Traditions and Transformations

في الخميس ١٩ - مارس - ٢٠٠٩ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Traditions and Transformations:

Tourism, Heritage and Cultural Change in the Middle East and North

4-7 April 2009, Amman, Jordan

Dear List Members

The Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change (CTCC) is pleased to let you
know that the conference programme for the above conference is now
available online at

You will also find further information such as the registration form on
this website.

Best regards



Daniela Carl

Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change
Leeds Metropolitan University

Forthcoming Events

Human Rites and City Lights:

Balancing Socio-Cultural, Artistic, Tourism and Commercial Dimensions of

18 - 20 March 2009, Bratislava, Slovakia

Traditions and Transformations:

Tourism, Heritage and Cultural Change in the Middle East and North
Africa Region

4-7 April 2009, Amman, Jordan

Resorting to the Coast:

Tourism, Heritage and Cultures of the Seaside

25-29 June 2009, Blackpool, United Kingdom

11th Royal Anthropological Institute International Festival of
Ethnographic Film

1-4 July 2009, Leeds, United Kingdom

Emotion in Motion:

The Passions of Tourism, Travel and Movement

4-7 July 2009, Leeds, United Kingdom

New MA Course

MA Cultural Tourism

For more information please go to

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