2009 National Survey of Iranian Americans

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PAAIA Releases 2009 National Survey of Iranian Americans

National poll explores attitudes and views of Iranian Americans relating to recent developments in Iran

November 11, 2009, Washington, D.C. - The Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA) today released the findings of its second national public opinion survey of Iranian Americans.  The particular focus of this poll is to gauge how the Iranian American community’s perceptions and views may have shifted following the historic events that occurred in Iran in the aftermath of the disputed June 12th presidential election. More specifically, views of Iranian Americans on issues such as recent developments in Iran, U.S.-Iran relations, the Obama Administration’s response to recent developments in Iran, and the role, if any, that the Iranian Diaspora could or should play with respect to developments in Iran, are explored in this survey.

Survey results indicate that ties between Iranian Americans and Iran remain strong.  Iranian Americans closely followed post-election events in Iran and believe the presidential election there was not free and fair.  The promotion of human rights and democracy in Iran remains very important to a significant majority of Iranian Americans.  Approximately one in two Iranian Americans approve of the Obama Administration’s handling of the post-election crisis and support diplomatic negotiations with Iran.  Finally, while a significant minority of Iranian Americans believe promotion of regime change in Iran would be in the best interests of the United States, only a small percentage favor U.S. military action against Iran.

This survey was conducted by Zogby International, a pre-eminent polling firm that has been tracking public opinion throughout the world since 1984 and has a particular expertise in polling ethnic communities in the United States.

Click here to read the Executive Summary

Click here for the complete report

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