آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2020-03-09
About One of The Big Criminals among The Rulers: The Cursed M. Hosni Mubarak
Published in February 26, 2020
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
1- Mubarak died yesterday (i.e., Feb. the 25th, 2020), and a military funeral ceremony will be arranged from him; such an honor was never granted to the buried victims of Mubarak before, during, and after his ouster. We write this article about Mubarak as a figure exemplifying the big criminals in our modern age.
2- The big criminal Mubarak turned Egypt into his own (and his wife's and two sons') private property; he had no ambitions outside Egypt like the Saudi royal family members, Kaddafi, and Saddam Hussein. Mubarak controlled Egypt fully and within the extremist level of power and authority to hoard the biggest possible amount of ill-gotten wealth.
3- Typically, owners of immense wealth enlist the help of men of power and authority to protect and increase their wealth; powerful men of authority employ their position to hoard and increase their own wealth. This relation between power/authority and wealth is made clear in countries dominated by tyranny like Egypt whose entries-old history is filled with rulers who were big criminals and thieves.
4- The tyrant Mubarak ruled Egypt for thirty years (1981 - 2011), a period during which he and his wife and two sons managed to steal and amass an immense wealth (estimated to be hundreds of billions of US$) smuggled abroad. Because of complicated methods of money-laundering, no one can accurately know the exact amount of the wealth of the Mubarak family whose secrets are known only to Mubarak and his two sons. Of course, Mubarak kept such secrets to negotiate his own safety and that of his two sons; shortly before his death, we tend to think that negotiations between Mubarak and Al-Sisi resulted in declaring his two sons innocent in Egyptian courts in return for a percentage of the Mubarak family wealth given to Al-Sisi; this is why Mubarak's two sons recently received the right to travel abroad to enjoy the wealth stolen and smuggled by their parents; what crowned this deal reached by Mubarak and Al-Sisi, we think, is that Al-Sisi has arranged a military funeral ceremony to Mubarak.
5- Mubarak has stolen most of the wealth of the Egyptian nation; nothing is left to Al-Sisi except selling parts of Egypt itself and the maritime rights of Egypt, and he has taken US$ billions of loans; when Egypt is unable to settle such debts and interest rates, it will get more loans to settle them; the future generations will pay up eventually as such money is stolen by the pupils of the Mubarak school: Al-Sisi and his other military generals.
6- We provide some details in the points below.
Firstly: the power/authority of Mubarak:
1- Mubarak felt as if he owned Egypt as a private property and he desired to steal as much money as possible secretly and without interruption; this is why he made the military and the security forces at his disposal in dealing harshly with the Egyptian citizens.
2- Of course, young military and police officers control the land, or camps, and some of them (when promoted or not) might have a measure of manhood and good values which are incorruptible though corruption was the dominant currency during the era of Mubarak. Such young officers might have posed a veritable danger for Mubarak but he made their promotion levels limited; at the time high-rank men in the police and the military must be chosen by Mubarak himself among those loyal to him and who blindly obey him since they were as corrupt as he was. This means that a coup d'état was made impossible by young military officers since no military equipment and or ammunition would be employed unless with a prior permission of high-rank military men loyal to Mubarak; hence, Mubarak held all strings of the military armed forces, the police, and security forces in his hands.
3- When a maritime ferry sank after raging fire flames consumed it in the Red Sea in Feb. 2006, near the city of Hurghada, the Mubarak Egyptian authorities turned a deaf ear to the SOS signals of this ferry though such signals reached Scotland and France; the French notified the Egyptian authorities at the time. The Egyptian Fleet did not move as its men waited for the commands of Mubarak. Some parts of the fleets of Saudi Arabia and Bangladesh hurried to try to save the people in the sinking ferry; when Israel offered to help, the Egyptian authorities flatly refused. Sadly, some parts of the Egyptian Fleet reached the ferry after about 1300 persons drowned and many others went missing; rumors have it that the survivors got killed by the Egyptian authorities as they witnessed embarrassing facts and had to be silenced. It was impossible that the Egyptian Fleet would move unless within after obtaining the prior permission of Mubarak himself who was unreachable. Mubarak would have never been keen on saving those who were on this ferry; he never cared about their fate and inevitable drowning or being burned alive; rumors have it that he isolated himself watching a football match and no one dared to spoil his fun! Because of the fact that the owner of this ferry was a man in the inner circle of powerful men of Mubarak and a member of the Parliament, he and his son were declared innocent by the Egyptian courts; thus, the victims were never avenged, and, of course, they never received a military funeral ceremony like the one arranged for the burial of Mubarak who was one of the most prominent and famous big criminals of our modern era.
4- Of course, Mubarak employed the Egyptian military as if it were his own troops of mercenaries. When Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, Mubarak hesitated and never knew at first whether to side with the Iraqi tyrant or with the Saudi kingdom; he wanted to join the party which will provide him with more remuneration; his mind was slow to understand events around him. Of course, within such auction, the higher bid came from Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf monarchies; Mubarak joined their side eventually and sent the Egyptian military armed forces (as if his mercenaries) to fight not for the sake of the liberation of Kuwait but in order to fill the bank accounts of Mubarak with tens of billions of US$.
5- Of course, Mubarak employed the Egyptian State Security Apparatus men to oppress and persecute the Egyptian citizens as if they were his enemies. The number of soldiers in the anti-riot security forces increased from 100 thousand in 1981 to 300 thousand in 1985, and they were commanded by the Egyptian State Security Apparatus men who oppressed, suppressed, and tortured many Egyptian citizens. This is not to mention the number of soldiers in the so-called special forces. This means that any protests or peaceful demonstrations by citizens were crushed; officers who led soldiers of the anti-riot security forces taught them to hate Egyptian citizens and to consider them as enemies; such (mostly poor and illiterate) soldiers were much intimidated and penalized and they received little wages and very little care. They were mistreated and suffered from many injustices; these soldiers rebelled many times but the first time in Feb. 1986 was the most famous incident; they robbed shops and hotels and their violence as similar to a hunger revolt. Within a week, losses were estimated to be tens of millions of L.E., but the revolt was crushed by the military armed forces – the last defense line for Mubarak. The military planes threw their rockets the rebellious anti-riot soldiers in Giza; the Mubarak media mentioned at the time that the number of soldiers who were killed was (only) sixty. Other experts mentioned that the exact number exceeds any expectations. In Dec. 2009, another revolt of the anti-riot soldiers occurred in Cairo; all such soldiers were arrested and imprisoned by the Minister of Interior who also contained the revolting 6000 soldiers who were mad at their officers who treated them cruelly and harshly in their camps (as per results of investigations made after containing the situation). The angry soldiers destroyed the administrative buildings of their camps as well as a rest-house of the officers and a military prison. The other grievances of the soldiers included their low wages, lack of holidays and time off, and unpaid overtime hours spent in oppressing innocent Egyptian citizens.
6- Apart from the military armed forces, the police, the Egyptian State Security Apparatus, and the Egyptian Central Intelligence, Mubarak created his own secret, unofficial mercenary armies such as the following ones.
6/1: Religious organizations created by the Egyptian State Security Apparatus men to infiltrate and spy on anti-Mubarak terrorist religious organizations: Such State-owned religious organizations typically destroyed/exploded some Orthodox churches during the Mubarak era and accused other terrorist religious organizations of committing such crimes.
6/2: Gangs of thugs created by corrupt policemen during the Mubarak era: Some policemen who frequently dealt with criminals and gangsters typically forced them to cooperate with the Mubarak promotion-seeking police officers to help arrest and entrap some other criminals; some criminals served some policemen and police officers (and officers of the Egyptian State Security Apparatus) by working as part-time thugs who committed violence and acts of revenge against the political foes of Mubarak. For instance, some thugs were hired to severely beat, in public before the eyes of passers-by, the two journalists Mr. Gamal Badawi and Mr. Abdel-Haleem Qandeel for their criticizing Mubarak openly. Rumors have it that during the revolt of Jan. 2011, when the Minister of Interior Habeeb Al-Adly felt he was defeated, he released a large number of groups of thugs into the streets to spread terror and to massacre as many young men in the revolt as possible; such thugs were blamed for the massacres committed against hundreds of Egyptian citizens in both Cairo and the Port Said Governorate.
7- Mubarak employed the Egyptian State Security Apparatus men as his mercenaries who served his interests; they persecuted and imprisoned Egyptian Quranists in three arrest waves in 1987, 2007, and 2009 as per the command of Mubarak who obeyed the commands to that effect he had received from the Saudi embassy in Cairo. By the way, money-gifts were sent from the Saudi embassy in Cairo to the officers of the Egyptian State Security Apparatus who dealt with the file/dossier of Egyptian Quranists.
Secondly: the ill-gotten wealth of Mubarak:
1- Mubarak made the Egyptian military armed forces like his own mercenaries who brought money to him; likewise, he also used his closest cronies and retinue members as tools to bring more money to him. When Mubarak monopolized power and authority, he managed to amass and hoard an immense ill-gotten wealth from the money of the poor citizens of the Egyptian nation.
1/1: During the reign of Mubarak, the State-owned assets of the Egyptian nation's wealth in the public sector were sold though they were nationalized by Nasser. The money of such deals/crimes were deposited in the bank accounts of Mubarak and his two sons.
1/2: It is an asserted, verified fact in Egypt and in the West that Mubarak was the biggest weapons/arms dealer in the Middle-East; he received big commissions within transactions of purchasing useless and needless weapons to the Egyptian military, and he was a mediator/broker within deals of purchasing and selling weapons among other countries since he held close ties with the rulers of the Middle-East countries who sought to purchase weapons and those entities in the West and in the East who fabricate/produce weapons and seek to sell them to anyone at higher prices.
1/3: As we have written in detail in our book titled (Preaching Sultans from Mu'aweiya to the Cursed Mubarak), Mubarak employed his closest men to steal the wealth of the Egyptian nation in an ingenious way; within the influence of Mubarak, his men would easily receive millions of L.E. as loans from Egyptian banks but they never repay the installments of such loans; they buy (within a very small down payment) stretches of land (prepared previously by the State for building houses or factories) with the least price for the square meter an the never pay the installment of purchasing such stretches of land; they re-sold them in return for millions of L.E. (more than tenfold of the sum invested in such illegal transaction); the largest percentage would be received by Mubarak and the rest for his men who typically leave Egypt for good and settle in the West with their ill-gotten wealth. Al-sis ended this class of businesspersons who were thieves serving Mubarak the biggest thief and the big criminal; Al-Sisi forced such class of businesspersons to ransom themselves to keep away from prison; Al-Sisi and his military generals, we tend to think, replaced them in gradually stealing the wealth of the Egyptian nation.
1/4: The biggest stealing and smuggling of the wealth of the Egyptian nation was in the sector of oil and mining which was supervised directly by Mubarak himself within the Egyptian government of his era; in fact, any of the ministers of oil in Egypt at the time was a billionaire.
2- Rumors have it that the amount of the wealth of Mubarak is estimated to be 70 billion US$; yet, the published reports of the Egyptian Central Intelligence mention that the wealth of Gamal Mubarak, the eldest son of Mubarak, in Swiss banks is 71 billion US$! Some other foreign reports assert that the foreign bank deposits of Mubarak are estimated to be 620 billion US$ - or about four trillion L.E.
2/1: The differences in estimating the amount of the ill-gotten immense wealth of Mubarak are due to two main factors: (A) the too intricate and complicated system of economy regarding registering the assets and possessions of Mubarak has made it difficult for auditors to reach and estimate all of such assets and possessions, and (B) the fact that Mubarak invest much of his money through mediators among men of his closest circle such as Hussein Salem and Mounir Thabet.
2/2: It was like a game of war between a cat and a mouse between Al-Sisi and the Mubarak family; Al-Sisi employed his media and his judiciary system to pressurize Mubarak so that Al-Sisi would receive the highest possible percentage of the wealth of the Mubarak family. Eventually, both sides seem to have reached an agreement which is never made public.
2/3: No one knows for sure the amount of the wealth of Mubarak smuggled abroad and the percentage of it received by Al-Sisi.
1- Within the above points, during the era of Mubarak (1981 - 2011), Mubarak received the unconditional support of the big criminals who are the official Azharite sheikhs/clergymen especially the head of Al-Azhar the late sheikh named M. Sayed Tantawi who was our own sworn enemy who persecuted our person and other innocent Quranists in Egypt since they suffered three arrest waves at the time, and many of them were imprisoned for no reason.
2- The Lord God says the following about the big criminals such as the tyrant Mubarak: "Do not ever think that God is unaware of what the unjust ones do. He only defers them until a Day when the sights stare. Their necks outstretched, their heads upraised, their gaze unblinking, their hearts void. And warn the humankind of the Day when the torment will come upon them, and the unjust ones will say, “Our Lord, defer us for a little while, and we will answer Your call and follow the messengers.” Did you not swear before that there will be no passing away for you? And you inhabited the homes of those who wronged themselves, and it became clear to you how We dealt with them, and We cited for you the examples. They made their schemes, but their schemes are known to God, even if their schemes can eliminate mountains. Do not ever think that God will break His promise to His messengers. God is Strong, Able to Avenge. On the Day when the earth is changed into another earth, and the heavens, and they will emerge before God, the One, the Dominant Lord. On that Day, you will see the criminals bound together in chains. Their garments made of tar, and the Fire covering their faces. That God may repay each soul according to what it has earned. God is Quick in Judgment. This is a proclamation for the humankind, that they may be warned thereby, and know that He is One God, and that people of understanding may remember." (14:42-52).
3- As always, the Lord God says nothing but the Absolute Truth.
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5170 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,676,061 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,479 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,871 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
القاموس القرآنى عن ( الاستعجال )
الفصل الثانى : الاجتهاد فى التدبر القرآنى وفى الاسلام والكفر والعبادات
القاموس القرآنى : الكفّارة والفدية
الفصل الأول : التقوى والايمان باليوم الآخر أساس الاجتهاد الاسلامى
الفصل الخامس : الاجتهاد الشيطانى العملى فى إضطهاد أهل الكتاب
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