Dr. Ahmed and his family is attending a special event to savor the world

في السبت ١٠ - أبريل - ٢٠١٠ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Dr. Ahmed Mansour and his Respected Family are attending that special event.

Dr. Irving Spitzberg is a very good friend with Dr. mansour family and he is their immigration lawyer as well as he is the chairman for the international quranic center


An invitation to taste, listen, dance, reach out.

An invitation to honor our friend, Irving Spitzberg.
An invitation to Savor the World.

Dear Colleague and Friend,




The Immigration Outreach Service Center (IOSC) extends an invitation for you to be a part of its annual fund-raising event - Savor The World.  Join us on Monday, April 26 from 6 PM - 9 PM, at Gertrude's Restaurant at the Baltimore Museum of Art.  We are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the IOSC.   The event will feature a buffet of international cuisine, a variety of ethnic music and dance, and of course, great company.


This year we are honoring Irving Spitzberg for his outstanding contribution and mentoring to the IOSC since 2003.  Without support from individuals like Irving, we would not be able to continue with our mission.  Help us show our appreciation by attending this unique event. 


Since 2000, the center has served over 5,000 individuals and families from over 87 countries around the world.  Below are just a few examples of how we have been able to assist families on their immigrant journeys:



·         Matthew, together with his wife and two children, fled political persecution in Nepal.  With assistance from the IOSC, they received their permanent resident cards.  Matthew and his wife are now legally employed and can live in the US indefinitely.

·         Lucy, a victim of abuse, fled Ghana with her family. The IOSC assisted her with completing her asylum application and since then, she has passed the state board exam to be a physical therapist. She and her three children are now settled into their apartment in Baltimore.


Tickets for the Savor the World event are available at $50 each.  You may request your ticket(s) by printing the form at the bottom of this letter and mailing to IOSC, or you may purchase tickets online at www.ioscbaltimore.org. Your tickets will be mailed to you.  Proceeds from Savor the World will allow the IOSC to provide services to the many immigrants throughout greater Baltimore.

Your ticket purchases are much appreciated.  We also offer several sponsorship levels for corporations or individuals that enable IOSC to help even more people in a substantial way.  Please click on the following link for more details:  Sponsorship Opportunities. If you can not join us, we welcome your donation to IOSC in honor of Irving and his contribution to the immigrant community of Baltimore.
Come, join us! Share this festive evening as we honor Irving Spitzberg and celebrate IOSC's 10th anniversary.  You will meet people from around the world who are making Baltimore their home, taste delicious food from many regions of the globe, and support a truly worthy cause!
Thank you for your attention to this wonderful event!  We hope to see you there.
Father Joe Muth   Pastor, St. Matthew Catholic Church 
Jean-Marie Holloway   Executive Director, IOSC
Immigration Outreach Service Center
5401 Loch Raven Blvd. 
Baltimore, MD 21239
اجمالي القراءات 1931