Cricket: Afghan Team and Radio Programming Service are Both Winners

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Cricket: Afghan Team and Radio Programming Service are Both Winners

Using Old and New Technology, Cricket Games Get Broadcast


Broadcasting the cricket game
Broadcaster Ibrahim Momand (left) and producer Mohammed Omar cover the ICC Twenty20 2010 cricket series in Dubai.

In a first for an Afghan broadcaster, Salam Watandar sent a team of sports journalists to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in early February to cover live the International Cricket Council Twenty20 2010 Qualifier series and two smaller series.


Prior to the Dubai series, Salam Watandar had carried live coverage of several cricket matches in New Zealand and Sri Lanka. That coverage was provided by Salam Watandar senior sports producer and cricket commentator Ibrahim Momand who sat in Internews’ Kabul studio and using live scores and ball-by-ball commentary published on the Internet provided his own live commentary. The coverage was picked up by several partner stations and well received by cricket fans.


For the UAE series, however, Salam Watandar relied on an IP audio codec, a new technology that allows broadcast quality audio streaming over the Internet from remote locations. The device linked two Salam Watandar commentators sitting in the Dubai stadium to the studios in Kabul. Their live commentary was beamed out via satellite to Internews’ network of 40 stations across Afghanistan. (Full story)


Internews Launches Pashtu Radio Programming in Afghanistan

Salam Watandar has launched a new Pashtu-language service targeting audiences in the south and southeast of the country.   


The service offers news, current affairs and cultural programming in two 90-minute peak-hour blocks, seven days a week.  The peak-hour program line-up includes, Bakhabar (“Look Out”), Salam Watandar’s widely listened-to current affairs show, Pashtu versions of other popular Salam Watandar programs as well as new programming on sports, religion, Pashtu poetry, local culture and government.  The Pashtu-language service began in January. (Full story)


Internews Afghanistan in the Press

More about Internews in Afghanistan

Since 2002, Internews has built a network of 42 local, independently-operated radio stations throughout the country and trained local journalists - women and men - to report in their communities. Internews helped create the Afghan media non-profit Nai, whose mission is to promote open media in Afghanistan and also supports Pajhwok Afghan News Agency, the only Afghan-run, independent news agency in the country.


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