Countdown to the Martyrs day begins with arrests and torture

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Bahrain: Countdown to the Martyrs day begins with arrests and torture



In unprecedented preparation to wage aggressive attacks against the Bahrainis, the security services have undertaken two serious steps: First the ministry of the interior issued a warning that its mercenaries would fire live ammunition against peaceful demonstrators in the coming days. Second, a wave of arbitrary arrests has been waged in which scores of Bahrainis have been unlawfully detained. This is in reaction to the mounting popular unrest against what is seen as an all-out assault by Sheikh Hamad’s clique against the people. Among those detained in the past few days are: Sadiq Jaffar Al Nakal, 16 and Abdulla Ahmad Hubail, 20. Both were arrested outside their home in Sitra and accused of taking part in peaceful protests against the dictatorship. Last week the father of Hassan Abdul Amir Radhi, 20, from Al Ma’amir woke up to find out that his son was not at home. After several attempts to call him on his mobile during the day, a member of the Death Squads replies and to told that Hassan had been detained the night before. The young Bahraini had been severely beaten and tortured despite his heart ailment. One of the Al Khalifa kangaroo courts ordered his detention for one month for investigation. Majeed Hassan Sulail, 28, was arrested after his father was forced to call him to hand himself to the torturers. He is reported to have been subjected to various kinds of torture including beating, hanging from the hands and legs and denial of food. Other new detainees include Abdullah Ahmad Hbail, 20, Sayyed Ali Sayyed Saeed, 20, Hassan Ali Hassan, 26, Hussain Ali Ahmad, 23, Abdul Azia Abdul Redha Ibrahim, 23 and Sayyed isa Sayyed Abbas, 22, Hussain Faisal, 17, Ahmad Atiyya, 18, and Ahmad Abdul Mutallib, 16. The case of Kumail Al Ghannami, 16 from Al Dair has shaken the hearts of the people as his body exhibited severe wounds as he was hit by live ammunition.


Meanwhile the people’s preparations to commemorate the Day of the Martyrs on 17th December have begun in earnest. Daily protests and demonstrations have been taking place in various parts of the country. On Monday 30th November the people of Sitra went out to the streets, burning fires and raising anti-regime slogans. They were attacked by the foreign-staffed riot police and Death Squads before dispersing. In Malikiya where the youth went out to the streets, beating protesters and using chemical and tear gases against innocent civilians. Rubber bullets and sound bombs were used against Bahrainis in the area. Near the Karzakkan Roundabout, police cars took positions to prevent any demonstration.


Demonstrations and protests have engulfed vast areas of Bahrain. In Karrana, Al Sehal Al Janubia and Al Duraz, Bahrainis protested against the regime, hurling Molotov cocktail against the invading heavily-armed troops who are alien to the country and its people. An official from the Police department of the Northern Directorate confirmed last week that his men had been authorised to use live ammunition against those whom he called “deviated” elements, ie, those who has refuse to acknowledge the occupational policies of the regime. His threats have not deterred the people of Jidhafs and Daih from expressing their anti-Al Khalifa sentiments. The feelings of anger and frustration have kick-started the country-wide protests and demonstrations to mark the Martyrs’ Day.


In London, the Bahraini opposition has started preparations to express their solidarity with their expressed people back home, and will launch a media and political campaign against the oppressive Al Khalifa hereditary dictatorship, including the annual seminar at the House of Lords and a picket of the ruling family’s celebrations planned by the London Embassy, which is run by the former head of the torture apparatus.


Bahrain Freedom Movement


3rd December 2009



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