Tests in this life

آحمد صبحي منصور في الأربعاء ٠٨ - يوليو - ٢٠٠٩ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

نص السؤال
I pray all five prayers every day and try my best with Allahs help to serve Allah in the best way. Allah has found me in a very bad state and has given me wealth, health, and happiness. I have come to become very careful with asking Allah for anything. In the past I have a couple of times asked for things - even big things normally not to expect to be granted. And I have got them immediately. To such an extent that I am almost scared. I can't complain about my personal luck with things. Everything is working a lot better than I could ever expect, and as I said, I am almost scared by the good life I am living. For this reason I think that Allah has until now not been discontent with me. Insha Allah
آحمد صبحي منصور
According to the Holy Quran, Allah usually tests us in this life by two things: Giving us the good things that we wish, and giving us disasters and difficulties that we dislike. (21: 35).
The test of the good things is the harder one because most of the people pray to their lord in the hard times( 10 : 12) ( 16 : 53 – 54 ) (30 : 33) ( 39 :8 & 49) while they forget Allah in the good times ( 96 : 6-7 ).
The Prophet Job was tested by hard time ( 38 : 41 -) while the Prophet Solomon was tested by good Kingdom and high deal of blessings (38 : - 34 - ).
You are in test as all of us.

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