الأربعاء ٢٣ - نوفمبر - ٢٠١٦ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً
Thanks Dr. Ahmed, and welcome to Islam. I would like to sum up the Islamic faith as we see it
In Islam, there are no sects, or groups, all those were created centuries after the prophet
Quran is the word of Allah, and the constitution that organizes our lives, and relation with GOD, and with other people
Muslims believe in one true GOD the most merciful, the most gracious, the most powerful, and the most compassionate. He created Adam from dust, and to dust we shall return, and GOD alone will raise us from the dead, and judge our deeds, and reward us, or punish us because he gave us the free will to decide our paths during life.
Believing in GOD requires also believing in his angels, the servants of lord, he doesn’t need them, they are only created to show his glory, and praise him. We believe in the prophets GOd sent to guide people, Quran says GOD sent a prophet to every single nation, we don’t know them all, but among the ones mentioned there are 24 including (Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Jethro, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, Jonah, Elijah, Elisha, Zechariah, John, Jesus, Mohammed, and others…).We must also believe in the divine books GOD sent with some prophets, and they are David’s psalms, Moses Torah, Abraham’s scrolls, Jesus’ Gospel, and the Quran to Muhammad. Also, we believe in the Day of Resurrection, and that GOD reward people with heaven, and punish them with hell
Muslims aren’t pagans, they don’t worship the Kaaba, or any stone, they don’t worship Muhammed, he’s only a man like everyone else except GOD made him a prophet to tell people Allah’s words. We don’t worship anything, or anyone, or any grave but GOD
We believe that GOD is the absolute judge, and absolutely fair with his creation, he only judges us for our deeds, and he knows everything we did, we do, and we shall do, and things we didn’t do how would be they done if we did them, he knows our intentions, and thoughts, but judges us only for what we do with a total free will
The word Muslim has two meanings, the one who submits to Allah, and the peaceful one, thus a Muslim shall never harm, or kill GOD’s creatures (humans, animals, plants etc.…), and must never offend people Muslims, or not. He should never start a war, and most certainly he must never declare an offensive war in the name of Allah
War in Islam (Jihad) is a DEFENSIVE war, Muslims should only do it to protect their lives, and towns, and whoever makes a war or starts it for other reasons GOD will punish him. War in Islam is limited by respecting human rights, protecting the environment, and if Muslims forgive the enemies, it’s better for them
The crazy wars in the name of Islam have nothing to do with it. People through history used religion as a cover to their political conflicts. Quran says who kills a man is equal to who kills the whole human race, and says that all humans are brothers, If they are not Muslims we must treat them as brothers as well, respect them, and help them as long as they live peacefully with us. We fight only if they start the war
Allah says in the Quran that he doesn’t care if we are Muslims, or non-Muslims, he doesn’t need people to worship him, it’s us who need his help, and guidance. He warns us that it’s him who will judge those who don’ believe, and not us. Muslims aren’t faith police, it’s GOD who judge, and it’s him who punish, or forgive. Thus, killing a person because he’s not a Muslim is a terrorist crime and GOD won’t tolerate it. As a result, the terrorist groups represent only themselves, and their dark side, and GOD will punish them severely for terrorizing the innocents, and misusing, and abusing his name in their acts
Every single person has the right to believe in any religion, or faith, or not believe at all. We shall all stand before GOD and explain/defend our choices.
We think that prayer is the essence of religion, and GOD ordered us to pray five times a day. We are also asked to fast the month of Ramadan, and give Zakat (alms-giving) by giving a percentage of our money to the poor, and the needy. Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) is also required once in life if one has the financial, and physical ability
Faith isn’t enough to be saved, good deeds count as well. Thus, a Muslim should help others, and give charity. He must be well behaved, and avoid lying, gossip, envy, sorcery, vanity,pride lust, gluttony, Greed, anger, and every single sinful act
We believe that Shaytan (Satan) is the enemy of Allah, and he’ll do the best to mislead us, and make us sin. He’s a part of the test during life
Muslims should observe, and keep the covenant of GOD, (Do’s and don’ts), and they are
Do not deny GOD or worship another GOD besides him like idols
Do not blaspheme GOD
Do not murder
Do not engage in illicit sexual relations outside marriage
Do not steal
Do not eat pork, or dead animals, or animals scarified for idols, and not GOD alone
Do not gamble
Do not drink alcohol, or blood
Do not harm the body, or mind with drugs etc
Do not swear in the name of Allah wrongly
Do not forswear (perjury)
Do not treat people with injustice
Do not cheat, or lie
Do not practice usury
Do honor your parents
Do take care of orphans, and invest their money until they grow up
Do not marry close relatives (mother, siblings, aunts)
Islam is about conscious and cognizant of Allah, of truth, of the rational reality, piety, fear of GOD.it’s not appearances that matter like beards, hijab, or any other appearance that can tell a Muslim apart from others. Though women are asked to dress up in a moral way, because some men are such animals, Quran describes them (those who are sick)
We believe that Islam is the last message sent by lord, because humans have reached a state of consciousness that they can draw their path by their own, and need no more prophets to guide them. Thus, the message of Islam should reach every person, and be preached to nations. No one is obliged to follow it, but it’s our duty to show the clear image of Islam for those seeking the truth. And the most important part in preaching Islam is showing how wrong are those who claim Islam but kill others, and terrorize the world
Islam doesn’t call for a state, but for a good society. Muslims can live in any state where there is dignity, justice, and democracy
يسعدني ردكم شخصيا استاذنا الجليل الدكتور احمد و يسعدني اكثر ان اتواجد بين عقلاء المسلمين و روادهم.
في خدمتكم استاذي الكريم
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5114 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 56,753,792 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,449 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,826 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
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