Support Albaradei and Seize the Chance for Free Egypt‏

في الأربعاء ٢٤ - مارس - ٢٠١٠ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

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Our coordinator in Qatar is moving ahead.. They got 250 signatures in one meeting.. I think we we need to adopt the same traditional tool to gather signatures..having a big meeting where everyone brings their IDs and sign on the spot. Specially since it is used successfully in Egypt and in Qatar. If that's the only way, let us plan social meeting in each of the cities.. I suggest we have a DC meeting on Saturday April 3rd at 2:00 PM. Please mark your calender and spread the word about the date until we are able to secure a location.

Also, the news from Egypt is promising:


Mohamed ElBaradei held his first meeting yesterday with members of his National Association for Change, a broad opposition coalition pushing for pro-democracy constitutional reforms. The aim of the meeting was to plan future action.The delegation included prominent novelist Alaa el-Aswany and Dr.

Perhaps it’s fitting that Mohamed ElBaradei’s most recent arrival in Egypt was an almost polar opposite of his previous visit. This time, there were no flag-waving crowds at the airport, and no wall-to-wall media coverage.

Keep it up.. and see you soon,


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