آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2017-11-01
The Holy Quran and the Destruction of the Al-Saud Family:
The Extravagance of the Saudi Royal Family Members as the Harbinger of Imminent Destruction
Published in October 30, 2017
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
1- Did king Salman and his son, the crown-prince, and the rest of the Al-Saud family read the Quranic verses that talk about extravagance and spendthrifts and their fate in Hell? The answer is of course not. Wahabi clergymen inside the Saudi kingdom never know or read these verses, of course. Let us assert some Quranic facts in the points below to preach and warn them.
2- God commands moderation in spending money and prohibits extravagance and squandering of money earned by legal means, as God does not like spendthrifts: "And those who, when they spend, are neither wasteful nor stingy, but choose a middle course between that." (25:67); "And give the relative his rights, and the poor, and the wayfarer, and do not squander wastefully. The extravagant are brethren of the devils, and the devil is ever ungrateful to his Lord." (17:26-27); "...and do not waste. He does not love the wasteful." (6:141); "...and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive." (7:31). Thus, real believers do not commit sins excessively, as they readily repent; in contrast, disobedient sinners who are addicted to sins, extravagance, promiscuity, etc. make it part of their religion; this has been the state of affluent nations destroyed by the Lord God because of excessive sins and disobedience that went to extremes.
3- The tribesmen of Thamood was destroyed by God and their prophet, Saleh, told them the following: "So fear God, and obey me.And do not obey the command of the extravagant. Who spread corruption on Earth, and do not reform."" (26:150-152). The people of prophet Lot were destroyed because of their homosexual practices deemed as hateful excesses and a type of extravagance that transgresses the limits: ""You lust after men rather than women. You are an excessive people."" (7:81); "To unleash upon them rocks of clay. Marked with fire by your Lord for the excessive. We evacuated all the believers who were in it. But found in it only one household of Muslims. And We left in it a sign for those who fear the painful torment." (51:33-37). Moses' Pharaoh was destroyed by God because he was a self-deified, haughty, and arrogant mortal among those who committed many excesses and acts of extravagance: "Pharaoh was high and mighty on Earth. He was excessively tyrannical." (10:83); "And We delivered the Israelites from the humiliating persecution. From Pharaoh. He was a transgressing tyrant." (44:30-31).
4- God wants Quran-believing people to take heed and be warned by the fate of destroyed nations who committed excesses and were extravagant: "Whenever adversity touches the human being, he prays to Us - reclining on his side, or sitting, or standing. But when We have relieved his adversity from him, he goes away, as though he had never called on Us for trouble that had afflicted him. Thus the deeds of the extravagant appear good to them. We destroyed generations before you when they did wrong. Their messengers came to them with clear signs, but they would not believe. Thus We requite the sinful people. Then We made you successors on earth after them, to see how you would behave." (10:12-14); "Then We fulfilled Our promise to them, and We saved them together with whomever We willed, and We destroyed the extravagant ones. We have sent down to you a Book, containing your message. Do you not understand? How many a guilty town have We crushed, and established thereafter another people? Then, when they sensed Our might, they started running away from it. Do not run, but come back to your luxuries, and to your homes, that you may be questioned. They said, "Woe to us; we were unfair." This continued to be their cry, until We made them silent ashes." (21:9-15).
5- The Al-Saud royal family member are addicted to extravagance and all types of excesses; this asserts their denying the Quran in which they disbelieve. In fact, the very affluent ones who monopolize wealth (countless billions of US$) must be spendthrifts, especially that they never earned such wealth legally; their money is stolen from original inhabitants of Arabia who are tortured in prison cells in case they protest. In the points below, we quote from many websites pieces of information and news about the extravagance of the Al-Saud family members.
Firstly: the extravagance of king Salman:
1- Reaching his senile age, and being heedless of the heart attack he has survived, Salman is addicted to extravagance and luxuries of life. In fact, he owns tens of apartments (bought in return for more than 35 thousand US$) in arrondisement no. 16 in Paris and a luxurious palace in Côte d'Azur in France, and a similar palace in Costa del Sol, Marbella, Spain. Salman owns several luxurious palaces inside the Saudi kingdom by the Red Sea and by the Persian Gulf and other palaces scattered in the Arabian desert. Yet, Salam has preferred his sea resort in Tangier. The Panama documents assert that Salman bought many companies in Luxembourg and Virgin Islands in the UK. Salman bought many mansions and yachts in London in return for millions of US$, and one of these mansions is located near Hyde Park in Mayfair. Salman has granted his son, the crown-prince, all authorities; e.g., supervising the defense ministry, the ARAMCO company, and the economic affairs council. The sons of Salman have received 100 billion US$ and the crown-prince receives the oil revenues of selling two million oil barrel per day.
2- New York Times in January 2017 mentions that the spacious palace of king Salman in Morocco at the Atlantic coast stands behind high walls filled with webcams and guarded by Moroccan soldiers, within the time when austerity measures inside the Saudi kingdom have led to cancelation of many projects that cost one-quarter of a trillion US$. Runways were built inside this palace as well as a huge tent (like tents of circuses) to receive the king and his guests and retinue members who were so many. Salman presides over all trade activities of the Saudi royal family members, informally and unofficially known as Al-Saud and Co. Plummeted oil prices have led to the worse economic conditions that may force the Saudi royal family members to lessen their extravagance; yet, the dissent prince Khaled Ibn Farhan Al-Saud, who lives in Germany, asserts that Saudi citizens have less money than ever, while the Saudi royal family members continue their extravagance more than ever; more sums of money are never mentioned in the Saudi state budget, as per commands of king Salman. To face the budgetary deficit, the Saudi government has lessened salaries of employees in the public sector, removed some subsidies, and raised bills of water supply and electricity, and raised prices of fuel. The Saudi kingdom is now borrowing money from banks inside and outside the kingdom and stopped employing new people in governmental posts; this has caused frustration among the unemployed youth.
3- The Bloomberg website mentions in Oct. 2017 that when the 81-year-old king Salman visited the Russian capital, Moscow, for four days, he commanded a daily plane to bring food enough for 1500 persons who accompanied him there, and he has an electric ladder made of gold to bring him from and to his private plane, with private carpets. It was funny that the electric ladder of his plane stopped working and he had to walk down from the plane upon his arrival. The procession of cars of Salman moved to downtown, guarded by Russian police forces. A plane shuttled daily between Riyadh and Moscow to bring victuals (about 800 kilograms of food!) and other needed items. In the Four Seasons Hotel, king Salman as well as his royal guests has replaced employees with his own servants and he brought his own furniture. The Saudi authorities reserved two hotels at such an event: the Four Seasons and Ritz-Carlton, in return for 3 million US$ apart from the cost of food, spas, and other services, and forced guests to cancel their reservations and to move to other distant hotels. Representatives of the Four Seasons and Ritz-Carlton refused to comment on such effrontery as people felt offended. The Russian Sputnik News has mentioned that the king and his retinue members will reside in five-star hotels near the Kremlin and the Red Square, after changing furniture to cater for Arabian taste, and no one would be allowed to reserve a room in these hotels.
4- When king Salman visited the south of France in July 2015 for three weeks, this visit made a lot of ink flow as French media protested the fact that Salman monopolized the sanded beach commonly used by thousands of the middle-class French citizens at this time of year in Côte d'Azur, with 500 persons as his retinue members, servant, chauffeurs, tour guides, etc. The Saudi embassy in France reserved (and paid the bills in advance) four hotels in Cannes, Nice, Monaco, and Saint Tropez for the retinue members. The Vallauris municipality prevented king Salman from installing an electric ladder to allow him to reach the beach from his palace, but the French government managed to please Salman and angry French citizens protested and reminded the government of the principle of equality for all citizens, as per the constitution, and that France should never kneel down to some foreign rich men at the expense of French citizens.
5- The New York Times mentions in 2016 that the crown-prince, Ibn Salman, has bought, during his visit to the French Riviera, a yacht from the Russian billionaire Yuri Scheffler in return to 500 million euro, though the actual cost of this yacht is 33 million US$.
Secondly: the extravagance of king Fahd and other members of the Al-Saud royal family:
1- The late king Fahd used to specify one billion SR for each of the journeys of his son Abdul-Aziz, and any sums never spent by his son were confiscated by king Fahd.
2- Al-Waqt website has mentioned in 1437 A.H./ 2015 A.D. that extravagance of the Al-Saud family members exposes their false claims of applying 'Islamic' sharia laws inside the Saudi kingdom. Al-Waqt website published photos of huge amounts of meat thrown in the garbage bins of palaces of the affluent ones among the royal family members and their retinue members who held daily banquets. CNN Turkey mentions that the Saudi prince Nawaf Ibn Abdul-Aziz has rented a luxurious 85-meter-long yacht during his summer vacation in Turkey, while his parties of promiscuity and dancing cost 5 thousand euros a day in a fancy restaurant. Many Saudi princes rent luxurious yachts more often than not, using British pseudonyms. The Hespress Moroccan news website mentions that king Salman would arrive with a large party o his family members to celebrate the wedding of one of his sons in Tangier, while reserving all hotels there, after he enjoyed his stay in Morocco after he left the French Riviera. Many Saudi citizens expressed their criticism of extravagance and excesses of the Saudi royal family, asserting that more than 75 tons of rice are being wasted annually and more than 16 million meals, making the Saudi kingdom on top of the list of countries that cause the biggest amounts of wasted food.
3- The Daily Standard mentions that the Saudi royal family plans to build a lofty mansion with the total cost of 50 million sterling (i.e., 81 million US$) by demolishing three buildings in Belgravia district in London, with 50 bedrooms and underground indoor swimming pools, rooms for servants, spacious garage for limousines, elevators, sports hall, and storehouse for valuable items and treasures.
4- The Saudi royal family members' extravagance knows no limits in the West countries and their resorts, shopping malls, casinos, and hotels. It is enough to write in Google search engine the words (Saudi gambling and shopping), and one will get to know about millions of US$ being spent annually by the Saudi royal family members to enrich the economy of the West. A Saudi princess, for instance, bought an amount of chocolate in London in return for 3 million US$, and buying expensive brands of chocolate is now deemed as an annual 'holy' ritual for Saudi princes and princesses. Many Saudi princes donate sums of money for charity venues that care for fighting extinction of certain birds and worms and larger sums of money for sports clubs in the West. This is not to mention the shameful deals of buying weapons in return for billions of US$ before wars in Yemen and Syria, and most of such weapons are left to rust in storehouses inside Europe, the USA, and the Saudi kingdom itself. The Saudi government and the Gulf monarchies leave trillions of US$ in banks of the West, sums that can eliminate poverty, ignorance/illiteracy, and illnesses from the Arab world and other nations that suffer depletion of resources because of European colonialism.
5- We quote from the 1994 article of France Press that the Saudi royal family members (over 10.000 prince and princesses) never stop limitless extravagance and luxurious life in times of debts and budgetary deficits. Under the surface of huge oil reserves, poverty in some Saudi cities show that radical economic and political changes may lead the Saudi kingdom to go bankrupt. From 1985 to 1993, the Saudi royal family members, and king Fahd, have spent 132 billion US$, a sum that exceeds oil revenues; no one else worldwide but the Saudi royal family members can commit such excesses.
6- Saudi princes in London drive fancy cars in gold by confiscating wealth of the Saudi citizens, and news of such cars in London streets caught the attention of media worldwide, as billions of US$ are confiscated by the Saudi royal family members from oil venues, that should have been enjoyed by Saudi citizens, under the auspices of corrupt Wahabi clergymen. The four cars in gold that roamed streets of London are owned by one Saudi prince, and their cost is estimated to be more than 1.8 million US$; one of the cars is a Lamborghini and another one is a Mercedes.
Within Twitter, the Saudi opposition figure called Mujtahidd writes about the costs of the visit to Morocco by king Salman, along with 4000 retinue members and servants, while Saudi youths suffer poverty, frustration, and unemployment. Salman and his guests lived there luxuriously while leading a promiscuous lifestyle of extravagance beyond all limits imaginable. Each palace for Salman and the crown-prince, his son, in Morocco is like a village with all facilities, and each palace in Tangier has been built in return for one billion SR. The retinue members, high-rank royal officials, friends, and servants of Ibn Salman lived in many villas overlooking the sea in Tangier, and other not-so-close guests lived in all the rooms in seven hotels for 75 days! Thousands of Peugeot, Mercedes, Bentley, and Rolls-Royce cars were rented with chauffeurs ready 24 hours in shifts. This means that this journey of pleasure cost 50 million SR at least! This is tantamount to salaries of one year to 40 thousand soldiers inside the Saudi kingdom. This is without mentioning money spent in brothels and other sums to gamble and to buy drugs and wine, within parties of promiscuity. It was rumored that all sex workers in Morocco were sent to Tangier to get more money! Saudi citizens wondered about the reason of Ibn Salman having high-rank military leaders with him in Morocco while the war in Yemen has not ended yet. A letter from one of the male grandchildren of Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud warns against the dire consequences of extravagance that goes beyond all limits since Salman was enthroned, as 160 billion US$ were spent by the king and 100 billion US$ by his sons. This male grandson asserts further that there are sums of money stolen within the projects of widening the Kaaba Sacred Mosque and within deals to buy useless weapons; the annual budget includes that king Salman receives 50 million SR on a daily basis, or rather, this sum is given to whoever carries his royal stamp within any royal decree! The National Bank of king Salman contains 9 billion SR, a sum that increases daily as the crown-prince adds to it the revenues of selling two million oil barrels.
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5169 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,614,303 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,478 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,869 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
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