Statement by the International Quranic Center in Washington: Friday, April 24, 2009

في السبت ٢٥ - أبريل - ٢٠٠٩ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Before Mubarak's upcoming visit to Washington:
The Egyptian state security prevents the representative of the International Quranic Center in Egypt from attending a conference in the US on “The future of relations between the US and the Islamic world

Violatimg of the law, the Egyptian state security of prevented the Islamic writer Mr. Abdul Latif Said, the representative of the International Quranic Center in Egypt, from attending a conference in America on “the future of relations between the US and the Muslim world.” The conference is to be held in Washington on May 5, 2009. Others attending the conference are U.S. Secretary of State, the Muslim member of the U.S. Congress recognized Keith Allison, with a group of Muslim politicians, intellectuals, and activists of democracy and human rights. Mr. Abdul Latif Said was to give speech on (the future of peace in the Middle East).

It should be noted that the organizer of this conference is the Center of Studies of Islam and Democracy “CSID” who prepared the document which calls for U.S. President Obama to strengthen the democracy in the Middle East. More than 150 Muslim scholars and activists for democracy, including the International Quranic Center, have signed this document.

Between May to October 2007, Abdul Latif was detained and tortured, among four of his relatives, because of his writings at the Islamic reformation website Ahl Alquran. The state security harassment have continued after his release.

The right to travel and freedom of opinion and belief are among the most important items in the international conventions signed by Egypt. The Egyptian judiciary has not issued any ban on his travel. This accident serves in a series of continuous harassments to the Quranists, Bahai’s and many others in Egypt. Egypt has turned into a big prison under the state emergency Law.

The International Quranic Center in Washington condemns this flagrant violation of the rights of, Abdel-Latif Said. The center will pursue legal measures to stand against this continued violation of human rights of Egyptians.
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