Senior Al Khlaifa figures indirectly implicated in torture

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Bahrain: Senior Al Khlaifa figures indirectly implicated in torture


A state of despair has plunged the morale of the ruling junta in Bahrain to their lowest since the imposition of the political programme of  the ruler. This has followed the publication last of the latest report by the Washington-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) that confirmed the return to torture in the notorious Al Khalifa prisons. The report is the outcome of a thorough investigation by the human rights body following the persistent claims by former prisoners, their families and lawyers that they had been subjected to systematic forms of torture. The report was launched in Manama on Monday 8th February by Joe Stork; the Deputy Director of HRW and Joshua Colangelo-Bryan, a consultant with Human Rights Watch and senior attorney in the New York office of Dorsey & Whitney LLP will present the report. The two co-editors of the report also took part in a Press Conference at the House of Lords in London on Wednesday 10th February which was extensively covered by TV channels. Several international news agencies had covered the Manama launching of the report. It contained vivid accounts of the use of four main kind of torture: electric shocks using stunt guns, hanging from the wrists, falaqa (beating on the soles while the body is hung on two poles and general beating including kicks, punches and lashing with hoses. The torture sessions were administered in three main detention centres; the Al Adliya, the Dry Dock and the National Security Headquarters (NSHQ) in Manama which is currently run by the former Ambassador to UK, Khalifa bin Abdulla Al Khalifa. The torture there started when the NSHQ was being run by the present Ambassador, Khalifa bin Ali bin Rashid Al Khalifa. The implication of this Ambassador is a serious claim that has put pressure on the UK Government to take action against this confirmed torturer.

Meanwhile Bahrainis have reacted angrily to the return to torture as a routine practice against detainees. While the foreign minister attempted to appease his families allies in London and Washington by suggesting to “look into the allegations in the claims of torture” Bahrain human rights activists and the families of victims have demanded the repeal of the notorious Law 56 that had facilitated the crimes of torture and the immediate arrest of at least the five people whose names were clearly mentioned in the reports as the main torturers. Calls have also been made to investigate the role of the senior figures of the Al Khalifa junta who must have known of these crimes. Bahrainis are now seeking international action against the Al Khalifa torturers and those elements responsible for implementing policies of genocide against the people of Bahrain. The ruler has himself become under suspicion of abetting both crimes, and steps are being taken worldwide for his arrest.


Anger has now surfaced again amongst human rights activists as the ruling junta took steps to exact revenge against the victims of their torture. The prosecution department which is itself implicated in the torture claims by HRW has re-opened the file of the case of Karzakkan to justify the torture that had been inflicted on the individuals linked to it. A court run by the Al Khalifa has postponed its verdict on appeal against the acquittal of more than 20 Bahrainis who had falsely accused of killing one of the mercenaries. The step is ill-intentioned and badly-timed. The victims have been urged to attend the court en mass to re-iterate their ordeals during torture sessions and to name their torturers. International human rights organizations have been urged to attend that session to witness the extent of the Al Khalifa crimes against Bahrainis.


The families of the detained Bahrainis who still languish in the torture cells run by the ruling junta. On 11th February the people of Sihla went out in a peaceful protest last week and painted slogans on the walls for the immediate release of Bahrainis. The walls in Sitra were also painted with similar slogans. Meanwhile the foreign mercenaries have waged more attacks against the cultural and religious activities of the natives. This is part of the policies of genocide against the Bahrainis by the ruling Al Khalifa junta.




Bahrain Freedom Movement


14th February 2010



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