Fatwas: Part Five issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2016-12-20

Fatwas: Part Five

issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy


A Message Addressed to Mr. Donald Trump

Published in November 10, 2016


Question: … Peace be with you, Dr. Mansour… You are part of the American nation, and you know that Mr. Trump has become the President-Elect of the USA… What is your advice or message that you would like to address to Mr. Trump? …Thank you…


    No one in the USA is above the law. Any American president heads the executive authorities, not as a leader of the nation, but as a public servant of the nation, and any American president is not a tyrant; he is being watched and checked all the time by the congress and the media. We recall how media caused President Nixon to tender his resignation, frightened President Clinton, and curbed some decisions and actions of President Obama. We, Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, have sent pieces of advice to President Bush Jr., begging him not to invade Iraq. We have sent pieces of advice to President Obama, begging him not to submit to the Saudi influence and the Saudi lobby. Both presidents have ignored us. The USA has lost a great deal in its invasion of Iraq; in fact the USA has lost a lot in Iraq, Syria, and Libya because of the American alliance with the Saudi royal family members. Mr. Trump is a businessman and a Reality-TV star; he does not need to flatter Wall Street and billionaires. It is expected from him that he will never submit to the embezzlement of interest groups and lobbies that usually finance campaigns of elections and expects in return full compliance of presidents. Mr. Trump financed his own campaign using his own money, as he has told everyone. Mr. Trump never assumed any post in the government before; this means that comes from outside the political elite members who live in ivory towers away from ordinary American citizens. Those elite members live off crumbs of the American capitalism and submit to it. on the contrary, Mr. Trump is in direct contact with people like the ones employed in his companies within different posts. We do believe that Mr. Trump represented the vast majority of conservative white Christian Americans (or WASPs) who fear demographic change (caused by the numbers of minorities like African-Americans, Latinos, Asians, and Arabs, as well as many refugees) and who have economic fears about American factories and companies fleeing to Asian countries, where there are fewer taxes, wages, and salaries, to produce products (e.g., from cars to fabrics and electronics) with little costs and then to import it to the USA to gain millions of $, whereas American industry would deteriorate and factories would go bankrupt inside American soil because of higher taxes and salaries. Hence, fears of middle-class average white persons led them to respond to the discourse addressed to them by Mr. Trump that struck a right chord with them; that is why he won this elections. Mrs. Hillary Clinton lost this  elections as she represents the corrupt policies of Mr. Obama in the Middle East and the rest of the world; let us be reminded of the fact that Mr. Obama policies drove some countries to insult him on purpose when he was received in them, as was the case with the KSA and China. Our message to Mr. Trump is as follows. We advise Mr. Trump never to send any American troops outside American borders; the USA must stop playing the role of the world's policeman. The USA must focus on the intellectual war of ideas against religious terrorism, especially using Quranism, instead of huge expenditure on military adventures outside the USA. The USA must spend its money instead on human development inside America; especially to help impoverished citizens who live within despicable conditions in order to lead a better life, while educating their children and protecting them from addiction. The USA must spend money on investing American resources from ice of Alaska to deserts of Nevada and Arizona and from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans. Finally, we sincerely hope that Mr. Trump will have a heart open for every American citizen, not just for the white Anglo-Saxons.




ISIS Terrorists, the USA, and the EU

Published in February 3, 2015



Question: …  The West has adopted religious tolerance, whereas Arabs' intolerance is embodied by ISIS. What do you think? …       


1- ISIS terrorists adopt the Wahabi religion that urges bloodshed; ISIS terrorist organization is made in and supported both by the USA (i.e., the American administration) and the KSA (i.e., the Saud royal family); The West powers are making use of ISIS to introduce chaos into the Middle East to re-define its borders, aiming at dividing its countries into smaller separatist states. The West commits this crime for many reasons, chief among them is to sell huge amounts of weapons, stored for years, to all warring parties, so that the gullible Muhammadans would kill one another. Another aim is to allow the West to get oil in return for cheaper prices.

2- During the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church in Europe invented the myths of excommunication and anathema to persecute and terrorize those who held different opinions. Later on, inquisition used to burn confiscated heaps of books and burn foes of the Church at the stake or gyres and some were hanged, quartered, etc. Thus, the Church of Europe at the time was based on bloodshed and violence under the sponsorship of Rome. Even Western Christians had persecuted Egyptian Coptic Christians when Egypt was a Roman occupied territory, driving Copts to welcome the Arab conquest. Popes of Rome had incited the crusades, and Spanish inquisition men committed genocide in Iberia against Muslims and Jews. European settlers in North and South America massacred millions of Red Indians and millions of Asians in South-East of Asia. In modern history, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) who were some American white extremist fanatic men, allegedly Christians, have committed acts of violence, massacres, sabotage and aggressions inside the USA, and they persecuted African Americans.

3- The Quran was revealed in the 7th century A.D. and it urges religious tolerance and polite, elevated dialogue of reason and civilized manners in dealing with intellectual and religious foes or adversaries: "Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good advice, and debate with them in the most dignified manner. Your Lord is aware of those who stray from His path, and He is aware of those who are guided." (16:125). Hence, God has commanded Muhammad to preach the Quran gently to people; the same command is directed to all Quran-believing people and preachers of the Truth in all eras, who should bear patiently with being ridiculed, derided, or mocked and should never seek transient glory or possession of this world, but to seek only to gratify God. Hence, this Quranic command is for all people in all eras: "And who is better in speech than someone who calls to God, and acts with integrity, and says, "I am of those who submit to God"? Good and evil are not equal. Repel evil with good, and the person who was your enemy becomes like an intimate friend. But none will attain it except those who persevere, and none will attain it except the very fortunate." (41:33-35). This is higher, elevated values of Islam and refined dialogue. Other detailed rules of such dialogue include the following: "Do not insult those they call upon besides God, lest they insult God out of hostility and ignorance…" (6:108). Hence, if intellectual foes insist on retaining their faiths and tenets, we are to move away from them and let them be; we have done our best to guide them to the Quran and they refuse; all of us wait for God's judgment on every human being within the Last Day: "And say to those who do not believe, "Act according to your ability; and so will we." "And wait; we too are waiting."" (11:121-122). To move away from them means to politely step away, not to persecute, discriminate, despise, or shun them. This liberal, respected stance is derived from the Quranic teachings: "…Either you, or we, are rightly guided, or in evident error." Say, "You will not be asked about our misdeeds, nor will we be asked about what you do." Say, "Our Lord will bring us together; then He will judge between us equitably. He is the All-Knowing Judge."" (34:24-26). This means that a true preacher should never verbally abuse those who follow other religions or atheism. Such civilized dialogue in the Quran reminds us that we are to leave judgment to God alone within the Last Day, when all of us will know who are winner and who are losers. Hence, we should never interfere in religions of others or persecute anyone, but to pardon and tolerate them, as long as these others do not fight us or raise arms against us to commit aggression and persecution. "…The Hour is coming, so forgive with gracious forgiveness." (15:85). God has said to Prophet Muhammad: "As for his statement: "My Lord, these are a people who do not believe." Pardon them, and say, "Peace." They will come to know." (43:88-89). Hence, God wants us to pardon and tolerate disbelievers in the Quran: "Tell those who believe to forgive those who do not hope for the Days of God. He will fully recompense people for whatever they have earned. Whoever does a good deed, it is for his soul; and whoever commits evil, it is against it; then to your Lord you will be returned." (45:14-15). This shows us that one's choice of beliefs and tenets (or even lack of them totally) is one's responsibility before the Lord during the Last Day; preachers should tolerate deniers of the Quran and wait for their being punished in Hell in the Hereafter. Let us be reminded of the fact that the Quran was revealed in the 7th century A.D., within the age of intolerance, religious persecution, tyranny, accusations of being a heretic, an infidel, or an apostate, etc., and thus, the Quran with its tolerance and urging people to adopt elevated dialogue has preceded the West civilized values of tolerance centuries before the Western people have become civilized enough in the 2nd half of the 20th centuries.                




The West And Arabs: Who Comes First?

Published in July 21, 2009


Question: … You always mention that human rights in the West is maintained and discarded by Arabs in the Middle East … What about Muslim civilizations in the 8th until the 10th centuries A.D. while Europe was suffering obscurantism?  


  During the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church in Europe invented the myths of excommunication and anathema to persecute and terrorize those who held different opinions the oppose the dominant religious and political views. Later on, men of the inquisition used to burn confiscated heaps of books and burn foes of the Church at the stake or gyres and some were hanged, quartered, etc. Thus, the Church of Europe at the time was based on bloodshed and violence under the sponsorship of Rome. Even Western Christians had persecuted Egyptian Coptic Christians when Egypt was a Roman occupied territory, driving Copts to welcome the Arab conquerors. Popes of Rome had incited the crusades, and Spanish inquisition men committed genocide in the Iberian Peninsula against Muslims and Jews. European settlers in North and South America massacred millions of Red Indians and millions of Asians in South-East of Asia. In modern history, the Ku Klux Klan have committed acts of violence, massacres, sabotage, and aggressions inside the USA, and they have persecuted African Americans. In contrast, The Quran was revealed in the 7th century A.D., and it urges religious tolerance and polite, elevated dialogue of reason, and civilized manners in dealing with intellectual and religious foes or adversaries: "Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good advice, and debate with them in the most dignified manner. Your Lord is aware of those who stray from His path, and He is aware of those who are guided." (16:125). Hence, God has commanded Muhammad to preach the Quran gently to people; the same command is directed to all Quran-believing people and preachers of the Truth in all eras, who should bear patiently with being ridiculed, derided, or mocked and should never seek transient glory or possession of this world, but to seek only to gratify God. Hence, this Quranic command is for all people in all eras: "And who is better in speech than someone who calls to God, and acts with integrity, and says, "I am of those who submit to God"? Good and evil are not equal. Repel evil with good, and the person who was your enemy becomes like an intimate friend. But none will attain it except those who persevere, and none will attain it except the very fortunate." (41:33-35). This is higher, elevated values of Islam and refined dialogue. Other detailed rules of such dialogue include the following: "Do not insult those they call upon besides God, lest they insult God out of hostility and ignorance…" (6:108). Hence, if intellectual foes insist on retaining their faiths and tenets, we are to move away from them and let them be; we have done our best to guide them to the Quran and they refuse; all of us wait for God's judgment on every human being within the Last Day: "And say to those who do not believe, "Act according to your ability; and so will we." "And wait; we too are waiting."" (11:121-122). To move away from them means to politely step away, not to persecute, discriminate, despise, or shun them. This liberal, respected stance is derived from the Quranic teachings: "…Either you, or we, are rightly guided, or in evident error." Say, "You will not be asked about our misdeeds, nor will we be asked about what you do." Say, "Our Lord will bring us together; then He will judge between us equitably. He is the All-Knowing Judge."" (34:24-26). This means that a true preacher should never verbally abuse those who follow other religions or atheism. Such civilized dialogue in the Quran reminds us that we are to leave judgment to God alone within the Last Day, when all of us will know who are winner and who are losers. Hence, we should never interfere in religions of others or persecute anyone, but to pardon, forgive and tolerate them, especially when these others do not fight us or raise arms against us in order to commit aggression and persecution. "…The Hour is coming, so forgive with gracious forgiveness." (15:85). God has said to Prophet Muhammad: "As for his statement: "My Lord, these are a people who do not believe." Pardon them, and say, "Peace." They will come to know." (43:88-89). Hence, God wants us to pardon and tolerate disbelievers in the Quran: "Tell those who believe to forgive those who do not hope for the Days of God. He will fully recompense people for whatever they have earned. Whoever does a good deed, it is for his soul; and whoever commits evil, it is against it; then to your Lord you will be returned." (45:14-15). This shows us that one's choice of beliefs and tenets (or even lack of them totally) is one's responsibility before the Lord during the Last Day; preachers should tolerate deniers of the Quran and wait for their being punished in Hell in the Hereafter. Let us remember that the Quran was revealed in the 7th century A.D., within the age of intolerance, religious persecution, tyranny, accusations of being a heretic, an infidel, or an apostate, etc., and thus, the Quran with its tolerance and urging people to adopt elevated dialogue has preceded the West countries civilized values of tolerance centuries before the Western people have become civilized enough in the second half of the 20th centuries.               





Death Wish

Published in September 26, 2014



Question: … Is it permissible or not within Islam to wish for the death of oneself sooner? Thank you …


  Real believers in the Quran do not despair of God's mercy: "…Do not despair of God's mercy. None despairs of God's mercy except the disbelieving people" (12:87). At the same time, real believers should not feel 100% sure to be immune against divine punishment if the commit sins that incur penalties. As for disbelievers, they go on with their injustices and evil ways like tyrants, never paying heed to God and His punishment and His Last Day: " Do they feel safe from God's plan? None feel safe from God's plan except the losing people." (7:99). Real believers in this life are like diligent students who have studied a lot and done their best, hoping to pass the test of life and the ordeal of Resurrection Day to be among winners. Real believers believe God's only discourse, the Quran, as the Absolute Truth and perform good deeds, obey Quranic commands in terms of faith and acts of worship and in terms of peaceful, fair, just, tolerant, charitable, and gentle treating of and dealing with all people, while feeling certain that God will never waste their acts of goodness but will reward them for it in Paradise, as long as they are not among the polytheists who believe in corrupt narratives insulting to God and His prophets and messengers. Such real believers desire to meet God in the Hereafter to feel happy in Paradise. Yet, it is in vain to wish for oneself (or for others) to die sooner than expected or desired to get relieved from suffering of any type. Absolute justice will be done during the Last Day. No one dies before the lifetime allotted to one by God beforehand is fulfilled. Meeting God is not in Barsakh, where all souls return after death, but during the Day of Resurrection. Real believers long for that day to be rewarded by Almighty God for their deep monotheistic faith and good deeds of piety. God has said the following to Muhammad to tell it to all patient, good, believing people: "Say, "I am only a human being like you, being inspired that your god is One God. Whoever hopes to meet his Lord, let him work righteousness, and never associate anyone with the service of his Lord."" (18:110). Sadly, the vast majority of people are too engrossed in the possessions and affairs of this transient world and forget the Hereafter, and most of them deny God's existence; they seek not to meet God and never pay attention to death and what comes after it, under the pretext that religion is pure human invention. They tend to forget all about dying and about the fact that they did not create themselves or the universe. They claim the Creator does not exist in order to get busy with their temporary existence on earth. If most people really believe in God and the Hereafter, they would not be engaging into struggles, strife, and wars for worldly material possession they will levee anyway when they die and get out of this world. Those losers will indeed lose this world (by death, as no one is lives forever on earth) and the next world when they find Hell waiting for them as their abode for eternity: "Those who do not hope to meet Us, and are content with the worldly life, and are at ease in it, and those who pay no heed to Our signs. These-their dwelling is the Fire-on account of what they used to do." (10:7-8).  Those people hate death and its mention and they hide their fear of it, as an unknown process to them, by mocking it within media, arts, philosophy, literature, atheist notions, etc. so as never to think of it or to allow others (consumers worldwide!) to think of their inevitable death. They act as if they were immortalized; their deeds and actions betray such false feelings and give us this impression that they deny God and the Last Day. This applies in particular to tyrants, the unjust, the powerful, and the affluent; they stick to material gains, wealth, power, thrones, etc. and forget mortality until they die and turn into dust. As we daily remember death, let us remember this Latin motto (sic transit gloria mundi); in English it means: thus passes the glory of the world. This motto indicates that worldly things are fleeting and transient and deserve no fighting for precious possessions as every person will die someday and leave this world to the next.            




Pilgrimage Explained in Brief  

Published in May 28, 2013



Question: … If you please, could you explain to me briefly how to perform Hajj after the pilgrimage season ends inside the KSA? …


    Sacred months of Hajj are Zu Al-Hijja, Muharram, Saffar, and Rabei Awwal. The Saudi authority confines pilgrimage season to the very first ten days of Zu Al-Hijja and this is wrong, as this was the opening of the pilgrimage season and NOT the whole season. A Quranist can perform Hajj any days within the four sacred months, as long as he/she can afford it money-wise and health-wise. This pilgrim must buy an affordable sacrificial animal (a goat, a cow, a camel, one sheep, a lamb, or a ram, etc.). the ancient people used to bring the sacrificial animals with them; now, it is easy to buy them in Mecca. There is no social clothes for Ihram; Ihram simply means adhering to piety and observing all rituals within the fear of God while avoiding prohibitions of Hajj: sex with spouse, hunting, arguing and quarrelling, and removing all evil intentions from one's heart, so that days and rituals of pilgrimage are the best chance for repentance and purification of the soul. Ihram includes three overlapping spheres: locational sanctuary of the Kaaba, the temporal sanctuary of the sacred months, and the pilgrim's pious heart explained above. Piety must be observed during performance of all rituals of Hajj while remembering God all the time with low whispers in reverence, devoutness, and in the fear of God. Rituals of Hajj is to circumambulate the Kaaba seven times, without touching it, and the seven rounds begin with the black stone as a mark. This black stone is not sanctified at all; its role is to be a mere sign to count the seven rounds. Other rituals are performing prayers at the Sacred Kaaba Mosque, glorifying God and remembering His name at the Sacred Kaaba Mosque, and standing for a while at Arafat mount. We do think that there is no one hindering any guest to go to Arafat alone within the sacred months, for the area is open all year long. Yet, your going and standing there for a while there will entail to be very cautious. We think you can stand there alone in silence or while remembering and glorifying God's name in whispers. You should remember that pilgrimage is mainly dealing with God by one's heart and soul as pious as you can. Offering the sacrificial animal is the last ritual of Hajj, and to offer it yourself or to get someone to buy and slaughter it and then offering its meat to the poor. Of course, you should not tell anyone that you are performing Hajj away from the supposed whole season of ten days so as to avoid the danger of being persecuted or harmed. The optional ritual is to circle to and from between Safa and Marwa mounts for seven rounds. Another optional ritual is to circumambulate the Kaaba seven times to bid farewell to the Kaaba Sacred mosque. Of course, first of all, you will obtain a visa for Umrah to enter the KSA during the days of the four sacred months, especially that Umrah rituals are exactly the same as Hajj except for standing at Arafat mount. Try to go to Arafat mount pretending to be a tourist who want to explore the place, without arousing any suspicions.             





Political Fatwas

Published in May 1, 2007



Question: … I do believe that fatwas must be issued from one source or body formed by a given country … The Ottomans used to appoint one mufti (grand imam or scholar) to issue fatwas, and he was given the honorary title of ''Sheikh Al-Islam" … If we do the same in every Arab country and ban others from issuing fatwas, we will fight terrorist and extremist fatwas of fanatics and their likes … What do you think?


1- The Ottoman Empire remains until now the source of inspiration of all fanatics and extremists who call for establishing theocracies in our miserable era in the Arab world. All Wahabi terrorist groups (the MB, Salafists, etc.) dream of reviving the caliphate rule system of the Ottomans since the Ottoman caliphate ended in 1924. The terrorist MB was established in 1928 in Egypt (sponsored by Britain and Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud, the founder of the KSA). The Ottomans manipulated the name of Islam within its internal policies and foreign policies. We will give you below a brief overview of the Ottomans and fatwas that misused, manipulated, and tarnished the reputation of the name of Islam to pass off grave injustices, oppression, and tyranny as if they were application of sharia laws.

  The Ottoman sultan Selim I conquered the Levant and Egypt and turned them into Ottoman governorates. His son was the sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, who was titled the Lawgiver, and he was the greatest Ottoman caliph; he was the tenth Ottoman longest-reigning caliph, the last strong and great Ottoman caliph, and he was given his title because he introduced and reformed many laws that constituted the legal cover for the Ottoman Empire. Among things he introduced was the appointment of the mufti or Sheikh Al-Islam as the higher or supreme Sufi-Sunnite authority within the religious institution; this mufti was the only one authorized to issue fatwas to justify any policies or decrees of sultans. In his old age, Suleiman the Magnificent fell madly in love a very beautiful Russian slave-girl named Roxelana; he freed and married her, and he totally submitted to her. Her influence was very bad on internal policies and foreign ones of the Ottoman Empire. Roxelana managed to control fully the sultan and removed his first wife from the palace. This first wife was the mother of the sultan's successor Prince Mustapha. Roxelana managed to convince the sultan to kill his prime minister (or grand vizier) Ibraheem Pacha who was the in-law of the sultan as well. She did so because she wanted her son, Prince Selim, to be the formal successor of the sultan instead of Prince Mustapha his first-born. Sadly, Roxelana was the plotter of a war that broke out between the Ottoman Empire (which adopted Sunnite Sufism) and the Shiite Safavid Dynasty ruling Iran. She incited the sultan against his son, Prince Mustapha, as she accused the son of conspiring against his father by helping the Safavids. She manipulated the loyalty and love of the Janissaries and the Ottoman army leaders toward the prince to make the sultan believe that his son is planning to depose him to take over the throne. As the sultan feared that the Janissaries and the Ottoman army leaders might turn against him if he killed his son whom they loved, the sultan made the mufti or Sheikh Al-Islam issue a fatwas to allow the sultan to have his innocent son killed before his eyes by three executioners! Prince Mustapha did not pay heed to the warnings of his admirers in the army who advised him not to have an audience with his father the sultan. Thus, the Ottoman army lost the military prowess and experience of a good military and political leader that was killed for no reason. Civil war ensued and was incited by other military leaders in the army; as the Janissaries hated Prince Selim, who was formally made successor after Prince Mustapha's death, and another younger son, Prince Abou Zeid rebelled against the sultan as he refused to make him his successor instead of Prince Selim. Prince Abou Zeid lost the battle, and the sultan had him and his progeny killed! Later on, the son of Roxelana became the sultan Selim II, and he was known for his immorality, drunkenness, sinning, debaucheries, etc. Hence, the era of affluent, corrupt, promiscuous sultans began, and among them were those who practiced sodomy and those who cared for nothing in life but wine and women. Thus, Roxelana wreaked her revenge against the Ottoman Empire that enslaved her. Russia and the Ottoman Empire were enemies all the time. When Russia defeated the Ottomans and forced them to give up Romania and Greece, the Ottoman sultan at the time, Mahmoud II, made the mufti issue a fatwa to allow such agreement that took place in 1829! This sultan demanded a fatwa to allow him to fight Muhammad Ali Pacha of Egypt in 1831. The same sultan demanded another fatwa to refrain from executing his earlier decision to fight Muhammad Ali Pacha of Egypt in 1833! Thus, every caliph wanted a religious veneer or cover to give the impression that all his acts are divinely inspired!

  Hence, we assert here that those who fabricate any man-made, earthly religion own such religion and use it as a weapon for worldly and political goals. This has nothing to do with Islam: the Quran. the great name of Islam was used as a motto or banner within struggles for loot, power, and authority as well as within political intrigues. It would have been better if the name of Islam was never used within such conflicts and ambitions. Sadly, its great name is still being used for such corrupt reasons until now; Islam is innocent of heinous crimes committed using its name by Sunnites, Shiites, Wahabis, and their likes. Their earthly creeds have nothing to do with Islam, however adamant they insist on claiming they believe in the Quran. the Ottomans' religion at the time was Sunnite Sufism, not Islam however strongly they had asserted. Thus, political fatwas do not represent Islam; they belong to the minds and whims of those who have issued them. The clergymen submissive to sultans had harmed and tarnished the name of Islam by ascribing to it all heinous crimes committed by sultans. Thus, their fatwas/edicts represent their obsequious and greedy nature and not Islam; they could not oppose whims of sultans as they feared to get killed. The great religion of Islam should stay away from all intrigues, manipulation, worldly ambitions, whims, and backwardness of others. We urge all today's Wahabis, Sunnites, Shiites, and their likes to have mercy on the name of Islam by never ascribing to it their views and whims! May God curse them!        





Countries of Oppression and Poverty

Published in June 3, 2013



Question: … I am a Libyan 32-year-old unmarried woman who has been living in a European country along with my family to get educated there for several years …Upon returning to Libya, I felt depressed and devastated as I see it being ruined … I often think of suicide! … After the supposed to be named revolt, everything beautiful in Libya is ruined and beyond repair … I feel I smell and taste death on a daily basis as life is no longer bearable in Libya … Corruption is everywhere as well as armed fighters who wreak havoc and terrorize people … I feel like a zombie; there is no arts, theaters, entertainment, museums, libraries, movie theaters, discothèques, etc. … To top it all, women are being insulted and their rights compromised in Libya … I was forced to wear a veil covering my hair to avoid being persecuted … there is no room for hobbies or educational courses of any type … No one is there to help me go on with my piano lessons … Life is an ongoing nightmare … people here live to eat and sleep only, as if they were animals! If I killed myself, will God forgive me?!    


    Our dear daughter,

  We totally agree with you; we have lived the same experience of being persecuted in Egypt. We never felt the meaning of human dignity except when we immigrated to the USA. This contrast made us realize the huge amount of oppression, suffering, humiliation we have endured by the Mubarak regime in Egypt for 40 years. We have visited Libya three times as Kaddafi invited us to hold conferences there about Quranism. We have been treated kindly and hospitably there, but we were suffocated by the unified views within Libyan media that parrot words of Kaddafi. We used to feel relieved when we returned to Egypt after leaving Libya, as oppression and suppression in the latter were more than the former. Yet, the Egyptian State Security Apparatus men used to interrogate us every single time when we arrived from Libya. Libya is now worse than before; in the past, at least Kaddafi maintained its security and prosperity. Now, Libya is in a state of chaos and the mob is in control of everything; security and prosperity have gone off and will not return anytime soon. We advise you to immigrate to Europe; Libya and indeed most Arab countries have become huge sepulcher with the walking dead and phantoms, and anyone whose awareness is raised will discern that as if God's curse has stricken the Arabs. The more one is cultured and aware, the more he/she are tormented inside such countries of tyranny. Before tyranny and depression might kill you, flee to Europe. May God grant you a quick escape from the unjust ones and oppressors in Libya.          




We Have Written Against Torture Long Ago

Published in July 21, 2009



Question: … I liked very much your article against torture, and I wish you would have published a similar one in any Egyptian newspaper during your previous life in Egypt … Why did not you attacked and criticized torture in the 1990s ?… I know you are bold enough and never fear anyone …  


     Our dear brother,

   Thank you for your email message. We have written many articles against torture that took place in police stations in Cairo in the 1992 in the Cairene independent opposition Al-Ahrar newspaper. We will quote a part of one of them below. You will be surprised to know that this article is still valid though it has been written many years ago; you will feel as if it was written recently.

   (((Article Title: "We Have Honored the Children of Adam…" (17:70):

    A bearded truck driver in Upper Egypt was arrested by police forces who searched the area hunting for Wahabi terrorists who committed a heinous terrorist act. The bearded truck driver was suspected for no reason, except having a beard, and for days, he remained in the police station, being tortured and interrogated, while his family knew nothing of his whereabouts. Making sure he had nothing to do with terrorists, the police officers released him. after such horrible experience and grave injustice, he became someone else: the embodiment of the soul of revenge. This truck driver may become soon a terrorist as he may join Wahabis to seek revenge. He would be bent on murdering any policemen anytime anywhere. Soon enough, his photo may appear in the front pages of newspapers as enemy no. 1 of the nation who have committed terrorist operations. For many times ad infinitum ad nauseam, we have warned against the danger of torturing people who are being interrogated inside police stations. The Egyptian Human Rights Organization, whom we work with and take pride in our endeavors in it, asserted many times that the dignity and rights of imprisoned people inside Egypt must be maintained; yet, torture is going on and escalating. Such humiliation and pain will create more generations of terrorists who will recruit themselves to jihadist Wahabis who are currently destroying Egyptian peace with their terrorist operations… to the extent that some youths who lust for revenge have become suicide bombers to kill the Interior Minister. Such youths are victims of the Mubarak regime, with its corruption and torture and its inability to provide a decent standard of living to all citizens … they are victims to extremists who recruit youths who are willing to commit terrorist acts … those extremists and Wahabi fanatics control Egyptian media now, preventing a peaceful reformer like ourselves from writing about true Islam to clear its name from their unholy texts that are the basis of terror, extremism, and fanaticism. The frustrated youths cannot express their views in opposition newspapers that have no influence whatsoever, and the ruling party ignores such youths. If such frustrated youths try to focus on earning their livelihoods, they are faced with overpopulation, inflation, soaring prices, red tape, and depression. The only channel welcoming such youths is the dark vault of Wahabi terrorists, whose ideas differ so little from those  voiced by Sunnite preachers in sermons and in mosques. Most people now do not differentiate between being religious and being an extremist. Any bearded man now is suspect of being a member of any terrorist groups. Without evidence, such men are being interrogated and tortured until proven innocent! Thus, the policemen are creating more potential terrorists who will join forces and ally themselves to extremists. The insulted humiliated men will seek indiscriminate revenge against policemen anytime anywhere … Of course, many policemen are upright, honest persons, who pay the heavy bill (by being massacred by terrorists and being under pressure and urged to hunt them down as soon as possible) for the failure of Egyptian government that destroys the present and the future of frustrated youths … This is not an excuse to torture suspects or imprisoned people; this is a sin against God, Who honored the children of Adam, as per the Quran. hence, any injustices committed by policemen against innocent religious men, bearded or not, who committed no crimes at all, will metamorphose them later on into full-fledged extremists and terrorists, who will find Sunnite tenets to 'justify' their violence and sabotage. The psychological motive for them would be seeking revenge by all means and at any costs … This vicious circle must come to an end and such injustices be nipped in the bud… Torture must be banned by law … It is absurd that policemen would incarcerate hundreds of suspects for days in search for 3 or 4 terrorists, and when the hundreds of innocent ones are released, they never forget being humiliated, incarcerated, and tortured. The policemen must stop extracting confessions under duress … Torture is never taught at the Police Academy, we presume. Why it is being practiced?! We assure readers that we care also about the safety and lives of policemen who protect the Egyptian nation … ))).





A Christian who Believes in Muhammad's Message

Published in February 11, 2015



Question: … I am a Christian man, but I believe that both Jesus and Muhammad are prophets, like all prophets, with good divine messages to all people, but I have not pronounced the two testimonies like Muslims … What do you think? 


  It is enough that within your heart, you do not deify mortals, prophets or otherwise, and this means you deify, sanctify, and believe in God the Creator alone without partners or associates. This means that you believe in all the divine messages conveyed by prophets, without differentiating among God's prophets and messengers. This is indeed the soul of God's religion as conveyed by all prophets and messengers. By the way, there is no two testimonies in Islam; it is one testimony of monotheism as uttered by all prophets and messengers of God: (There is no God but Allah) in Arabic: La Ilah Ila Allah. 




Reward for the Injured during the Egyptian Revolution

Published in January 22, 2012



Question: … Will God reward in Heaven in the Hereafter those who were injured during the Egyptian Revolution, such as those who lost their limbs or their eyes and those who became crippled or permanently disabled? … Thank you …   


  Any persons who have suffered injustices during their lifetime will be rewarded by God in this world during their lifetimes on earth, regardless of those persons' faiths and beliefs of lack of them. Likewise criminals who commit such injustices against the innocent will be punished in this world during their lifetimes on earth, before they are punished eternally in Hell in case of non-repentance before their death. As for reward in Heaven or Paradise, those who will enter it are only and exclusively the pious ones. God is the Only One to decide and determine during the Last Day who has been really pious among people during their lifetimes on earth.




Zakat by American Arabs

Published in December 4, 2016



Question: … Could American Quranist Muslims who came originally from the Middle East pay zakat money by sending it to their country of origin or should it be paid only to the poor inside the USA? … Thank you for your time …


 Those who deserve to have the priority to receive zakat alms or charity are the ones nearer to and relatives of the zakat payers, as per this verse: "They ask you what they should give. Say, "Whatever charity you give is for the parents, and the relatives, and the orphans, and the poor, and the wayfarer. Whatever good you do, God is aware of it." (2:215). Hence, we deduce here that those whom you know deserve this zakat; thus, if your parents are poor inside the USA or inside your country of origin, send the money for them, and the same goes for your poor relative anywhere as well, as for the wayfarer, we do not think that this applies in your case within the American society; rather, you can help Syrian refugees inside the USA or any other country, if you possibly can make your donations reach them.




Very Sad!

Published in March 31, 2016



Question: … I felt very sad and shocked when I watched your episode as a guest within a Christian TV show … Do not you know who finance such channel that verbally abuses Islam? Of course, I believe in Quranism as you do and I think you have the right to appear in media to voice your views, but why did you choose this channel and that insulting TV presenter who virulently attacks Islam in all his episodes?!        


  Thank you, our dear daughter, for raising this issue. Here is our reply: what are we to do regarding being banned from appearing within any Arab TV channel? Almost all clergymen among Sunnite Wahabis appear on hundreds of TV satellite channel to spread their venom and terrorist ideology with no one appearing on TV to refute and expose them. Of course, our Quranism website is brimming with books, fatwas, and articles that seek to introduce real reform and raise awareness of people about real Islam, if only the majority would read our archive one day. The problem is how to reach out to people in the Arab world and worldwide to make the Muhammadans choose to convert to Quranism as real Islam. Yet, we are a very poor impecunious person with little means and our website is based on volunteers who donate, write articles and comments, and translate. Hence, when any TV presenter would invite us to talk and voice our views to defend Islam and show its Truth, we must accept this generous invitation as long as the TV channel will not distort, oppress, or edit our views. We do not care about the financer of any channel; we do care to declare the word of reform and truth. If it helps to lessen your shock and sorrow, it is fair to tell you that the few episodes of us as a guest within this Christian proselytization channel received high rates and millions of hits/views within YouTube. Many people watch these videos, as the number of views increase from day to day. Hence, our Quranism spread more and more within faster pace; what would be the case if we would have our own TV show or our TV satellite channel? Surely, we will reach out to millions of people especially the Muhammadans who will get to know real Islam (Quranism) and thus, Wahabi terrorism will vanish and peace reigns supreme worldwide as religious terrorism will end.          





Discourse Pertaining to God

Published in September 24, 2015


Question: … Does the fact that Quranists believe in the Quran as the only discourse of God within Islam entail that they do not believe in the divine messages conveyed by the previous prophets? … Thank you …


  To believe in the Quran as the only discourse of God within Islam includes to believe in every single word in the Quran, while excluding man-made books and discourses made 'holy' and forcibly imposed as part of divine religion of God. The Quran tells us to believe in all messages/ scriptures delivered from God to His messengers and prophets who conveyed them to people. Accordingly, Quranists believe that Jesus, Moses, Abraham, David, etc. received scriptures from God. Such scriptures are now missing, but within one's heart, we are to believe that they existed. The Quran includes what was in them, anyway. Likewise, the Quran tells and urges People of the Book (Jews + Christians) to believe in the Quran which is the fulfillment of their divine scriptures. Hence, the only discourse now to believe in in terms of religion is the Quran alone while not to differentiate among prophets and messengers, as all of them had but one brief, clear message from God: (There is no God but Allah).




People of the Household

Published in October 24, 2012



Question: … What does the term ''people of the household'' mean in the Quranic verse 33:33?


  We have asserted before in our writings that this term refers to wives of Muhammad in 33:33, and you can discern this rom the context before and after this verse. The same terms does NOT refer to any 'holy' family or deified households, progeny, or persons of any type. This term is used to refer to the mother of Moses in the verse 28:12. This means that this terms refers to wife/wives of any families or households in general.




Moral Support

Published in September 13, 2007



Question: … I am an Egyptian lawyer in Cairo … I've been working as a lawyer for 15 years, and have witnessed many grave injustices suffered by many citizens … I feel bound to tell you that I know for sure that your Quranist writings are true 100%, and I feel happy that I have found true Islam (Quranism) thanks to you … Many university professors know that Quranism is real Islam, but they fear persecution and prefer not to be outspoken about this subject and some remain silent and never care to raise awareness of their students … They fear being incarcerated by Mubarak by being framed … As a lawyer, I can offer free legal advice for any of our fellow Quranists … Thank you …


  May God reward you for your noble sentiments and your siding with justice and truth. You are a dear son to us; and who knows? Maybe you can be of use to any persecuted people in Egypt. Years (or months or days) from now, everyone will die eventually and be rewarded as per one's deeds in our lifetime on earth, to reside forever in Hell or in Paradise as a result of God's judgment. Each of us must choose his/her fate and final destination in the Hereafter based on our deeds and faith. We congratulate you for your excellent choice to support the Truth. May God unite all of us together with good people in Paradise after He pardons us and accepts our faith and good deeds. Thank you.    





He Deserves to Be Praised

Published in January 16, 2015



Question: … Within colloquial Egyptian Arabic, people are used to saying the phrase: "God deserves to be praised!", what does it mean?


    Such phrase or utterance is wrong; we are not to praise God with phrases or words of our own fashioning; we are to use phrases from the Quran alone. This weird phrase you mention is usually said by those who seem to think others have received something special or any bounty that they do not deserve it or worked hard to earn it. This is showing of negative sentiments and grudges that involve God's name; in our opinion, this is wrong and insulting to God.




Islam and Jews

Published in May 17, 2016



Question: … Greetings to you, Sir, for your intellectual endeavors of enlightenment … I read on your website on a daily basis … My question is as follows: Does Islam urge sentiments of hatred against the Jews (anti-Semitism) and refute their Torah or sharia? I feel that this is not true and that the Quran was revealed to perfect sharia … Why does the biography of Muhammad show deep-seated animosity toward Jews? Are Islam and Judaism enemies that try to exclude or supplant each other? Thank you …


  Islam is the religion of peace, love, freedom, justice, dignity, charity, tolerance, and mercy. Islam is against all sorts of tyranny, persecution, injustices, and oppression. Hence, Islam is not against the unjust sinful persons as people, but against the injustices and sins committed by them and calls them to repent before it is too late. Thus, the Quran never urges hatred of anyone, any nation, or any race/ethnicity at all; rather, it tells us about descriptions and deeds that are to be avoided so as one avoids being cursed in this world and in the next. Such descriptions and deeds are sinning, criminal acts, disbelief, immorality, disobedience, injustices, aggressions, polytheism, etc. Likewise, God in the Quran speaks about people who need to repent without mentioning their names: sinners, criminals, disbelievers, immoral ones, disobedient ones, the unjust ones, the aggressors, the polytheists, etc. in order to call all people in all eras to repent and follow the path of Truth and belief. Those who repent will not be described by such negative descriptions. The term ''Jews'' in the Quran refers exclusively to one group of the disobedient ones among the Israelites; it does not refer to all Israelites nowadays or in the past. We have written about this before in our articles about Quranic terminologies published on our website. Let us bear in mind that the Quran talks about the Israelites and their prophets and messengers more than Arabs. Both Arabs and the Israelites had inherited the religion of Abraham and corrupted and distorted it, until the era when the Quran was revealed to correct it, especially about what is related to monotheism as dedicating one's faith, belief, and acts of worship to God alone.         





Admirer, Yet With Some Reservations

Published in June 21, 2009



Question: … Dear Sir, I admire immensely your religious views of Quranism as real Islam … but I never like your political views at all … You flatter the West countries in general, and Americans in particular, way too much … Do not compromise by praising what in their culture deemed wrong in the Quran … Please think of the millions of the silent majority in the Arab world whom you should raise their awareness; they might hate  you for praising the West and its culture too much indeed … You should criticize negative aspects in the West as well … By the way, I live in London, the UK … I always side with the truth and what is right, regardless of races, religions, faiths, color, gender, etc. … I hope you have understood my advice … Thank you …  


   We thank you, dear friend, for your admiration. As for your reservations, let us briefly tell you the following:

1- Our political views and opinions are points of view pertaining to us alone; they might be, wholly or partially, wrong or right. Such views as nothing to do with Quranism. We never flatter anyone while compromising our religion and Afterlife, and you may be assured of that aspect.

2- Americans do not care for praise by someone like us; they care only for their interests; this is why the USA holds close relation with the Mubarak regime and ignore our opposition to it and our intellectual reform endeavors as far as Quranism is concerned. Politics adopt the language of interests and material gains, not the language of principles and ethics. We personally seek only to gratify God alone; this gives real believers comfort and consolation. We do not need anyone as long as we seek God alone is our Ally, Supporter, and Defender. God bless you.






We Need You to Go on Preaching

Published in July 24, 2012



Question: … I live in Oman, where I have been brought up and made to think that Islam has a dual source: Quran and Sunna … I always had my doubts regarding Sunna and hadiths, and after reading your books, dear Dr. Mansour, I get to know real Islam and have become a Quranist myself thanks to you … I have begun to preach and proselytize Quranism among my friends, relatives, coworkers, etc. but the majority of them argue against what I tell them by posing questions like the following: (Where can we find timing and manner of prayers in the Quran?! How could we know the percentage of Zakat in the Quran?!). I am a Quranist only since few months ago, and I have read all your writings, but I am still unable to answer their questions … I am happy to say that some people I know were convinced when I gave them your website and they have convert to Quranism willingly as they understand the Quran through your writings … God bless you and reward you … But how can I save more souls who adamantly refuse reading your online archive of writings?! How am I to protect my children against falsehoods of Sunnite and Shiite religions which are taught in school curricula and propagated within media?! Most people ignore the fact that the Quran is the only source of Islam, and they insist it cannot be understood without Sunna, hadiths, narratives, fiqh, Arabic grammar, etc. and exclusively thorough the minds of scholars and clergymen … Any advice?    


    Thank you, dear son. To be able to understand the Quran, one is to be guided first in terms of faith and reject all sorts of falsehoods propagated now concerning Islam. This begins by believing the fact that the Quran is the only source of Islam. Please re-read our book titled "The Quran Is Enough", and your will find refutations to say to your intellectual foes. When one is 100% convinced of Quranism, one will find that he/she can understand the Quran easily on their own, without books of interpretations that contain falsehoods and distortions. God says in the Quran: "We made the Quran easy to remember. Is there anyone who would remember?" (54:22). This means that reflecting upon God's Word is available for anyone. This is what will they feel after discarding falsehoods of the man-made creeds of Sufis, Sunnites, and Shiites. Please, we urge you to smile before those who reject Quran and Quranism and do not feel unhappy because of their rejection; this is their failure, not yours, and stay away from them. Praise the Lord always in your heart because He guided you to the Truth. Do not stop your preaching and intellectual endeavor to call people to return to God. God bless you.






All Writers Are Welcome

Published in December 11, 2014



Question: … I have been a political prisoner in an Arab country … During my years of incarceration, I  have memorized the Quran by heart … The notion of 'the Quran is enough' has been crystalized in my mind … Once out of prison, we have written a book about this and called for the rejection of the so-called Sunna, fiqh, and hadiths, etc. I discovered your website by coincidence in 2012, and I agree to most of your views (especially never to follow the footsteps of our forefathers, but to understand the Quran on our own); there is slight differences between your theory of Quranism and the proposals contained in my book, which is still an unpublished manuscript … Could you please accept reading, editing, and revising my book for me to enrich (and possibly correct) its ideas? … I need to know your opinion … Thank you …    


 You are welcome to write article on our website. We apologize for not having time to read and edit your book manuscript. Of course, you should write articles on our website while adhering to two stipulations and conditions: 1) never to quote traditions, narratives, or hadiths unless to refute them and prove their contradicting the Quran, and 2) never to deny Quranic/Quranist facts. Of course, you can also write comments under any article written on our website. Of course, writers on our website differ in their age-groups, backgrounds, nationalities, cultural level, etc., and we never impose our views on anyone. None of us is above criticism, though. All writings and comments must be within polite style and manner; we never insult one another at all. We accept and appreciate positive criticism. Thank you and God bless you.  

اجمالي القراءات 6592

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
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