We Need The USA Help

في الجمعة ٢٠ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٩ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً


Honorable Senator/Representative:
Our government should take a firm stand against tyrannical regimes, more so with those so called pro-western ones. The example of the Shah is not yet a distant memory. Marcos of the Philippines is another. If our government does not stop turning its head the other way, due to, God knows how many or what justifications, and start building strong bridges with the people ,rather than corrupt leaders, of other countries, then our future relations do not look rosy. Prime example is EGYPT….the latest is the detention of an Egyptian citizen at the Cairo international airport, simply because he holds a different set of beliefs that do not seem to find acceptance with the ruling elite- his name is Abdullateef Mohammad Sa’eed. Being a Quranist is a frowned upon stand to take in Egypt, although this group has never engaged in any subversive activities at all. All they have is the Quran and common sense. They don’t even care if anyone follows them or not. All they ask for is to be left alone. They have no secret cells, no organizational machine, no due-paying members, and yet they are being persecuted and oppressed for no other reason than exercising their right to believe in something that seems to make the powerful lose sleep.
This revolving door policy of detaining, torturing then releasing, and detaining, humiliating then releasing has to stop. And we, Government and people are more poised than any to extend a helping hand in this matter.
We politely ask of you to look into this matter. For further info and documentation, please refer to
Thank you and God bless you  
اجمالي القراءات 1182