آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2018-08-31
Fatwas Part Ninety-Two
Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy
The Young Woman as the Guardian of Herself
Published in August 18, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Can any virgin young woman below the legal age in Egypt; i.e., less than 21 years old, get married without the authorization of a male guardian or protector insisted on within Sunnite fiqh myths? … Would this marriage be legal within Islam (i.e., Quranism)? What do you think? … Thank you …
Of course, it is a legal marriage within Islam (i.e., Quranism). Any (fe)male Muslim upon attaining puberty and maturity can get married and manage their own property, even in the case of orphans; see 4:6. Thus, any virgin young woman (even below the age of 21) can get married to any man of her choice without the interference of any form of guardianship or tutelage, even if she is the ward of some elderly (fe)male person. Yet, female slaves must have a guardian within the marriage contract, which must be drawn within normal procedures (i.e., with witnesses & dowry) even if these female slaves are going to be freed and will marry their owners/masters; see 4:25. As for free women, below or above the age of 21, they can marry as per their own free will without the need of the consent of any elderly (fe)males who presumably take care of them.
To Swear by Anything and Not by God's Holy Name
Published in August 18, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it prohibited or not within real Islam (i.e., the Quran-only Islam) to swear by anything instead of God's Holy Name? … What do you think? … Thank you …
It is certainly prohibited. It is better to avoid swearing, or making an oath, by God's Holy Name in general, unless in situations such as when one is a witness in court or something like it. To swear by anything/anyone means to deify and sanctify creatures and this is sheer polytheism against which the Quran preaches; if you have to, you are to swear only by God's Holy Name. Of course, polytheists and hypocrites in all eras swear by God's Holy Name alongside with swearing by other things. Of course, to use/mention God's Holy Name in vain within oaths and swearing is a grave sin which is like sending one's soul to Hell on purpose.
About Turkey!
Published in August 19, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Do you consider today's Turkey as a modern country that follows secularism or laïcité within observing the Islamic belief? If not, why? … Thank you …
We have written about the failed coup d'état in Turkey (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=15705). We felt saddened because this coup failed to remove the dictator Erdoğan; in fact, the military rule, despite its tyranny (and sometimes savagery), has no ideology and it may be regarded as transitional period within which a nation would develop towards secularism and democracy within peaceful struggle. Our view of Erdoğan is that he is a tyrant similar to Ottoman sultans; he employs the dangerous Sunnite Wahabi ideology and aims at establishing the theocratic rule. Some people say he is affiliated with the terrorist Wahabi MB group. This tyrant is trying to abort the liberal and democratic ambitions. Islam is a secular religion; the real, Quran-based country or State contradicts theocracies in Iran and the KSA. The Turkey of Erdoğan is about to turn into a very corrupt reincarnation of the Ottoman theocracy.
Secularism/Laïcité within Belief
Published in August 19, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Within a secular, Quran-based country, in your view, one can proselytize or preach any religion (even atheism) freely without any restrictive laws such as the one in Egypt which punishes those who show 'contempt' of religions or dare to proselytize any faith other than Sunnite Wahabism ....... A secular state does not contain any body of theologians who interfere in the religious and political life of believers/citizens, right? But how secularism is compatible with Islam (i.e., Quranism) within your own definition of a Quran-based country? … Thank you …
Within our view of a Quran-based country, there is no religious institutions or clergymen of any type who control anything or anyone; the missions of the State do not include guiding people to Paradise; seeking guidance is an individual matter and a personal issue within one's assuming responsibility for oneself and for one's fate in the Hereafter. A Quran-based country is a secular one that protects human rights; as for the rights of the Lord God, He is the One to judge each human beings as per deeds and faith on the Last Day. A Quran-based country is based on the pillars of justice and freedom, especially political and religious freedom and freedom of speech. Religious freedom is absolute/limitless in Islam. People are free to worship/believe in anything they like; their judgment rests with God only on the Day of Resurrection. This religious freedom includes to (dis)believe, to convert to any faith or denomination, to perform any rituals, to adhere to atheism, and to proselytize or preach anything to anyone; such rights are to be enjoyed by all citizens equally without forcing anyone regarding anything; there is no compulsion in religion as per the Quran: "There shall be no compulsion in religion; the right way has become distinct from the wrong way. Whoever renounces Taghut and believes in God has grasped the most trustworthy handle; which does not break. God is Hearing and Knowing." (2:256). The Quranic term (Taghut), which means tyranny/injustice concerning religion, is explained in our article here: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=14342
Why on Earth Would You Try to Convince Others?
Published in August 20, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I desire to know how could I convince an atheist friend of mine to embrace Quranism and save himself........any advice? … Thank you …
Why on earth would you try to convince others of Quranism or anything else? Your mission in life as a believer never includes attempting to guide others; each person must seek guidance on his/her own if they really believe in God and in the Hereafter and are keen on their future there concerning the Eternal Life in Paradise; each one of us must try to avoid entering into the eternal perdition of Hell. Hence, one is to seek to correct one's faith, to observe real monotheism, and to perform many good deeds and acts of worship while striving to gratify the Lord God. Most people use their intelligence only regarding worldly matters and to try to hoard as much possessions/assets/money as possible. Most people are heedless of the Hereafter; see our article here: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=18409). Many people are either polytheists/atheists who neglect their real future or the Eternal Life of the Hereafter and they will regret it, in vain, upon Resurrection on the Last Day: "And on that Day, Hell is brought forward. On that Day, man will remember, but how will remembrance avail him? He will say, "If only I had forwarded for my life."" (89:23-24). The expression (my life) here means the Hereafter; this is the future that will not end, either in Hell or in Paradise. The heedless ones never think of the Hereafter and they never perform good deeds, within monotheism, to earn their place in Paradise; real monotheists seek to gratify the Lord God with many good deeds and acts of worship to earn their place in Paradise and to avoid Hell. Those who seek guidance sincerely will be guided by God; you should never feel sad over those who are misguided and stubbornly insist on adhering to atheism/polytheism; please do not waste your time trying to convince anyone to embrace Quranism. One's lifetime is brief and one would better invest one's time in increasing one's guidance and piety and in performing good deeds (as best as we can, in terms of quality and quantity) to please our Lord God and to earn our place in Paradise within God's Mercy.
About Songs, Movies, and TV Series
Published in August 20, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Some songs, movies, and TV series contain polytheistic/atheist ideas or notions that contradict the Quran; would I be deemed sinful if I watch/listen to them even if I never waver in my monotheistic faith? What do you think? … Thank you …
It is not sinful or prohibited to listen to songs or to watch movies and TV series of any type; it is sinful to watch pornographic material; but this is not a grave sin (i.e., it is not like the grave sin of fornication, for instance); it is a mishap or a small sin that must be avoided nevertheless, and one should repent and implore God for forgiveness if one watches pornography. It is OK to watch movies and TV series that might contain words or ideas of which we never approve; all types of good art seek to enjoin reform, constructive criticism, and the change to the better; by the way, God mentions words/ideas/deeds of polytheists and disbelievers in the Quran to comment on them; this is part of the Quranic text we read/ponder as part of acts of worship; this means we can reform/rectify/correct our souls and our deeds and/or faith if we willingly ponder the Quran and its metaphorical style and parables; this is a form of art, by the way, linked to eloquence. Thank you for your good question.
The Old Wife of Lot
Published in August 22, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … You, of course, remember the Egyptian TV series (within the genre of period drama) about God's prophets, produced in the 1980s, and the actress who performed the role of the wife of Lot was a young, pretty one and not an old woman; this means that the director/writer never pondered the Quran very well as she is described as an old woman; why does the Quran describe her as an old woman? Is this linked to disbelief? What about linking Lot's wife with Noah's wife in 66:10? Were both women advanced in age? What do you think? … Thank you …
To be described as (old) has nothing to do with faith/belief or lack of it; this is asserted by the fact that Abraham's first wife (i.e., the mother of Isaac) is described in the Quran as (old) and she was a believer: "She said, "Alas for me. Shall I give birth, when I am an old woman, and this, my husband, is an old man? This is truly a strange thing."" (11:72); "His wife came forward crying. She clasped her face, and said, "A barren old woman?"" (51:29). The wife of Lot is described twice in the Quran by the adjective (old); she and Abraham's wife lived in the same era in two near locations; the angels sent to Abraham to inform him of the birth of Isaac are the ones who destroyed the people of Lot and told Abraham about this in advance (see 11:69-81). When the wife of Lot was destroyed, she was an old woman: "We saved him and his family, all of them. Except for an old woman who lagged behind." (37:134-135); "So We saved him and his family, altogether. Except for an old woman among those who tarried." (26:170-171). Lot was with Abraham in the call for monotheism and he immigrated with him later on to the Levant, to flee persecution and plots against them by their people, and they were saved by God's Grace and Mercy: "Then Lot believed with him, and said, "I am emigrating to my Lord..." (29:26); "They planned to harm him, but We made them the worst losers. And We delivered him, and Lot, to the land that We blessed for all people." (21:70-71). This means that Lot came as a stranger to the south of the Levant and he married an old woman of high stature there who adhered to the culture of her people, and this is why she was against the monotheistic call of her husband when he preached chastity and monotheism to her sinful people.
Polytheists Will Never Enter into Paradise
Published in August 22, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … If there are persons who are peaceful, charitable, and kind towards all people but they are polytheists who insist on rejecting the Quranic monotheism, would they enter into Hell despite being good people? Would their good deed be in vain and will they be made to enter into Hell? … Thank you …
Yes, because polytheism nullifies good deeds; such people are rewarded for their good deeds ONLY in this transient world; those who die as polytheists will never enter into Paradise in the Hereafter; Paradise is only for the pious monotheists/submitters/Muslims who have devoted their life and acts of worship only to God. God mentions in the Quran these words of Jesus the son of Mary: "...Whoever associates others with God, God has forbidden him Paradise, and his dwelling is Hell-Fire. The unjust ones will have no supporters." (5:72).
Supplication about Paradise
Published in August 24, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it OK within Islam that I would implore God and supplicate to Him that I would be united with all my loved ones inside Paradise? What do you think? … Thank you …
One's loved ones may be polytheists who will enter into Hell and you may be among Paradise dwellers; the vice-versa is another possibility; you might enter into Hell and your loved ones might be in Paradise; this is decreed by God as per one's faith, piety, and good deeds or lack of any or all of such items. Upon dying, one is told by the angels of death about this irrevocable decree about their fate either in Paradise or in Hell. You can implore God and supplicate to Him by expressing this wish; yet, it is up to God to either answer your prayers or not as per the good deeds, piety, and faith that determine one's fate either in Hell or in Paradise.
About Jonah
Published in August 24, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Why did Jonah get furious and left his people? Moses in his fury, when the Israelites worshiped the golden calf in Sinai, did not desert his people.......Do you think that God blames Jonah severely in the Quranic verses that contain his story esp. about the whale swallowing him? Of course, God has forgiven him for his sincere repentance; yet, had he two scriptures/messages before and after his running away? Why did the Quran mention that Jonah was sent for more than 100.000 people; why isn't the exact number mentioned? Quran-hating people and atheists within YouTube videos ridicule this Quranic verse about the number of the people of Jonah: they say God should have known the exact number and they assume wrongly that the Quran is not from God … What do you think? … Thank you …
God mentions certain details, and disregards other details, in Quranic stories because the focus is on the moral lessons to be drawn; what God does NOT mention is part of the metaphysical, invisible realm of the past; we are not to discuss it at all or to offer any conjectures or surmises about it. This sin of inventing contradictory myths about prophets/messengers of God has been committed by the interpreters who wrote 'exegeses' of the Quran. Quran-believing monotheists should ponder the Quran only and never try to invent notions or fabricate stories related to unknown details about stories of prophets/messengers of God. It is a sin when Jonah left his people and did not go on with his ministry as a prophet; he was thrown from the ship; he repented while he was inside the whale and God accepted his sincere repentance, saved him, and sent him to more than one hundred thousand people or more; this is the summary of the Quranic story of Jonah. God says in the Quran: "Then We sent him to a hundred thousand, or more. And they believed, so We gave them enjoyment for a while." (37:147-148). This means that Jonah spent some time among those people and they multiplied and increased with the passage of time. This Quranic fact does NOT undermine the Omniscience of the Lord God; please do not pay any attention to Quran-hating skeptics and atheists.
It Is Forbidden to Argue with Polytheists
Published in August 24, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … My friends and relatives now hate me for declaring to them the fact that I've converted to Quranism! The more I try to preach Quranism to them, the more they accuse me of being an infidel who rejected the 'true', 'orthodox' faith! … Within our discussions, they rejected the Quranist view regarding pondering certain verses such as......... and they assume that these verses support their own Sunnite notions! How can I have the tools to convince them?! I feel so sad! … Thank you …
You are very welcome to our Quranism website; we remind you that it is forbidden to argue with polytheists regarding God's Word, the Quran, lest they might insult God and the Quran unawares. It is not important to declare among those around you that you are a Quranist Muslim. Please heed our piece of advice: do not argue with the polytheistic Muhammadans who believe in narratives/hadiths so as to avoid being a sinful polytheist like them. Please invest your time in performing deeds that will make you fit to enter into Paradise in the Hereafter; you are still a young man and you have the time and chance to learn more from our Quranism website; you will find answers to all your questions in our archive of fatwas, articles, and books as well as our YouTube videos. Thank you.
About President Donald Trump
Published in August 26, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … You are an American citizen and your political views/analyses/criticism about Egypt and its President, Arab countries and their rulers, and Erdoğan and Turkey are sharp, shocking, and very frank, bordering on outright insults! Many Quranists (esp. in Egypt) disagree with your political views, you know … Why do not you attack your American President, for a change, in the same manner?! … Thank you …
We do not need or desire to attack Trump; our voice in this topic will never be heard; by the way, he is being attacked and criticized severely in the American media; the far-right Fox News is the only one media outlet that defends Trump and it has lost its credibility and popularity as it reflects only white supremacy, racist views, and so on. Our mission as a Quranist thinker is not to reform the USA; we seek political and religious reform in Egypt and the Arab world; the USA has its democratic mechanisms which allow reform to take place within free speech and free media. We seek to make the Muhammadans reform themselves by the Only True Islam: Qurnaism. We seek to destroy the Sunnite, Shiite, and Sufi religions that pose as if they were Islam; we seek to undermine and refute clergymen and tyrants of all types as they are corrupt, misguided people who insist on deceiving and misguiding the duped masses; clergymen and tyrants help maintain injustices, crimes, looting, and killing by never allowing any religious and political reform. We help undeceive as many Muhammadans as we can. As for Trump, we tend to think he is a racist, hateful, foolish demagogue who lack the required moralistic level. We refer you to our English articles about Trump: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=15493 / http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=16380). Yet, we do believe that Trump has a very good quality/feature; he is the source of trouble and fear for rulers of the KSA and the other Gulf monarchies. When Obama showed too much respect for these rulers, they despised and insulted him; he was insulted in public in a Saudi airport shortly before his second presidential term ended. We feel glad that Trump shows contempt for the KSA and the Gulf monarchies in public and that he may confiscate their trillions of US$ smuggled into the USA and deposited in American banks; Trump faces severe attacks in the media and he might get fired from his post as the president of the U.S. administration. Yet, he might regain some measure of popularity if he would save the faltering economy by confiscating Saudi and Emirati money and assets inside the USA; he is good at such things because he is a businessman and he is a bold opportunist. The Gulf monarchies fear Trump very much and desire to appease him by their money because their very existence depends on the American support and American military bases; those tyrannical rulers fear facing the same fate of Saddam Hussein and Kaddafi. Our predications within our political writings of the past came true in most cases; you can check for yourself within our archive. We maintain that our prediction regarding the confiscation of money and assets of the UAE and the KSA and other Gulf monarchies inside the USA will come true soon enough; mark our words; you will soon hear this piece of the news on TV and read it in headlines of all newspapers.
Mr. Rasheed and Sheikh Qaradawy!
Published in August 26, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I am a holder of the PhD degree in the field of........ I first knew about you from the episode of the former Muslim presenter Mr. Rasheed who converted to Christianity; I like your refuting his wrong views about the Quran; I'm watching now all your YouTube subtitled-into-English videos (https://www.youtube.com/user/ahlalquran1/featured); I like your progressive, reformist religious views; many of them are my own views as well, formed within deep research of my own; I learn a lot now from your great Quranism website… Yet, I do not like your never writing about views of Mr. Rasheed to refute them; he hates the Quran and seeks to undermine and ridicule it; why do not attack him and his views in the same way you have done with Azharite sheikhs/clergymen and the likes of Al-Shaarawy and Al-Qaradawy?! Mr. Rasheed is an arch-enemy of Islam like those Azharite and non-Azharite sheikhs/clergymen; he is even worse that they are because he insults God in his YouTube videos and his Christian proselytization TV channel … Thank you …
Thank you for our interest in our videos and website. Mr. Rasheed disbelieves in the Quran (i.e., Islam) and he is not a hypocrite; he declares his stances all the time frankly; most of his attacks are directed at heritage books of traditions of the Muhammadans; he challenges and defies their imams and sheikhs and they cannot refute him when he ridicules their myths. We are grateful for him for having us as his guest in his show; he bore patiently with our Quranist views though he hates the Quran. This episode of his when he hosted us are watched by thousands of thousands of people; the number of Quranists increased as a result. We admire Mr. Rasheed for his courage, perseverance, and frankness; he is not a hypocrite and he is a peaceful, non-violent person. Al-Qaradawy and his likes are worse than Mr. Rasheed; they are hypocrites who incite violence, hatred, and terrorism as per their Wahabi religion of Satan; yet, they announce that their 'Islam' (which is, in fact, Wahabism and NOT Islam) is a religion of peace! The Quran mentions that hypocrites will settle in the inner depths/layers of Hell if they die without repentance; this applies to inventors/narrators/fabricators of Sunnite, Shiite, and Sufi hadiths and those who spread them in all eras falsely in the name of Islam. They ascribe lies and falsehoods to God and to His Religion. The Quran mentions that those who trade in religion and/or God's Verses to earn money by misguiding people will enter into Hell if they die without repentance. This applies to all imams of the Muhammadans, past and present. Those hypocrites have tarnished the image of Islam and caused its name to be accused of backwardness, bigotry, and terrorism. Their earthly/terrestrial religions of Satan pose as if they were Islam; the whole world is deceived by such hypocrites/clergymen. They are committing grave injustice towards God, the Quran, and Muhammad. Islam is the Quran only. Those polytheistic Wahabis, esp. those of the KSA, have urged others to try to assassinate our person and they have urged tyrants (e.g., Mubarak) to persecute peaceful Quranists. We suffer media blackout imposed on Quranism and our person; we are grateful for Mr. Rasheed for having our person as a guest in his TV show; no Arab TV channel would have us as guest to speak about Quranism.
The Most Misguided Ones
Published in August 27, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … The Lord God is Just and I never cast doubt on this fact; yet, are all human beings given equal opportunity to seek guidance? I'm an Arab who was raised in an Arab country and I can read the Quran in its original text; non-Arabs are not given this privilege, you know. My family taught me about Islamic acts of worship, etc. When I married my American wife who has no religion, as I live in the USA now, I told her about True Islam (i.e., Quranism) and that the Sunnite Wahabism has nothing to do with Islam; she was surprised because she assumed previously that Islam is a form of political rule/regime like the one of Saddam Hussein in Iraq; she never heard before of Muhammad or the Quran at all! What about millions of people who never heard of the Quran?! Are they the most misguided people? But they did not have the chance to explore the Quran and then to accept or to reject it! What do you think? … Thank you …
The most misguided ones in this world are the Muhammadans who know the Arabic tongue and read the Quran but they insist on abandoning/rejecting the Quranic message; they distort/tarnish the image of Islam by their deeds, stances, and words; it is a disgrace that they ascribe their heinous crimes and centuries-old myths to the name of Islam. Guidance is not linked to any language/tongue; it is closely related to the desire inside oneself to be guided by God; God will increase the guidance of those who sincerely seek being guided. It is not required from all believers to delve deeper into Quranist research; this is done by thinkers and writers; yet, all Muslims should ponder the Quranic verses as much as they can within their mental capacities. God has made the Quran clear and easy to remember and to understand, provided that one's mind/heart or soul is free from polytheistic narratives and notions. Guidance means simply to believe in the monotheism of (There is no God but Allah); one should never deify/sanctify anything/anyone alongside with the Lord God the Creator; guidance means to obey Quranic commands of the Lord God and to repent in case one falls into the trap of any sins; guidance means to adhere to peaceful behavior and never to commit injustices against anyone; this guidance is never attained by the polytheistic Muhammadans.
Performing Pilgrimage Several Times
Published in August 27, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Instead of performing the annual pilgrimage (or Hajj) several times, one should donate money for the poorer classes in my country (Egypt); this is what I'm going to do from now on; what do you think? … Thank you …
You are perfectly right; instead of repeated pilgrimage journeys to Mecca, you can donate money to the poor, the ill, and the needy in Egypt; it is enough to perform pilgrimage once in one's lifetime; it is better not to repeat pilgrimage so that you can help the poorer classes within your reach. May God bless you.
About the Persian Tongue
Published in August 27, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I live in Iran and I know Persian and Arabic perfectly; yet, most Iranian people do not understand Arabic; I wish some of your books and articles would be translated into the Persian tongue so that the number of Quranists would increase inside Iran … Thank you …
Few of our articles are translated into the Persian tongue on this link (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/show_bab.php?page_id=25). We hope that some of our fellow Quranists in Iran who understand Arabic perfectly would readily translate some of our books and articles into the Persian tongue so that our website would have its Persian section in order to reach millions of Persian-speaking people.
To Perform Prayers without Azan
Published in August 28, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it OK, within Quranism, to perform prayers without Azan (i.e., the call for prayers) and without testimony mentioned after prostration? … What do you think? … Thank you …
It is OK to pray without Azan; it is not necessary to utter it or to hear it; you can pray when the time of prayers comes. You must utter the testimony within prayers; it can be the verse 3:18, or you can read 112:1-4. The testimony can be only to utter sincerely the phrase (There is no God but Allah). It is more important to focus on piety and concentration during the five daily prayers and to observe piety all day long; all acts of worship aim at attaining piety, and this means to avoid injustice and major/grave sins.
Months of Pilgrimage, Again
Published in August 28, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Within the months of Hajj or pilgrimage, hunting is forbidden for pilgrims; this means that the pilgrimage season falls in the springtime when animals mate, right? What do you think?… Thank you …
You are mistaken; the lunar months of Islamic pilgrimage (Zu Al-Hijja, Muharram, Saffar, and Rabei Awwal) fall in several seasons (spring, autumn, winter, and summer) within different decades as per the solar calendar; this has nothing to do with mating seasons of animals. Of course, you can perform pilgrimage on your own (and secretly to avoid persecution by the Saudi religious police) in any of the three months after Zu Al-Hijja. We refer you to our book, in English, titled "Pilgrimage between Islam and the Muhammadans", found on this link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=90
Farting while Praying, Again
Published in August 28, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … My grandma is annoyed by the words of a Salafist sheikh on TV that farting spoils prayers and ablution; she suffers from chronic flatulence and she is weeping for fear that her years of prayers might be nullified and rendered unacceptable! I told her that as per Qurnaism, farting does not spoil prayers; she wants to hear this view from you within a reply to this email message........ Please help me to allay the fears of my grandma … Thank you …
We have mentioned before that farting does NOT spoil prayers or ablution because this is NEVER mentioned in the Quran; this notion is found only in Sunnite fiqh of Satan; this has nothing to do with Islam; ablution is spoiled by urinating/defecating or having sex with one's spouse; having sex required full ablution (i.e., having a shower). It is more important to focus on piety and concentration during the five daily prayers and to observe piety all day long; you must inform your grandma of these facts.
The Man I Love is An Orthodox Christian!
Published in July 4, 2010
Question: … Dear Sir, … Having known him and we both fell in love with each other, he confessed to me that he is an Orthodox Christian! For sure, his name does not show this; he told me he never intended to deceive me; he insists that he will not change his religion so that we can marry (we live in Cairo, Egypt) and he told me about you, Dr. Mansour, and your view of Muslim women who can marry any peaceful non-Muslim men as per your own pondering of the verse 5:3 … My lover told me I can keep my religion and he will keep his after we are married. But how can our society be faced with such a fact and such a marriage? I feel that this marriage, if it would take place, would bring endless trouble to me from my family and to my lover from his father and his family! I feel so sad and depressed! What am I supposed to do?! … Thank you …
As per our understanding of the verse 5:3, any Muslim women can marry peaceful men from the People of the Book (i.e., Jews or Christians); Quranic verses about not to get married to (fe)male polytheists/disbelievers refer to aggressors who attack peaceful ones in wars or within religious persecution; thus, you can marry any peaceful man regardless of his faith/denomination: Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Sunnite, Shiite, Sufi, atheist, etc.
The problem is that Wahabi Sunnite fanatics and terrorists (i.e., followers of Bin Laden and his likes) assume in their fiqh rules of Satan that Muslim women must never get married except to Muslim men; the prohibited marriage is to get marries to terrorists and violent people or aggressors. Sectarian strife in Egypt will cause trouble to you if you marry your Christian lover; fanatics and bigots might consider your marriage as a conspiracy to 'kidnap' a woman and convince her to convert to Christianity. Of course, you can choose your religion freely and it is none of anyone's business. Sectarian strife in Egypt causes clashes and trouble if a woman converts to 'Islam' or Christianity to marry her chosen partner. The Egyptian State Security Apparatus interferes in such matters to appease angry fanatics of both sides (i.e., Wahabi Sunnites and Orthodox Christians), esp. when Egyptian media would direct the spotlight into such stories to cover them in order to use them a red herrings to distract the masses from heinous crimes of Mubarak.
Are you sure your chosen partner deserve to sacrifice your peace of mind and to lose your friends and relatives for his sake? Is he courageous enough to stand by you and to support you? Does he really love you? You are to weigh the pros and cons of such a marriage; some fanatics are terrorists who may readily try to kill you and your man, you know. Are you ready to live elsewhere and take hiding to avoid persecution? We have told you that this marriage is legal in Islam; yet, are you and your future partner in life ready to face the resulting serious hardships and troubles? May God help and guide you in your life.
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5169 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,612,662 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,478 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,869 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
الفصل الثانى : الاجتهاد فى التدبر القرآنى وفى الاسلام والكفر والعبادات
القاموس القرآنى : الكفّارة والفدية
الفصل الأول : التقوى والايمان باليوم الآخر أساس الاجتهاد الاسلامى
الفصل الخامس : الاجتهاد الشيطانى العملى فى إضطهاد أهل الكتاب
دعوة للتبرع
زوجها ضعيف جنسيا: زوجى عنده ضعف جنسى كامل . تحملت اربع سنوات...
صحف ابراهيم : تكلم الله عن صحف ابراه يم في القرآ ن و نحن لم...
سؤالان : السؤا ل الأول كلمة ( صدع ) فى القرآ ن هل لها...
إلإعجاز العددى: وردت الاحر ف في بداية 29 سورة قراني ة ...
الترتيب ليس شرطا: هل يشترط الترت يب في الوضؤ ء . اليدي ن ثم...