Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Seventy-Seven
إقرأ فى موقع أهل القرآن القسم الانجليزى : مترجمات الاستاذ أحمد فتحى للفتاوى
Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Seventy-Seven
Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Accusations Leveled by Ignoramuses
Published in November 5, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … What is your view of Quranism-hating authors who accuse you and all Quranists of following the example of Al-Mu'tazala philosophers? Such philosophers of the Middle-Ages have rejected Sunna hadiths but incorporated philosophy within religious thought, whereas Quranists have incorporated secularism instead to please the West powers who steal the wealth of the Arab nations; hence, your 'Islam' never serve the weak and the oppressed and has nothing to do with the poor in the Arab world … … Thank you …
Such accusations are leveled by ignoramuses. Not all Al-Mu'tazala philosophers reject hadiths; they had their own school of thought which has nothing to do with Quranism; of course, some of them, in their books, have attacked & criticized some hadiths. In our writings (books, fatwas, and articles) and in our subtitled-into-English YouTube videos, we prove that Islam is compatible with secularism & direct democracy, and we prove that Islam/Quranism is the religion of absolute religious freedom, peace, equality, justice, tolerance, charity, and mercy. Personally speaking, we side with persecuted people especially that we belong to this category as a Quranist thinker in exile. Yet, our foes never read our writings. Finally, we assert here that we respect freedom of religion and thought; this includes those who criticize our ideas and our person; we reserve the right to defend ourselves with our pen. We implore the Lord God to include us among the pious ones in this world who deserve Paradise in the Hereafter.
We refer you to two of our articles, in English, about secularism:
A Personal Question
Published in November 4, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … Please allow me to pose a personal question to you: Why are you so severe and daring as far as the tone of your writings is concerned? You mercilessly attack & ridicule, in your writings & videos, the caliphs and sultans of the past and the Muhammadans of the past and the present … This sometimes shock others so much that they stop reading your invaluable writings and watching your YouTube videos … Are you not afraid lest you should lose your readership and viewership? … Thank you …
Thank you very much for your message. We assert here that reformist thinkers never seek to please mortals and never seek rewards from them; pious monotheists who fear Allah and never commit injustices against Him and against people live within peace and security and never fear: "That is only Satan frightening his allies; so do not fear them, but fear Me, if you are believers." (3:175). Abraham never feared the pagan deities of his people when they threatened him: "And why should I fear those you associate with Him, and you do not fear associating others with God for which He sent down to you no authority? Which side is more entitled to security, if you are aware?” Those who believe, and do not obscure their faith with injustices - those will have security, and they are guided." (6:81-82). The unjust disbelieving people live within constant fear: "We will throw terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve, because they attribute to God partners for which He revealed no authority. Their lodging is Hell-Fire. Miserable is the lodging of the unjust ones." (3:151). Seeking Paradise and avoiding Hell makes the pious ones welcome death and reject the transient world since their focus is only on the Eternal Life. This makes the pious monotheists who believe in the Judgment Day never fear anything or anyone in this world; they fear only their Lord God within piety. Thus, Quranism/monotheism is not merely daring to say/write the Truth; rather, it is to adhere to piety and to seek to gratify the Lord God. We implore the Lord God to include our person among the pious ones who will be the winners on the Last Day.
The Quranic Term (Sa'ehoon)
Published in November 31, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … What is the meaning of the Quranic plural term (Sa'ehoon) and its feminine plural form (Sa'ehaat)? Any ideas? … Thank you …
Answer: Both terms refer to men and women, respectively, who perform many acts of worship regularly and devoutly within piety: "Those who repent, those who worship, those who praise, those who are devout/Sa'ehoon, those who kneel, those who prostrat…" (9:112); "Perhaps, if he divorces you, his Lord will give him in exchange wives better than you: submissive, believing, obedient, penitent, devout/Sa'ehaat - previously married, or virgins." (66:5).
Excellent Idea, But… (1)
Published in October 2, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'd like that your great website would allow the publishing of books (and book reviews) in Arabic for (English) books of West culture and civilization which do not contain narratives violating Quranism........... This can be done by volunteers among your fellow Quranists … Thank you …
This is an excellent idea, and we welcome any contributions of this nature; yet, we personally have no time to do so; we once had many Quranist writers who did so years ago, but they are no longer active in our Arabic website. We hope that some of our fellow Quranists who have enough time to apply the idea you suggest in our message. Thank you.
Excellent Idea, But… (2)
Published in November 2, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … What your great website lacks is good advertising; millions of Arabs have never heard of the your Quranism website and never heard of your name as a thinker; you should advertise within cyberspace and even in TV channels which are Quranism-friendly … Thank you …
This is an excellent idea, but we suffer impecuniousness; we cannot afford to advertise; with little financial means, we are able to maintain our website and protect it against hackers who relentlessly aim to destroy its content. We thank the noble persons who donate to our VA-based IQC. We would like from our fellow Quranists to spread links of our videos and articles/books through social media networks to raise awareness of others about Quranism. This is a form of peaceful jihad for the sake of the Lord God. Thank you.
Cleanliness and Impurity
Published in October 3, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … I wonder why there are thousands of pages in Sunnite books of fiqh and hadiths about impurity and cleanliness. Any ideas? … Thank you …
This is due to the influence of the Talmudic religion, on the one hand, and to the desire to undermine and marginalize the Quranic text on the other hand. Such obsession with cleanliness and impurity gives an impression as if people never knew how to bathe and wash up in the Middle-Ages! Authors of Sunnite books of hadiths are filled with metaphoric impurity which is polytheism. Their souls are impure and so are their books, mausoleums, and faith tenets. They are abominations as per several Quranic verses in the Quranic Chapters 5, 6, & 9. Let's exemplify this here: "O you who believe! The polytheists are abominations…" (9:28).
Acts of Worship without Using the Arab Tongue
Published in August 3, 2022
Question: … Dear Sir, … In Zoroastrian religion and in ancient Iran, many people, some of whom were not Zoroastrians, called God Ahura Mazda, and Ahura Mazda literally means the wise of the wise, and it is also said in the Qur'an that all good names belong to God, so according to the Qur'an that the good names are considered to be God's, Ahura Mazda can also be considered to be God's names, so I see no obstacle if a former Zoroastrian who has now become a Muslim, or an Iranian, Afghani, or Tajik Muslim, or any Persian-speaking Muslim who wants to pray to God in Persian In prayer, call God Ahura Mazda in Persian Because the Quran does not prohibit calling God Ahura Mazda or any other good name Do you disagree with my opinion on this matter? Also, in the holy books of Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, Hindus and other religions, there are some prayers that these prayers do not contradict the Qur'an and these prayers are in accordance with God's monotheism, and in my opinion there is no problem with a Muslim person in his prayer, in the prostration of his prayer, or in the bowing of his prayer, or He should use these supplications in the rest of his prayers, and the Quran has not prohibited the use of supplications with these characteristics. Do you agree with my opinion on this? … Thank you …
As we have mentioned in a previous fatwa, it is OK to worship Allah within monotheism using one's own mother tongue which is not necessarily the Arabic tongue. You do not have to learn Arabic. Piety is the goal; all acts of worship must be sincere and aim to attain & maintain piety. Monotheists of all eras employed their own tongues to express the same meaning of the monotheism of (There is no God but Allah) within their prayers and other acts of worship. In contrast, Arabs of the 7th century Arabia employed their Arabic tongue but they were polytheists who distorted the monotheistic religion of Abraham; hence, the Quranic Message has been revealed to correct their faith. Muhammadans of today pray in Arabic; yet, their polytheism makes them continue to sin; their prayers are meaningless since they never drive them to avoid sinning.
We Do Not Know Them Personally
Published in September 29, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … I am a Quranist young woman in Egypt; I'd like you to give me any cellular number of any Quranists (men or women) in Egypt among your trustworthy friends whom I can contact to pose my questions and engage into dialogs with them. I need their help to understand Quranism better; I cannot pose hundreds of questions to you………… … Thank you …
Honestly, we do know any of the Quranist Egyptians in Egypt except within our extended family whose phone numbers we are not permitted to share. It is enough for you to read our archive of writings and to watch our YouTube videos. You will find answers to most of your questions, we presume. You can send us some questions if you like later on.
May the Lord God Reward You
Published in September 3, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … I personally want to thank you; you have changed my religious life to the better; with the likes of you, Islam is served and its greatness is revealed to all of us. May Allah reward you in Heaven for serving His True Religion by guiding others to Quranism … Thank you …
Thank you for taking time to write us this email message; may the Lord God reward you in this world and the next one; we appreciate words for noble persons like you which renew our hope. Of course, you can help within our peaceful, intellectual jihad for the sake of Islam and introducing reform by spreading links of our books, articles, and videos through cyberspace to help raise awareness about Quranism. We suffer from enthroned tyrant who impose media blackout on our person and also from clergymen of Satan who vilify and insult our person. Thank you again.
Pork inside Home!
Published in October 14, 2021
Question: … Dear Sir, … I am an Egyptian man who lives in a European country; my Christian European wife consumes pork and I cannot stop her since she says she is free to do so! Am I a sinner for allowing prohibited food items to enter into my house using my money? What do you think? … Thank you …
You are not a sinner in such a case; it is never prohibited to allow pork into your kitchen/house. What is prohibited for you as a Quran-believing man is to consume it. It is against True Islam (i.e., Quranism) to force your non-Muslim wife to abstain from consuming pork.
Are Murderers Will Be Murdered?
Published in October 21, 2021
Question: … Dear Sir, … Proverbs in Egypt include that murderers are murdered one day to have a taste of their own medicine; is this true as far as Quranism is concerned? Any ideas? … Thank you …
This proverb is not true; it has nothing to do with Islam. Many mafia men who are murderers died in their deathbed and were not killed. Several big criminals who are enthroned tyrants who slaughtered millions of people died a natural death and were not assassinated. Their outcome in the Hereafter is Hell-Fire, anyway. This does not mean that they must be murdered in this transient world; they are punished in this world by other means, of course, and their fate in Hell is inescapable if they died without repentance. All souls of mortals taste death (see 21:35 & 29:57); this is fate imposed on all human beings by the Lord God.
About Envy, Again
Published in October 26, 2021
Question: … Dear Sir, … My uneducated female friend is very poor and ignorant but kindhearted; her chief fault is her very strong belief in envy and warding off the evil eyes of envious people; how can I advise her using the Holy Quran? She has based her superstitious ideas about the evil eye on the Quranic verse 113:5 ………… … Thank you …
The Lord God says the following in the Holy Quran: "Say, “I seek refuge in the Lord of Daybreak. From the evil of what He created. And from the evil of the darkness as it gathers. And from the evil of those who practice sorcery. And from the evil of the envious one when he envies.”" (113-1-5).
We have mentioned before that the term (the envious one) mentioned in 113:5 (the last verse in the Quranic Chapter 113) indicates Satan who envies/hates Adam and his descendants (i.e., the entire human race) and that pious ones seek refuge in Allah against the envious Satan who urges them to sin (out of his envy) since his fate is Hell and he desires that most human beings share his wretched abode in the Hereafter. The so-called envious/evil eye has nothing to do with Islam/Quranism. Envious people cannot incur physical harm on people whom they envy. Such superstitions have nothing to do with Islam; they are mentioned in devilish, silly hadiths of the Middle-Ages which reflect the ignorance and obscurantism of authors of such hadiths/lies.
Charity in Secret
Published in October 25, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … My uncle died recently; during his lifetime, we ridiculed him for being a miserly old man and he typically fell silent and never defended himself against such an accusation leveled by us (i.e., his family members); yet, after his death, we've discovered his offering charity money (huge sums!) on a monthly basis for the benefit of orphans! It is too late to ask for his forgiveness since he is dead. We desire that you publish this story so that readers may draw a lesson and never to think lowly of anyone or to despise anyone without proof … Thank you …
Thank you very much for your email message; it pertains to piety that one donates charity money in secret for the sake of the Lord God; yet, it is never a sin to donate in public as well. The Lord God says the following in the Holy Quran: "Those who spend their wealth by night and day, privately and publicly, will receive their reward from their Lord. They have nothing to fear, nor shall they grieve. " (2:274).
Ignorant Philosopher
Published in October 18, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … What is your opinion of the view of the atheist philosopher Nietzsche who wrote that if God controls Satan then He is an accomplice with him, and if God cannot control Satan, then He is not Omnipotent? … Thank you …
This philosopher was an ignoramus; we assert here that the Lord God has granted angels the freedom to (dis)obey and to (dis)believe; the angels included Iblis who later on became Satan the devil. After his disobeying the Lord God, he was cursed and expelled. Of course, the Lord God has also created human beings as free agents who can choose to (dis)obey and to (dis)believe. This is the test of life. Some people choose to obey the Lord God's Quranic commands within piety and they perform good deeds within monotheism; some others choose to reject monotheism and to commit sins while spreading/propagating disbelief/atheism like Nietzsche & other ignoramuses like him. All human souls will be brought to Judgment on the Last Day; most people are heedless of this fact. The Lord God's Omnipotence includes creating human souls as free agents; our souls control our actions within liberty & freedom of choice; yet, the Lord God controls our bodies, senses, and vital organs as well as movement; He grants us health and tests us with ailments. All souls will be held responsible for choices made. The result of such individual responsibility will be experienced & witnessed on the Last Day. The Lord God will resurrect all souls on the Judgment Day to judge us for the (mis)use of freedom granted to us in this world.
Quranists Never Engage in Politics
Published in October 13, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … Shall we consider Quranists like a new trend in the so-called 'political Islam'? … Thank you …
Of course not. We never believe in the so-called 'political Islam'. We never believe in theocracy. Of course, Quranist thinkers like us never engage in politics and never assume any political posts/positions. They are no politicians. They focus only on raising awareness about peaceful (political & religious) reform through their writings and videos. For sure, politicians differ a great deal from reformist thinkers since politicians seek to gratify the masses to attain power, whereas reformist thinkers never seek to please anyone; rather, they criticize and question…etc. and proscribe remedies and talk about how to introduce change and reform. This is why most of the masses hate reformist thinkers; the rage of such ignorant masses is that of Caliban seeing himself in the mirror, appalled by his own reflection. Thus, Quranist thinkers are reformers who talk about faults while never seeking rewards or wages; they seek only Paradise in the Hereafter. They bear patiently with being persecuted. On the other hand, politicians seek money and glory of this transient world. Reformists/Quranists never engage in politics. By the way, the worst type of political activism & deception is misusing the name of Islam by mean, vile, theocracy-seeking, Mammon-worshipping people. Their relentless endeavor to ascend to power while deceiving the masses with religious mottos is the worst sin/crime & injustice committed against the Lord God and also against people. It is never surprising that our reformist writings include attacking devilish theocracy seekers (e.g., Salafists and the terrorist MB organization) and enthroned theocrats (e.g., in Iran and the KSA) who are the enemies of True Islam.
About Masturbation, Again
Published in October 1, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … I have read your fatwa about your deeming masturbation as a small sin/mishap/mistake and not a grave sin. I am an impecunious young man who cannot afford to marry; I have to masturbate every now and then to avoid pains in my testicles which are sometimes swollen after several episodes of sexual arousal that I experience; will the Lord God forgive me for not being able to quit this small sin? … Thank you …
Of course, the Lord God will forgive you this small sin as long as you avoid committing grave sins and you implore Him for pardon within your prayers and supplications. Of course, you should never miss any of the daily five prayers and you should perform many good deeds as any pious Muslim people; you should also adhere to monotheism/Quranism by never believing in hadiths and by never deifying Muhammad or any other mortals. Finally, since you have to empty your boy of excess semen to avoid pain, it is expected that the Lord God will forgive you provided you adhere to piety as much as you can throughout your life.
Allah Is the Intercessor
Published in October 13, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … Within Quranism (True Islam), can we describe the Lord God as the Intercessor? Is it among the Holy Names/Epithets of the Lord God? … Thank you …
The answer is yes to both questions. The Lord God says the following in the Holy Quran: "Your Lord is God, who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then settled over the Throne, governing all things. There is no intercessor except after His permission. Such is God, your Lord - so serve Him. Will you not reflect?" (10:3); "So leave alone those who take their religion for play and pastime, and whom the worldly life has deceived. But remind with it, lest a soul becomes damned on account of what it has earned. It has no helper or intercessor besides God…" (6:70); "And warn with it those who fear to be gathered before their Lord - they have no ally or intercessor apart from Him - perhaps they will grow in piety." (6:51); "God is He who created the heavens and the earth and everything between them in six days, and then established Himself on the Throne. Apart from Him, you have no master and no intercessor. Will you not reflect?" (32:4). For more details about intercession, we refer you to our book on the same topic, in English, found on the following link:
Storage of Ova
Published in November 2, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it OK or not within Quranism that single women would store their ova in labs so that they might get pregnant later (esp. after they reach the age of 40+)? What is your own view? … Thank you …
This is OK; one should never add anything to the list of prohibited items mentioned in the Quranic text.
Being Cursed In Relation to the Wrath of Allah
Published in November 22, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … What is the difference within the Quranic text between the Lord God's wrath and His cursing any sinners? Any ideas? … Thank you …
Both expressions are synonymous in the Holy Quran; i.e., the Lord God's curse falling on sinners is the same as His wrath or punishment inflicted on them.
Circumcision Is Prohibited
Published in November 4, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … I know that you subscribe to the opinion that female genital mutilation (FGM) is forbidden in Islam, but what about circumcision of males? … Thank you …
As per several fatwas we have issued years ago, both FGM and male circumcision are prohibited within Islam; they have nothing to do with Islam; they have no health or hygiene benefits at all; they are evil practices & crimes linked to the pagan eras. Here are the links of our two subtitled-into-English YouTube videos against FGM & circumcision of males:
اجمالي القراءات