The United States and Turkey: A View from the Obama Administration

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The United States and Turkey: A View from the Obama Administration

Sixth Annual Sakip Sabanci Lecture with Philip H. Gordon, Assistant Secretary of European and Eurasian Affairs

Wednesday, March 17, 2010, 10:00 – 11:30 am

The Brookings Institution, Falk Auditorium, 1775 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC


On March 17, the Center on the United States and Europe at Brookings (CUSE) will host Assistant Secretary of State and former Brookings Senior Fellow Philip Gordon for the sixth annual Sakip Sabanci Lecture. In his lecture, Assistant Secretary Gordon will offer the Obama administration’s perspective on Turkey, its relations with the United States and the Europe Union and its role in the region and across the globe.  


Philip Gordon was nominated as assistant secretary in March 2009. From 2000-09, he focused on a wide range of European and U.S. foreign policy issues as a senior fellow and founding director of CUSE. Prior to joining Brookings, Gordon was director for European affairs at the National Security Council under President William J. Clinton. He previously held a variety of teaching and research posts in American and European institutions and is the author of numerous books and articles.

Brookings President Strobe Talbott will introduce Assistant Secretary Gordon and join him, after his remarks, in a discussion moderated by Brookings Senior Fellow and CUSE Director Fiona Hill.

The Sakip Sabanci Lecture is given annually by a leading international statesman and explores Turkey’s increasingly important role in the world. The event honors the memory of Sakip Sabanci, one of Turkey’s foremost business leaders, a visionary supporter of democratic and economic reforms and a leading advocate of Turkey’s efforts to join the European Union.




Strobe Talbott




The Brookings Institution


Featured Speaker


Philip H. Gordon
Assistant Secretary of European and Eurasian Affairs
U.S. State Department




Fiona Hill
Senior Fellow and Director
Center on the United States and Europe
The Brookings Institution

To RSVP for this event, please call the Office of Communications at  202.797.6105  202.797.6105 or click here.

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