Calls for common-sense immigration reform on the rise

في الأربعاء ٠٩ - ديسمبر - ٢٠٠٩ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Doing nothing is not a solution. Immigrants' List is a political action committee (PAC) dedicated to electing members of Congress who support common-sense immigration reform. If you care about immigration reform, please make a contribution to fight back against the scare tactics and misinformation being deployed by opponents of reform.

Immigration reform is proving to be a rising priority. Our work is making a difference.Dear Friends:

As we prepare to head into a new year -- an election year -- immigration reform is proving to be a rising priority, as evidenced by several recent editorials, columns, and commentaries that call on Congress to address this important issue in 2010.  One editorial in the San Diego Union-Tribune sums it up nicely:

Now there are signals that the discussion will begin in March or April of 2010. But, of course, that's only the Washington portion of the conversation we're talking about. Around the country, from Dallas to Des Moines to Detroit, there is really no need to restart the immigration debate because it never stopped.

As we head into a crucial midterm election year, we must step up our efforts to ensure immigration reform doesn't get lost among the debates over health care reform, financial regulation, and climate change. That's where your support for Immigrants' List comes in:

Our opponents see no room for a path to citizenship in any reform legislation. They will back members of Congress who stand in the way of sensible reform. They will try to surpass the more than $1 million they raised in the last election cycle to elect candidates who will resist reform. We must start 2010 in a strong position to fight back against the scare tactics and misinformation our opponents will use, but we can only do it with your help. Please contribute $10, $25, $50 or whatever you can afford to help bring about meaningful changes to our nation's immigration system in 2010.




Here's to a successful and reform-filled new year!

Thank you,

Amy Novick
Executive Director
Immigrants' List

Contributions or gifts to Immigrants' List are not tax deductible. Immigrants' List is a bipartisan political action committee (PAC) dedicated to electing members of Congress who support common-sense immigration reform. Immigrants' List can accept contributions from U.S. citizens or permanent legal residents of the United States. As a federally registered PAC, Immigrants' List cannot accept contributions from corporations, labor unions, foundations, national banks, or federal contractors. Contributions from $1 to a maximum of $5,000 per calendar year are gladly accepted.

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