Ruling party mps in egypt demand the public execution of the 6 April Youth‏

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Ruling party mps demand the public execution of the 6 April Youth

The ruiling party mps in Egypt demanded the execution of the 6 of April Youth members ,Using live ammunition during their street protests for demanding freedoms accusing the young members of the movement of being some vagabonds and that they get funded from abroad to serve foreign interests.
They added that the nation should be protected from the likes of those youth.

They also said during the discussions of the violations of the police committed against the 6 of April Demonstrators that occurred during organizing their march from Tahrir square ,In central Cairo and into the parliament building.

The discussions started with questions from oppositions and independant mps to the government and the security regarding those violent incidents against the peaceful demonstrators .

The ruling party mps said that those demonstrators should be shot with live ammunition.
Accusing them of being traitors and of assaulting the officers and the other security personell.

The ruling party mps who had attacked opposition and independant mps using physical force during the parliamentary session discussions ,said that the 6 of April Youth had defamed the reputation of Egypt over the world media and the internet through publishing images of police forces while attacking and beating the young demonstrators on the 6 of April infront of the Shoura council building of the parliament for demanding the amendment of the constitution.

The ruling party mps claimed that Egypt is in its best time ever with democracy ,criticizing the demonstrators demands on the 6 of April to amend the constitution ,and to approve the political rights law in which opposition mps has presented and the ending of the state of emergency which rules Egypt for the last three decades ,also the full judicial supervision over the electral process and to allow ngos to monitor the legislative elections .

The assistant of the minister of the interior who had attended the discussion said that the emergency law allows the police to shoot the demonstrators using live ammunition claiming that they dealt softly with the demonstrators on the 6 of April.

The security has killed 14 Egyptian citizens during the parliamentary elections of 2005 ,also killed the student Mohamed El-saka in Alexandria in 2003, and also killd Tark El-Ghanam in 2006 in mosque in 2006.

Hamdy Hassan , an opposition mp said, that the ruling party mps are pushing the security forces to murder the demonstrators and such practices should be exposed as well as the calls to murder the demonstrators inside the parliament asserting that the young peolple demonstrated on the 6 of April demanded rightful demands and not against the law and the constitution .

Mp Hamdeen Sabahy, said that the 6 of April Youth never commited a crime for demanding a clean election and they have announced their demands a month prior to the demo.

Police troops assaulted 6 of April Youth demonstrators on the 6 of April 2010 next to peoples’ assemly parliament and had stripped some of them of their clothes and dragged them around in the street and also attacked the female participants violently and arrested about a 100 of them and held them illegimate holding facilities but the Egyptian Judiciary had ordered their release later.Also the security had attaked reporters, local and foreign ,and confiscated their cameras and recording tapes but some bloggers managed to document some of the incidents.


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