آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2019-08-12
Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Thirty-Three
Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Being Engaged and Sexual Intimacy
Published in July 29, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … Am I allowed to kiss, hug, and snog my fiancée or not? Is this forbidden in Islam or not? We have not drawn the marriage contract; i.e., technically, she is not my wife yet ....... What is your own opinion? … Thank you …
No; this is sinful; if you are a pious man, you are never to engage into any sort of sexual intimacy with your fiancée.
In Six Days
Published in July 31, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … In the Holy Quran, we read about the fact that the Lord God has created the heavens and the earth (i.e., the universe) in six days; why is that; I mean: why has not the Omnipotent God created the universe in one moment with the command (Be!)? Any ideas? … Thank you …
The divine command (Be!) does not imply that creation (of the universe, its physical and metaphysical levels, and all of its creatures) has come into existence in one moment; it has occurred within the duration predetermined/predestined by the Lord God the Creator
No Contradiction Here
Published in July 31, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … Forgetfulness is linked to God in 45:34 and denied in 20:52; is this contradictory? Any ideas?! … Thank you …
There is no contradiction here; you must differentiate between the figurative style in the Quranic tongue and the literal one; we refer you to this article, in English, which provides a detailed answer to your question:
Torture of Detainees in Police Stations
Published in July 29, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … In my Arab country, some scandals about policemen torturing detainees and suspects occurred. Is it OK in Islam or not to use torture or the threat of it (or even severe beatings) to force people to confess their crimes? What do you think? … Thank you …
Human dignity is one of the major Quranic values; it should be protected against verbal humiliation/insults and physical harm; torture is prohibited in Islam; torture (or the threat to use it) is a full-fledged crime. No one has the right to force/coerce people to confess anything. In modern democracies, suspects are innocent until proven guilty; in the backward Arab countries of the Muhammadans, the suspects are guilty even if they are proven to be innocent. We refer you to our book, in English, titled "Torment and Torture within a Quranist Vision", found on the following link:
About the Written Will and Testament
Published in July 28, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … Before his death, a man wrote a will to make his relatives sell the furniture of his house to spend the money on charity donations; he left his only son a large sum of money; the impecunious brother of the deceased man desire to take some of the pieces of furniture to himself; is this OK or is this a violation of the written will and testament of the deceased man? Any ideas? … Thank you …
The written will and testament should be only dedicated to one's relatives among the inheritors only (not to outsiders); during one's lifetime, one can donate anything to anyone. Therefore, the impecunious brother can receive some of the pieces of furniture to himself within the consent of the only inheritor; i.e., the son of the deceased man.
There Are No Women/Men in Paradise
Published in July 28, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … On a daily basis, I pray to the Lord God to make my deceased mother among the ladies of the Paradise dwellers; is this supplication OK within Islam (i.e., Qurnaism) or not? What do you think? … Thank you …
This is not OK; there are neither men nor women in Paradise in the sense of the two sexes of human beings on Earth; all of the Paradise dwellers will belong to one sex/gender and their eternal bodies will be formed from their good deeds performed during their life on earth; all of them will enjoy houris; this cannot be fully grasped by our limited human mind which cannot imagine the bliss and pleasures of Paradise. Likewise, the losers in Hell will be one gender/sex whose bodies and torment will be formed from their evil and bad deeds and their sins. "...You are only being repaid for what you used to do." (52:16); "...We did not wrong them, but they used to wrong their own selves." (16:118).
God's Bounty
Published in July 27, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … The Quranic term (bounty) seems to have different senses in different contexts......... Any ideas? … Thank you …
This term refers either to the Quran itself [e.g., "...And remember God's Bounty to you, and that He revealed to you the Book and Wisdom to teach you..." (2:231)] or to the literal meaning of many physical things (or riches) granted to those who enjoy it in this world and it refers to the pleasures of Paradise: [e.g., "And leave Me to those who deny the Truth, those of bounties..." (73:11); "And bounties they used to enjoy." (44:27); "They rejoice in Bounty from God, and Grace, and that God will not waste the reward of the believers." (3:171)].
There Are No Battles before Badr
Published in July 28, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … The Quran shows clearly that there are no self-defense battles for the Yathreb dwellers (led by Prophet Muhammad) before the battle of Badr; yet, the first biography of Muhammad by Ibn Ishaq assumes that there were other smaller, insignificant battles before Badr; how is that? … Thank you …
Of course, M. Ibn Ishaq is an inveterate liar who wished to gratify the Abbasids by the fake biography he wrote; when the Lord God has given permission to the early believers in Yathreb to engage into the self-defense endeavors, the battle of Badr was the very first one; there is no doubt about that. Any events written by M. Ibn Ishaq about Muhammad are false and are mere lies which contradict the Quran; he portrayed an imaginary, false character of Muhammad to justify the crimes of the Abbasid caliphs.
A Polygamous Man in his Old Age
Published in July 26, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … I live in Upper Egypt; my father married my mother and she bore him three sons (including myself); he deserted my mother when her sons were very young; years later, we received news that he lived in Al-Suez Governorate; when I went to see him, I discovered that he deserted his second wife who bore him a daughter! Years later, we received the news that he settled in Jordan with a new wife; I and my brothers decided to consider him dead. Recently, he sent a letter to me from Jordan, complaining of old-age ailments and his being jobless and penniless; he demands financial help from me and my brothers. Is it OK or not if we disregard him since he deserted our mother and her three sons and he never spent on us? He is not a real father, for sure. Does he deserve help from us or not? Any advice? … Thank you …
Even if you have decided never to consider him as a father, you can consider him an old man in need who sought your help; if you can offer him any financial help, do not hesitate and do not be stingy; you should forgive and forget; may the Lord God reward you.
Being Thankful to God
Published in August 9, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … I've come across your great Quranism website weeks ago................I desire to pose this question to you: How can believers show how thankful/appreciative and grateful to the Lord God they are? … Thank you …
You are welcome to our website and YouTube channel. Please read our entire archive of writings first before posing repeated questions. We refer you to our series of articles, in English, about this topic:
The Lies of Hypocrites in Yathreb
Published in July 4, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … The Lord God says the following in the Holy Quran: "They profess obedience, but when they leave your presence, some of them conspire something contrary to what you said. But God writes down what they conspire. So avoid them, and put your trust in God. God is Guardian enough." (4:81). Of course, the hypocrites could never distorted the Quranic verses uttered by Muhammad; what are the words of Muhammad they conspired something contrary to them?! There is not any source of Islam other than the Quran, right? Any ideas? … Thank you …
The Quranic verse 4:81 indicates clearly that the hypocrites of Yathreb feigned that they obeyed Muhammad as a leader of the Yathreb city-state; yet, once they left him, they ascribed lies to him; this means that the fabrication of hadiths began during Muhammad's lifetime; we have written a lot before about this. The hypocrites threw seed of discord among the early believers by telling lies and plotting many intrigues. This has nothing to do with the Quran; its text is protected by the Lord God Himself: "Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy." (4:82). The hypocrites disbelieved in the Quran and God has advised them to ponder its verses and repent; see 47:20-24, 9:64-66, and 9124-127. The Quran has exposed their conspiracies and intrigues and how they deceived the early believers.
About the Quranic Verse 96:7
Published in July 18, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … What is the meaning of this verse: "When he considers himself indifferent." (96:7)? … Thank you …
The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "In fact, man oversteps all bounds. When he considers himself indifferent." (96:6-7). This means that the term (man) refers to the vast majority of human beings who are losers because they are controlled by their desires and whims; this leads them to be indifferent to their Creator and feel as if they do not need Him. Those arrogant losers take pride in their riches, health, authority, etc. and exceed all bounds and commit sins; they never think of death, weakness, illnesses, etc. This case includes enthroned tyrants in the Arab world who assume that they will never die and leave their thrones one day; tyranny blinded them so much and they cannot see the Quranic Truth and the inevitability of death.
We Are Owned by God
Published in July 18, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "..."To God we belong, and to Him we will return."" (2:156); many people utter this Quranic phrase in funerals; yet, I feel quite sure that this phrase is not merely about death; the Lord God owns His creatures, including human beings. Right? Any ideas? … Thank you …
You are absolutely right; true monotheistic, pious, patient believers know they are owned by their Creator the Omnipotent, Omniscient Lord God and that their life on Earth is a test for them; they will return to Allah on the Last Day.
"Did you think that We created you in vain, and that to Us you will not be returned?"" (23:115); "And seek help through patience and prayers. But it is difficult, except for the pious ones. Those who know that they will meet their Lord, and that to Him they will return." (2:45-46); "We will certainly test you with some fear and hunger, and some loss of possessions and lives and crops. But give good news to the patient ones. Those who, when a calamity afflicts them, say, "To God we belong, and to Him we will return." Upon these are blessings and mercy from their Lord. These are the guided ones." (2:155-157); "And those who give what they give, while their hearts quake, knowing that to their Lord they will return. It is they who race towards goodness. It is they who will reach it first." (23:60-61).
The Face of the Lord God?
Published in July 19, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … Does the Quran tell us that the Lord God has a face literally? Or is this a figurative style indicating something else? Any ideas? … Thank you …
This figurative style indicates the Lord God Himself (i.e., His Omnipresence and Existence) and how we should direct our souls towards Him by performing good deeds within monotheism and piety.
"And do not invoke with God any other god. There is no God but He. All things perish, except His face. His is the judgment, and to Him you will be returned." (28:88); "Everyone upon it is perishing.But will remain the face of your Lord, Full of Majesty and Splendor." (55:26-27); "To God belong the East and the West. Whichever way you turn, there is God's face. God is Omnipresent and Omniscient." (2:115); "... Any charity you give shall be while seeking God's face[i.e., for the sake of God]... " (2:272); "And those who patiently seek the face of their Lord, and pray regularly, and spend from Our provisions to them, secretly and openly, and repel evil with good. These will have the Ultimate Home." (13:22).
About the Quranic Verse 18:101
Published in July 22, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "Those whose eyes were screened to My remembrance..." (18:101); what does this means since the Muhammadans read the Quran and do not ponder/understand it? Any ideas? … Thank you …
This means that the eyes of true monotheistic believers remember the Lord God by reading the Quran and by seeing and realizing His Majesty and Greatness in His creatures and creations on Earth and in the universe. Sadly, many people are heedless of this and worship nature instead; they deny God's existence; these verses apply to them: "On that Day, We will present the disbelievers to Hell, all displayed. Those whose eyes were screened to My remembrance, and were unable to hear." (18:100-101).
About the Red Sea
Published in July 23, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … I sometimes wonder why the Red Sea Governorate in Egypt lives in poverty (except the touristic beach-resort city of Hurghada) despite the fact that the Red Sea have the potential of having so many touristic sights and centers and it has its different types of fish waiting to be caught within its long coast........ The Red Sea has not the good luck of the Mediterranean Sea; why? Any ideas? … Thank you …
As for the Mediterranean Sea, it is situated in a location with a moderate climate and it is surrounded by plains; this is why civilizations thrived at its coasts. In contrast, the Red Sea is situated in a location with a very hot climate and its coasts are surrounded with mountainous areas in the Arabian peninsula, Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, and Eretria. The River Nile is far away from the Red Sea and a vast desert is separating both the river and the sea; people in Egypt mostly prefer living in the Nile Valley. This is why the Red Sea Governorate in Egypt is underpopulated despite its vast area. Sadly, the Egyptian deep-state people never encouraged Egyptian citizens to settle and populate the Red Sea Governorate which is rarely the focus of the attention of the Egyptian governments and pharaohs from Narmer to Al-Sisi. If it had not been for the fact that some Egyptian pilgrims cross the Red Sea to reach Jeddah in Arabia and the fact that Hurghada attracts many tourists, no Egyptians would have heard about the Red Sea in the Egyptian media. The same marginalization of the Red Sea coast is observed in Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, and Eretria, which are countries ruled by lesser tyrants/pharaohs. When Egypt one day would witness establishing a decentralized democratic rule, the Red Sea Governorate, the Sinai Peninsula, and the many oases of the Egyptian deserts will be densely populated.
Devilish Supplication!
Published in June 25, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … Some Sufi men in my village utter this supplication: (O Lord! Guide me to You Yourself!); is this supplication OK or not as far as Quranism is concerned? Any suggestions? … Thank you …
This is a devilish supplication which is insulting to the Lord God; when pious people engage into acts of worship, they do so as per God's Quranic commands and not as per their wishes, desires, and whims. The best supplication phrases are found in the Quran and are uttered by prophets; of course, one can supplicate to the Lord Allah with words from one's heart within sincerity, reverence, and piety. There is no need for you to follow any supplication phrases fabricated by Sufis; they insult God indirectly or unknowingly with their polytheistic tenets/notions and their supplications.
Destructive Devilish Whispers!
Published in July 24, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … I am in dire need for your help! I must get rid of the torment which blackens the days of my life! My regrets and bangs of conscience are unbearable! Although I avoid grave sins (e.g., polytheism, murder, injustice, theft, and fornication), I feel that God will punish me severely for the mishaps/mistakes and small sins despite my repenting all the time and my good deeds; I never know if I did my best or not! Have I performed the best quality and quantity of good deeds and charity so that God will forgive me or not?! I am not sure if I have reformed myself fully or not! Please help me, Sir! I blame myself all day long and can never get any rest day or night! I do not want to be among the losers on the Last Day! Any advice?! … Thank you …
These are destructive devilish whispers; the devils never despair of making one doubt oneself and one's monotheistic faith; devilish inspirations make you magnify your small sins as if they were enormous, grave ones; they are not. You are suffering an obsession for no reason. You must seek refuge in the Lord God against Satan the outcast and spend more time reading and pondering the Quran deeply. Do not be so severe upon yourself; do not be too judgmental; you are to bear in mind that you get nearer to the Lord God by your good deeds and they will never be wasted/lost as long as you keep to monotheism/Qurnaism. The Lord God forgives and removes small sins (in the Hereafter) if one avoids grave sins all one's life till one dies. Get busy reading our entire archive and the writings of our fellow Quranists on our website. May the Lord God guide you and have mercy upon you.
A Message from a Disbelieving Ignoramus!
Published in August 1, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … I find the Quran to be very illogical and absurd; what is the meaning of the letters at the beginning of some Quranic Chapters, anyway?! Anyone can write words with rhyme...etc. and imitate the style of the Quran; there is no miracle in this; why does the anonymous author of the Quran defy others to bring verses similar to Quranic verses, then?!.............................. Explain this to me in order to guide me, if you can! … Thank you …
No human beings can guide other human beings; one must seek guidance on one's own. Besides, you ridicule and mock the Quran; you have not sent this message to ask our person about anything; you do not believe in the Quran in the first place; your message is filled with Arabic misspelled words, and yet, you dare to seek to undermine and mock the Quranic style and eloquence admired by many Arab and non-Arab writers! You are such a disbelieving ignoramus indeed! We have written before about evidence in the Quran proving that no man in the 7th century Arabia could have the ability to author it. The Quran is God's Word. If you die without sincere repentance, you will certainly enter into Hell in the Hereafter.
A Hadith in One of our Books
Published in February 11, 2008
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm from Algeria. In your Arabic book titled in French "Le musulman pécheur peut-il sortir de l’Enfer pour entrer au Paradis?" or in English "Would Sinful Muslims Get out of Hell to Enter into Paradise?", you've quoted a hadith proving that Muhammad never knew the future in this world and in the Hereafter; yet, you assert in other writings of yours that a true Muslim should never believe in any hadiths at all................ Why, then, have you quoted this hadith in the abovementioned book of yours?! … Thank you …
We have written this book in early 1980s when we assumed wrongly at the time that it is OK to believe in some/few hadiths which do not contradict any Quranic verses; later on, our Quranist research results have proved to us that it is sheer polytheism to believe in even a single hadith and that Islam is the Quran only. Any historical events/narratives about Muhammad and his lifetime are never part of Islam; history may contain facts or lies, whereas the Quran is the Absolute Truth from the Lord God. The only true facts about Muhammad is found exclusively in the Quranic text. The Quran proves that Muhammad never knew the future in this world and the future events of the Hereafter. All Sufi, Sunnite, and Shiite hadiths (i.e., millions of hadiths) are mere lies and falsehoods. Countless authors within the three religions of Satan (i.e., the Sufi, Sunnite, and Shiite ones) ascribed to Muhammad countless hadiths about his predicting future events; most hadiths deify Muhammad and make him a deity alongside with Allah by attributing to him divine adjectives and God-like qualities. The Quran is the only source of Islam; Islam has no other source(s) at all. We refer you to our book, in English, titled "The Quran: Sufficient as a Source of Islamic Legislation", found on this link:
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5171 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,739,418 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,479 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,871 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
القاموس القرآنى عن ( الاستعجال )
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القاموس القرآنى : الكفّارة والفدية
الفصل الأول : التقوى والايمان باليوم الآخر أساس الاجتهاد الاسلامى
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هذا لا يجوز : (( يَا أَيُّ هَا الَّذ ِينَ آمَنُ وا إِذَا...