Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy:
Fatwas: Part Thirty

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2017-03-18


Fatwas: Part Thirty

Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy


Abdel-Raheem Ali

Published in March 17, 2017


Question: … What an ignoramus you are, Mansour! … You are such a pro-Israel Zionist servant to the West against Islam and Egypt and the Arab world! You do this for money! … How dare you deal with the central intelligence agent Abdel-Raheem Ali? He mentions your name on his website! … Are you basing your vile dirty views on his?! … Shame on all of you! May God curse all of you!  


 This is a new type of those furious ones who take the trouble and spend their time to verbally abuse us via email messages for no reason at all. This man thinks that we still live in Egypt while contacting someone called Abdel-Raheem Ali. We may be allowed to pose to the 'polite' sender of this message, who is anti-Zionist and never a traitor, nor an ignoramus, and nor an unjust liar, some innocent, simple questions:  who on earth is Abdel-Raheem Ali?! Why on earth would he be affiliated to us?! What type of bad stuff, hash, or drugs are you taking to get stoned or to get 'high'?!




Only The Quran

Published in March 17, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, … I'm very glad to convert to Quranism two years ago thanks to you, and I take pride in this; may God bless and reward you … But I have a question that annoys me very much; I'd like to be permitted to put to you … Few weeks ago, one of my relatives (who is a Sunnite man) quarreled with his wife and I interfered to make them kiss and make up … He does not know that I'm a Quranist, and while I was trying to convince him to reconcile with his wife (because I thought he was in the wrong and she was on the right, in the matter over which they quarreled), I quoted some of the so-called hadiths, so as to influence and coax him using his Sunnite myths and sympathies … Have I committed a sin by doing so? … I feel that it was so wrong of me to quote Sunnite narratives and myths of hadiths … What do you think? … Thank you for your time …  


      Of course, you have sinned gravely and you should implore and supplicate God for forgiveness. You should have quoted the Quranic verses regarding reconciling spouses; they are more than enough. Even if you have chosen to avoid quoting the Quran, you should not have quoted Sunnite myths at all, because quoting the so-called hadiths means that you have declared your belief in such myths and ascribed to Muhammad things he did not utter. This is utter disbelief in the Quran and denying it as the only and sufficient source of faith in Islam. Following hadiths is an act of disbelief that renders one as a non-Muslim, you must repent and atone for this sin by doing good deeds and implore God for pardon, if you are a real Quranist.       




I Desire to Become a Mother

Published in March 31, 2010




Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm an Arab woman who is married to an Arab husband, but we live currently in the USA since many years… My problem is that my husband is sterile, and he is a hopeless case and could not be cured until now, and I desire to become a Mom … Of course, as a religious God-fearing woman, the idea of cheating on my husband never crossed my mind, though this is easy and available inside the USA as per their culture … But I cannot give up on the dream of becoming a mother … I wanna have your opinion on the options I have to become a mother while keeping my husband because I love him … Am I allowed (as far as Islam is concerned) to adopt a baby while giving it the name of my husband or mine as per American laws, while I'd take certain hormones injection to be able to breastfeed it like real moms? … Am I allowed to resort to a sperm bank to use sperm of known or unknown person to become pregnant and have a child? … Or is this fornication? Can my husband give his name to this baby that I would deliver? … Anyway, should I tell my husband before taking any steps? … Thank you …      


  Of course, you must tell your husband regarding any measures you take and get his consent beforehand. This is a religious and moral duty imposed on you, and this is also to avoid his accusing you of cheating on him because he knows he is sterile and can prove a baby as not his own by the DNA test. After getting your husband's prior consent, we advise you to adopt a baby (and breastfeed it) without giving it the name of your husband, and the baby should have the name of its biological father if known; if not, you can give the baby an imaginary surname and a first name. You cannot give it the name of your husband so as not to make inheritance rights be lost. Using sperm banks is not deemed fornication in our opinion, because you technically would not have sex with anyone. But this baby you would carry and deliver must not have the name of your husband as well and will not inherit him, and it is preferable to make the baby carry the name of the sperm-donor, and if not known, to have an imaginary first name and a surname. God forgives those who do mistakes unintentionally, not doing them on purpose: "God did not place two hearts inside any man's body. Nor did He make your wives whom you equate with your mothers, your actual mothers. Nor did He make your adopted sons, your actual sons. These are your words coming out of your mouths. God speaks the truth, and guides to the path. Call them after their fathers; that is more equitable with God. But if you do not know their fathers, then your brethren in faith and your friends. There is no blame on you if you err therein, barring what your hearts premeditates. God is Forgiving and Merciful." (33:4-5). 





Published in November 28, 2006


Question: … Dear Sir, … Could you please shed more light on the Quranic verse 9:29?  … Thank you …     


   This is the only Quranic verse about paying tributes: "Fight those who do not believe in God, nor in the Last Day, nor forbid what God and His Messenger have forbidden, nor abide by the religion of truth-from among those who received the Scripture-until they pay the due tribute, willingly or unwillingly." (9:29). In order to understand this verse, you have to bear in mind that Quranic sharia legislations have three spheres; legislative commands controlled by legislative rules that aim to achieve legislative purposes. Hence, in verses 2:190 and 2:194, for instance, the Quranic legislative command to fight is within the frame of self-defense only as the legislative rule, and the aim or the legislative purpose here in fighting for self-defense is to prevent religious persecution and compulsion in religion (this is why this self-defense fighting or deterrence is for God's sake), in order for people to be free to adhere to whatever religions they want because they were created with a free will by God and this freedom of choice is the basis of judgment on the Last Day. This is the frame in which one understands the Quranic commands in the Quranic Chapter Two of fighting the aggressive polytheists of Mecca and Qorayish that attacked peaceful early believers in Yathreb. This applies to all similar verses such as 8:39 and 9:29; hence, 9:29 refers to aggressive fighters among People of the Book who attacked peaceful early believers in Yathreb but were defeated eventually and had to be forced pay a military tribute as a compensation frothier aggression, and NOT forced to convert to Islam. In real Islam (Quranism), fighting aggressively is never allowed; military fighting is allowed only in cases of self-defense when one is attacked first. After defeating an aggressive enemy, tributes are imposed as a fine or a compensation as per customs of the Middle Ages and even in the modern age within agreements and treaties; for instance, Germany paid compensation money after WWII, and Iraq did the same after the invasion of Kuwait.       




A Quranist Political Party?!

Published in March 30, 2011



Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm a journalist from the independent Cairo-based daily newspaper…and I'd like to pose some questions to you, chief among them is why do not you intend to establish  political party for Quranists in Egypt? Are you OK with the ban on forming religious political parties in Egypt? … … … Thank you …    


      Establishing a 'Quranist' political party is never going to be attempted, because Quranists are never political power seekers at all to do that; rather, Quranists are peaceful preachers of political, religious, and cultural reform. Reformists never seek power; they seek to raise people's awareness and discuss all problems and ailments of society, and we cannot flatter and please people as pragmatic politicians usually do, but we are presenting shocking facts to people to wake them up, and we are vociferous of what we believe in (in politics and in religion) while bearing patiently with verbal abuse in comments and email messages. The reformist Quranist school of thought began with one man 30 years ago (i.e., ourselves) and it now includes thousands of people worldwide despite any ban on it and chasing our person out of Egypt. Most Salafist Wahabi countries that ban and incriminate Quranism and Quranists could not prevent Quranism from spreading, thanks to the internet. We are sure that future times are in favor of Quranism: "…As for the froth, it is swept away, but what benefits the people remains in the ground. Thus God presents the analogies." (13:17). Our generation are of the pioneer Quranists; may be other generations might establish many Quranists institutions of any type later on when democracy reigns supreme in the Arab world. We hope the future generations of Quranists would remember us and implore the Lord to have mercy on our soul when we are dead.       




God Bless You Suheib

Published in July 15, 2008



Question: … Dear Dr. Mansour, … I'm Suheib from the country of…and I hope you still remember me … Please publish this message of mine in your great website … Only the gullible ones think that the so-called hadiths are 'divine' revelation given to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon his soul) from God just as the Quran … Those gullible ones past and present have been convinced that those millions of hadith narratives overrule and replace the Quranic verses! This myth is refuted in the Quran, the only true source of Islam: "And if you are in doubt about what We have revealed to Our servant, then produce a chapter like these, and call your witnesses apart from God, if you are truthful." (2:23) … This entails that all 'Muslims' should ask themselves this pivotal question: What did God give Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon his soul) exactly?! … God gave him chapters and verses of the Quran and NEVER any other scripture at all … It is an international lie that has gone on for 1400 years that hadiths are thought to be celestial indispensable revelation as they would 'explain' the Quranic text; what a devilish falsehood indeed! The only tool needed to understand the Quran is the human mind … God gave us the Quran and no other writings, and the Quran contain all what we need regarding faith: "…We have revealed to you the Book, as an explanation of all things, and guidance, and mercy and good news for those who submit." (16:89); "…We neglected nothing in the Scripture…" (6:38); "…We have explained all things in detail." (17:12). Hence, the Quran is  sufficient source for religious knowledge for those who truly believe in it and adhere to it in piety and within the fear of Allah. It is a grave unpardonable sin (unless when one repents sincerely) to defy God by being involved in practices and beliefs that contradict the Quran or adds to it anything; as if those sinners are accusing God's Word of being incomplete! Skeptics who criticize Quranism usually defy Quranists to produce the number of daily prayers from the Quran, and writings of Dr. A .S. Mansour refute their debates. Can any reasonable persons imagine that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon his soul) died without delivering the divine message completely? Is Islam an incomplete message that needed to be completed with narratives compiled and written down 200 years after Prophet Muhammad's death?! Moreover, nothing in the history of the so-called companions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon his soul)  asserts that they knew of or use any hadiths at all, and the measures taken during the Abbasid Era to ascertain authenticity of hadiths are faulty and futile. Religion cannot be based on doubtful items, and the Sunnites, Sufis, and Shiites in their polytheism make this verse applies to them: "They have no knowledge of that. They only follow assumptions, and assumptions are no substitute for the truth." (53:28) … We sincerely hope that the Muhammadans would repent one day so as not to be among those whom Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon his soul) will disown on the Day of Resurrection: "And the messenger will say, "My Lord, my people have abandoned this Quran."" (25:30) … … …    


 May God bless you, Suheib; you are a dear son indeed to us, but we remind you not to mention honorific terms when you mention the name of Muhammad; only the polytheists Sunnites do so to glorify and deify him as if he were an immortal deity. It is an often-forgotten duty to glorify and praise the Lord God, but it is a necessary act of worship commanded in the Quran. Believers in the mythology called hadith narratives tend to overpraise Muhammad and rarely glorify and praise the Lord Allah. Of course, worshippers of Muhammad will be surprised on the Last Day when, before the Lord God, he will disown them as his polytheistic foes. God bless and guide you, Suheib.   





Published in July 24, 2014




Question:  … Dear Dr. Mansour, … Could you please shed more light on the terms ''provoke'' and ''provocation'' found exclusively in three Quranic verses of the Quranic Chapter 17? … Is the term 'provoke' linked to driving away or chasing away prophets from towns and villages? What do you think?  … Thank you in advance …      


 Regarding the verse 17:64, we read how Satan and devils provoke and incite people to commit sins, within the story of expelling Satan when he disobeyed God: "And entice and provoke whomever of them you can with your voice, and rally against them your cavalry and your infantry, and share with them in wealth and children, and make promises to them." But Satan promises them nothing but delusion." (17:64). Provocation here means whispers of devils to make human commit evil things and grave sins when devils control their minds. Satan provoked and incited the Meccan polytheists to fight early believers in Yathreb: "Those who believe fight in the cause of God, while those who disbelieve fight in the cause of Evil. So fight the allies of the Devil. Surely the strategy of the Devil is weak." (4:76). Another provocation of the devils was when they incited and provoked the  self-deified Moses' Pharaoh to chase the Israelites who angered him by disobeying him to attempt to massacre them on their route of exodus led by Moses and Aaron, and Pharaoh deserved being cursed and drowned to death: "He resolved to scare them off the land, but We drowned him, and those with him, altogether." (17:103). And lastly, Meccan polytheists of Qorayish attempted and managed to drive away Muhammad from Mecca, but they did not reach the level of sinning of Moses' Pharaoh who tried to massacre people, or they would have incurred God's wrath and their destruction: "They almost provoked you, to expel you from the land. In that case, they would not have lasted after you, except briefly. The tradition of the messengers We sent before you-you will find no change in Our rules." (17:76-77). The word 'rules' here in Arabic is Sunna of God in dealing with polytheists, as Muhammad has no Sunna or tradition at all; for more details on that topic, we refer you to our book titled "The Quran Is Enough".     




Slavery and Contradictions

Published in March 31, 2011



Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm not convinced with your views about the Quranic verses about slavery, marrying one's slave, and that slavery goes on even until today in other forms …  Your views seem contradictory to me …   


  We mean that slavery takes other masked and unobtrusive forms within oppressed male and female servants, forced marriages, oppression of women, POWs, etc. Since buying and selling female and male slaves was spread in the Middle Ages, the Quran urges their liberation by marrying them off after being freed or that their 'master' or 'owner' should free and marry them, using marriage contracts like free people. for more details, we refer you to our book (in English) titled "Slavery: A Fundamental Historical Overview" found on this link within our website:




"Observe Us"

Published in August 6, 2007


Question: … Dear Sir, … Could you shed light on the Quranic verse 4:46? Why the term ''observe us" is deemed offensive to God? … Thank you …    


  God says in the Quran: "Among the Jews are some who take words out of context, and say, "We hear and we disobey", and "Hear without listening", and "Observe us," twisting with their tongues and slandering the religion. Had they said, "We hear and we obey", and "Listen to us" and "Look upon us", it would have been better for them, and more upright. But God has cursed them for their disbelief; they do not believe except a little." (4:46). This means that God rejects the Middle-Ages notion of ''the lord is the shepherd ''and believers are cattle and dislikes the term "Hosanna" (ancient Hebrew for "Observe us"). Such terms and notions were adopted by Jews and Christians, and even in Yathreb. God instead wants the faithful ones to implore God to listen to them and to look upon them with mercy. Politically, the Middle-Ages tyrannical notion of people as cattle/subjects and kings as 'divine' shepherds is rejected also in Islam, as the Yathreb city-state was a democracy as we have explained in many of our writings. For further details, we refer you to our article (in English) titled "The Falsehood of "The Lord Is My Shepherd" Is Contrary to the Islamic Faith" found on our website on this link:




This Is What We Hope for

Published in October 31, 2014



Question: …  Dear Dr. Mansour, … I am happy to tell you that most of your Arabic articles and books are posted in PDF versions by me for free download on this link … Thus, people who live in countries that block your Quranism website will be able to read your writings … I publish quotes from their writings on my Twitter account as well …      


  Thank you and God bless and reward you, our dear brother. This is our hope and repeated plea: we desire that each Quranist would spread Quranism and raise awareness of it within cyberspace as much as possible, each Quranist should perform this peaceful intellectual jihad. One say, we will die and leave the website of Quranism to all of the Quranists to be their responsibility. We hope that Go will accept our peaceful intellectual jihad for the sake of Islam. 




Between Faith and Atheism

Published in November 18, 2008



Question: …  Dear Sir, … I sometimes feel haunted by existential questions that drive me crazy: why God created me and will judge me? Why God is going to burn sinners and atheists in Hell for eternity? Does God love human beings? Why sins are so tempting and why devils are created to tempt human beings? … Thank you for your time to answer me …         


  Actually, our dears son, we have no time to hold dialogues with agnostics and atheists; we hardly have time to answer hundreds of emails that come to us on a daily basis and to continue authoring our many books and articles apart from our responsibility to care for our family in Egypt and in the USA. Please read more on our archive to find answers to your questions. We assert briefly to you here that it is your life and your future; this is your own personal and individual responsibility. We gain nothing if you believe or lose anything if you disbelieve in God or in the Quran. You are free to choose and bear the consequences of your choice in the Afterlife. May God bless and guide you.    




The Belly-Dancer and the Former Principal

Published in February 23, 2016



Question: … Dear Sir, … I am a retired principal of a school, but my retirement money is never sufficient, and I had to work as an accountant in a farm situated around a grand villa both owned by a rich woman who is a lady now but was formerly a belly-dancer … She admires my honesty and gives me an excellent salary … But what makes me suffer pangs of conscience is that sex-and-wine parties are being held in the villa of the farm. This has nothing to do with me, I know, but sex bribes are being offered by women serving this 'lady' inside the villa parties and I feel bad for not being able to prevent sins or to avoid the location in which the sins are being committed … Besides, this 'lady' has ill-gotten money because of the bribes she offers and so on and she is not a very honest person regarding her fruit trade and so on … Shall I go on working for her or not? … I'm too poor and too old to find another job in my age … Thank you …


   You are not responsible for her work or sins, your halal salary is earned honestly as you do your job perfectly. Please do not trouble yourself, and take pride in your honesty and your never earning ill-gotten money. Rest assured that you are not committing sins by keeping your job. God does not burden any soul beyond its capacity; the sins of the 'lady' have nothing to do with you and you do not get involved in anything sinful. God bless you, friend.    




A Smoking Poor Man!

Published in August 13, 2016



Question: … Dear Sir, … I've read your book about Zakat, and you've mentioned that among those deserving  financial help through alms are those who have incomes never enough to make ends meet … But I have a question: what about poor, impecunious men who need money to smoke, not to get food? Must one give money to rich parents and relatives as gifts of charity? … Thank you …     


  Those who beg for money to smoke do not deserve alms or zakat, because charity money of Zakat must be provided for necessities that include clothing, food, and housing. One should bring (symbolic) gifts and tokens – not charity money – to relatives and parents even if they are rich, out of love and kindness, as per one's estimation as one sees fit. Poor relatives and parents need to be given zakat money of course. Relatives include poor impecunious neighbors. Zakat literally in Arabic means to recommend oneself to God with good deeds to purify one's soul, please remember that notion very well. God bless you.     




Bodies of Women

Published in August 20, 2007



Question: …  Dear Sir, … As a Muslim thinker, what is your view of the female body? Why Middle-Eastern people deem it as the source of either 'honor' or 'disgrace'? What about the crime of the female genital mutilation (FGM) known also as circumcision? Is it a sin or religious duty? Why there are religious views that oppress the female body and women in general in the Arab world? … Thank you …   


As a Muslim thinker and reformist, we see and regard the female body in its different stages of childhood, youth, and old-age, just like the stages of the male body: " God is He Who created you weak, then after weakness gave you strength, then after strength gave you weakness and gray hair. He creates whatever He wills. He is the Omniscient, the Omnipotent." (30:54); "Whomever We grant old age, We reverse his development. Do they not understand?" (36:68); "…And We settle in the wombs whatever We will for a designated term, and then We bring you out as infants, until you reach your full strength. And some of you will pass away, and some of you will be returned to the vilest age, so that he may not know, after having known…" (22:5). We infer from these verses that one cannot escape these stages of senility. As for the Middle East with its earthly, man-made, and fabricated religions, people in the Arab world oppress women because of Sunnite, Shiite, and Sufi notions of obscurantism and backwardness within the patriarchal societies, and these oppressive notions that suppress and subjugate women are formed in the hadith narratives fabricated by a large number of males within the traditions of several eras (even the pagan ones before the advent of the major Abrahamic religion) that turned their traditions into an earthly creed. This has nothing to do with Islam (i.e., the Quran). we advise you to read our article titled "The Culture of Slaves", found in English on this link:

and another article titled "Towards The Elimination Of The Culture Of Slaves", found in English on this link:   

  Hence, the crime of circumcising males and females has a heathen roots in the Pharaonic ancient religion (imitated by the Jews and then others) and it has nothing to do with Islam at all (and we leave defense of Judaism and Christianity to reformist thinkers affiliated to them, regarding the crime of circumcision). God in the Quran is never biased or men or against women. Please read more within our archive of articles and books in English.




Hadiths Urging the Massacre of Jews!

Published in December 24, 2006



Question: … Dear Sir, … Is Islam urging massacring of Jews just for their being Jews?! Why Muslim history is filled with anti-Semitism sentiments?! … Thank you for your time to answer my questions …     


   The ideas you mention are found in Sunnite narratives and hadiths about the so-called end-of-days predictions, and NEVER in real Islam (Quranism). Behaviors and notions of the Muhammadans in their past do not represent Islam. Quranists believe only in the Quran as the sole source to get to know the faith and religion of Islam. No one can predict the future, and we personally never believe in Armageddon myths of fighting between forces of 'good' and 'evil' or between Jews and gentiles. These myths are silly and laughter-inducing. The Quran tells us that Muhammad never knew the unknown of the future, and hence, all hadiths ascribed to him about predictions are false, including an Armageddon myth of 'Muslims' killing Jews off. The devilish Wahabi notion of putting to death nonbelievers is spread by the KSA, and it has nothing to do with Islam that orders us to act fairly and kindly toward all peaceful people regardless of their faiths and religious beliefs, and even if they lack any.       




A Letter from Mr. Abdel-Meguid

Published in July 8, 2000


Question: … Dear Dr. Mansour, … I'm M.Abdel-Meguid, an Egyptian man residing in Oslo, Norway, and I'd like to express my admiration of your enlightenment writings that have impressed me and for giving me the chance to write articles on your great website … You seem to be reading my mind and provide answers to all my questions regarding Islam and 'Muslims' now and in the past … But what are we gonna do to face Wahabis who have billions of $ spent to spread Wahabism while Quranists are impecunious and suffer media blackout and marginalization? … How are you gonna reach all people away from cyberspace one day? Not all youths who browse and surf the internet in the Arab  world are patient or interested enough to read your archive of writings … Why cannot all enlightened thinkers help you to expose Al-Azhar that serve the KSA, the arch-enemy of Egypt? … Why enlightenment and reform face so many obstacles?! … Why Quranists would not ask for financial help from all over the world to serve their cause?! … We must face devilish schemes and plans of the Saudi Wahabis! … The whole world must get to know that Islam contains no niqab, nor veil, nor headdresses, nor beards … All people worldwide must learn true Islam from Quranists … Why history and Islamic studies departments in the EU and the USA are hindered by Saudi money from exposing and debunking Wahabism?! … Thank you for being what you are …  


  We take pride of your articles that you published on our website. Please keep up the good work. We leave your questions to be answered by readers of our website who can comment on them below. God bless you, our brother. 




Modernizing Pilgrimage

Published in November 17, 2010



Question: …  Dear Sir, … As I watch pilgrimage rituals on TV, I wondered if technology would help ease many difficulties there in Mecca; why circumambulating the Kaaba (and walking to and from between mounts Safa and Marwa) would not be using conveyor belts or something like it to save time and efforts of pilgrims, especially old ones? … What do you think?  … Thank you very much …    


    We totally disagree with you, our brother. Pilgrimage, like any rituals and acts of worship, is a test for believers in how they would obey God; one cannot invent new ways to perform rituals as per one's whims and fancies. For more information related to rituals of pilgrimage, their purposes and conditions, and how to perform them in a way that pleases God, we refer you to our book (in English) titled "Pilgrimage between Islam and the Muhammadans" found on our website on this link:




An Important Message

Published in July 18, 2008



Question: …  Dear Sir, … I'm Qassim Qaddhim, an Iraqi engineer, and I feel grateful that I came across your website that has changed my life and had an excellent influence on my spiritual life; you are such a great thinker and reformer, Dr. Mansour, may God bless and reward you … I've read your article about the development of the Arabic tongue in relation to the Quranic tongue, and I'd like to enrich your information … I'd like to present to you the ideas of an Iraqi late thinker and engineer (who died in 2000) whose name was Alim Subeit Al-Neily, who has crystalized revolutionary theories about the Arabic tongue, syntax, phonetics, semantics, etc. that he authored in the 1990s … But his ideas, concepts, and theories have been marginalized by the Iraqi government and by academic circles in Iraq … I want you to read about these theories that I attached to this email… I need your opinion about them … His ideas in his books prove that human beings at one era had but one common language, among other amazing discoveries … We are currently working on launching a TV satellite channel to present his ideas … Thank you for taking time to read my lengthy letter and peace be with you, brother …     


 Our dear brother Eng. Qassim Qaddhim, we are honored to read and learn about what this great Iraqi thinker has authored and we feel grateful to learn new useful ideas from you and you can write articles on our website if you like. Please accept our best regards. Thank you and God bless you.




Tyrants and Massacring Kurds

Published in May 11, 2010



Question: … Dear Sir, … As a Muslim thinker, what is your opinion about massacres against Kurds, by Saddam Hussein in Iraq, that took place in operations having names derived from Quranic terms? … Another question is as follows: does freedom of expression in Quranism include never to get angry when someone burn copies of the Quran? How come that you've mentioned that in an article of yours?! … Thank you …    


  Of course, Quranists advocate peace, non-violence, absolute religious freedom, and absolute freedom of expression, and they denounce all heinous crimes like bloodshed, massacres, etc. In our opinion, Saddam Hussein was the worst Arab ruler ever in modern history. He was tyrannical like most Arab ruler, but his heinous crimes that caused thousands of innocent people lose their lives surpass any other crimes of other Arab tyrants. These heinous crimes are even worse when people ascribe them to Islam, as Islam has nothing to do with such grave injustices and sins; rather, the Sunnite and Shiite religions are directly linked with such crimes. Hence, a criminal like Saddam Hussein in Iraq would have the nerve to use Quranic terms as appellation to his crimes against humanity and attempts of genocide against Kurds, and he used the Sunnite creed as  a cover to his untold crimes. Indeed, Middle-Ages Sunnite and Shiite notions allow despotic rulers to massacre even up to one-third of the population/subjects to 'save' the rest! This horrid hadith has been fabricated to serve as pretext for tyrannical caliphs; this has nothing to do with Islam. The Middle Ages witnessed tyrants that made reforms on all levels and a renaissance, and other tyrants that caused catastrophes. Read on our website to get to know them from our historical researches and books. It is unpardonable that one ascribes his/her crimes to Islam, but penalty for such a crime will be exacted by God on the Last Day. Within real Islam, no one can punish others for blasphemy, heresy, etc. even burning or defiling copies of the Quran. Penalty for such crimes will be exacted by God on the Last Day, if those sinners do not repent sincerely before their death. The aggressive ones (terrorists of today for instance) are committing heinous crimes against humanity and must be stopped by the law and punished by people here on earth, for sure.      




Can I Escape from My Wife?!

Published in January 30, 2008



Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm about to retire when I reach the age of 60 months later, and I'm seriously considering deserting my wife to escape the living hell that I patiently stood for the sake of my children, who are grown up and independent now … I desire to leave my wife without divorcing her, and leaving her a monthly sum to spend … I intend to live alone in peace in another Egyptian city, leaving Cairo … Is it OK? … She has shown me hell for 30 years of marriage as show would quarrel almost daily with me and shout and yell till the neighbors would interfere and should make a scene and scandalize me … She always intimidate and terrorize me to obey her blindly in everything … Am I gonna be sinful if I desert her? … Thank you …   


  You can go ahead in your escape plan; your life with her is a test for you and for her as well; yet, make sure first if she would change and grow calmer in her old age and yours or not and if she would admit to her past mistakes and reform herself to willingly live in peace for the rest of your days and hers.  

اجمالي القراءات 4814

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
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تاريخ الانضمام : 2006-07-05
مقالات منشورة : 5171
اجمالي القراءات : 58,736,833
تعليقات له : 5,479
تعليقات عليه : 14,871
بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : United State

مشروع نشر مؤلفات احمد صبحي منصور

محاضرات صوتية

قاعة البحث القراني

باب دراسات تاريخية

باب القاموس القرآنى

باب علوم القرآن

باب تصحيح كتب

باب مقالات بالفارسي