We Are Still Living in the Era of the Abbasid Caliph Al-Nasser

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2017-07-26


We Are Still Living in the Era of the Abbasid Caliph Al-Nasser

Published in January 26, 2008

Translated by: Ahmed Fathy

A painful introduction:

  Only living nations draw useful lessons from its history and religious and cultural legacy and heritage; thus, they develop and move forward as they (re)read such heritage critically to learn lessons from their past so as not to make the same mistakes. This liveliness and development are essential in living nations who might convey this spirit of advancement and revolt to other dormant nations to make them alive again; the dormant nations might revive and witness a renaissance only when they demand their rights confiscated by tyrants who inherited dead, dormant nations by force. The dormant nations must be resuscitated and come back to life by taking their rights by force, as they are not inheritance/commodities to be bequeathed. European nations preceded all others on earth by beginning their renaissance that led humankind worldwide to move from the culture of tyranny, obscurantism, darkness, and backwardness to the modern era of higher values, human rights, and scientific advancement, achievements, and miracles. The Egyptian renaissance began when the French Expedition made Egyptians wake up after centuries of dormancy. We personally feel indebted to this French occupation of Egypt by Napoléon Bonaparte; if it had not been for it, Egypt would have still entangled within the cobwebs of Middle-Age culture of tyranny and theocracy. Egypt thus breathed – only temporarily – the winds of vivacity and freedom, within a liberal epoch (1920-1950) that ended when the 1952 military coup the turned royal Egypt into a military republic or a police state. Tyrannical military leaders caused so much damage that any fair historians would consider the period of the British occupation of Egypt as a happier more civilized one in comparison to the military regimes in Egypt since 1952 until now, as Egypt has been ruled by military, backward, ignorant tyrants. In fact, dormant nations are dead ones; their citizens deify and sanctify tombs/mausoleums of the so-called 'saints' to draw the so-called 'benediction' from them and they worship 'holy' and 'infallible' imams and their 'hallowed' books instead of reading them critically. Hence, within dormant nations, the dead are treated as if they were alive and dominating over the living ones, who are actually dead in the figurative sense. Thus, the dead 'saints'/imams of Sunnites, Shiites, and Sufis in their tombs and books are 'alive' in the eyes of their worshippers, who are in their turn dead or drowsy within the effect the drug/opium of obsolete and centuries-old quasi-religious and political mottoes, beside the treadmill of daily life and earning their livelihood. Such citizens have no mental faculties nor the time necessary to reflect and criticize anything they hold so dear and holy to them in the ancient books. Thus, these half-dead citizens are ideal ones for self-deified tyrannical rulers who regard them as cattle herds easy to control and ride; tyrants imagine themselves as the 'immortal' living ones on Earth! Copies of tyrants are there as they make their sons inherit their (royal and republic) thrones, and the hungry and emaciated cattle herds have nothing but to worship and glorify tyrants (and their sons/successors) within the worst type of hero-worship. Hence, dormant, half-dead nations ceded their humanity and became animals because they accepted to be owned by mortal human beings who rule and dominate them as conditions and chance led them to the throne. Greedy rulers feel happy and tyrannize as they find dormant nations that lie still like lambs while wolves eat them up; tyrants have their own cronies and henchmen who help them to dominate and control nations using terror and intimidation, under so many quasi-religious/nationalistic mottoes and banners that make dormant nations suffer more despicable conditions, backwardness, misery, and obscurantism. Within tyrants' police state and military regimes, guards terrorize the dead, dormant citizens so that they never dare to wake up and be resurrected! Tyrants who tyrannize over the Arab, dormant nations are dwarfs before the sight of any West rulers who are indeed servants to their living, free nations whose citizens are aware of their full rights. The dormant nations are more dead as tyrants are succeeded by other tyrants who maintain the status quo of obscurantism, injustice, corruption, tyranny, and ignorance. Any Arab tyrants raise empty, void mottoes and banners that please citizens locally; tyrants there assume that they embody and represent religion/nation/honor, and thus, their foes and opposition figures are accused of betrayal, heresy, and apostasy, as if they were enemies of the homeland and God! The worst type of tyrants are theocrats who assume they are deputies of God/Islam; this is a catastrophe as distorted forms of Islam (or rather, Sunnite/Shiite religions) are behind the power systems or regimes that massacre foes and opposition trends under the pretext that they are apostates who deserve to be put to death as per apostasy penalty! Theocrats assume that those who oppose them will go to Hell in the Hereafter, as if theocratic tyrants were deities who control the Hereafter as well! This is a gross effrontery and an enormous insult to God, as theocrats and their hired corrupt clergy shamelessly ascribe lies and falsehoods to God, Islam, and Muhammad to maintain their power and wealth. This has been the case in the caliphate system for centuries, leading caliphs to let their thrones, power, and wealth to be inherited their progeny who in their turn maintain corruption, tyranny, and injustices of all types, despite the flagrant violation of the Quranic sharia laws and the Quranic higher value of justice. Such inheritance of power from a caliph to his son/successor resulted in many cases when some strange types of men would reach authority and ascend to power, only because they were too close to the ruling sultan. In this article you are reading now, we examine an example of such cases: a less-known Abbasid caliph who inherited the Abbasid caliphate throne from his Abbasid household and dynasty, and his life-story contain many lessons to those who desire to learn – and those are few, rare ones. Sadly, Middle-Ages mentality is still revived in our midst in the Arab world, within monarchies and republics alike; all Arab readers must look around themselves and look back in anger and they must express their fury and frustration regarding the past and the present so that they might save their future and prove they are still alive, and not among the half-dead, dormant herd of citizens/cattle.                                                       


The Abbasid caliph Al-Nasser: 47 years of triviality:

 Al-Nasser was born in 553 A.H. and was given the first name Ahmed, and he was the son of the Abbasid caliph Al-Mostadee' Biamrallah, but when he became caliph in 575 A.H. he took the title Al-Nasser Li-Dine Allah, when he was 22 years old. Unlike his Abbasid forefathers who died usually in the prime of their youth, Al-Nasser died when he was 70 years old, in 623 A.H., and he ruled for 47 years filled with triviality and unintentional preparation of conditions that led to the collapse and downfall of the Abbasid caliphate later on by the invasion of Mongols that took place in 656 A.H., only 33 years after the death of Al-Nasser. Of course, the decline period of the Abbasid caliphate led inevitably to its collapse, even if Al-Nasser did not rule for that long period of 47 years, as a senile state could not stand the power of the youthful state of the Mongols Empire. Among elements led to the collapse of the Abbasid caliphate/theocracy is the fact that caliphs employed military forces and leaders from the East (from many races: e.g., Sunnite Turks and Seljuks and Shiite Persians and Buyids etc.) to serve them; yet, such military forces desired to rule regions of the vast Abbasid Empire instead of the weak caliphs who were weakened politically and militarily but still had spiritual authority. The Abbasids could not contain and win the Mongols' military power to their side as done with the cases of Turks, Seljuks, Persians, and Buyids, because of the folly and stupidity of the caliph Al-Nasser during his 47-year-old reign that was filled with fatal mistakes that hastened the downfall of the Abbasid dynasty. Another foolish caliph was his grandson, Al-Mostaasim, who was put to a brutal death by the Mongols who despised him as Hulago commanded his soldiers to keep stepping on him to his death. Indeed, the folly and triviality of Al-Mostaasim exceeded that of his grandfather Al-Nasser, as the former had hidden his countless treasures of gold instead of using them to hire and train soldiers to defend Baghdad. It is a fact of history that the Mongols acculturated within the Arab regions they invaded in Iraq and the Levant and that most to them converted to Islam, just as the way Seljuks and Buyyids converted. Conditions of the Abbasid caliphate worsened beyond repair and reform during the long reign of Al-Nasser, though he tried to make amends but he miserably failed by his losing and missing so many golden chances to introduce real reform, chances that were not available to his ancestors during the Second Abbasid Era. Let us tackle below these chances missed by Al-Nasser.                       

1- During the reign of Al-Nasser, the Seljuks grew weaker until their last king died in 590 A.H. without progeny and who reigned large extensions of the northern and eastern Abbasid Empire under nominal supervision by Abbasids. Thus, such lands were returned to full Abbasid control, or to Al-Nasser who never exerted any effort to achieve this dream of his ancestors that was realized by chance. 

2- During the reign of Al-Nasser, there were no longer any revolts of the masses in the streets of Baghdad led by either the Ibn Hanbal doctrine religious leaders and inventors of hadiths or the cultural elite members of that era, as was typical when the masses were influenced by authors and cultured men during the unrest of the caliphs Al-Amin and his brother Al-Maamoun, sons of the powerful caliph Harun Al-Rasheed and also during the many revolts led by scholars of the Ibn Hanbal extremist Sunnite doctrine during the reigns of the caliphs Al-Wathiq and Al-Motawakil, as the latter raised for the first time the motto of (supporting the Sunna). Other thieves, thugs, and highwaymen led other trends of havoc and unrest when the influence of the Ibn Hanbal scholars waned, and such gangs terror zed and intimidated the masses while they lived chiefly in caves and deserts under very strict military system and certain rituals, each gang was complete with its dress-codes, ranks, sheikhs, etc. Such gangs raised the banners of opposition and revolt against eh Abbasids for a long time, in Iraq, the East, and Asia Minor, until these trends waned and its soldiers proposed an offer to Al-Nasser, three years after his ascendancy to power and to throne, to be their leader when their Baghdad head/leader Abdul-Jabbar Ibn Youssef Ibn Saleh died in 578 A.H. Al-Nasser that way controlled all opposition movements in the streets of Baghdad without much efforts, and instead of using the power and influence of such gangs and military leaders to consolidate his rule and dominance, he employed them in trivial espionage missions for his sake.     

3- Shortly before the reign of Al-Nasser, the Fatimid dynasty/caliphate in Egypt collapsed after it posed a veritable threat to the Abbasids in Baghdad, as Fatimids used to control Hejaz (where Mecca is situated) and parts of the Levant and employed the movement and men of a leader named Al-Basasiri to undermine the Abbasid rule in Baghdad by wreaking havoc in its streets. When the last Fatimid caliph, Al-Aadid, died childless, Saladin (or Salah Al-Dine) became the first Ayyubid sultan of Egypt while declaring nominal submission to the Abbasids, and he also gave himself the title "Al-Nasser/the Victorious. By the time when the Abbasid caliph Al-Nasser ascended to the throne in Baghdad,  Saladin grew too powerful because of his victories over crusaders in the Levant, though he was defeated in some other battles, and Al-Nasser refused to help Saladin against the common enemy, the crusaders, when Saladin proposed to form a military alliance with Baghdad. When Saladin died in 589 A.H., after Al-Nasser lost the chance of allying himself to him, Al-Nasser lost also the chance to ally himself to the sultans who inherited the Ayyubid thrones in Egypt and the Levant, especially the sultans Al-Adil and Al-Kamel in Egypt. These chances were missed as Al-Nasser got busy with trivial matter in all those years and refused to make history with Saladin and his successors. Thus, unwittingly, Al-Nasser helped to create conditions for the successors of Saladin to be dragged into the quagmire of trivialities, imitating their role-model: Al-Nasser of Baghdad.           

 In sum, Seljuks and Fatimids who coveted Baghdad were gone without efforts exerted by Al-Nasser, and other powerful agents allied themselves to him, while he rejected to ally himself to the powerful Ayyubids; he missed the chance to retrieve the former glory of the Abbasids when he refused to offer help in the jihad against crusaders in times of ordeals and calamities that threatened the Muslim world; he was engrossed in his trivial issues and matters and failed to make history and to assume the role of a spiritual leader to Muslims whose name was used by independent rulers in all mosques. Thus, Al-Nasser missed the chances that could have strengthened and elongated the duration of the Abbasid dynasty and rule. A query is posed here: what had made the long reign period Al-Nasser the primary cause of the downfall of the Abbasid caliphate later on? The answer is simple; Al-Nasser kept busy in committing so many injustices and spent his time in strange hobbies like spying on others, keeping pigeons, and throwing nuts for his own amusement!     

1- As for the injustices of Al-Nasser, the historian Ibn Al-Atheer mentions in his history-book titled "Al-Kamil" that Al-Nasser was a man of ill-reputation and his greed for hoarding money led to the financial and economic destruction of Iraq, as he confiscated possessions, money, and lands of people, and he usually met with his cronies and retinue members while throwing nuts for pleasure and training pigeons he owned in the garden of his palace. By the way, Ibn Al-Atheer the historian was contemporary to Al-Nasser; i.e., he lived during his reign and outlived this caliph, and this fact makes his words about Al-Nasser most likely to be true. In contrast, the historian and Sunnite scholar Ibn Al-Jawzy was at his senile age when Al-Nasser took over the throne, and he never wrote about him when he saw how unjust and tyrannical this youthful caliph was. This is way the seminal history book of Ibn Al-Jawzy, titled "Al-Muntazim" ends in the caliphate of Al-Mostadee' (father of Al-Nasser) in 574 A.H., and during the reign of Al-Mostadee', Ibn Al-Jawzy reached the zenith of fame as the greatest scholar of fields like history, preaching, oration, fiqh, and hadiths, and he mentions in his book that Al-Mostadee' and his forefathers cared about scholars and appointed hem in high-rank positions, but this golden era of arts and knowledge ended when Al-Nasser was enthroned and maintained tyranny and greed as his way of rule. Ibn Al-Jawzy died in 597 A.H. during the reign of Al-Nasser who persecuted him severely, and this poor historian never wrote about such persecution, leaving this mission to other historian of later eras; indeed, Ibn Katheer the historian mentions that Ibn Al-Jawzy in his sermons preached the Abbasid caliphs, especially Al-Mostadee', and rebuked them in public to make them act more charitably toward the poor, to donate money to the needy, and to release those unjustly incarcerated, but once Al-Nasser was enthroned, his triviality, foolishness, and fury made Ibn Al-Jawzy afraid to deliver any speeches or sermons at all; even when Al-Nasser used to pose questions in history to test loyalty of Ibn Al-Jawzy, the latter used to give ambiguous answers to avoid the wrath of the young caliph, especially that Al-Nasser became a Twelver Shiite and did not follow the official Sunnite doctrine of the State. Al-Nasser felt insulted by the ambiguous, indecisive answers of Ibn Al-Jawzy and he persecuted him by banishing him to a village, where he lived five years in abject poverty while he was 80 years old, but eventually, Al-Nasser allowed him to return to Baghdad as he suffered poor health, and Ibn Al-Jawzy remained in Baghdad a year before he died. Of course, Al-Nasser who persecuted a 80-year-old famous scholar who was very much respected by his contemporaries found no qualms at all to deal harshly with less-known scholars and the masses among his subjects; indeed, many Iraqis left Iraq to settle in the Levant, Egypt, etc. while leaving their possessions to satisfy the greed and tyranny of the unjust caliph, Al-Nasser, and flee for their lives.                   

2- Al-Nasser had a passion for spying and he employed spies for trivial missions and reasons; in fact, he used the military gangs and other organized military groups loyal to him to spread spies all over Iraq to engage into useless pro-Abbasid political propaganda. Al-Nasser used his men also to get to know secrets of people so that he could satisfy his curiosity for strange tales and events and to get to know how to work upon people to confiscate their money and employ schemes to have fun by intimidating them first! Thus, Al-Nasser never used such espionage network to help in the jihad against crusaders to help the Muslim masses in the Levant nor to help in the military endeavors of the Ayyubids. Indeed, as per Al-Dhahaby the historian, Al-Nasser liked very much to hear strange tales and secrets of others, especially other kings, sultans, rulers, and leaders, in all countries, and he liked very much to play pranks and tricks on people and to devise intrigues to make foes be allies and/or friends be foes to one another, just for the fun of it, and never for political reason at all! Al-Nasser had a mania for voyeurism, and he used to astonish his retinue members by telling them how he knew details of about their sexual adventures and amorous conquests. Al-Nasser made his spies tell him all about lives of people in Baghdad, to the extent that when he knew that a host washed his hands before his guests before a banquet, he sent an official letter to the host telling him that this was very insulting to his guests! People in Baghdad feared Al-Nasser and spread the rumor at the time that Jinn, goblins, and sprites and other supernatural beings served him in the espionage and told him everything about everyone! Thus, Al-Nasser was busy in his tyranny, injustices, and weird hobbies, forcing historians to register and record other important events and feats of others as history was being made in the Levant, Egypt, and elsewhere by others who were deemed as real heroes who never got busy with trivialities like Al-Nasser.               

 And we provide below examples of great feats and events missed by Al-Nasser.

1- Al-Nasser heard about liberating Jerusalem  in 583 A.H. by Saladin who, in the Battle of Hattin, defeated crusaders who had occupied this city for 91 years; Al-Nasser made no reaction at all to such events. Al-Nasser heard also about how Saladin fought with King Richard Coeur de Lion who came to the city of Acre and how the defeated English King eventually signed a peace treaty with the victorious Saladin in 588 A.H. When Saladin died in 589 A.H., the Ayyubids sent Al-Nasser one dinar and 36 dirhams the only money left by Saladin, along with his horse and military garments and helmet, and Al-Nasser took them without uttering a word; one might wonder why the Ayyubid princes sent such items to the trivial Abbasid caliph: to mock him and to preach him about valor and courage for the sake of protecting Arabs against foreign invaders or because they desired to go on ruling Egypt and the Levant using his name and nominal spiritual influence to gain legitimacy?!    

2- Al-Nasser heard about how crusaders attacked two coastal cities in Egypt, Rasheed and Fouh in 600 A.H., and how four years earlier, famine struck Egypt because the Nile River flood did not come, and the hungry masses ate human corpses and dogs and cats! Al-Nasser did nothing at all to keep off the dangers of the crusaders, and he heard that a fourth crusade aimed at conquering Egypt, but instead, it attacked and destroyed Constantinople in 601 A.H., whereas the fifth crusade captured the coastal city of Damietta in Egypt during the reign of the Ayyubid sultan Al-Kamel, who tried and failed to get help from Al-Nasser of Baghdad. The Egyptians retrieved Damietta four years later on 618 A.H. Thus, the known world at the time had its so many wars and struggles as well as bloodshed, while Al-Nasser kept busy in espionage, voyeurism, schemes for fun and amusement by deceiving allies and foes, and training pigeons!   

  Within one of these tricks played on rulers, the Mongols appetite was abetted to conquer Baghdad; in fact, Al-Nasser schemed for fun to create enmity between Genghis Khan, ruler of Mongols and Tatar Empire in China and Khwarizm Shah who was the ruler and sultan of a kingdom located in Asia minor and larger parts of what is now Afghanistan, near the Abbasid caliphate in Iraq. Both powerful rulers were not enemies at the beginning, but intrigues of Al-Nasser made them arch-enemies with desire for revenge, and fierce battles ensued, till Genghis Khan defeated and vanquished Khwarizm Shah and conquered his kingdom, and the Mongols coveted Baghdad and the Levant as well within their expansionist ambitions to widen their empire, after they conquered parts of Europe and most of what is now Russia. Thus, Mongols had not barrier between them and the collapsing caliphate in Baghdad later on, invaded by Mongols in 656 A.H.; this is partially because of the tricks of Al-Nasser who had fun by creating enmities among rulers! Shame on him!     

  One may wonder if this foolish caliph - who knew the unknown secrets by Jinn informers as the masses claimed – knew that he signed thus a death warrant to the Abbasid caliphate! What is left in the reign of such trivial Abbasid caliph named Al-Nasser?! Let us tackle this in the following points.

1-This trivial caliph is less known and less remembered until now despite his long reign of 47 years as a tyrant who followed his whims and greed and never made any feats to be remembered by history at all; he even frightened all scholars and historians who did not mention his name in their books during his lifetime so as to avoid his severe penalties and persecution. The renowned and respectable historian Ibn Al-Jawzy, whose name and writings are admired till now by historians of today who specialize in the Abbasid Era, was humiliated and persecuted by Al-Nasser. Typically, when the sword and the pen clash, the immortality and winning are eventually allotted to the pen and not the sword. We hope trivial and foolish  tyrants of our era in the Arab world would learn this lesson, but they are too ignorant to understand and ponder. Al-Nasser ruled 47 years and died in obscurity, while a great just caliph like the Umayyad Omar Ibn Abdul-Aziz who ruled for 29 months (and assassinated by poison) is still remembered for centuries until now by Arabs because he was admired and loved for his fairness and justice. Al-Nasser did not put his title to action; he never lend victory to Muslims or to Islam and he never served God's cause within any jihad to defend Muslim lands; his trivialities added to the ones that fill the history of Arabs and Muslims and their rulers!

2- Of course, such trivialities of Al-Nasser were based on a greater crime committed centuries before he was born; when the Islamic Shura consultation commanded in the Quran in many verses (or what is now called direct democracy) was aborted and hereditary rule of tyrants was established by the Umayyads and then the Abbasids, who imitated the injustices, bloodshed, and greed of the four pre-Umayyad caliphs who were hypocrites as they rejected the Quran and betrayed Prophet Muhammad, their friend, thus paving the way for the Umayyads to create a dynasty of tyrants who assumed to own the earth and all things and people/subjects on it! the so-called subjects or herd of cattle had to wait for their luck or fate of the rulers would be tyrants or pious ones! The just pious ones were very rare by the way; most rulers within the caliphate system were brutal, bloodthirsty tyrants especially the ones who established new caliphates or sultanates (e.g., Saladin, Abou Jaffer Al-Mansour, and Mu'aweiya Ibn Abou Sufyan) who yet achieved victory over their enemies and protected the Arab lands. In fact, tyranny spoiled and distorted any achievements made by tyrannical rulers, as they employed trustworthy ones in all high-rank posts and within the retinue members and as viziers etc., while experts in any field were excluded if they were not trusted enough or sought real reform. Naturally, after founders of states/caliphates toil within military endeavors to establish pillars of their rule, their progeny would be lazy and affluent who were keen on luxuries, extravaganza, promiscuity, disobeying God etc. while surrounded by servile hypocrites and cronies and sometimes powerful viziers who controlled caliphates. This occurred especially during the reign of weak Abbasid caliphs; even the powerful, redoubtable Harun Al-Rasheed at one point was controlled by his viziers of the Barmaky family (before Al-Rasheed killed them off). Other caliphs after Al-Rasheed spent their reign in heterosexual and homosexual carnal pleasures, and their affluent subjects and cronies imitated their ways in their seraglios. All history books of the Abbasid Era are filled with shameful and disgraceful details of such facts to which we refer here, but most Arabs now never read their history and never learn anything from it!                     

3- Human beings are historical animals by nature; God gave them memories and free choice to remember and draw useful lessons so as not to repeat mistakes done before so that human life would progress within accumulation of knowledge; animals never have such memories and fall into the same traps devised by hunters. Moreover, God sent His Last Message, the Quran, to all humanity, with the repeated command to ponder and reflect and to learn from past mistakes. God in the Quran describes those who blindly follow the traditions/footsteps of their ancestors/forefathers as unwise herd of animals or cattle; God narrates stories of ancient prophets to prove that they were human beings who made mistakes so that we learn from these mistakes. Yet, Salafists/sunniest and other Muhammadans never heeded the Quran and imitated animals by repeating the same mistake of following blindly their 'holy' forefathers and imams whose books contradict the Quran and its higher values of peace, justice, freedom, charity, equality, etc.        

4- The painful result is that Muhammadans abandoned the Quran though its copies are everywhere around them, as they believe myths called hadiths and fiqh narratives never conveyed by God as part of His Religion. The West created its renaissance by criticizing the past; Arabs and Muhammadans never do that at all until now to follow the scientific method to get developed; this is why they are still worshipping heroes and dead deities and demi-gods of the past, a bad habit that the West discarded centuries ago to get liberated and developed.   

5- This is why we assert here in this article that we, Arabs, are still living in the era of the Abbasid caliph Al-Nasser; his bad qualities are still present in the 'heroes' and demi-gods of tyrants worshipped and imitated now by Arabs, even the Syrian president Hafiz Al-Assad imitated inherited thrones of monarchies and caliphates and left the presidential post to his son Bashar Al-Assad; our friend, American-Egyptian sociologist Dr. Saad Al-Din Ibrahim mocked this event as a typical one in the Arab royal-republican regimes!      

6- All Arab rulers (presidents or kings) have traits like Al-Nasser in his passion for trivialities, with one difference; instead of imitating Al-Nasser who allied himself to gangs and organizations of military nature upon their request, Arab rulers allied themselves to theocracy-seekers Wahabi agents of the KSA (esp. Salafists and MB) who one day will replace Arab presidents and monarchs to shed more blood and create more tyranny and injustices than ever. The Wahabis and Shiites who seek to engage into political life committed massacres in Algeria and Iraq (against the innocent civilians) though they did not reach power yet; what if they manage one day to establish their theocracy?!     

7- Thus, Arab rulers and their Wahabi foes and opposition figures are allies to each other like twin-brothers who are arch-enemies to each other, and in their struggle to prove who is a worth party to rule within raising the banner of 'Islam', the name of this great religion is hijacked and has become accused of terrorism, fanaticism, and extremism. Quranists are the only thinkers that prove that Islam (Quranism) is innocent and has nothing to do with Wahabi and Shiite terror of the man-made earthly religions of the Muhammadans. Quranism is real Islam with higher human values that are already applied in the West countries who are now advancing in all fields, while Arabs who abandoned the Quran live in the margin of today's history. Quranists who are enlightened thinkers are being persecuted by Sunnites and Shiites worldwide; reformers in Europe centuries ago did not suffer in the same way as Quranist and no-Quranist reformist thinkers in the Arab world now. Unlike the French Bastille prison that contain few number of prisoners, Arab prisons are filled with countless thinkers, writers, journalists, etc. who are being tortured, let alone those who went missed and no one knows about their whereabouts until now. They are persecuted so that Al-Nasser of each Arab country would maintain power, wealth, and authority to make their progeny inherit them; this is why callers for reform are crushed, persecuted, and/or quelled by rulers and Wahabi extremists all over the Arab world or they suffer exile and banishment. For instance, Quranists are persecuted by intrigues and police of rulers who imitate Al-Nasser in spying on people and also by Sunnite sheikhs of the bald snake and corrupt fatwas!                       

8- We believe there is still a glimmer of hope in the future; soon enough, great researcher will read history of our era in later decades within a critical reading in the way we have done with Al-Nasser. Those researchers in later decades will surely wonder why their ancestors remained silent and could not face tyranny, humiliation, and corruption, and they will ask why people succumbed to be ruled by tyrannical dwarfs. Any unspoken-of issues will be tackled openly by such researchers of the future; our grandchildren will learn for sure how Satanist, devilish clergymen of all sorts (with their sham, fake pious appearance) helped tyrants to ride citizens by corrupting and twisting meanings of Quranic verses they preach in mosques to the herd of human cattle. The grandchildren who will be born tomorrow will how homelands were sold along with all things precious (like freedom and human dignity) so that thrones are maintained by tyrants with their cronies in the judicial authority, executive authority, the legislative authority, the police and the military, the henchmen, the affluent retinue members, etc., and each deed and word of every person will be shown on the Last Day to one's demise in Hell or to one's bliss in Paradise, for eternity. We wait patiently for that Day of Judgment by the Eternal Judge, our Lord Allah.            


NOTE: this article has been previously published on another website on the 5th of March, 2005, and we forgot to publish it on our website until we have published it here today. 

اجمالي القراءات 6639

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
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تاريخ الانضمام : 2006-07-05
مقالات منشورة : 5169
اجمالي القراءات : 58,614,427
تعليقات له : 5,478
تعليقات عليه : 14,869
بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : United State

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