Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy:
Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Fifty-Eight

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2020-04-16

                      Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Fifty-Eight


Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy





A Very Wide Gap

Published in April 8, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … I admire some of your ideas and hate other ideas regarding your pondering the Quranic text; I like very much your writings in history.....................I have my own ideas and ponderings on the Holy Quran and also on the biography of our Holy Prophet Muhammad, the Best Messenger of God, which I'd like to share on your website, if you please..........   … Thank you …


 Before we allow you to become a writer of articles on our website, you must bridge the wide gap between you and Qurnaism: You need to read more within our Quranist archive of writings; the fact that in your email message, you have written these words: (Holy Prophet Muhammad, the Best Messenger) indicates that your soul/heart/mind contains polytheism by deifying Muhammad and by rejecting the Quranic command of never to make distinction at all among the Lord God's messengers/prophets. Those who claim that Muhammad is 'holy' or the 'best' are never Muslims/monotheists/Quranists; they are polytheistic Muhammadans.   





From Bangladesh

Published in April 8, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … I am from Bangladesh and I've read many of your articles and books in Arabic; I have now a general idea of what your Quranism is like; I know you are a great reformist thinker; yet, I wonder how one would find, in the Quranic text, the way and rules concerning performing prayers since your Quran-only Islam excludes hadiths and fiqh................ … Thank you in advance …


 You are more than welcome to our Quranism website; in order to find an answer to your question, please watch our subtitled-into-English YouTube videos about prayers ( and please read our book titled (Between the Quranic Prayers of Muslims and the Devilish Prayers of the Muhammadans). 






May the Lord God Pardon You

Published in April 8, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, …  You are like a Godfather to me; you are indeed my religious role-model and my source of guidance; I'd like to share my grief and complaint with you; when my only daughter was merely an 11-year-old child, she was raped during my absence by my nephew (i.e., the son of my sister) who is 8 years older than my daughter; my daughter could not understand what happened to her; she told us about this 4 years after the crime itself; she is now 18 years old, and my wife urged me to accept that my daughter would undergo an operation to restore the hymen (i.e., thus asserting her virginity) before any young man would propose to our daughter.......... I paid a large sum of money and the surgical operation took place, and yet, my pricks of conscience are still there; I feel that I have spared my daughter any sense of shame as per the oriental mentality; yet, am I supposed to deceive any would-be fiancé of my daughter?! Should I tell him the truth about my daughter's being raped during her childhood or not? Would he accept my frankness or reject my daughter as if she were 'soiled' and 'deflowered'?! If I would hide the truth from any would-be fiancé, I will feel so guilty! Would this be sinful since I would cheat another person who would propose to my daughter?! I know that my daughter is innocent, but would any would-be fiancé believe me?! Any young man might cast doubt on the honor and behavior of my poor, innocent daughter if I am honest enough to inform him of the unhappy truth! What am I supposed to do? Shall I hide the unhappy truth? Virginity of unmarried young women is of supreme importance in the Arab culture, as you know............ Any advice?!    … Thank you …


 Undoubtedly, to conceal the unhappy truth from any young man who would solicit your daughter's hand in marriage is a sin; yet, you have to conceal it since no one would sympathize with her in such a case because of the Arab/oriental mentality; may the Lord God pardon you for having to conceal this unhappy truth; this pardon for concealment may be granted to you (and to your wife and daughter) by the Lord God if all of you adhere to piety and performed many good deeds.

 By the way, we appreciate your making our person like a Godfather to you, but we are no 'religious' role-model and we are not a source of guidance; true monotheists consider the Quran as their Only Source of guidance; there is no such a thing as a 'religious' role model for Quranists in matters of religion since all human beings tend to err; you should not share complaints/grief with our person or with anyone else; you are to supplicate to God for forgiveness, guidance, and deliverance as per what we learn from the Quranic story of Jacob: "...“I only complain of my grief and sorrow to God..." (12:86).





The Coronavirus and Salafists/Wahabis

Published in April 9, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … In the Arab country where I live, the government closed down all mosques and imposed a curfew as part of the efforts to eliminate the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic and lessen the number of those who might die of it; yet, some Salafists/Wahabis, to spite the rulers and governors, gathered many people and performed the congregational Friday noon prayers inside open-air markets! They also distributed pamphlets about 'curing' and warding off the Coronavirus by consuming honey and the black seed! This is very silly and unscientific, I know. What is your own view about such stubborn, ignorant Salafists/Wahabis who challenge the government by violating the curfew and by spreading such lies in pamphlets to deceive the masses?  … Thank you …    


 We do believe that Salafists/Wahabis are more dangerous than the Coronavirus; both Wahabis and the Coronavirus are pandemics; yet, the Coronavirus might kill the body, not the soul, and make some people meet their end: death. In contrast, the pandemic known as the terrestrial religions of Salafists (of all types: Wahabis and non-Wahabis) do not kill the body; they kill the soul; they make heedless people live with dead souls in this world and then lose their souls in eternal damnation and perdition in Hell where the souls will neither live nor die. The Salafist pandemic destroys and never creates anything useful; it causes harm and damage only. Hence, the polytheistic Salafists (who are worshipers of deified ancestors) are Sunnites/Wahabis, Shiites, and Sufis who never ponder the Quran and they prefer to worship mausoleums and entombed dust. They reject and hate our Quranism though the Quran offers them deliverance/salvation in this world and in the Hereafter since the Quran is the cure against polytheism and myths/hadiths; yet, they insist on rejecting the Quran as they prefer their own holy books of hadiths/fiqh. The Lord God will settle the religious disputes/differences between Quranists and the Muhammadans on the Last Day. 





Praised Be the Lord God the Master of the Judgment Day

Published in April 9, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, …  I admire your great Quranist writings and YouTube videos and I have converted to Quranism; yet, my question is as follows: not everyone is as qualified & knowledgeable as you are to research the Quranic text; my late father and my late elder brother were very good people who were pious and religious and charitable; yet, they believed in hadiths. I understand from your writings that in such a case, the likes of my late father and my late elder brother are polytheistic Muhammadans whose good deeds will be nullified on the Last Day. This means their fate in the Hereafter is Hell. I am troubled by this truth; will good people who die without hearing about Quranism as the Only True Islam enter into Hell for their belief in hadiths?! They lived while assuming that they followed the truth and they deemed themselves as pious, devout monotheists/Muslims/submitters; I infer from your writings that all hadiths-believers are polytheists even if they do not realize it since they are heedless of the Quran and never ponder it...............     … Thank you …        


 The Quranic Message is a warning for living people only; naturally, we preach Quranism to the living people only. That the dying people realize the truth about their fate (either in Paradise or in Hell) as per what they hear from the angels of death means that their fate is decided forever; this fate is the Lord God's decree (after judging the soul's belief and deeds) which cannot be changed/revoked by any living people among their relatives of deceased people. Please do not think much about the fate of dead souls; think more about the fate of your own soul.

 Let us tell you the following about our own late biological father the sheikh Mansour M. Ali: he was a cultured sheikh and he taught the Quran to others; during our childhood, we read a lot of books from his own home library; he was taught in Al-Azhar for years; he taught us how to pray since our childhood; he performed extra nightly long prayers most of his life; he read the Quran a lot and he remembered/glorified the Lord God every day. Despite his being poor, our father was charitable with the poorer people. As a child, we deemed him as our role-model in life; he died when we were 14 years old. We feel heart-wringing sorrow as we remember that our late father made us accompany him to visit/worship at the mausoleum of a 'saint' (i.e., Al-Sayed Al-Badawi, in Tanta, Egypt); we remember that as a preacher/sermonizer in the mosque of our village, our father quoted hadiths alongside with Quranic verses in the sermons he delivered. Of course, we pray for our father so that the Lord God may pardon him though we know such supplications are of no use to dead people; the fate of our late father is already decided upon the moment of his death when angels of death informed him of his fate. We feel sorry for our late father.

 We assert here our view that the Lord God gives more than one chance to each living person to reflect, contemplate, consider, and think of monotheism; i.e., to believe in the Lord God the Creator only without any false gods/deities. Such chances are given especially when people would face ordeals/hardships and adversities as well as life-threatening situations during which they adhere to monotheism; sadly, after deliverance from such hardships, most people return to polytheism by deifying things/tombs and persons.

 One year after the death of our biological father, we announced in our village that the 'holy' tombs in them are abominations of Satan's doing. We were a 15-year-old adolescent at the time. We remember that at the time, we wondered why our own father never reached and/or announced the same fact tough he was a preacher/sermonizer and a teacher of the Quran; he had the potential and the ability to see/realize the Truth and to preach it; he never did. We, as we write these lines, feel very sorry for our late father who was our role model in life.





A Question of Inheritance

Published in April 9, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … The inheritance is a 9-hectare stretch of land and the inheritors are 5 males and 4 females; the parents (their father and mother) are dead long ago; how such inheritance would be distributed? … Thank you …      


  Only the living ones are inheritors; the dead persons have no inheritance shares; by the way, you have not mentioned in your email message who the deceased person was; i.e., you have not mentioned how the deceased person is related to the inheritors; anyway, as per your own words about the number of male and female inheritors, the land should be divided into 14 equal pieces and each male would receive two pieces and each female would receive one piece as per the following Quranic law about inheritance: "...The male receives the equivalent of the share of two females..." (4:11).





The Coronavirus and Preordained Fate

Published in April 10, 2020




Question: … Dear Sir, … As he fears I might get killed by the Coronavirus if I get in contact with infected people, my father prevents me from stepping out of the house to earn my living to feed my kids; when I reminded him of the Quranic verse "...Nothing will happen to us except what God has ordained for us..." (9:51), he told me that no one would take a risk of standing in front of a fast-moving train while assuming that being hurt or saved is as per one's preordained fate........What do you think? … Thank you …      


 Of course, to stand deliberately before a train is to choose willingly to commit suicide, and this grave sin has nothing to do with fate. One's moment of death is, of course, predetermined by the Lord God (within natural death, sickness, murder...etc.). Thus, it is a matter of possibilities that one might get infected and die of the Coronavirus or not; one might get cured; one might never get infected by the Coronavirus in the first place. In contrast, to commit suicide is not fate; it is committing a sin deliberately by choosing to kill oneself with no other possibilities of survival or being saved. By the way, as per statistics worldwide, fewer people die of the Coronavirus; many people get cured. Death has many apparent worldly reasons; of course, we advise you to stay at home and never to step out of it unless in cases of extreme necessity until the pandemic ends. If you have to leave your house for any reason, you have to take all of the precautionary measures, of course. 





The Coronavirus & Shiite and Sunnite Hadiths/Myths

Published in April 10, 2020



Question:  … Dear Sir, … Many Sunnites and Shiites in my country spread (online and in pamphlets) hadiths about plagues/epidemics/pestilences and how to avoid them and about never to leave one's town and house; they assume that such hadiths predict the notion of quarantines!............ What do you think of such myths? … Thank you …      


 Instead of following news about a possible cure for the Coronavirus to save humanity, the backward, obscurantist Muhammadans insist on seizing the chance to spread their hadiths/myths. Such hadiths have nothing to do with Islam; such hadiths reflect the culture of the Middle-Ages when plagues occurred a lot; history books tells us that pilgrimage was banned at such times and that medieval authorities forced people never to leave their towns and they sometimes imposed curfews. Indeed, the backwardness, obscurantism, and religious myths of the ignoramuses of the Muhammadans are more dangerous than the Coronavirus pandemic.  





Irrational Fear of the Coronavirus

Published in April 11, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … My mom, who reads a lot on your website, has a phobia of the Coronavirus pandemic; she fears very much when I and my brothers would touch anything, go shopping,...etc., and she, more often than not, force us to wash our hands over and over with water and soap; she cannot realize that merely standing before the house is safe and would not kill us; she assumed that the Coronavirus pandemic would kill off a percentage of human beings this year! Please tell her anything to allay her irrational fear........... … Thank you …   


 The irrational fear/phobia of the Coronavirus may be more harmful than the pandemic itself. One is to take all of the precautionary measures when one steps out of one's house; meanwhile, one is to rely on the Lord God: "Say, “Nothing will happen to us except what God has ordained for us; He is our Ally.” In God let the believers put their trust." (9:51). We know a friend of ours who takes care of his 90-year-old mother who suffers many ailments (diabetes, high blood pressure, and the heart disease) and she even broke her arms and legs several times before; this friend of ours devotes his time to take care of his mother; he accompanies her to the hospital when she gets into a coma, and though each time he and others expect her death, she lives on. Many of us wish this terminally ill mother to die in order to be relieved from her pains and so that her son would get some rest; he and she are being tested within such ordeal/hardship. What has happened to both of them are strange: nearly a month ago, the son (who is our friend) underwent tests and was told he became a Coronavirus-positive case; he never cared because he was too busy caring for his mother inside their house; he took some medicine and he survived; he got cured and his mother never got infected; she lives on!         





Is the Coronavirus a Torment Inflicted by God?

Published in April 11, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, …  Is the Coronavirus a type of torment inflicted by God on sinful people to urge them to repent?! Some people online answer to that question in the affirmative while quoting this Quranic verse: "Whatever calamity befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned; and yet He pardons much." (42:30); what is your own view?...........  … Thank you …     


 In our view, the Coronavirus is one of the soldiers/troops of the Lord God: "...None knows the soldiers of your Lord except He..." (74:31). We talk in detail about this topic in one of the first episodes (among the second group of one thousand episodes) of our YouTube show titled (Quranic Moments). Of course, death and adversity/prosperity are part of the inevitable, preordained fates; we talked about them a lot in many episodes of our YouTube show. For sure, some adversities/calamities are punishments in the form of torment; some are tests sent to human beings; this is not decided by mortals but as per the Omniscience of the Lord God as per 42:30. In both cases, pious monotheists pass the test by adhering to prayers, patience, thankfulness, seeking God's pardon and forgiveness, and glorifying/praising the Lord God. No human beings can avoid tests of life which include hardships/calamities imposed by the Lord God. Penalties/punishments are sometimes imposed on sinners and unjust ones so that they wake up, repent, make amends, and reform their souls; the true winners are the pious ones whose deeds and faith will be accepted by the Lord God in the Hereafter and they will enter into Paradise.     






About The Quranic Verses 58:2-4

Published in April 12, 2020


Question: …  Dear Sir, …  After a quarrel, my husband (in a fit of fury) made a vow to God (or a solemn oath in God's Holy Name) to forsake my bed (i.e., not to have sex with me!); I am not sure if 58:2-3 would apply to this case or not; how would my husband break his vow while not incurring the wrath of God? Should he fast for 60 days to atone for the sin of breaking his vow or solemn oath as per 58:4? Would that be OK before or after Ramadan? Any ideas? …  Thank you …        


 The Lord God says the following in the Holy Quran: "Those of you who estrange their wives by equating them with their mothers - they are not their mothers. Their mothers are none else but those who gave birth to them. What they say is evil, and a blatant lie. But God is Pardoning and Forgiving. Those who estrange their wives by equating them with their mothers, then go back on what they said, must set free a slave before they may touch one another. To this you are exhorted, and God is well aware of what you do. But whoever cannot find the means must fast for two consecutive months before they may touch one another. And if he is unable, then the feeding of sixty needy people. This, in order that you affirm your faith in God and His Messenger. These are the laws of God. The disbelievers will have a painful torment." (58:2-4).

 The case in the context of 58:2-4 does NOT apply to your case; your husband did not say literally that you are like his mother; besides, breaking one's vow of any type (including the case of your husband) entails fasting for three days and performing many good deeds while seeking to gratify the Lord God within piety and imploring the Lord God and supplicating to Him for forgiveness and pardon.





Please Read More (1)

Published in April 12, 2020




Question: … Dear Sir, …  I cannot help but wonder how the Quran is, for you, an enough source for all religious laws/legislations about any matter linked to Islam; the Quran does not contain how to perform the daily prayers and the number of their Raqas....... Besides, you say that Islam is the universal religion from Adam to Muhammad and until the end of days though the term (Islam) is never found in ancient scriptures........... What do you think? …  Thank you …


 To receive answers to your queries, you should read more within our archive of writings; you should read our book titled (Between the Quranic Prayers of Muslims and the Devilish Prayers of the Muhammadans); we also refer you to these English books of ours:

The Quran: Sufficient as a Source of Islamic Legislation

How to Understand the Holy Quran

An Imaginary CNN Interview with Prophet Muhammad

 We also refer you to these two English articles of ours about the universality of Islam:




Please Read More (2)

Published in April 12, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … I believe in the Quran-only Islam; your writings have convinced me; yet, how come that you say there is no need for sheikhs/clergymen? Not everyone is qualified for understanding the Quran using the Quranist research methodology that you advocate; there are many illiterate people who need to ask learned people, who are knowledgeable in the Quran, for fatwas regarding their problems and about how to perform acts of worship properly; Quranists are not available in person most of the time; they rarely profess their faith in public for fear of being persecuted in their respective (Arab) countries................. What do you think?  …  Thank you …


 You should read more within our archive of writings and within our fatwas; you should watch our YouTube videos; we have mentioned our views about such topics many times. There are no clergymen/sheikhs in Islam at all; the Quran never refers to any hierarchy of clergy or to any religious institutions to be established in Islam. Quranists should spread links to our website and videos to spread Quranist knowledge and to raise people's awareness about True Islam. The pious seekers of the Quranic Truth will be patient enough to read within our website and learn more. Of course, we offer our own views/fatwas and ascribe them to ourselves and to our mind and not to Islam per se; i.e., we ascribe them to our own understanding of the Quranic verses. Readers should choose for themselves to accept or reject any of our views. All our views/fatwas can be discussed by writing comments below them and by sending email messages about them. Why most people are too busy/lazy to read within our website?! We grow tired of having to repeat to people to read more within our archive of writings (fatwas, articles, and books) before posing repeated questions.    





Working as a Lawyer

Published in April 13, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it OK or not to work as a lawyer since you believe that there is no justice in the judicial authority in the Arab world? Is it OK or not for lawyers to defend, as clients, any criminals who are guilty (and such lawyers know for sure they are unjust criminals)? Any ideas? …  Thank you … 


 Of course, it is OK to work as a lawyer within any country; justice in this world is relative; even if laws, judges, and courts are just, the wronged people need to hire lawyers to defend them. Of course, pious lawyers should represent defendants who are wronged and not unjust criminals. Corrupt lawyers who defend guilty criminals using loopholes in any legal system are partners in the crimes committed by such criminals. Pious, Quranist lawyers should never defend such criminals.




Please Read More (3)

Published in April 13, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir,  … I disagree with your view, expressed in your YouTube episodes, that the Quranic text is clear enough for everyone; many people are not educated enough; they need to consult books of interpretation/exegeses or ask sheikhs/clergymen.......If you suggest that they should never do so, and they could not understand the Quran on their own, what can they do then?!........... Any ideas?  … Thank you … 


 You should read more within our archive of writings; we have repeated many times that there are no clergymen in True Islam; besides, no authors of books of exegeses/interpretations were contemporaries of Muhammad; of course, Muhammad never left a book(let) about 'interpreting' the Quranic text. Besides, the Quran is never vague; Quranic verses explain one another; what bars one's mind/soul from reaching the guidance of the Quranic Light is falsehoods/lies/hadiths and wrong notions which fill the books of the Muhammadans written in the Middle-Ages; one will understand the Quran only if one would correct one's faith; i.e., by rejecting polytheism (which is to deify mortals) and by believing in the fact that the Quran is the Only Source of Islam; this is part of the meaning of monotheism. We refer you to our book in English and in French, respectively, titled "How to Understand the Holy Quran" found on the following links:

 We refer you also to the links of three articles of ours, in English, which exemplify how we examine analyze, and study Quranic verses to reach Quranic facts:





The Coronavirus and the Tests of Adversity

Published in April 13, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … I do not believe that any measures, medicine, or quarantine would save anyone from the Coronavirus pandemic; one must only read the Quran within deep concentration and insight; the Lord God will protect those with deep faith: "...God is the Best Guardian, and He is the Most Merciful of the merciful." (12:64). ........... What do you think? …  Thank you …    


 We think that there are those who read the Quran without pondering it and there are those who ponder its verses and terminology. Tests of life is preordained by the Lord God for all (dis)believing people as part of predetermined fates (and we have covered this topic in our fatwas, YouTube episodes, and one of our books about tests of life); such tests include calamities, hardships, ordeals, and times of adversity; the Coronavirus is a test for all people worldwide. One must adhere to all of the precautionary measures to avoid being infected with the Coronavirus, and one should also rely on the Lord God at the same time. The Lord God addresses the following in the Quran to monotheistic believers: "Have the people supposed that they will be left alone to say, “We believe,” without being put to the test?" (29:2); "Or do you expect to enter Paradise before the example of those who came before you had reached you? Adversity and hardship had afflicted them, and they were so shaken up, that the messenger and those who believed with him said, “When is God’s victory?” Indeed, God’s victory is near." (2:214); "Or do you expect to enter Paradise, before God has distinguished those among you who strive, and before He has distinguished the steadfast?" (3:142). The following are the words of Jacob/Israel recorded in the Quran: "...God is the Best Guardian, and He is the Most Merciful of the merciful." (12:64); "...and God is my Help against what you allege." (12:18). Yet, you should also remember the advice of Jacob to his sons before their traveling to Egypt during the famine: "And he said, “O my sons, do not enter by one gate, but enter by different gates. I cannot avail you anything against God. The decision rests only with God. On Him I rely, and on Him let the reliant rely.”" (12:67). Of course, believers always say the following: "...“Our Lord is the Dominant One, Whose help is sought against what you allege.”" (21:112).  





Battles of Jesus Christ

Published in April 14, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir,  … I think this Quranic phrase addressed to Jesus: "...And recall that I restrained the Israelites from you..." (5:110) means that Jesus was never harmed, fought, or crucified by the Israelites, right? Any ideas? … Thank you …    


 In fact, 5:110 is never part of debunking the myth of killing/crucifying Jesus; rather, it is part of the Quranic context indicating battles fought by Jesus and his followers against the disbelieving aggressors among the Israelites who waged a war against them; the Lord God granted victory to Jesus and his followers: "When God will say, “O Jesus son of Mary, recall My favor upon you and upon your mother, how I supported you with the Holy Spirit. You spoke to the people from the crib, and in maturity. How I taught you the Book and Wisdom, and the Torah and the Gospel. And recall that you molded from clay the shape of a bird, by My leave, and then you breathed into it, and it became a bird, by My leave. And you healed the blind and the leprous, by My leave; and you revived the dead, by My leave. And recall that I restrained the Israelites from you when you brought them the clear miracles. But those who disbelieved among them said, `This is nothing but obvious sorcery.'“ “And when I inspired the disciples: 'Believe in Me and with My Messenger.' They said, 'We have believed, so bear witness that we are Muslims/submitters.'“" (5:110-111); "When Jesus sensed disbelief on their part, he said, “Who are my allies towards God?” The disciples said, “We are God’s allies; we have believed in God, and bear witness that we are submitters.” “Our Lord, we have believed in what You have revealed, and we have followed the messenger, so count us among the witnesses.” They schemed, and God schemed; but God is the Best of schemers. God said, “O Jesus, I am terminating your life, and raising you to Me, and clearing you of those who disbelieve. And I will make those who follow you superior to those who disbelieve, until the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me is your return; then I will judge between you regarding what you were disputing." (3:52-55); "O you who believe! Be supporters of God, as Jesus son of Mary said to the disciples, “Who are my supporters towards God?” The disciples said, “We are God's supporters.” So a group of the Israelites believed, while another group disbelieved. We supported those who believed against their foe, so they became dominant." (61:14).  




Khadija Belongs to History and Not to Islam as a Religion

Published in April 14, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … The Sunnite historians mention this narrative about Khadija (Prophet Muhammad's first wife): The archangel Gabriel told Prophet Muhammad that the Lord God sends His greetings of peace to her and that He promises her a palace in Paradise where she will be comforted and never feel any fatigue ..... Is this narrative true or not? Any ideas? … Thank you …  


 As you know quite well, Quranists never believe in any hadiths at all; not even a single one; the hadith you have quoted has nothing to do with Islam; Muhammad never uttered it; besides, the Quran does not mention the name (Khadija). In fact, Khadija is a historical figure; her name has nothing to do with Islam which is the Quran only. The Quran tells us that Muhammad had many wives and their names and number are not mentioned in the Quranic text at all. History is written by men, and it never pertains to religion; religion is not history; but, of course, the Quranic stories pertain to the Absolute Quranic Truth. The silly hadith you have quoted is part of the terrestrial/earthly Sunnite religion of Satan which urges its followers to deify many mortals (including wives of Muhammad); many devilish hadiths revolve around deifying (fe)male mortals. Quranists are monotheists who draw nearer to the Lord God by rejecting and disbelieving in all hadiths of any type; all hadiths are devilish narratives/revelations invented and fabricated many decades after the death of Muhammad.




About a Cairene District

Published in April 15, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, …  You've mentioned in your series of articles about the Mameluke Era (which are part of the book, in English, titled "The Big Criminals Who Are Tyrants and Clergymen in the Planet of the Muhammadans") that there is a Mameluke sultan named Farag and a Mameluke prince and high-rank employee named Abou Al-Farag; does any of them is behind the name of the district in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, which is (Rood Al-Farag)? Any ideas? … Thank you …


   No. this Cairene district has nothing to do with the Mameluke Era; besides, many Mameluke princes had the term (Farag) as part of their prenames and surnames; besides, when Al-Makrizi authored his book (Al-Khetat) about geography and plans of Cairo and other Egyptian cities, he never mentioned the Cairene district Rood Al-Farag (it never existed during the Mameluke Era) but he mentions its neighboring Cairene district of Shoubra.       





Judging as per the Lord God's Word

Published in April 15, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, …  The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "...Those who do not judge according to what God revealed are the disbelievers... Those who do not judge according to what God revealed are the unjust ones." (5:44-45); hence, judges in the judicial authority should use the Quran only to issue rulings and verdicts, right? This means hands of thieves must be cut off, right? ........... Any ideas? … Thank you …  


 Of course, Muhammad was the arbiter/judge who applied the Quranic sharia in the Quran-based Yathreb city-state. Of course, in all eras, this means to uphold justice and other Quranic higher values of mercy, charity, equality,...etc. and direct democracy and all human rights (see our book in English on this link: Please read more within our archive of articles: e.g.: ( and wait for new subtitled-into-English episodes of our YouTube show titled (Quranic Moments) which will be uploaded soon; the first series of these episodes is about the topic of Islamic/Quranic sharia legislations and how to apply them. We also refer you to our book, in English, titled "The Seven Principles of the Real Islamic Sharia and How to Apply Them", found on this link:

 No one can deny that the Lord God in the Quran commands to cut off hands of thieves; yet, this cannot be applied in isolation; i.e., other Quranic values and laws must be applied first: justice, equality, direct democracy, freedom of thought, freedom of religion,...etc. And when social justice is applied and all rights are granted and guaranteed in the Quran-based, ideal society/community/country (i.e., in the manner of the Yathreb city-state led by Muhammad within direct democracy or Islamic Shura/consultation when Yathreb citizens ruled themselves and offered their views directly while conducting all affairs of the State), no one would have any excuses to commit the crime/sin of theft. For sure, repentant thieves are spared this Quranic penalty; besides, in a Quran-based country (which has never come into being until now after the death of Muhammad and putting an end to the Yathreb city-state by unjust, conquering Arabs), this penalty of theft can be exacted on those who deserve it whether they are rich or poor, high- or low-rank people,...etc. Of course, the Muhammadans in their earthly/terrestrial religions rejected the Quran and created religious legislations and devilish hadiths to allow, endorse, and condone violence, grave injustices, and bloodshed; see our two books, in English, on the following links:

اجمالي القراءات 2789

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بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : United State

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