Solidarity with Sinai's families

اضيف الخبر في يوم الإثنين ٢٧ - فبراير - ٢٠١٧ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً.

Why this is important

Solidarity statement regarding the forced eviction of Egyptian Christian families in Arish, Sinai

The latest tragic scene of the forced eviction of tens of Egyptian Christian families living in North Sinai reflects the situation all the inhabitants of this part of Egypt have been suffering from since North Sinai turned into a warzone between the armed religious militias and the Egyptian army and police forces.  It is a war that only the inhabitants of Sinai pay the price for after they fall as easy prey to the violations committed by the two fighting parties.  These recent attacks are a new escalation of the targeting of Christians that started a few years ago with the attacks on churches following the bloody crackdown on Rabaa sit in, the recent attack on the Cathedral, and ending with today’s tragic scene.

The criminal “Sinai Wilaya” group confirmed its targeting of Christians, following the broadcast of its latest video in which the group claimed its responsibility for the terrorist attack on the Cathedral and the killing of eight Christian citizens in Arish.  These attacks took place in the total absence of any security measures by the state, raising questions about the complacency of the state agencies.  Meanwhile, the regime uses every opportunity to exploit the plight of the Christians to assert its legitimacy and garner the recognition of the international community without providing the necessary protection to the Christians, or responding to any demands related to amending the legislations and practices that deepen the discrimination and weaken the principle of citizenship.  The forced migration of Christian citizens is a new success for the terrorist groups, which gain their strength from violations committed by the state, and the exhaustion of Sinai community as a result of the attempts to turn North Sinai into a battlefield of the regional conflicts like Mosul and Raqqa.  The latest developments happen at a time the Church is subjugated to blackmailing by the regime, and declaring its complete and unconditional support of this regime.  In addition, the Church has been attempting to muzzle any opposition voices within the Christian circles, which makes Christians a scapegoat to both the vengeance of armed terrorist groups, and to the public that now perceives Christians as the main supporters of the regime’s repressive practices.

The signers of this statement declare a popular solidarity campaign with the Christian citizens of North Sinai, and affirm their rejection of all forms of political blackmailing exercised on the Christians in Egypt.  We herein affirm that the respect of the principle of citizenship, the freedom of belief, and human rights is the only way to save all citizens from the terrorism of the armed groups, and the repressive practices of the state agencies; and to stand up against the misleading propaganda that regard those citizens as the main supporters of the repressive and unjust practices and impoverishing policies from which all citizens suffer.
اجمالي القراءات 1571
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