Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy:
Fatwas Part Ninety-Seven

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2018-10-23


Fatwas Part Ninety-Seven



Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy







Read More on our Website, Please!

Published in October 13, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … How come that houris of Paradise will be enjoyed by men and not by women? … Would male houris be created for the sake of women in Paradise, then?! What do you think? … Thank you …    


 Please read more on our website before posing repeated questions so as to save our time; we refer you to our book titled "Each Human Soul Has Two Bodies"; we have written in this book, and within previous fatwas and articles, that the houris of Paradise are for all Paradise-dwellers who were previously men and women on earth; they will be of one sex inside Paradise, as their souls will be wearing eternal bodies woven of their good deeds.









Pardoning Dead Ones

Published in October 13, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … If one would forgive a dead person regarding certain rights or debts never settled (intentionally) by this dead person before he/she died, would God forgive this dead person in the Hereafter? What do you think? … Thank you …  


 The one who forgives others, who are dead or alive, for their trespassing against him/her will be rewarded by the Lord God; yet, the unjust ones who died without sincere repentance and making amends will enter into Hell, and their being forgiven by mortals (i.e., the wronged parties) will be of no avail to them on the Last Day.









Two Questions about Prayers

Published in October 14, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … (1) Is it OK to perform Friday congregational noon prayers along with the Muhammadans in their mosques? What if I pray while never listening to their polytheistic sermons that make me want to vomit? … Thank you … (2) I've come across your great Quranism website weeks ago; I know recite the verse 3:18 as the testimony during the daily prayers; I'm an old man now; would uttering the polytheistic testimony of the Muhammadans in the past years nullify my prayers? Most people utter the polytheistic testimony (i.e., while glorifying 'saints' and deifying Prophet Muhammad) in their daily prayers; are all of them polytheists unawares?! What do you think? … Thank you …


 Quranists are monotheists and they never perform prayers in harmful (or harm-causing) mosques of the polytheistic Muhammadans who praise and glorify deified mortals in such mosques and ascribe lies/falsehoods/hadiths to God's Religion; Quranists perform Friday noon prayers at home (alone or in groups) with four (and not two) Raqas. Those who believe in hadiths of the Satanic/devilish revelations are polytheists who reject the Quran; Muhammad never uttered even a single hadith. You should never listen to sermons containing any hadiths/lies. Please wait for our book on prayers (in the past eras and today) and how they have been distorted by the Muhammadans in the Middle-Ages. If you utter the testimony of the polytheistic Muhammadans in your prayers, they are nullified and deemed unacceptable. Make sure you follow monotheism in all your deeds/words and acts of worship, regardless of what others do or say. In light of this, please ponder deeply on these Quranic verses especially the last one of them: "Likewise, We have assigned for every prophet an enemy - human and jinn devils - inspiring one another with fancy words in order to deceive. But had your Lord willed, they would not have done it. So leave them to their fabrications. So that the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter may incline to it, and be content with it, and that they may perpetrate whatever they perpetrate. "Shall I seek a judge other than God, when He is the One who revealed to you the Book, explained in detail?" Those to whom We gave the Book know that it is the truth revealed from your Lord. So do not be of those who doubt. The Word of your Lord has been completed, in truth and justice. There is no changing to His words. He is the Hearer, the Knower. If you were to obey most of those on earth, they would divert you from God's Path. They follow nothing but assumptions, and they only conjecture." (6:112-116).   









Wearing Niqab during Pilgrimage

Published in October 14, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … I am a young woman living in the KSA; like most young women there, my family forced me to wear the niqab (full-veil covering the face) and I wore it when I performed pilgrimage; I feel God will not accept my pilgrimage because of niqab (performing rituals was difficult while wearing it!); I wait until I have my own job and house to re-perform pilgrimage in the Quranist manner you have explained in your great website, after I get rid of the niqab; yet, what if I would die before I perform pilgrimage?! Would God forgive me for wearing niqab in spite of myself and for being forced to wear it while performing pilgrimage with my family members?! What am I supposed to do? What do you think?  … Thank you …    


 Of course, there is no veil/hijab or niqab in Islam. Please read our articles about this and watch our videos (the show titled exposing Salafism): ( Those who assume that the veil/hijab and/or the niqab are part of Islam are polytheistic disbelievers who ascribe lies to God's Religion; women are to cover their legs and chests; it is OK for them in True Islam (i.e., Quranism) to never cover their heads, hair, necks, and hands/arms indoors and outdoors and during prayers and pilgrimage. God will forgive your being forced to wear niqab during pilgrimage; make sure that you believe in the fact that niqab and hijab are NEVER part of Islam. Please read our writings and watch our videos before posing repeated questions answered many times by our person.  








We Have Answered This Question Before

Published in October 14, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm a little bit embarrassed by this urgent question, but I have to pose it to you: Is it OK for me to have oral and anal sex with my wife? I mean fellatio and inserting my penis into her bottom or derrière. Are these practices OK or not within Islam? What do you think? … Thank you …      


 In a previous fatwa, we have mentioned that both practices are OK only within mutual consent of the spouses (i.e., the husband and his wife). We are not a prude person, but we sincerely hope that such type of questions will not be sent again to us via email.







Degrees/Levels of Paradise-Dwellers

Published in October 15, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … I should like to know if Paradise will have its different degrees/levels; would you describe them in detail? … Thank you …      


 There are only two levels for Paradise-dwellers: the highest one is for the Forerunners and the lower one is for those on the Right; details and descriptions of both levels are found in the Quranic Chapters 55 and 56. We should like you to read our entire archive of writings before posing repeated questions I order to save our time. We have written about this topic in our book, in English, titled "Torment and Torture within a Quranist Vision", found on this link:









Wine in this World and Wine in Paradise

Published in October 15, 2018




Question:  … Dear Sir, … What is the difference between wine mentioned in the verse 5:90 and the one mentioned in the verse 47:15? What do you think? … Thank you …        


 God says in the Quran: " O you who believe! Wine and...are abominations of Satan's doing. Avoid them, so that you may prosper. Satan wants to provoke strife and hatred among you through wine and gambling, and to prevent you from the remembrance of God, and from prayer. Will you not desist? " (5:90-91); "The likeness of the Garden promised to the righteous: in it are rivers of pure water, and rivers of milk forever fresh, and rivers of wine delightful to the drinkers, and rivers of strained honey. And therein they will have of every fruit, and forgiveness from their Lord..." (47:15). The prohibited wine is the one of this world; God wants us to avoid it; i.e., not only to avoid drinking it but to avoid coming near it. This world's wine is harmful to one's health and mind; in contrast, the wine of Paradise will never harm anyone and will never cause drunkenness and hangovers at all: "Causing them neither headache nor intoxication." (56:19), and this wine is part of the pleasures which will be enjoyed by Paradise dwellers.







I Need A Husband

Published in October 15, 2018



Question:  … Dear Sir, … I should like you to make me get acquainted with a Quranist man where I live (in Cairo, Egypt) to be my future husband … I'd like very much that my future husband would be a Quranist person like myself … Thank you …      


 Though we know that there are many Quranists inside Egypt, we are not in touch with any of them; they do not contact our person; all we can do is to publish your request here; any Quranist men who are interested in your offer of marriage and desire to meet with (and propose to) you can write comments here including their email addresses and/or phone numbers so that you can contact them.









Males and Females within both Theft and Fornication

Published in October 16, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … Why does the adulteress or female fornicator precedes the adulterer or male fornicator in this verse: "The adulteress and the adulterer - whip each one of them a hundred lashes..." (24:2), whereas the male thief precedes the female thief in this verse: "As for the thief, whether male or female, cut their hands as a penalty for what they have reaped..." (5:38)? Any ideas? What do you think? … Thank you …   


 This is because within the sin/crime of theft, most thieves are males and the female thieves are less in number; as for the sin/crime of adultery/fornication, women consent to have illicit sex with men; those men could NOT have fornicated if the women would be unwilling to commit this sin. Of course, raped women are not fornicators or adulteresses and are never punished.  








A Question in Persian: Adam and the Angels

Published in October 16, 2018



Question: (N.B.: this question was translated and edited for the sake of our person into Arabic and English by Mr. Ahmed Fathy the translator, using the Google Translate webpage) … Dear Sir, … We know that prostration is one of the acts of worship, but now, this question arises: why did the Lord God, Allah, force the angels to prostrate to Adam (peace be upon him)? Please respond only by using the Quranic verses and do not cite any other sources … Thank you …     


  This has been a test for the angels to see if they will obey the Lord God or not. In case of both the angels and human beings, believers must obey God without questioning Him; all angels succeeded in this test except Iblis the arrogant rebel-angel who has been cursed and moved away by force from the Upper Realm and has been turned into a jinn: Satan the Devil; he exists now (along with other devils) in Barsakh levels of the Planet Earth. No real monotheists pose questions to the Lord God about the reason behind prohibitions and commands found in the Quran; rather their stance should be: (we hear, and we obey). By the way, this question of yours has been answered before in detail within several books and articles of ours, especially in our book, in English, titled "Torment and Torture within a Quranist Vision" ( within the section about being cursed. Please read our entire archive before posing repeated questions so as to save our efforts and time.








Pardoning the Unjust Ones

Published in October 17, 2018


Question: …  Dear Sir, … Should I forgive those who have wronged me and committed injustices against me, though they deem themselves as the wronged parties who have the 'right' to trespass against me? What is your own opinion? …  Thank you …        


  It is noble to forgive the unjust ones who see themselves as 'justified' in trespassing against you; this is known as charity in the Quran, which is a value above justice: "Good and evil are not equal. Repel evil with good, and the person who was your enemy becomes like an intimate friend. But none will attain it except those who persevere, and none will attain it except the very fortunate." (41:34-35).Within a live TV show aired on an American TV channel, we have watched a serial killer who murdered tens of young women being led to the execution room to be put to death, and as per traditions, family members of the victims came to address the criminal who was about to meet his death. It is normal, typical, and usual that each family member would deliver a short speech that mourns the victim and curses the criminal who was to blame for murdering the victim. The serial killer looked at each of them in total indifference as if he were proud of his heinous crimes. Until a sexagenarian father of a victim delivered his short speech of how he misses his murdered daughter, and he addressed the criminal by saying: "I forgive you, sir." The serial killer burst out crying and weeping; this means that the charity words of this sexagenarian aroused the seed of goodness inside this criminal. This means that each person as the evil side and the good side; the charitable, noble ones assert their good side by being charitable even to those who have wronged them; they pardon the unjust ones and treat them kindly; this is a higher degree reached only by the truly pious ones.









Singing the Quran Is a Grave Sin of Disbelief

Published in October 15, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir,  … Is it OK for me to listen to Quran recited by sheikhs/reciters of the Muhammadans in CDs and the internet? What about listening to those who sing the Azan or call to prayers?… Thank you …


 To turn the Quran and the Azan into songs is a grave sin of disbelief; this is very insulting to God; would you talk to a ruler/president by singing to him? No doubt he will feel you are mocking and ridiculing him. If the citizens sing the words of statements/speeches delivered by presidents/rulers, this will be taken as a type of mockery, for sure. The Muhammadans have made their religion as a form of playing and jesting. One should never sing the Quran or listen to those who commit the sin of singing it. 








Our Book on Prayers

Published in October 17, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … I should like to know how people performed prayers during the Middle-Ages period and if there are many differences in this respect ........ … Thank you …    


 Please wait for our book about prayers; we write and publish online its serialized articles now on our website; may the Lord God help us in finishing this lengthy book.








Jumbles of Dreams

Published in October 19, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm a man who is about to reach the age of 60; I've come across your great website months ago and converted to Quranism; I've preached Quranism to all my relatives, brothers, and sisters, and their children; many of them are now convinced that Quranism is the Only True Islam; few of them rejected my preaching Quranism to them .......... My younger brother saw in a dream/vision repeatedly that I'm lying dead in my bed and my chamber is filled with light and the other chambers of my house were filled with darkness ......... I wept as I assumed that this dream means I'm gonna die soon; what do you think? What is the meaning of this vision/dream? … Thank you …


 These are meaningless jumbles of dreams; please never heed such silly dreams. Since you are a pious monotheist, God will grant you His mercy and pardon on the Last Day; you are now a follower and a preacher of the Quranic Truth. The Lord God says in the Quran: "O you who believe! If you remain conscious of God within piety, He will give you a criterion, and will remit from you your sins, and will forgive you. God is the Possessor of infinite grace." (8:29).








Adulteresses and Adulterers, Again

Published in October 19, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir,  … Why does the adulteress or female fornicator precedes the adulterer or male fornicator in this verse: "The adulteress and the adulterer - whip each one of them a hundred lashes..." (24:2), whereas the adulteress or female fornicator follows the adulterer or male fornicator in this verse: "The adulterer shall marry none but an adulteress or a female polytheist; and the adulteress shall marry none but an adulterer or a male polytheist. That has been prohibited for the believers." (24:3)? Any ideas? … Thank you …     


 As for the verse 24:2, about the sin/crime of adultery/fornication, women in that case consent to have illicit sex with men; those men could not have fornicated if the women would be unwilling to commit this sin. As for the verse 24:3, this is because men are the ones who are supposed to propose to women; the opposite case (i.e., when a woman proposes to a man) is very rare.








This Is Prohibited

Published in October 21, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir,  … Within performing the five daily prayers, am I allowed to read the verses from a copy of the Quran which I put before me or hold in my hands? … What do you think? … Thank you … 


 We tend to think that this is prohibited; what you suggest goes against piety and concentration required during performing prayers; you should read Quranic verses during prayers from your own memory – you can learn by heart some short Quranic Chapters or some other verses to use during performing prayers. Reading the Quran itself (as the Divine Book of the Lord God; i.e., God's Word) is an independent act of worship.







Dowry for Women and/or for Men?

Published in October 21, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … Why does the Quran entails that men should pay dowries for women/wives? Why would not women pay dowries for men/husbands as well? … Thank you …


 This is because women do not propose to men; it is the other way around; men propose to women in most human cultures; Islam (i.e., the Quran) entails that wives are to be paid dowries by their husbands; typically, husbands care for their wives, financially, emotionally, and otherwise, even if their wives are rich and independent, and they assume responsibility for their wives in many respects (esp. when the wives are pregnant and when they deliver their babies). When husbands spend money on their wives, they expect obedience from the wives as per the Quran (i.e., as long as the wives never receive unjust orders that violate the Quranic sharia laws).









Arguing against the Quranic Verses

Published in October 21, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … People around me do not know that I've converted to Quranism; when I chat with different groups of men among the Muhammadans (i.e., business partners, relatives, friends, etc.), they sometimes utter blasphemous words and undermine the Quranic verses, especially by talking about hadiths in which they believe; they are not aware that this way, they argue against the Quranic verses by talking about and believing in hadiths that contradict the Quran; I never argue with these men because I know quite well that it is of useless trying to preach Quranism to them … Am I committing a sin by hearing blasphemies and never refuting them? What am I to do? I cannot forsake their company and lose their friendship, right? Any advice? … Thank you …    


 God in the Quran has prohibited listening to conversations that ridicule the Quran (i.e., arguing against Quranic verses); when your friends/relatives tackle such topics, you can leave them; once they talk about any other topics, you can rejoin them. God says in the Quran: "He has revealed to you in the Book that when you hear God's Verses being rejected, or ridiculed, do not sit with them until they engage in some other subject. Otherwise, you would be like them. God will gather the hypocrites and the disbelievers, into Hell, altogether." (4:140); "When you encounter those who gossip about Our Verses, turn away from them, until they engage in another topic. But should Satan make you forget, do not sit after remembering with the unjust people." (6:68).







Innocence of Children

Published in October 22, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … I drew my marriage contract weeks ago; I married a young woman from a conservative family; the marriage should have been consummated after the wedding party (months later) once my apartment is rejuvenated and furnished. I begged her father to allow me to accompany her to a movie theater; he eventually agreed; I chose a very interesting foreign movie (i.e., not in Arabic but in American English, with Arabic subtitles), and I bought her soft drinks and food; the movie was very good and I focused my attention on it; she never cared about the movie and food/drink; once the movie ended, she got out of the movie theater with a frown on her pretty face and she did not talk to me! The next day, she insisted on getting a divorce by annulling the marriage contract! This divorce took place two weeks after entering into the movie theater together! I do not know what my fault is! What has gone wrong?! Why did she experience a change of heart so suddenly?! Any advice?! …  Thank you …  


 Your fault was sitting by her inside the movie theater while concentrating on watching the movie! You did not pay attention to her at all! Come on! Would any man accompany his lovely fiancée (esp. after drawing the marriage contract; i.e., she was your legal wife!) to a movie theater and focus only on watching a movie! How gullible and naïve you are! She has the right to demand and to get the divorce she wanted. You still carry inside you the innocence of children; you have to grow up; a long time will pass until you understand why she has left you! 









I Hate Arabic and the Arabs!

Published in October 22, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm a non-Arab Muslim; I pray in Arabic for years since my childhood until now; yet, within comments and posts in several Arab websites, chat-rooms, and social media, etc., I have sensed that many Arabs are xenophobes who hate my country and my mother-tongue! I began to hate Islam because I felt that it is an Arab-centric religion! Luckily for me, I come to know real Islam in your great Quranism website … I hate the Sunnite myths that Arabic was the tongue of Adam and the only one spoken inside Paradise! Many hadiths undermine and verbally abuse my mother-tongue! Why is that?! Such racism and xenophobia have nothing to do with Islam; yet, whenever I perform prayers in Arabic, I feel fury mounting up inside me! What am I to do?! Any advice?! … Thank you …        


 Of course, Islam is God's Religion for all humanity since Adam until the Hour comes; it has descended in several tongues of the prophets/messengers in several eras; the last version of Islam is in Arabic inside the Quran (the Last Message of God to humanity); hence, the Quranic message has been translated into several tongues now for people to understand; the Arabic tongue is not 'holy' even if it is one of the oldest tongues on earth; this is a Sunnite myth in the o-called hadiths in which real monotheists disbelieve. Guidance offered in the Quran can be understood in any other tongues; Islam simply means peaceful behavior with others and to dedicated one's faith, feelings, good deeds, and acts of worship only to God within piety and monotheism. This is easy to do and part of inherent natural instinct, despite any linguistic differences of all people on earth. God will judge all humanity on the Last Day despite their different tongues – as per their faith, feelings and deeds. More details about that topic are found on our book titled "Each Human Soul Has Two Bodies". Please do not feel any animosity towards the Quranic tongue and regarding praying in Arabic. Rest assured, our son, that most Arabs read the Quran in the Arabic tongue and yet they are polytheistic misguided ignoramuses.      

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