Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy:
Fatwas Part Ninety-One

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2018-08-18


Fatwas Part Ninety-One



Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy







Our Dear Daughter

Published in August 8, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … Two days ago, I woke up as my sister brought to me glad tidings; she gave me the news I longed for within the past months, the news I desired to hear; yet, what I'm waiting for will not occur until several weeks; I panicked as I'm now obsessed with the idea that I will die soon and not live to see what I expect; I'm still a young woman, but the idea of my dying at the prime of my youth controls my mind until now! I feel afraid and apprehensive all the time … I seek your advice because you are a very wise thinker … Thank you …    


 You, our dear daughter, remind our person with ourselves when we were a young man; we once had a dream that we will die on a Monday; every time we were taken ill on Mondays, we had the false feeling that we will soon die. Eventually, we rejected such superstitious thinking. It is normal at one's young age to be obsessed by myths and/or imaginary notions; one's mind within the young age is trying to explore the world in order to either follow its way or to rebel against it. Please, our dear daughter, keep busy reading and pondering the Quran; make it your guide in life. You are to remember that death is inevitable; it will occur in the predestined time for each person; no power on earth can postpone or hasten one's death-time. What you have to do is to attain piety and adhere to it within performing many good deeds and within monotheism; do not deify things/items or mortals; you are to believe in the Only Discourse in Islam, the Quran, and to reject all other discourses/narratives/hadiths. You are to be cultured, well-educated person; read our archive within our website to know more about Quranism as the Only True Islam; you can make the tenets and the constitution of Quranists ( as your principles in life; may God bless and protect you.  







Give Them Their Rights

Published in August 9, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm a married man with children; I married a second wealthy wife (who told me at first that she was divorced for not being able to give birth to children) who gave me a large sum from her money to begin a business with some partners … My second wife was taken ill suddenly and died three years ago; I inherited her as she had no relatives at all; months ago, a young man and a young woman came to me and presented themselves as the son and daughter of my late second wife! They proved this fact to me within legal papers; they told me she concealed the fact that she had children so as not to get divorced! Their father, my late wife ex-husband, took them away as children to the country where he lives now; they demanded their share in the inheritance; I told them their mother left no money and the business is done through my name; I own everything in it; they sued me in court but all came to nothing for them; my wife had no possessions of her own; I had everything registered in my name during her lifetime; she gave me all her wealth; I offered the son and the daughter a large sum of money but they refused and insisted on having legal inheritance shares … I have pangs of conscience now; am I unjust towards this young man and his sister? What am I to do? Any advice? … Thank you …  


 You feel pangs of conscience because you are sure you are in the wrong; we suggest that you calculate all profits made from your late wife's money and specify certain sum for yourself as an investor who worked to invest this money; the rest of the money is to be divided as follows: 1/4 for you as the widower, and the rest of the money is 1/3 for the daughter and 2/3 to the son, as per this inheritance rule in the Quran: "God instructs you regarding your children: The male receives the equivalent of the share of two females..." (4:11). 







Undesired Guests

Published in August 9, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it OK for me (within Islam) to be a guest and consume food of a host who hates me and never invited me to his house? … What do you think? … Thank you …


 It is forbidden in Islam to enter into houses without prior permission of their owners: "O you who believe! Do not enter homes other than your own, until you have asked permission and greeted their occupants. That is better for you, that you may be aware. And if you find no one in them, do not enter them until you are given permission. And if it is said to you, “Turn back,” then turn back. That is more proper for you. God is aware of what you do. There is no blame on you for entering uninhabited houses, in which are belongings of yours. God knows what you reveal and what you conceal." (24:27-29). Since this person never prevented you from eating at his banquet, this is an implied permission; this is not forbidden, we assure you. In the Abbasid Era, tales spread about gluttonous imposters who attend parties and banquets without being invited in order to consume free food. Some of the so-called companions imposed their presence at the food-tables of the chambers/houses of Muhammad and they never took prior permission to come; he used to be embarrassed and he never asked them to leave: "O you who believe! Do not enter the homes of the Prophet, unless you are given permission to come for a meal; and do not wait for its preparation. And when you are invited, go in. And when you have eaten, disperse, without lingering for conversation. This irritates the Prophet, and he shies away from you, but God does not shy away from the truth. And when you ask his wives for something, ask them from behind a screen; that is purer for your hearts and their hearts. You must never offend the Messenger of God, nor must you ever marry his wives after him, for that would be an enormity with God." (33:53). God permits believers to consume food at tables of relatives and friends who invited them based on mutual affection: "There is no blame on the blind, nor any blame on the lame, nor any blame on the sick, nor on yourselves for eating at your homes, or your fathers’ homes, or your mothers’ homes, or your brothers’ homes, or your sisters’ homes, or the homes of your paternal uncles, or the homes of your paternal aunts, or the homes of your maternal uncles, or the homes of your maternal aunts, or those whose keys you own, or the homes of your friends. You commit no wrong by eating together or separately. But when you enter any home, greet one another with a greeting from God, blessed and good. God thus explains the revelations for you, so that you may understand." (24:61). 








Ease Your Conscience

Published in August 10, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … I bought a stretch of land in a village; my neighbor insists that the former landlord (from whom I bought this stretch of land) has stolen 15 meters from the stretch of land of this neighbor to build a fence; am I to give this neighbor the price of the 15 meters?! It is not my fault! Land surveying proves the veracity of the claim by this neighbor; what am I to do? Any advice? … Thank you …    


 You should ease your conscience and give this neighbor the price of these 15 meters since the fence cannot be demolished; remember that you will die one day and your body will turn to dust like the soil of this land; nothing will accompany you to your grave; your good/bad deeds earned by your soul will remain in the Record of Deeds of your soul.






About The Verses 31:14 & 46:15

Published in August 10, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … God says in the Quran: "...weaning him in two years..." (31:14); "...His bearing and weaning takes thirty months..." (46:15); there is no contradiction here; yet, how both verses complement each other? Any ideas?… Thank you …      


 God says in the Quran: "We have entrusted the human being with the care of his parents. His mother carried him through hardship upon hardship, weaning him in two years. So give thanks to Me, and to your parents. To Me is the destination." (31:14); this means that breastfeeding may last for 24 months and then the child is to leave the mother's body to explore other persons and the world around him/her inside and outside the house. This is detailed more here: "We have enjoined upon man kindness to his parents. His mother carried him with difficulty, and delivered him with difficulty. His bearing and weaning takes thirty months..." (46:15); these months combine the 24 months of breastfeeding and the least number of months for pregnancy (i.e., 6 months), hence, the child stop depending on the body of the mother is within about 30 months, more or less.






Those who Divided their Religion

Published in August 11, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … Most of the Muhammadans (cultured elite + the masses) never know about Quranism and they follow the false doctrines of the Sunnite, Shiite, or Sufi religions inherited from their fathers; they assume they are following the truth; what is their fate in the Hereafter if they die as such? … Thank you …      


 God asserts in the Quranic Chapters 3, 6, and 30 the important fact that real believers/monotheists should never divide their religion or be among such people who do so; e.g., as in this verse: "As for those who divided their religion and became sects-you have nothing to do with them. Their case rests with God; then He will inform them of what they used to do." (6:159); God wants real believers to adhere ONLY to the Quran. The Muhammadans are polytheists who divided their religion and followed doctrines/sects and people of each sect feel happy for their books/notions while all of them reject the Quran; those among them who die without sincere repentance and returning to monotheism will enter into Hell for eternity.  







A TV Channel for Quranism

Published in August 11, 2018




Question:  … Dear Sir, …  I feel so sorry when I find that Wahabis, Salafists, etc. have tens of Satellite TV channels and thousands of websites and chat-rooms; they control all these outlets and expel those who argue against Salafist views and ideas using the Quranic verses; I wish that you, Sir, would have the chance to appear on any TV program within any TV channel to reach wider audience or to have one day a TV channel dedicated to Quranism to enlighten and guide the Muslims and to put an end peacefully to Wahabi terrorism … Thank you …        


 We have only our YouTube channel with its subtitled-into-English videos ( We need you and other Quranists to spread links of its videos within cyberspace to raise the awareness of all people about Quranism. We hope to have one day sponsors to have our TV channel or program ( We hope that some TV channels would host our person within one episode or more to reach out to thousands of people who never use the internet. May the Lord God help our person; He never burdens a soul beyond its capacity.









Bad Habits of the Pre-Islamic Era

Published in August 12, 2018



Question:  … Dear Sir, … What are the bad habits and codes of dress that spread in the Pre-Islamic Era and against which the Quran warns wives of Muhammad and all believers in general?  … Thank you …      


 We refer you to our subtitled-into-English YouTube episodes "Exposing Salafism" which cover this topic in detail. We briefly assert here that immoral behavior and promiscuity spread in Arabia in the Pre-Islamic Era; many people at the time typically circled around the Kaaba stark naked; some fornicators assumed that their sins were acts of worship a per the ways inherited from their forefathers! God says in the Quran: "And when they commit an indecency, they say, "We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it." Say, "God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?"" (7:28). Hence, dress codes of women at the time reflected such promiscuity; most of them wore revealing clothes which showed their chests and legs. These are, in our view, the bad habits of the Pre-Islamic Era.







The Poison Bottle!

Published in August 13, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … Recently, I bought an old house; when I brought workers to rejuvenate the walls of this house and perform some maintenance works, they discovered a bottle of poison very well-concealed inside the walls! Shall I notify the police or not?! Rumors have it that the former owner of this house had a daughter who died mysteriously; people say he might have killed her by poisoning! I should not conceal this from the police, right? Yet, I cannot level an accusation against someone without evidence/proofs. What of you think?   … Thank you …   


 You have nothing to testify about as a witness; you never saw anyone committing a murder; do not give much attention to rumors; of course, you can hand over the bottle of poison to the local authorities, if you like, but without accusing anyone of anything.








All Hadiths Are Balderdash and Nonsense

Published in August 13, 2018



Question: …  Dear Sir, … There are many silly hadiths that can be refuted easily by many Quranic verses; yet, why have all these silly hadiths continued to exist and be believed by the masses until now? … Thank you …     


 This is because of the temporal authority of rulers and clergymen who make laws to persecute, imprison, and prosecute those who attack and undermine hadiths as if this were a crime; those who invented and fabricated hadiths reflect their personal whims/desires dominant at their eras; this is why all hadiths are contradictory and the Quranic verses contradict them.  






Smoking Hookah

Published in August 13, 2018


Question: …  Dear Sir, … I feel much surprised that you insist that smoking cigars/cigarettes is permissible since it is not mentioned as prohibited in the Quran … Is it OK, then, to smoke hookah and cigarettes inside mosques … Halal/permissible items remain the same inside or outside mosques, you know! … What do you think? …  Thank you …        


 Smoking is not food or drink that enter into the stomach and result in urination and defecation; it does not spoil the fasting of Ramadan; smoke enters into the lungs and gets out of the nose. Besides, mosques of the Muhammadans are harmful ones as ideas of polytheism are being preached inside them. Even in Islamic/Quranist mosques (there are none until now), it is OK to smoke hookah and cigarettes inside them; what is permissible (i.e., things not mentioned as prohibited in the Quran) remain as such outside and inside mosques. Sins, in their turn, are prohibited inside and outside mosques.   









The Progeny of Iblis/Satan

Published in August 14, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir,  … God says in the Quran: "We said to the angels, "Bow down to Adam." So they bowed down, except for Iblis. He was of the jinn, and he defied the command of his Lord. Will you take him and his offspring as allies instead of Me..." (18:50). Does Satan the Devil procreate? Does he have a progeny/offspring like human beings and like jinn? Is he ugly looking? Are devils ugly in appearance or is this a myth? … What do you think? … Thank you …


 God Is the Only One He describes Himself here: "He begets not, nor was He begotten. And there is none comparable to Him." (112:3-4). In contrast, all creations of God are male and female and they are to eat, breed, and procreate; this applies to angels, devils, jinn, and human beings. Thus, Satan/Iblis has progeny and all devils eat and beget offspring; the Quran mentions devils as the progeny of Satan; these devils try all the time to tempt all human beings; this means that there are devils in the number of human beings; see the Quranic Chapter 50. We cannot see devils as they are ethereal, Barsakh-level creatures; we cannot know if they are ugly or not; this might be only within folkloric tales; we will see devils on the Last Day. Angels are seen upon the moment of dying and then in the Hereafter.   







May God Curse Them All!

Published in August 15, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it allowed (or not) for Quranists to use honorifics (e.g., the phrase "May God bless him/them") when the names of companions of Muhammad (e.g., the 4 pre-Umayyad caliphs and their contemporaries) are written or verbally mentioned? … Thank you …    


 We never use honorifics; all of the evil companions who committed the grave crimes/sins of Arab conquests, consumed ill-gotten money, raped, enslaved, looted, sabotaged, etc. and died without repentance will enter into Hell; may God curse them all for ascribing their grave sins to Islam. All of them were hypocritical criminals and God said in the Quran they are adamant in hypocrisy and will be tormented in this world and the next one; the names of the good ones among them who never participated in such heinous crimes are not mentioned in history, you know. They are  mentioned in the Quran only without names. We are to believe in the Quran and never in myths/hadiths of the fake biography of Muhammad written by Ibn Ishaq in the Abbasid Era. We are not to deify mortals whether their names are mentioned in the Quran or in historical accounts/books.   








A Question of Inheritance

Published in August 16, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … how would the inheritance money of this deceased man be divided? He is survived by a wife, but no children, two sisters, and his nephew (i.e., the son of a late brother) … Thank you …


 The wife is to be given 1/4 of the inheritance money; the two sisters are to be given 2/3 of the inheritance money; the rest is for the son of the late brother.






May God Bless You

Published in August 16, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … I am from Palestine, born in 1935, but I live now in Florida, the USA, and my education is............ and PhD from......... Years ago, I began my Quranic studies about numerical miracles of the Quranic text; I must confess I admire very much articles on that topic (in Arabic) on your great website by Mr...... and Mr....... and I have my own contributions in this field and I'd like a chance to get them published on your website … Thank you …     


  May God bless you; you are very welcome to join our website as a writer of articles. We will send you a username and a password via email very soon.






Fulfill Your Vow

Published in August 16, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir,  … I'm a female freelance writer and translator who works online; money is sent to me for my work within a credit card and a bank account owned by my Mom; I and Mom live abroad in Europe as immigrants. … Mom forced me to vow to give her half of my money; otherwise, she will cancel the credit card! I feel I should save a little for my education and graduate studies; since she forced me to make this vow, shall I deceive her and never tell her about the real monthly sum I earn? … I plan to tell her within a year or two that I am a Quranist woman and not a Sunnite Wahabi like her; but I'm afraid she might never speak to me again; she is a fanatic and gets mad easily! What am I to do? Any suggestions? … Thank you … 


 You have to fulfill your vow made to your mother; put your trust in the Dominant Lord God and rely on Him; He will grant you His bounties for your goodness and generous nature. Do not trouble yourself about declaring your true faith; keep it as a secret to avoid persecution; do not talk with your mother and family members about religion at all. May God protect and bless you and your family in your new homeland.







Hookah, Again!

Published in August 17, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … I dislike very much your previous fatwa about hookah! I'm grief and shocked indeed! Hookah must be prohibited in Islam, along with cigars/cigarettes and drugs/narcotics, as they harm and endanger one's health very much and cause diseases like................; besides, it is a sign of disrespect to smoke inside mosques! … It spoils one's fasting to smoke in Ramadan! … I beg you to reconsider your fatwa and to change it! … Thank you …


 We have decided that we will not answer repeated questions and we never like to argue about trivial matters; we will not change our fatwa: no one should dare to prohibit things never mentioned as such in the Quran; we refer you to our book about fasting as we prove in it that smoking never spoils the fast during the days of Ramadan.






The Creation of Jesus

Published in August 17, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … I do believe that Jesus never stayed 9 months inside the womb of Mary and that she never went through the typical stages of pregnancy; I infer this from the context of 19:16-23, especially that God mentions that He created Jesus from dust like Adam: "The likeness of Jesus in God's sight is that of Adam: He created him from dust, then said to him, "Be," and he was." (3:59). Is my conclusion true? Any ideas? … Thank you …    


 Your conclusion is perfectly right; Jesus never went through stages of the formation of any fetus/embryo; the verses 19:16-23 give the impression that the command (Be) came to Mary through Gabriel and she delivered her baby at once; she never waited for nine months. We infer this from these two verses: "So she carried him, and secluded herself with him in a remote place. The labor-pains came upon her, by the trunk of a palm-tree. She said, "I wish I had died before this, and been completely forgotten."" (19:22-23). 






The Exact Number of Doctrines and Sects of the Muhammadans

Published in September 6, 2013


Question: … Dear Sir, … I am a great admirer of your great Quranism website. I've read somewhere that there are at least 90 sects and doctrines of 'Muslims', past and present, and some of them died out and some survive until now? What is the exact number in your view as a historian?… Thank you …  


 It is extremely difficult to enumerate the (sub)sects and (sub)doctrines of the Muhammadans that fall into the three major categories of Sunnite, Shiite, and Sufi religions; divisions in every sect/doctrine are so many; many schools of thought within such earthly, man-made religions died out in the Middle Ages and some survive; e.g., Al-Khawarij Shiites died out but the Shiite Ibadiyya sect still exists in Oman; many Sufi orders died out and some survive until now in Egypt and elsewhere; the Wahabi Hanbali religion has gulped inside itself the other Sunnite doctrines. To tackle and to list doctrines and sects which died out entails an exhaustive study and a lengthy book within a time-consuming research; all such religions have nothing to do with the Quran, of course. Quranism is the Only True Islam.   







Am I Gonna Enter into Hell?!

Published in November 10, 2012


Question: … Dear Sir, … I admire and respect you very much as a thinker and as a reformist writer; you are the greatest thinker among all Arabs, past and present, and I believe you are guiding readers to Real, True Islam … I feel that I'm in a muddle; I believe one hundred percent in the Lord God as the Creator of the universe; the design of things in the universe indicates the existence of the Creator; yet, I cannot take some Quranic verses literally; does God have a throne and He is sitting on it?! I do not think so. Did He create the earth in two days?! I do not think so …  Am I gonna enter into Hell for refusing these verses or for rejecting their literal sense?! Of course, I pray and fast and pay charity donations/Zakat, and I avoid all sins, etc. But I cannot accept some Quranic verses in the literal sense. Is this a (grave) sin?! Am I a disbeliever who deserves Hell?! Other questions I have are as follow.............. … Thank you …        


 We thank you for your words about our humble person; we do not deserve such praise. We are merely a seeker of the Truth and we offer our views and draw benefits from the views of others if they say things we do not know. You have to believe in the entirety of the Quranic text while performing good deeds within monotheism in order to enter into Paradise in the Hereafter. Many Quranic verses use the figurative, metaphorical style. The (Throne) of the Lord is a symbol for His total control over the universe and the (meta)physical realms; it is NOT a literal chair. The idea of creating the earth in (two days) means two stages and not two days in terms of human calculations of time on earth. Please read our entire archive and you will know about the figurative and literal styles in the Quranic verses; many (if not all) of your questions have been answered in our previous fatwas, articles, and books. May God bless you.     

اجمالي القراءات 4738

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