Quranists call for International guardianship over the Sacred Mosque

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They said liberating it from “Wahabi Occupation” is a form of Jihad


Quranists call for International guardianship over the Sacred Mosque


Writer: Al-Watan


Sunday November 09 2009




Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mensour, Leader of Quranists who is residing in the United States, called for what he referred to as the liberation of the Sacred Mosque from the occupation of “The Saudi Family”, and placing it under a neutral international administration guaranteeing free access to any one looking to perform Hajj, Umra or to just visit, without discrimination or distinction, guarantees them safe passage and facilitate performing the rituals for the duration of the four months of Hajj.




In an article posted on his website, Dr. Mensour called upon, whom he described as Muslim freemen, from every where, Shiite, Sunnite, Sufis, Secularists and legal professionals to convene a conference to discuss the inevitability and method of implementing this matter which he considered a form of peaceful Jihad to educate Muslims about historical and Islamic truths that were kept hushed, to exalt religion of Allah.


Mensour attacked in his article, what he termed the Wahhabi regime in Saudi Arabia, accusing it of contradicting Islam. He said the Saudi authorities check out the Islamic authenticity of those desiring to perform Hajj, especially if they were non-Arabs, by doing so; it gives itself a divine authority allowing it to delve into peoples’ beliefs. Although supervision of Hajj does not mean investigating beliefs, but the mere security checks like any other port of entry in the world.




He added that authorities there spend too much effort in forcing Wahhabism on pilgrims, through heavy handed propaganda measures for the Saudis. It also exploits its control over Hajj and the Sacred House to persecute Shiite, Sufi and Ahmadeyya pilgrims and other non-Wahhabi pilgrims.


Mensour also directed criticism to the state of congestion and dense crowds, as a result of having several millions of pilgrims in such a short period of time, causing much causality, despite the Quranic injunction “Hajj is known months” , permissible during the four months, from the beginning of Zul Hijja to the end of Rebee’ Al Awwal (names of lunar months) .Mensour said that the reason for not following this verse, is due to the strict Salafi, Wahhabi Saudi doctrine, which sanctifies whatever the ancestors followed, pointing to the fact that the ancestors resorted to gathering pilgrims caravans within specified times for security reasons, to protect them against Nejdi tribes and others’ raids. Whereas the Wahhabis are responsible nowadays for ripping off millions of pilgrims annually by imposing high fees and taxes under the guise of protecting them and providing them with amenities, they crowd millions of them in one week; hundreds perish, suffocated and trampled, all in contradiction of Islam.




Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mensour questioned whether the Sacred House was a monopoly for the Wahhabi Saudi Family alone? And whether they had any evidence from the Quran that supports their claim to controlling the Sacred House of God?
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