Fatwas: Part Forty-Eight

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2017-07-31


Fatwas: Part Forty-Eight

Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy


Thank You for Your Comment

Published in July 22, 2017

Question: …  Dear Sir, … I admire very much Episode No. 56 of your show "Quranic Moments", and I'd like to add this comment: the idea of stoning in Quranic stories does not mean literal stoning; i.e., figurative expulsion out of God's mercy, as was the case with Satan after the refusal to prostrate to Adam upon God's order. Likewise, Abraham's father meant by stoning to expel Abraham out of his tribe, I suppose. The same applies to the prophet Shuaib whose tribe attempted to drive him out of their midst, and this is the meaning of stoning, I think; i.e., to expel, ostracize, and scandalize someone … Of course, you are absolutely right in asserting (unmarried) fornicators' right to live and to marry, and they are NEVER to be put to death at all … Thank you …     


  Thank you for your useful, informative comment; may God bless you; wait for more episodes about refuting the notion of stoning.





Thank You, Mr. Ali Yacoub

Published in July 22, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, please allow me Dr. Mansour and Dr. Othman Ali to tell you that the account you've made for me is not valid and I could not log on with the password you gave me … I'd like to add this comment on the article by one of your fellow Quranists about the term ''Sunna''; this is my comment: this terms is NEVER associated in the Quranic text with Muhammad; rather, it is linked directly to God, referring to God's method or way. As for the Sunnite notion of Sunna hadiths, this is mere lies and fabrications; we must refuse and reject that Muhammad had a Sunna/method of his own, in theory or in practice, as he followed only the Quran and nothing else beside it; Muhammad had no other revelations beside God's Word. We are to reject all heretic and blasphemous Sunnite notions without exceptions … Please accept my warmest salutations and affection and my best wishes for your health and happiness within the love of God and all human brethren … Thank you, yours sincerely, Ali Yacoub  …  


  We thank you very much, Mr. Ali Yacoub for your great comment that we publish here for your sake; we'd like that Dr. Othman Ali would re-fresh your account or to create a new one for you; we welcome you as a new Quranist writer on our website, if you like.   






Masculine, Patriarchal Religion

Published in July 23, 2017




Question: …  Dear Sir, … About your video on the Sunnite myth of stoning to death a female monkey that committed adultery, as a woman, I feel that the Sunnite man-made religion is a masculine, patriarchal one that I prejudiced against women; why do not your dedicate some episodes of your show "Quranic Moments" to discuss such aspects? If Arabs in pre-Islamic era used to bury females alive to avoid 'disgrace', Sunnites and their likes bury females alive in niqabs … Thank you …


   Thank you for your email message that reflects a mature mind; please wait for the coming episodes we've videoed already within our YouTube show "Quranic Moments" that expose the masculine, patriarchal Sunnite religion and how it contradicts Islam (i.e., Quranism). 






About Zakat, Again

Published in July 23, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … A Quranist friend of mine has sold his car to buy another one; should he pay zakat money once he receives this money and before or after buying a new car (or not)? … I know it is a repeated question, but the Google search engine on your website is no longer working; I cannot search of answers within your previous fatwas … Thank you …     


  Zakat paid from one's money must be from gained profits, not the capital money; e.g., not from one's farm land, but from money gained from its harvest and profits.  





Treatment with Quranic Verses

Published in July 24, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it OK to treat psychological and physical ailments using certain Quranic verses recited repeatedly to patients? Or is it a myth fabricated by Sunnite Sufis to get some money?… Thank you …        


  It is insulting to the Quran to deal with it as if it were talisman or items of magical powers to ward off evil or the envious eye, or to treat bodies or mental illnesses. The Quran cures and heals souls by guidance as a remedy against committing sins; NOT as a remedy used by charlatans in return for money. When one feels depressed, worried, anxious, afraid, etc., this is because of focusing one's full attention on the transient world instead of the Hereafter. Relief of souls/hearts by the Quran occurs when one reads it while believing whole-heartedly in God and in Fate as well as in the Last Day. One must think on a daily basis of one's inevitable death and the Day of Resurrection and judgment of people by our Lord God in the Hereafter. Thinking of Hell and Paradise makes one think little of cares of life; one attains serenity, contentment, and peace of mind if one performs acts of worship in piety within guidance and devoutness. This causes happiness while praying or reading the Quran. This means the Quran is a cure to one's soul/heart in the figurative sense to denote guidance and relief, NOT a cure in the medical sense or a remedy in the psychological sense. Thank you for your good question.     






A Homosexual Husband!

Published in July 24, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … My sister got married two years ago to a man with whom she was not romantically involved; my sister noticed that he rarely have sex with her! She complained to me about this many times in private. By mere coincidence, I had to use the cellular phone of my brother-in-law inside my sister's house, when mine had a low battery, and to my utter surprise, I discovered on his cellular text messages that prove his sexual relations with other male youths! I found also some photos of him with other naked male youths! I'm sure he is a homosexual man who copulates with other younger men! I am shocked but I ask you if it is OK to tell my poor sister or not, especially that she feels he lost his sexual desire for her. My sister has no children yet; shall I tell her the truth about her husband to get divorced or not? Her husband begins to use various pretext to forsake her bed every night! My parents cannot figure out why my sister's marriage is an unhappy one. What do you think? Any advice? … Thank you …    


  The wife – your sister – is the one to decide what to do and how to act. You must tell her about what you have found in the cellular phone of her husband. She is the one to decide to remain as his legal wife or to get a divorce. If she asked for your advice, you can give her pieces of advice; yet, do not interfere in her life without her permission. She is the one to decide to tell her folks or not and to face her husband or not. She is the one to decide if to remain with him in hope he would get cured or not.





Amount of Recitation

Published in January 30, 2008




Question:  … Dear Sir, … Should one read a certain minimum amount of Quranic verses on a daily basis however busy one's life is? What is this amount in your opinion? … Thank you …         


  The amount and timing of this act of worship (i.e., reading and pondering the Quran) are of minor importance; what is really important and must be emphasized is that you study and ponder the Quranic verses as much as you can as per your intellectual faculties and your time specified by you to be dedicated to this great activity. Really pious ones are those whose belief increases by reading the Quran regularly, and the Quran advises us to read some of its verses after performing the dawn prayers. The amount of verses read is not important; you are not in a race or competition to read so fast without understanding or contemplation. What does count is the feelings of awe and piety you attain as well as deeper reflection resulting in more guidance and knowledge, and how this is reflected on your daily good, pious behavior.     






A Message from Mr. Zachariah Al-Maghraby (1) 

Published in July 25, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … About the episode No. 59 of your great YouTube show "Quranic Moments", I have this comment that reminds all of us of what we've learned from your great archive of Quranist writings: all of these verses refer only to the Quran: "It is but a revelation revealed." (53:4); "It is only a Reminder to all humankind." (81:27); " It is but a Reminder to all humankind." (38:87); "You ask them no wage for it. It is only a Reminder to all humankind." (12:104); "It is but a Reminder to all humankind." (68:52); … Sunnite ignoramuses of sheikhs and clergymen know this fact very well but they choose to overlook and ignore and deny it totally so that they defend their myths that make them gain ill-gotten money by repelling people away from God's Path (i.e., the Quran); thus, their hearts/souls are sick: "Had God recognized any good in them, He would have made them hear; and had He made them hear, they would have turned away defiantly." (8:23) …Thank you …   


  Thank you very much, Mr. Zachariah Al-Maghraby for your useful comment; you are already a writer on our website; we are waiting for your useful articles to grace our website soon enough.





A Message from Mr. Zachariah Al-Maghraby (2) 

Published in July 25, 2017


Question: … Dear Dr. Mansour, … I am extremely worried and cannot sleep; I desire to refute Sunnites' claims that all words of Muhammad in his daily life were inspired by God; how come that if this were true that God has commanded him to consult Yathreb dwellers (i.e., Shura consultation) in all affairs of ruling the Yathreb city-state?! I feel agitated because of the Sunnite insults against Muhammad! What am I to do to get some relief?! … Thank you …   


 If you share your ponderings in the form of articles written by you on our website, you will feel instant relief, we azure you, with the aid of our Lord God. You have a great Quranist mind and your thoughts and writings will be an asset and a great addition to our website. Thank you and God bless you. 





Swearing by His Creations

Published in July 26, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, … Why does God in the Quran swear by His creations like the sun, the moon, etc.? Why mortals cannot do the same as they must swear by God only in solemn oaths? … Thank you …      


  Please read our book on swearing by God's Holy Name; we briefly assert to you that it is not polite to ask God about His deeds: "He will not be questioned about what He does, but they will be questioned." (21:23). People are not to swear by items or things within solemn oaths so as not to deify or sanctify them alongside with God.





Cleanliness and Faith

Published in July 26, 2017


Question: …  Dear Sir, … I'm a new Quranist … Is it part of Islam the proverb that says that cleanliness is part of faith or the idea that "cleanliness is next to Godliness"? … Thank you …         


 There is a section on this topic within our book on Sufism and how it is related to immorality and promiscuity. Please read our entire archive of books and articles before you pose repeated queries.





Sanctifying the Four Pre-Umayyad Caliphs

Published in July 26, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm a new Quranist; I thank you for your great intellectual works that enlighten our minds and show to us true Islam; before I came across your great website and before reading your books, I had greatest doubts on so many hadiths I used to read; now, I reject all hadiths like you … But I feel uneasy about one thing; since most history is false and written much later in certain Abbasid decades, the narratives of Arab conquests might be doubted as well; why are you so bent on attacking the companions of the Prophet Muhammad and the four pre-Umayyad caliphs in particular?! Of course, there might be some companions who never participated in the Arab conquests; but why do you insist on losing some people who insist on admiring the companions? Some of those companions might have been good persons, right? Why on earth do you insist on shocking readers for no reason?! …Thank you …


  You should bear in mind that within the principles of research within history is to deal with writings of historians as they are; we cannot 'wish' that the so-called companions were 'good' ones. Indeed, they were murderers and thieves who occupied Egypt (and other countries) to form an Arab empire while falsely raising the banner of Islam. We cannot invent 'good' stories about the so-called companions, as creative, literary writing has nothing to do with researching history. A researcher must be as neutral and objective as possible regarding analysis of historians' accounts; this is our methodology within our book (in English) titled "The Unspoken-of History of the Pre-Umayyad 'Righteous' Caliphs" found on this link: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=83). We have shown how narratives about those caliphs are contradictory and how each historian (e.g., Al-Tabari, Ibn Saad, Ibn Al-Atheer, or Ibn Al-Jawzy) would be biased for or against certain historical figures as per his doctrine (Shiite or Sunnite), and how a modern historian in the 20th and 21st centuries must be careful about that. All what we did is to narrate less-known-by- the-public stories (in Sunnite books) about crimes of such caliphs and companions who rejected the Quran for the sake of worldly possessions and glory, and no fair arbiter may accuse us of ascribing lies to these companions as all their scandals are written in books of history so cherished by Sunnites (who mostly never read these books!). Of course, history is a relative thing that might be true or false; it is NOT part of religion, as history is written by mortals who might err. All human beings have done bad and good deeds; real human history will be shown only on the Last Day in the Hereafter. We sadly regret to say that you might still be sanctifying and deifying those caliphs and companions. A real Quranist person deifies and sanctified God only and NEVER any mortals at all. The so-called companions are deities for Sunnites; you must be a true monotheist who reject such deities if you really seek to be a Quranist.         






The Rest of Inheritance Money

Published in July 27, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … Is there a chance that after shares of inheritance money of a deceased person are distributed as per Quranic law, some money may still remain? … What is to be done in that case? … Thank you …     


 Let us give an example: a man died while leaving behind a wife and one daughter; this daughter will have half of the inheritance money, and the wife 1/8 of the money. This means that inheritance money is divided into 8 shares, one share for the wife and four for the daughter; the rest of three shares might be distributed by the Quran-based State to be given to relatives who do not normally inherit shares or to some of the poor and the needy, as the case might be for the general interest.






One's Granddaughter!

Published in July 27, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, … The Quran does not tell us specifically that a man cannot marry his granddaughter, right?! … What do you think?! … Thank you …   


  Of course, one can NEVER marry one's granddaughter begotten by his son or daughter, and a granddaughter can NEVER marry her paternal or maternal grandfather. This is inferred from the word 'daughters' in this verse about types of women one cannot marry: "Forbidden for you are your mothers, your daughters,..." (4:23).





Disbelieving in the Quran

Published in July 28, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … I was about to convert to atheism because of the so-called hadiths and myths of the fiqh books, until a friend of mine told us about your website; I enjoyed reading all tour books and articles … Yet, I dislike immensely the articles about 'scientific' signs or indications in Quranic verses and the so-called numerical miracles … Later on, I found myself disbelieving in the Quran, as I can no longer believe a single word in it, nor about anything metaphysical … Why are you so sure about the authenticity of the Quran and God's existence?! What led you to think that this is really God's Word?! …Thank you for your time to answer me …      


   We respect the choice of each person: to (dis)believe or to (dis)obey. Each individual is to choose to be a religious person or an atheist; we, Quranists, respect these choices and we would like others to respect ours. Eventually, everyone is going to be responsible, in the Hereafter, for choices made during one's lifetime. We respect freedom of choice and religious freedom for all human beings, but it is our moral duty to advise you: do not take hasty decisions to convert to atheism or to reject any ideas without deeper thinking and reconsiderations. You should know that one's religion is one's real future for eternity in the Hereafter, as this worldly life is transient and temporal. Our lifetimes are short and end in death, and all of humanity will stand before our Lord God on the Day of Resurrection to be judged, and then, one will enter either into Hell or into Paradise for eternity. We advise you sincerely to choose what will help you to gain salvation. This is your own choice and responsibility; we personally will never gain anything if you believe in Quranism or lose anything if you disbelieve in it. We accept what you will choose for yourself. We implore the Almighty Lord Allah to guide you and us to His Righteous Path.            





I Am A Quranist, But...

Published in July 28, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … I take pride in being a Quranist, and I infinitely thank you for being what you are; indeed, you are the greatest thinker I have ever read and admired … I am supporting you wholeheartedly in rejecting hadiths and all myths of fiqh and Sufism … Yet, I do not like your attacking and ridiculing the companions of the Prophet Muhammad, especially the four pre-Umayyads caliphs: why are you bent on losing a larger audience by doing this?! This is not the time for losing more people! Besides, some Wahabi foes accuse you of being a Shiite as a result of such ridicule and attacks!  … Thank you  …  


  We are to ridicule those Sunnite deities so that we undermine polytheism; reform means to demolish, destroy, and debunk myths and then to build a new understanding of the Quran as per its own terminology. Within our intellectual, peaceful jihad, we are to undermine and refute all myths and notions of deifying caliphs, imams, companions, and saints of Sufis, Sunnites, and Shiites who ascribe falsely such myths/hadiths/fiqh to Islam. Thus, we must tackle the history of caliphs, and we cannot be accuse of being a Shiite as we have severely criticized their supreme deity Ali Ibn Abou Talib in our books and articles. Our Shiite foes are furious because of that, if you do not know. We use the Quran as the sole criterion to judge history of Muhammadans and their earthly, man-made religions, without fearing any slandering, rebuke, threats, or verbal abuse. We do not care to please or to flatter any person; we care only to gratify our Lord God. Thank you.           





About the Verse 43:13

Published in July 29, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, … "...Glory be to Him Who placed these at our service; surely we cannot associate anything with Him" … What does this verse mean?… Thank you …


 This verse means that a true monotheist is NEVER to associate any mortals in glorifying God; one cannot deify or sanctify any other mortals by ascribing to them divine epithets and/or qualities as 'holy' beings. This is why true believers glorify God by uttering this verse you quote.  






Does God Scheme?!

Published in July 29, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, … About this verse: "And I will encourage them. My scheme is firm." (7:183), does God scheme, plan, and plot?! Why?! … Thank you …     


  God in the Quran speaks metaphorically and figuratively using acts/deeds of human beings to make us grasp and understand; God is definitely beyond our imagination and minds, and this style makes us understand divine deeds and purposes. Bearing this in mind, you should ponder upon these verses (about scheming of God) in light of all this: " And I will encourage them. My scheme is firm. Do they not think? There is no madness in their friend. He is but a plain warner.Have they not observed the government of the heavens and the earth, and all the things that God created, and that their time may have drawn near? Which discourse, besides this, will they believe in?" (7:183-185); "So leave Me to those who reject this discourse; We will proceed against them gradually, from where they do not know. And I will give them respite. My plan is firm." (68:44-45); "It is a Decisive Word. It is no joke. They plot and scheme. But I plot and scheme. Therefore, give the disbelievers respite, a brief respite." (86:13-17). We notice here that the scheming of disbelievers is to reject God's Word, the Quran, and they insist on the belief in man-made, fabricated discourses, narratives, and hadiths. This has been the case with the Muhammadans for centuries until now. 





A Quranist before Knowing You

Published in July 30, 2017




Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm happy to say that it seems that I was  a Quranist woman before even I know the term Quranism when I logged on your great website for the first time; I always had gravest doubts on hadiths sine my early age, especially the ones insulting and degrading women (and insulting to Islam and God), telling myself that it is impossible that Prophet Muhammad would have uttered such nonsensical narratives. I give you the credit for exposing the corruption and falsehoods of Sunnites who adore and propagate hadiths that turned Arab nations into domesticated herds of cattle; I used to implore our Lord Allah to guide me to the True Islam; these prayers were answered when I came across your great Quranism website… I hope I can help you and join the caravan/train of enlightenment with you; is there anything I can do for you, Dr. Mansour?  …Thank you …    


 Thank you, our daughter; your message has pleased our heart so much; you are welcome to have an account on our website and to write comments on our YouTube videos. We need you to spread in cyberspace links of our articles, books, and videos, if you have spare time, so that you help spread reforming Muslims using the Quran. Thank you.    





A Terminally Ill Person

Published in July 30, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … I have cancer and I might die soon; I'm terminally ill (or so assert my doctors), and I fear I have not enough time left to expatiate and atone for my sins of the past, especially that for the last 9 years of my life, I never performed a single prayer! What am I supposed to do?! This is my calculation: (9 years X 365 days X 5 daily prayers = 16425 prayers). Am I supposed to perform 16425 prayers in this short time that may remain of my lifetime? Besides, I fear that I might enter into Hell! I have not performed so many good deeds in my life; shall I donate my entire wealth to charity works and to the poor and the needy? I desire to obtain God's mercy, but what am I to do since I may not live long enough to atone for my sins, especially that I used to be a skeptic for years?! … Thank you for your time to answer me …   


 May God grant you His mercy and provide you with good health soon; performing prayers are not that difficult: one can perform them while lying down or sitting, provided that one performs them in piety and in the fear of our Lord God with deep concentration as much as one can. You can perform one additional prayers with each of the five daily ones; this will not take more than one hour per day. Of course, repentance must be linked to performance of as many good deeds as possible, chief among them is alms or charity donations to atone for one's sins. This includes zakat money; God says in the Quran: "They ask you what they should give. Say, "Whatever charity you give is for the parents, and the relatives, and the orphans, and the poor, and the wayfarer. Whatever good you do, God is aware of it." (2:215). And donating money to serve God's cause or for God's sake (something about which most Quranist forget); in contrast, disbelievers and polytheists spend billions to repel people away from God's Path. God says in the Quran: "Here you are, being called to spend in the cause of God. Among you are those who withhold; but whoever withholds is withholding against his own soul. God is the Rich, while you are the needy. And if you turn away, He will replace you with another people, and they will not be like you." (47:38). We ourselves dedicate our money, effort, and time to maintain our Quranism website and YouTube channel, with our modest means; we need donations from those who afford them. God says in the Quran: "Say, "My Lord extends the provision to whomever He wills of His servants, or withholds it. Anything you spend, He will replace it. He is the Best of providers."" (34:39).     


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