detention of a Quranist at Cairo airport

في الجمعة ٢٠ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٩ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً


Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights asks the Attorney General to investigate the detention of a Quranist at Cairo airport
Lawyers for the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights requested the office of the Attorney General to investigate the unlawful apprehension of Citizen Abdullateef Mohammad Sa’eed, who was stopped and detained at Cairo International Airport, Wednesday November 18 2009. The Egyptian Initiative received information that the detainee, who was previously apprehended two years ago with the charge of adopting Quranists ideology-was transferred to state security investigator’s center in Shubra El Kheima this midday.
Mr. Abdullateef Sa’eed was banned from traveling overseas in a similar incident in April 2009, without providing any reasons and pursuant to instructions from the state security office. The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights filed a law suit with the court of judicial administration (No. 37542- yr1963) against Minister of the Interior, against Chief of Department of State Security and against Chief of Department of Passports, Immigration and Naturalization, to void the execution of judgment banning him from travel. The court is expected to render its decision this coming Tuesday November 24 2009.
It is known that Mr. Abdullateef was previously apprehended under the Emergency Laws in May 2007, based on his professing the Quranists doctrine. The Higher State Security Court issued a final decree nullifying the decision to apprehend him and to set him free. The Higher State Security Persecution Office ordered him set free in September 2007, after interrogating him, along with four other detainees, on the grounds of scorning the Islamic religion, by rejecting the so called (Sunnah Nabaweyya-Prophet’s Tradition), and considering the Quran as the primary source of jurisprudence in Islam
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