THE INSTITUTE Celebrates Kazakhstan's Independence Day

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THE INSTITUTE Celebrates Kazakhstan's Independence Day, Calls for Greater Commitment to Human Rights and Religious Freedom
Alexandria, VA -- THE INSTITUTE on Religion and Public Policy congratulates the people of Kazakhstan on their Independence Day and their 18 years of stable, successful democracy.

Today is a day to celebrate democracy, but also an opportunity for Kazakhstan to recommit to the promotion of fundamental rights at the heart of any real democracy. In order to be a truly democratic state, the fundamental rights of all citizens must be protected. Kazakhstan must improve its overall human rights standards, especially with regard to religious freedom and in light of its accession to the chairmanship of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

In the past year alone, there have been numerous cases of religious discrimination. For example, Baptist leader Viktor Leven is facing deportation for holding religious services in his home, and police have raided the services of several religious communities. The government must repeal several of their laws which restrict religious freedom, including two articles in their Administrative Code which permit excessive fines and punishment for peaceful religious activity.

When Kazakhstan assumes the Chairmanship of the OSCE in 2010, it will become a leader in the international community and an example for democracy around the world. Kazakhstan must show that human rights are an essential part of a true democracy. By embracing and supporting the diverse religious communities within its own borders and ensuring their freedom to worship, Kazakhstan will reaffirm its commitment to human rights and democracy for all.  


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