Scholar Rescue Fund

في الجمعة ٠٤ - ديسمبر - ٢٠٠٩ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Greetings from your friends at the Scholar Rescue Fund!  We trust that you are well and enjoying this holiday season. 


As we approach the New Year, the Scholar Rescue Fund (SRF) is renewing our outreach to potential candidates.  As a valued member of our community, we would be grateful for your assistance in spreading the word about the SRF program.


We need your help in identifying qualified and deserving candidates for SRF fellowship awards.  As always, SRF fellowships are open to threatened scholars from any country around the world in any academic discipline.  We welcome you to nominate or refer qualified candidates to us for SRF consideration. 


Please take the time to consider your contacts and colleagues from your home country or region.  We would be grateful if you can put us in touch with any organizations or individuals who may be able to assist us in spreading our message.


To nominate a candidate, provide outreach suggestions and any other ideas; please contact us at or +1 (212) 205-6486. 


In addition, please feel free to disseminate our outreach message (copied below) as widely as possible.  Our upcoming application deadline is January 15, 2009


Thank you in advance for your assistance. 


We wish you all the best. 



The Scholar Rescue Fund


IIE Scholar Rescue Fund

Fellowship Announcement:  Applications due January 15 2009

 Dear Friends of the Scholar Rescue Fund ,

We are pleased to announce a call for applications for the IIE Scholar Rescue Fund (SRF). Fellowships support temporary academic positions at safe universities and colleges anywhere in the world for threatened academics whose lives and work are in danger in their home countries. 

 Who can apply:

Professors, researchers and lecturers from any country or field may apply.  We invite you to refer eligible candidates and ask for your help in forwarding this announcement to any academic colleagues who may be interested. 

·         Qualifying applicants are currently facing or have recently fled from direct and immediate threats.

·         Professors, established researchers and other senior academics from any country, field or discipline may qualify. 

·         Preference is given to scholars with a Ph.D. or other highest degree in their field who have extensive teaching or research experience at a university, college or other institution of higher learning.

·         Applicants must demonstrate superior academic accomplishment or promise.

·         Applications from female scholars and under-represented groups are strongly encouraged.

*Students or professionals seeking funding to pursue academic studies or training are not eligible.

To apply:

Please download the information and application materials from:   


For universities and colleges interested in hosting an SRF scholar:              


Contact for questions


How The Scholar Rescue Fund Works:

Fellowships are awarded for visiting academic positions ranging from 3 months to 1 calendar year.  Awards are issued for up to US $25,000, plus individual health coverage.


Fellowships are disbursed through host academic institutions for direct support of scholar-grantees.  In most cases, host campuses are asked to match the SRF fellowship award by providing partial salary/stipend support and/or housing, material support for researching/publications, and other in-kind assistance. 

Applications are accepted at any time.


For a decision by early March please apply by January 15. 

Visit for more details.


SRF Iraq Project

In 2007 SRF launched the Iraq Project in response to the crisis of violence affecting higher education throughout Iraq .  If you are an Iraqi scholar seeking assistance or you are a university representative interested in hosting an SRF Iraqi scholar, please contact or visit


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