European-Middle Eastern Encounters

محمد البارودى في السبت ١٧ - أكتوبر - ٢٠٠٩ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

PhD-workshop: "European-Middle Eastern Encounters: Authoritarianism,
Political Islam and Ethnopolitics in the Mediterranean Region",
University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, 3-4 December 2009

Arranged by Centre for Contemporary Middle East Studies
(, University of Southern Denmark and Centre
for Strategic Studies, University of Jordan, in cooperation with the
Research School for Regional Studies

This PhD workshop aims at discussing important recent research
discussions and controversies related to European-Middle Eastern
encounters. The workshop is divided in two parts. The first section
(3rd December) consists of panels covering the following themes:

• Radicalisation and regime legitimacy in the Middle East –
implications for Mediterranean encounters

• Ethnopolitics, migration and the security paradigm in the
Mediterranean region

The second section (4th December) will consist of discussions of PhD
projects related to the overall theme of the workshop. Researchers
will comment and give response to PhD projects presented by the
participating PhD students. Among these will be: Francesco Cavatorta,
Tim Niblock, Götz Nordbruch, Michelle Pace, Peter Seeberg and Jørgen
Bæk Simonsen.

The PhD course is open to PhD fellows doing research related to the
conference theme. Participation fee, lunches, coffee and conference
dinner are free.

Before November 20th 2009 all participants are required to send an
abstract of their PhD-dissertation (maximum 150 words).

Before November 20th 2009 all PhD-fellows that participate with a
presentation are requested to send in a chapter/article (maximum 4000
words) of their own choice which captures the essence of the work.

Abstracts and papers from the other participants will be distributed
to participating PhD fellows and respondenlows and respondents following the deadline on
20th November 2009

PhD -fellows wishing to participate in the PhD course should send an
e-mail to the Centre for Contemporary Middle East Studies: with Cc. to the Research School of Regional
Studies: (deadline: 1st November 2009). In your
e-mail please include information about university affiliation,
discipline, the topic of your research and whether you participate
with or without presentation.

For further information about the PhD course please visit or contact Peter Seeberg, PhD Associate Professor
(,Odense, Denmark
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