The German-Turkish Relationship: Challenges and Opportunities

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Call for Applications


Germany Meets Turkey: Weeklong Seminar

The German-Turkish Relationship: Challenges and Opportunities

(Berlin, 16th - 21th May, 2010)

Dear Dr. Frisina,

I am writing to announce the dates of our forthcoming program organized by
the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy in May 2010. We appreciate your
support and assistance in spreading the word about this opportunity and
would be grateful if you could forward this information on to any
individuals who you feel may be interested in attending this program.

Germany Meets Turkey ( is an active network of
young people from across the world who have an active interest in the
German-Turkish relations. Members can join the forum by taking part in a
GMT Weeklong Seminar. The forthcoming GMT Weeklong Seminar will be held in
Berlin from 16th - 21st May 2010.

The Forum is aimed at young professionals and students, economists,
diplomatic and political representatives, and civil society practitioners.
The weeklong seminar will consist of lectures, seminars, workshops and
panel discussions by leading figures from the fields of politics,
diplomacy, civil society, academia, and the private sector, which will
offer a range of perspectives on the issues at stake, the challenges
ahead, and the new strategies and approaches being taken to address these
challenges. The program will be complemented by cultural and social
activities that will provide an opportunity to experience the diversity of
the respective cultures and provide networking opportunities between the
participants themselves, as well as between the participants and speakers.

In particular, the seminar will focus on the following issues:

·         Turkish Migration to Germany and the Impacts of the 2007
Immigration Act

·         Scientific and academic cooperation

·         German-Turkish Business Relations and the implications of the
Economic Crisis

·         The Accession of Turkey to the European Union

·         Approaches to peacekeeping and humanitarian intervention

·         Co-operation on green technologies and protection of the

To apply to the program, please visit:

Further information about the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy can be
found under:

Further information about our speakers can be found under:

Thank you in advance for passing the information on.

With warm regards,

Sibylla F. Pace


Sibylla F. Pace
Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)
Ku´damm Karree (3rd Floor/Hochhaus)
Kurfürstendamm 207-8 Berlin, Germany-10719
Phone: +49/(0)30 2360 7680
Fax: +49/(0)30 2360 768 11


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