall into the trap of polytheism by insulting the Lord God unwittingly. As per the Quran, no one can see the Lord God in this world and in the Hereafter.   








Certain Jobs and Fate

Published in January 30, 2018



Question:  … Dear Sir, …  I wonder if certain jobs like being a lawyer, a medical doctor, an engineer, etc. are linked to preordained Fate; I mean that I keep asking myself: was it predestined for me before I was born to be a lawyer? What do you think? … Thank you …      


 This is not true; one chooses freely one's job and field of work (or decides not to work or have a job at all); what is linked to Fate is the provisions (money, food, etc.) allotted to one regardless of one's job or the means to receive them.








The Best Nation?!

Published in January 30, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … My question is as follows: Are the Arabs (or the nation of Arabia) preferred by God over all other human nations because Muhammad was an Arab and the Quran has descended in the Arabic tongue? Are the Arabs considered the best nation? Likewise, is the Arabic tongue preferred to all other human tongues for that reason? … Thank you very much for your taking some of your valuable time to answer my question …   


 The answer is no; it is not true that the Lord God has preferred Arabs and the Arabic tongue; He is not biased for or against anyone or any tongue. The best persons in the sight of the Lord God in all eras are the pious, righteous ones who are worthy of bearing the responsibility and passed the test of life (with success) as monotheists: "O people! We created you from a male and a female, and made you races and tribes, that you may know one another. The best among you in the sight of God is the most righteous..." (49:13). The Quran-believing people should have been the best nation ONLY if they have obeyed the Lord God's Quranic commands: "You are the best community that ever emerged for humanity: you advocate what is moral, and forbid what is immoral, and believe in God..." (3:110); the disobedient ones are worse than cattle: "Or do you assume that most of them hear or understand? They are just like cattle, but even more errant in their way." (25:44). By the way, the Israelites for centuries were preferred by the Lord God Who sent to them many prophets/messengers and several Scriptures/Books: "We gave the Israelites the Book, and wisdom, and prophecy; and We provided them with the good things; and We gave them advantage over all other people." (45:16). Yet, the disobedient ones among the Israelites are described here: "And you surely knew those of you who violated the Sabbath. We said to them, "Be despicable apes!"" (2:65); "Then, when they rebelled against the commands to refrain, We said to them, "Be despicable apes."" (7:166). Likewise, the following two verses apply to all human beings and the disobedient sinners among them, respectively: "We have honored the children of Adam, and carried them on land and sea, and provided them with good things, and greatly favored them over many of those We created." (17:70); "We have destined for Hell multitudes of jinn and humans. They have hearts with which they do not understand. They have eyes with which they do not see. They have ears with which they do not hear. These are like cattle. In fact, they are further astray. These are the heedless." (7:179).









A Thank-You Letter

Published in January 31, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … I'd like you thank you very much for your great writings which constitute the only source of enlightenment as far as long-awaited religious reform is concerned in the Arab world; you have suffered much persecution like all great thinkers in history; I hope that the Lord God make your books as eye-openers to those who ardently seek the Quranic Truth. I wish I could donate money to your website, but I'm very poor. May the Lord God bless and reward you in this world and in the Hereafter … Thank you …     


Thank you, dear brother, for your kind words; we hope you will participate in the Quranist peaceful jihad with us for the sake of pleasing the Lord God by copying & pasting the links of our YouTube channel videos and website throughout cyberspace to make more people get to know about Quranism as the Only True Islam and to end the media black-out imposed on us in the Arab world. This is better than donating money to our website; your peaceful jihad is to inform all people within your reach (and through the internet) about the existence of Quranism. 







Entering inside Mosques, Again!

Published in January 31, 2018


Question: …  Dear Sir, … I'm a Quranist man like you. Can I enter into (and pray inside) mosques whose walls from the inside and outside have decorations of calligraphy containing the names of Muhammad and his contemporaries? What is your own view? …  Thank you …        


 No, you cannot. The mosques of the Muhammadans are harmful/harm-causing mosques which spread polytheism (by deifying mortals) in their sermons, regardless of any decorations inside such mosques. You must perform all prayers at home. Nothing and no-one may force you to enter into the harmful mosques of the polytheistic Muhammadans.









Food of the Jinn!

Published in January 31, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir,  … Within the heritage books of Sunnite traditions, I read about rubbish of food items thrown by human beings are consumed by jinn as food and that dung of animals are fodder for cattle and horses of the jinn. Are such statements true?! How do the jinn consume food, then? do they have stomachs and bowels like human beings? Any ideas?  … Thank you …


 All of the Lord God's creatures are mortals who are born and beget progeny, consume food, multiply, and die. This applies to physical creatures we can see and the metaphysical Barsakh, ethereal beings/creatures like devils, jinn, and angels we cannot see. The only true pieces of information about devils, jinn, and angels are found exclusively in the Quran: the Book of the Omniscient Lord God. Anything mentioned about them outside the Quran is mere mythology. This is why we have no answer to your question: the Quran does NOT mention how such ethereal creatures consume food. Please do not waste your time reading silly books of Sunnite, Sufi, and Shiite mythology and falsehoods; they have nothing to do with Islam.









I Lost my Virginity!

Published in February 1, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … Sadly, I lost my virginity with a man whom I loved but he turned out to be a selfish scoundrel who never intended to marry me! Continuing his deception, he demanded money from me and threatened to inform my parents about losing my virginity to him if I refused to have sex with him again! I refused such threat and performed a surgical operation to restore my virginity (i.e., hymenoplasty). I did this not to fool or deceive any man who might propose to me; rather, I did that because I will never succumb to a scoundrel and I will no longer feel lost or as if I am a loose girl. I needed to feel that I'm still a virgin young girl and not a woman; I hope that the Lord God will accept my sincere repentance; I'd like to advise all young females to take heed of this lesson and never to accept having extramarital sexual relations for any reason with any man so as not to lose their self-respect and not to lose Paradise in the Hereafter  …  Thank you …    


 It is clear (as per your words in your message) that your repentance is sincere; keep it up and you should forget about the past with its painful experiences; think only of your present and future life; you should spend much time performing good deeds within obeying the Dominant Lord God within Quranist monotheism. Be assured, our daughter, that the Lord God pardons those who repent sincerely, adhere to monotheistic guidance, and perform lots of good deeds while seeking to gratify their Lord God.








About the Quranic Verse 21:35

Published in February 1, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … Would you please explain this Quranic phrase to me: "...We burden you with adversity and prosperity - a test. And to Us you will be returned." (21:35)? …  Thank you …


  We advise you to read our book about fate and the test of life. We briefly answer you in the following points.

1- The reaction/stance of people towards the tests of adversity and prosperity vary; some people are patient/thankful and some are not. 

2- This test/fate is from the Lord God: some people who experience prosperity are never grateful to Him and grow too arrogant; they disobey and disbelieve in Him and never give the poor their due charity. They sometimes commit transgressions. There are the charitable ones who are thankful to their Lord and give charity donations to the poor and the needy.

3- There are those who, in times of adversity, curse everything and everyone in their lives; they never adhere to patience; they reject the Quranic commands; they disbelieve in God because of their despair. In contrast, monotheists adhere to patience and prayers during hardships and adversity, as per the Quranic commands. The Lord God will reward them eventually in this world and the next one. 








I Desire to Be Guided!

Published in February 1, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir,  … For many years of my life, I've been a misled, misguided man! Would you please show me the way to guidance briefly through Quranism deemed by you a the Only True Islam?! I feel at loss!  … Thank you …     


 The first step towards guidance is to admit that one is misguided/misled and to ardently seek guidance and implore/supplicate to the Lord God for it – surely, in that case, the Lord God will guide those who choose guidance. Of course, as far as the Quran is concerned, guidance, in a nutshell, is piety; let us explain this in the following points.

1- Piety means that you fear the Lord God by never deifying/sanctifying things (e.g., stones, relics, and tombs) or mortals (prophets or non-prophets [esp. the so-called saints/imams]). Of course, all human beings tend to err and make mistakes; all of them will be judged by the Dominant Lord God on the Last Day in the Hereafter. You must believe in the fact that the testimony of Islam/monotheism is as follows: (There is no God but Allah), without adding the names of any mortals at all (e.g., Ali or Muhammad). You must believe in the fact that the Quran is the Only Discourse (and Source of) in Islam; you must reject all books of hadiths and fiqh. You must dedicate your acts of worship only to the Lord God. You must believe in the fact that the only place for pilgrimage is the Kaaba in Mecca; there are no 'pilgrimages' to any Egyptian, Iraqi, or Iranian cities or to any mausoleums/abominations, including the polytheistic one in the Yathreb mosque ascribed falsely to Muhammad. This is how you dedicate your religion to the Lord God.  

2- Piety means that you deal with people within peace, justice, charity, etc. while performing many good deeds and acts of worship mentioned in the Quran.

3- Piety entails that you avoid committing injustices, grave sins, and immoral/promiscuous behavior.

4- Hence, entering into Paradise will not cost you much in this world; yet, entering into Hell will cost you much losses in this world and in the Hereafter.     








About the Quranic Verse 18:110

Published in February 2, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir,  … The Lord God says in the Quran: "...Whoever hopes to meet his Lord, let him work righteousness, and never associate anyone with the service of his Lord."" (18:110). You have written in your articles and fatwas that this verse includes all monotheists in all eras before and after the descent of the Quran until the end of days; yet, how come that there would be monotheists in our era (and future eras) who never heard of the Quran and therefore never followed it?! What do you think? … Thank you … 


 Islam is the universal religion from the Lord God. The Resurrection, Judgment, etc. will be experienced in the Hereafter by all human beings regardless of their tongues. Any people, anywhere, who believe in the Hereafter and the verse 18:110 applies to them will enter into Paradise if they are monotheists, even if they never heard of the Quran at all. In contrast, the polytheistic Muhammadans are the worst nation on earth; they claim falsely that they believe in the Quran and to memorize/know it very well; yet, their despicable conditions on all levels prove the exact opposite.  







Mutual Agreement Makes it Permissible

Published in February 2, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … I'd like to consult you about this contract signed by me and my business partner months ago about financing some small projects ........... Is this legal/permissible in Islam or not? Is the resulting profit might be deemed as usury or not?! What do you think? …  Thank you …


 This is not usury; this is business transaction done within mutual consent; we refer you to our article, in English, titled "The Usury Battle":







About the Quranic Verse 16:97

Published in February 2, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "Whoever works righteousness, whether male or female, while being a believer, We will grant him a good life - and We will reward them according to the best of what they used to do." (16:97). My question is as follows: Is this (good life) in this world or in the Hereafter? What is your own opinion? … Thank you …    


 It is in the Hereafter in Paradise, of course. We infer this from the context of the verses before the verse 16:97 about those who died after a life filled with many good deeds within monotheistic, sincere faith; they will be rewarded/compensated in the Hereafter in Paradise within eternal bliss and pleasure.   







Detailed Answers

Published in November 2, 2009


Question: … Dear Sir, … I've come across your great Quranism website months ago; I'm very glad to find True Islam at last. I'd like you to provide me with detailed answers to my two questions: if we are to reject all hadiths and all Sunnite books, how would we know the biography of Prophet Muhammad? Is it OK for moviemakers to produce a movie about Prophet Muhammad while bringing an actor to play his role?  … Thank you …  


 The only true biography of Muhammad is found exclusively in the Quran. Please read our book titled "The Quran: Sufficient as a Source of Islamic Legislation" (found in English on this link: It is OK to produce movies about Muhammad with an actor playing his role but without making him appear as if he were a demi-god or a deity who never made mistakes. Besides, the moviemakers should state clearly that their movie reflects their own vision and not necessarily the whole truth. They can produce their movie in a better way if they rely only on the Quran as the only source to know about the real Muhammad; they must state clearly that fictional events are added in their movie to fill in any gaps; the Quranic stories in general (and of Muhammad in particular) do not focus on mentioning names of people and locations; they disregard many details.








A Quranist TV Channel

Published in October 15, 2007


Question: … Dear Sir, … I wonder why a great Quranist thinker like you does not have his own satellite TV channel? This will make Quranist reform reach wider audience and become more influential in Egypt, the Levantine region, Iraq, Iran, etc. … Thank you …        


 The affluent, polytheistic Muhammadans have their own satellite channels and countless websites they use to spread their falsehoods. In contrast, Quranists in general, especially our person, are mostly impecunious and suffer a lot and this is typical of peaceful reform-seekers; their modest means allow them only to keep their Quranism website; they have no Quranist mosque of their own anywhere on earth (they pray at their homes); let alone having a Quranist satellite channel. Yet, we keep dreaming of having a Quranist satellite channel one day; who knows; this might happen some day. We have the right to have our own dreams. May the Lord God come to our help and aid. Thank you and God bless you.

اجمالي القراءات 3917

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
أضف تعليق
لا بد من تسجيل الدخول اولا قبل التعليق
تاريخ الانضمام : 2006-07-05
مقالات منشورة : 5169
اجمالي القراءات : 58,609,398
تعليقات له : 5,478
تعليقات عليه : 14,869
بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : United State

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