Institute Applauds Release of Religious Liberty Report, Questions Absence of Ambassador at Large?‏

في الثلاثاء ٢٧ - أكتوبر - ٢٠٠٩ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Washington, D.C. --  The United States Department of State this afternoon released the first version of its Annual Report on International Religious Freedom under the Obama Administration.  

In her release of the report, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton commented that, "As President Obama said in Cairo, freedom of religion is central to the ability of peoples to live together. These facts underlie our commitment to the cause of religious freedom. That's why we make the issue of religious freedom a priority in our diplomacy, and this annual report is the centerpiece of our efforts."

While the Institute applauds Secretary Clinton for her statements, the glaring absence of an Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom at the release speaks more to the commitment - or lack thereof - of the Obama Administration to religious liberty advocacy than her statements do.

Nine months into the Administration and after the release of the report, there still is no Ambassador at Large.  Despite President Obama's repeated statements regarding faith and its importance to people's lives and Secretary Clinton's comments that they will "encourage existing religious freedom movements around the world and promote dialogue among governments and within societies on how best to accommodate religious communities and protect each individual's right to believe or not believe, as that individual sees fit," the lack of an Ambassador at Large undermines the ability of the United States to do any significant advocacy against religious discrimination and persecution.

"It is fundamentally important that the President appoint an ambassador, but it is just as important that the President appoint the right Ambassador at Large," commented Institute President Joseph K. Grieboski. "Appointing someone with no background on the issue, with no relationship with the constituency, with no strong relationship with the President or Secretary is worse than not appointing anyone.  It is critical that whomever the President appoint be a strong and firm voice for the voiceless.  The Ambassadorship at Large for International Religious Freedom is not one that can be given to a political ally as a payback for political support or a role played during a campaign or convention.  It is a role that must be filled with an advocate, a leader, a visionary."

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