آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2018-05-23
Being Cursed within the Mechanism of Torment: Those who Are Near and Those who Are Cursed and Distanced
Published in May 22, 2018
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
1- All of us should remember that within our daily prayers, we implore and supplicate to the Lord God, when we recite the Quranic Chapter One, to guide us to the Straight Path away from those cursed misguided ones who incurred God's wrath who are excluded and expelled away from the Lord God's mercy on the Last Day, as He is the Sole Owner and Controller of the Day of Judgment. This is why we utter these two verses in each of the five daily prayers: "Guide us to the Straight Path. The Path of those You have blessed, not of those against whom there is anger, nor of those who are misguided." (1:6-7).
2- Being cursed on the Day of Resurrections means to be excluded from God's mercy; i.e., to be expelled and removed far away from it. Hence, we tend to think that the nearer resurrected souls to God on the Last Day are the ones who will enter into His mercy as they deserve to obtain it (by their deeds and faith) and the souls which are removed far away from Him are the ones who will enter into Hell-torment. So as to get nearer to God on the Last Day, one must get nearer to Him by good deeds within piety and faith/belief within monotheism during one's lifetimes. Thus, one must readily obey God and be among the Forerunners within this obedience within deep faith; otherwise, one will incur upon oneself the Hell-torment and one will be removed away from God and His mercy, and one is expelled/cursed inside Hell. We provide some details in the points below.
Firstly: dwellers of Paradise and dwellers of Hell:
1- We know from the Quranic Chapter 56 that the human beings are divided into three categories: the Forerunners and those on the Right in Paradise and those on the Left who are the dwellers of Hell: "And you become three classes. Those on the Right - what of those on the Right? And those on the Left - what of those on the Left? And the Forerunners, the Forerunners." (56:7-10).
2- Those on the Left are the cursed ones who are removed far away and excluded from the Dominant Lord's mercy; a fence will be erected between those dwellers of Hell and the dwellers of Paradise: "...A wall will be raised between them, in which is a door; within it is mercy, and outside it is torment." (57:13). Thus, the Hell-dwellers will be screened from the Dominant Lord's mercy on the Last Day. God says the following in the Quran about their state in Hell: "Not at all. On that Day, they will be screened from their Lord. Then they will roast in Hell." (83:15-16).
Secondly: the cursed ones in Hell are below and far away, and the dwellers of Paradise are near and high:
1- We see in the Quran that God describes the dwellers of Paradise as residing in a high place and their book of deeds are located in a high position: "So he will be in pleasant living. In the Lofty Garden of Paradise." (69:21-22); "Faces on that Day will be joyful.Satisfied with their endeavor. In the Lofty Garden of Paradise." (88:8-10); "No indeed; the record of the righteous ones is in a High Position." (83:18).
2- Their high position in Paradise contains several degrees as per God's knowledge of their deeds in terms of quantity and quality: "...God elevates those among you who believe, and those given knowledge, many degrees. God is Aware of what you do." (58:11); "But whoever comes to Him a believer, having worked righteousness - these will have the highest ranks." (20:75).
3- The dwellers of Paradise will be divided within certain degrees (Forerunners and those on the Right) as per their deeds; the Forerunners are nearer to the Dominant Lord God in comparison to those on the Right. Those cursed ones are removed far away from God's mercy, and a fence will be erected between them and the good souls in Paradise, because of the disbelief, disobedience, and their bad, evil deeds accumulated inside their rusty, eroded hearts/souls: "Not at all. Their hearts have become corroded by what they used to earn. Not at all. On that Day, they will be screened from their Lord." (83:14-15). Thus, their hearts are laden with sins, disbelief, and disobedience, and they will be screened from the Dominant Lord God's mercy; this what they have incurred upon their souls; God is never unjust to anyone; they have been unjust towards themselves.
Lastly: we are to heed the warning and preaching expressed here:
1- One can freely choose to be among those nearer to God in this world and in the Hereafter, among the Forerunners, if one adheres to the monotheism of (There is no God but Allah) and performs as many good deeds as possible within piety and within obeying the Lord God: "And race towards forgiveness from your Lord, and a Garden as wide as the heavens and the earth, prepared for the righteous." (3:133). Paradise is reserved only for the pious ones among the believers; one must readily perform many good deeds and acts of worship regularly during one's lifetime before one's death takes place so as to attain God's mercy, forgiveness, and pardon; the passage of time is unstoppable and one cannot freeze the time or regain/re-live a lost moment. We are to vie for performing many good deeds and NOT for idle playfulness and disobedience: "Race towards forgiveness from your Lord; and a Garden as vast as the heavens and the earth, prepared for those who believe in God and His messengers. That is the grace of God; He bestows it on whomever He wills. God is the Possessor of Immense Grace." (57:21).
2- Hence, to be among the near ones on the Day of Resurrection, one must get nearer to God during one's lifetime within adherence to piety: "It is neither your wealth nor your children that bring you closer to Us, but it is he who believes and does good deeds. These will have a double reward for what they did; and they will reside in the Chambers, in peace and security." (34:37). The same piety within faith/belief and good deeds applies to offering sacrificial animals during pilgrimage: "Neither their flesh, nor their blood, ever reaches God. What reaches Him is the righteousness from you. Thus He subdued them to you, that you may glorify God for guiding you. And give good news to the charitable ones." (22:37). Thus, piety is the path towards Paradise as God accepts good deeds performed within piety and the fear of Him. The pious believers get nearer to God by obeying His commands and performing the best possible good deeds in terms of quality and quantity during their lifetimes to enter into the mercy of the Lord God on the Last Day: "Yet among the Desert-Arabs are those who believe in God and the Last Day, and consider their contribution to be a means to get nearer towards God, and the prayers of the Messenger. Surely it will draw them closer, and God will admit them into His mercy. God is Forgiving and Compassionate." (9:99). When one prostrates during the daily prayers, one is nearer to God (only if one is prostrating within the concentration by all one's senses and within piety and the fear of the Lord God, of course). God has said the following to Muhammad: "No, do not obey him; but kneel down, and come near." (96:19). This means that one must never obey Satan; one is to distance oneself from the devils and get nearer to God within piety by performing prayers and prostrations.
3- The vast majority of the Muhammadans worship their fashioned mediators such as 'holy' mausoleums and deified 'saints'; such polytheistic faith tenets make the Muhammadans distance themselves away from the Lord God as cursed/excluded ones, despite the fact that God is Near to us and we never need clergymen or mediators between us and Him: "And when My servants ask you about Me, I Am near; I answer the call of the caller when he calls on Me. So let them answer Me, and have faith in Me, that they may be rightly guided." (2:186). In this verse, God has NOT told Muhammad to (say) something to his contemporaries; He provides the answer directly Himself; this means there are no mediators between people and God. God is Near to people even during the moment of dying: "...We are nearer to him than his jugular vein." (50:16); "So when it has reached the throat. As you are looking on. We are nearer to it than you are, but you do not see." (56:83-85). This is why the "Near" is one of the Holy Names/Epithets of the Lord God: "...My Lord is Near and Responsive." (11:61); "...He is Hearing and Near." (34:50).
4- Therefore, one decides to disobey, disbelieve, commit sins, and to misguide oneself, and this means one chooses implicitly or explicitly, or (in)directly, to be among the dwellers of Hell; this is the choice of the vast majority of human beings by their deeds and beliefs; they justify their sins and disobedience during their lifetimes, and in some cases, they make their sins as parts of acts of worship in their polytheistic religions, while assuming they are 'guided' who perform 'good' deeds: "And when they commit an indecency, they say, "We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it." Say, "God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?" Say, "My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return." Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided." (7:28-30); "Do those who disbelieve think that they can take My servants for masters instead of Me? We have prepared Hell for the hospitality of the faithless. Say, "Shall We inform you of the greatest losers in their works?" "Those whose efforts in this world are misguided, while they assume that they are doing well." It is they who rejected the communications of their Lord, and the encounter with Him. So their works are in vain. And on the Day of Resurrection, We will consider them of no weight. That is their requital - Hell - on account of their disbelief, and their taking My revelations and My messengers in mockery." (18:102-106). They will be resurrected on the Last Day while their hearts/souls are laden with sins and evil deeds and they will find no room for themselves within the Lord God's mercy.
5- God never breaks His Promise; God is never biased for or against anyone; He has promised those believers who are doers of goodness that they will enter into Paradise; He has promised those disbelievers who are sinners and evildoers that they will enter into Hell: "God has promised those who believe and work righteousness: they will have forgiveness and a great reward. As for those who disbelieve and reject Our Verses - these are the inmates of Hell." (5:9-10).
6- Most of the Muhammadans memorize the Quranic Chapter One by heart and many of them read it within the daily prayers; yet, they mostly utter these two verses absentmindedly: "Guide us to the Straight Path. The Path of those You have blessed, not of those against whom there is anger, nor of those who are misguided." (1:6-7). They utter both verses while their mind are busy thinking about committing more sins after they perform prayers! Many of the Muhammadans are thus among the misguided ones who incur the wrath of God on themselves. Some of them make performing prayers (i.e., mere movements without piety or concentration within the fear of the Lord God) as the means to commit more sins and disobedience while assuming that prayers will make God remove such sins from their Books of Deeds! This erroneous view is among the main notions/tenets of the earthly, man-made, fabricated religions. This is why hypocrites among the Muhammadans allow people to see them pray to get a measure of fame and be esteemed and praised by the duped/deceived naïve masses, and this would allow them to dominate over the others or to commit acts of swindling to get their money! If such Muhammadans die as hypocrites without sincere repentance and correction of faith, they will be cursed/ distanced on the Day of Resurrection and will be excluded/screened from God's mercy.
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5171 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,737,318 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,479 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,871 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
القاموس القرآنى عن ( الاستعجال )
الفصل الثانى : الاجتهاد فى التدبر القرآنى وفى الاسلام والكفر والعبادات
القاموس القرآنى : الكفّارة والفدية
الفصل الأول : التقوى والايمان باليوم الآخر أساس الاجتهاد الاسلامى
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