Meaning of Jews in the Holy Quran:

آحمد صبحي منصور في الأربعاء ٠٧ - أبريل - ٢٠١٠ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Meaning of Jews in the Holy Quran:

The fanatics are using the Quranic term ( Yahood ) wrongly in their war of ideas.

1-To recognize real Islam, or the forgotten Islam, you have to read the Quran according to its unique Arabic language and its own terminology. The old fanatic Sunni scholars in the Middle Ages distorted the Quranic laws and terminology in their tradition. The Saudi Wahhabis have restored and revived this fanatic Sunni Sharee’a in our modern time under the name of Islam and Jihad. Please read:

2- They did the same with the Quranic term ( Yahood ). In the Quran, it means the misled people among the (Children of Israel) in the time of Prophet Mohamed in the Arabian Peninsula.  They transformed this Arabic Quranic term to mean all the Jews and all the Children of Israel in all times. By doing so, they ignored many Quranic verses that talked about the good Jews and the good children of Israel.

 This needs more explanation.

3- Allah , the Almighty creator has divided mankind into three categories, according to their beliefs and deeds:

  • The (best) in their righteous beliefs and deeds. They will be in the highest rank in Paradise
  • Then those who have done a combination of (good) and bad deeds, but they repented and reformed themselves in time before death. They will be in the second degree in Paradise.
  • Those who kept up the (bad) deeds and false beliefs without any repentance until their death. They will be in the hell fire. ( 56 / 7: 56 &  88: 94 )

4- The same three categories apply to those who believe in the Quran. There will be (the best, the good and the worst) according to their beliefs and deeds. (35 / 32).

5 - - The same three categories included the early Muslim around Prophet Mohamed. They were (the best, the good and the worst) according to their beliefs. There were many reminders to encourage them to repent during their lifetime. (9 / 100 - ).

6 - The same three categories included the (People of the Book) in the time of Prophet Mohamed. They were (the best, the good and the worst) according to their beliefs. There are many references to admonish and to encourage them to repent during their lifetime. (5 / 65: 66)(3 / 110: 115)(5 / 153 : 162 )

7 – The worst of Muslims around Prophet Mohamed were named ( Al Monafeqoon ), or the hypocrites. There were tens of Quranic verses that exposed them.

8 –The worst of the Jews around Prophet Mohamed were nameded ( Yahood ). We understand from the Quran that they were specific tribes, who no longer exist nowadays, who have nothing to do with the Jews in our time.

For example:

  • They share with Christians the same belief in idolizing a human, making him son of God.( 9 : 30)
  • They share with Christians the same belief in making themselves sons of  God.( 5 : 18)
  • They allied themselves with the Christians in waging war against the peaceful Islamic state led by Prophet Mohammed, and they had the support from the worst Muslims, ( Al Monafeqoon ) or the hypocrites. So, Allah ordered Muslims not to support those transgressors against their own state ( 5/ 51 : 52 )

 9- Those (bad) people among the Jews in the time before Mohammed were cursed also and described as apes and pigs, as a derogatory expression. This was said in the Quran to admonish people of the Book in the time of Mohammed. ( 7 : 166 - ) ( 2  / 65 - )( 5 / 60 -). The other (bad) people around Prophet Mohamed were described as, worse than animals ( 25 / 41 : 44 ). So it is, more or less, the same form of description.

10- While blaming the( bad) people among Muslims ( Al Monafeqoon ) or the hypocrites, and the (bad )people among the Jews ( al Yahood ) , Allah, the Almighty Creator , talked highly of the( good) and the( best) people among ( People of the Book, or : Ahl Al Ketab )( Those who seek guidance , or in Arabic: :Allazeena hadoo). For example: (3/ 199) ( 7 / 159 &  ) (32 / 23 : 25 ). Again , it is the same description.

11-, Allah, The Almighty Creator, will send all the( best) and the (good) people from all of mankind to Paradise, as they have the good correct Belief in God and in the Hereafter and they keep righteous, regardless of being Christians, Jews, Muslims or any converts.  ( 2/ 62 )  ( 5/ 69 ).

12 – These are but some references. There are more details in different fields. However, all these Quranic facts were ignored, along with the real Quranic jurisprudence and the Quranic values of peace, justice and freedom.

13 – Finally, the term Arabic Quranic ( Yahood ) has been misused by the fanatic Sunni in their current war of ideas against the West , the US and all the Jews.

 This makes it imperative to have Islam on our side against the Sunni terrorism, and not leave it in their hands to abuse and misuse





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