Global Peace Festival Foundation Honors Environmental Pioneer and Women's Rights Advocate Wangari Ma

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Global Peace Festival Foundation Honors Environmental Pioneer and Women's Rights Advocate Wangari Ma




Wangari Maathai addresses the 2010 Global Peace Convention in Nairobi
Professor Wangari Maathai Delivers a Video Greeting to Delegates at the 2010 Global Peace Convention in Nairobi. 

In her landmark 2010 book, Replenishing the Earth: Spiritual Values for Healing Ourselves and the World, Professor Maathai articulated four core values that guided the establishment and growth of the Greenbelt Movement, which she founded in Kenya in 1977: "Love for the environment; gratitude and respect for earth's resources; self empowerment and self betterment; and the spirit of service and volunteerism."

These values are central to the mission of the Global Peace Festival Foundation and its undertakings through the Nairobi River Peace Initiative and similar service undertakings in Nepal, Mongolia, Paraguay and other regions of the world. 

We were humbled and uplifted when Professor Maathai presented her video greeting to delegates from 40 nations at the 2010 Global Peace Convention in Nairobi, Kenya. The Nairobi Declaration was recognized throughout Africa and the world advancing the peacebuilding theme: One Family Under God: Conflict Resolution, Peace and Development. 

We shall advance global service and peace projects inspired by Wangari Mathaai's lifelong sacrifices and shared vision of empowerment, environmental service and peace. May her family be richly blessed in the love and hope she shared throughout the world. 
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1   تعليق بواسطة   joyce saabira     في   السبت ٢١ - أبريل - ٢٠١٢ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

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