Help Us Help In Time in Haiti‏

في الخميس ١٤ - يناير - ٢٠١٠ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Support the UN Central Emergency Response Fund:
Support the People of Haiti

The world is watching anxiously and with a heavy heart as the residents of Haiti struggle to cope in the aftermath of the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that rocked the island nation two days ago.  At Citizens for Global Solutions our thoughts are with the people of Haiti including the citizens of Haiti, the families of Haitians across the world, and UN peacekeepers and other international staff who have suffered tremendous losses on the ground.

The Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) is a program of the United Nations that allows for coordinated, immediate and intelligent relief services provided by agencies of the United Nations.  The money given to the CERF, both by countries and individual donors, is available immediately for life-saving activities, and right now the people of Haiti need your support.  Please click here to make a tax-deductible donation to the UN Central Emergency Response Fund to immediately support the United Nation's humanitarian efforts.

When I joined Citizens for Global Solutions, it was with an unshakable faith in the ability of an empowered, supported United Nations to help create the world in which I want my daughters to grow up.   I have no doubt that Citizens for Global Solutions is bringing us closer to that goal, as they did by supporting the CERF during the Reform the UN Campaign.  If you believe, as I do, that Citizens for Global Solutions is a vital for a more empowered UN please consider joining our movement toward global solutions.

Before joining Citizens for Global Solutions, I helped establish the CERF and served at the United Nations in New York as the first Chief of the CERF Secretariat in 2006.  I saw first hand the value of the CERF in jump-starting life-saving humanitarian relief and in filling gaps in emergency humantarian response.  In addressing
the world's most urgent crises, the CERF enables response that is fast, fair and cost-effective. 

I am reaching out to you today to ask that you continue this important work and join me in helping the people of Haiti by making a tax-deductible contribution to the CERF today. 


Robert A. Enholm

Executive Vice President 

P.S. We are working with our colleage organization, The UN Foundation, to raise these needed funds for the UN emergency efforts through the CERF.  So please use this link to make a tax-deductible donation today.

+Read More about the CERF

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