محاربة الفساد اليمني

في الأربعاء ٠٨ - أبريل - ٢٠٠٩ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

هذه هي الاسئله لطرحها للمناقشه والتي عجز الرئيس اليمني علي عبدالله عن الرد عليه

وهذه هي نص الاسئله

سيادة الرئيس ما سبب سكوت النظام اليمني على الفساد المتفشي في اليمن؟

لماذا اضطهاد المناطق الجنوبيه عامه؟

لماذا ياسيادة الرئيس زرعت الحقد و الكراهيه بين صفوف الشعب اليمني و الطبقات؟

اين البنيه التحتيه لليمن؟

اين مدخرات البترول و الغاز؟

من اين لك هذه الثروه يا سيادة الرئيس؟ ماحقيقة ال20بليون دولار التي تمتلكها في بنوك المانيا وهولندا؟

وماحقيقه 4 مليار دولار الذي تمتلكها في دبي؟

اين مدخرات الثروه السمكيه المتنوعه الغنيه فيها اليمن؟

اذا كانت توجد دوله في اليمن و تهمك مصلحه اليمن ما حقيقه الصراع مع الحوثيين؟

لماذا تدعوا المستثمرين للاستثمار داخل اليمن وعندما ياتون الدوله تستثمرهم؟

ميناء عدن يشتغل لحساب من العائلات المقربه المعروفه اليك؟

لماذا تم بيع ميناء عدن لعدد من البيوت التجاريه ؟؟

من المعروف لقيام دوله صحيحه بان تكون هناك وزاره التربيه

و التعليم لانشاءجيل صالح ووزاره الصحه لاخراج جيل صحيح

ووزاره الداخليه للامن و الامان ووزاره العدل للعدل و للاسف

لا يوجد شي من هذا حسب تقرير المنظمات الدوليه ...نظام

المجالس المحلي صارت ملاحف للشعب اليمني....ماتعليقك يا سيادة الرئيس؟

لماذا نشعر بان هناك سلطه تحمي الفاسدين و تمهد الطريق

حول مطامعهم بينما يعاني الشعب من الفقر الموقع والارتفاع الحيوئي للاسعار؟

ما تفسير سيادتك لوسائل و الطرق الخلفيه التى تساهم في هروب الكبار و المسئولين من الحساب و العقوبه؟

لماذا ينشط سوق الرشاوي و الوساطه بينما يعجز القاون عن حمايه حقوق الشعب و المظلوم على امره؟

لماذا لا يوجد جهاد لرصد الفساد و محاسبه المفسدين؟

لماذا لا يوجد جهات رقابيه على مستوى فعال يتمتع بسلطه قويه؟

لماذا المحاكم لاتنفذ احكامها؟

لماذا لا توجد استراتيجيه لخلق رقابه ذاتيه داخل الدوله اليمنيه تحول بينها وبين الرشوه والمحسوبيه؟

لماذا ياسيادة الرئيس اراضي اليمن تخص و توزع مجانا على المتنفذين؟

لماذا هذا البذخ الحكومي باموالناعلى المواكب و الرحلات و

المرتبات للمسئولين بينما الشعب يموت جوعا و المثل يقول جحا اولا......؟

!لماذا تسافر فخامتك و المسئولين للعلاج بالخارج بينما"ندود"

اي ياكلنا الدود بالمستشفيات التي لا تصلح بالحيوان.....هل

ترضى لشعبك مالا ترضاه لنفسك و لاهلك؟

لماذا لا يجد الفقير دواء ولا رعايه صحيه ولا سرير في المستشفى عندما يطرحه المرض؟

من وجهه نظر سيادتكم....لماذا يتجه شباب اليمن للخارج وللاغتراب و للانحراف

و لماذا لا يوجد عمل ولا سكن والخ......؟

لو تسمح لنا سيادتك....لماذا دولتك تلفق قضايا على الشرفاء؟

لماذا نشعر كاننا بحكم استبدادي يسيطرفيه قوات الداخليه اليمنيه؟

لماذا القانون اليمني معاق ولا قيمه له؟

الى متى ستظل اليمن بلا ظهر تتركن اليه...يعنى بلا قانون ولا

دستور عادل يضمن حقوق الناس و اجهزه تنفيذيه غير فاسده

تضمن تنفيذ القانون على الجميع لنشعر بالانتماء و معنى كلمه

وطن...هل ترى فخامه الرئيس ان الحل في عودتنا للهمجيه و

اخذ حقوقنا بايدينا ولكن وقتها سيطبق علينا القانون ويقال عنا ارهابيون؟

فخامه الرئيس انت تدخلت لحسم قضيه الشيخه اروى

الهمداني وغيرها من مستثمرين و لدينا اسماؤهم ولم تنفذ

تعليماتك ماذا يعني لك هذا بانك رئيس لا سلطه لك"بالرغم من تدخلك باكثر من مره"؟

فخامه الرئيس كيف تحكم اليمن والى اين تظن انك تقودها؟

فخامه الرئيس ما رايك في توريث الحكم في اليمن...وهل ترى

بان الوحده تحقق ما يطمح اليه اليمنيون؟ولماذا لا تعملها ملكيه معا!!!؟

ان الجهات الرسميه التى لا تتعاطى مع القوانين النافذه و تتبع

نهجا بيروقراطيا يتسبب بتعطيل منافع المواطنين و الاضرار بهم

و بكل مجتمع... وللاسف نحن لا نعلم نحن تحت جهات رسميه او تحت عصابات رسميه

هذه هي بعض الاثباتات التي تبين حقيقة العشرين بيلون دولار لدى الرئيس اليمني علي صالح

Writing on the wall for Yemeni president

Sheikh Badreddin al-Houthi is an eminent scholar of the Zaidi Shiite denomination of Islam. Clerics and believers have long flocked to his home in the mountainous northern Yemeni district of Saada to discuss matters of faith and community affairs. But recently the Sheikh has been inundated with visitors for different reasons. They have been arriving in droves to express their outrage at the military offensive launched by President Ali Abdallah Saleh against the district, and specifically against his son Hussein and his acolytes. Hussein al-Houthi had followed in his father’s footsteps. Over the years he emerged as an influential religious leader, running a network of religious centres and preaching at mosques throughout the northern and central parts of the country. He was also elected to parliament in 1993 and served until 1997. His sermons typically ended with the congregation chanting anti-American and anti-Israeli slogans. Such scenes had gradually become commonplace, notably in the capital Sanaa, without provoking any backlash from the state. Hence the surprise at the president’s sudden change of attitude. This occurred after he returned from the US, where he was one of the Third World leaders invited to attend the G-8 summit. When he got back he faced a barrage of criticism for his behaviour at the summit and mockery over his decision to attend it clad in “traditional” attire. One of the first things he proceeded to do was threaten military action against Houthi and his supporters. It seemed an impetuous move, starkly at odds with the way things are normally done in Yemen.
For months, go-betweens had been interceding between the authorities and Houthi over the latter’s anti-Americanism, which hardly amounted to “incitement” as it reflected the sentiments of many Yemenis outraged at the’ US behaviour in Iraq. Palestine and elsewhere. The real issue appears to have been Houthi’s contention that Saleh is unfit to govern on religious grounds. His Zaidi doctrine, while in some respects closer to Sunni Islam than other strands of Shiism, shares aspects of the Shiite belief in an Imamate vested in descendants of the Prophet Muhammad –- a definition which could be applied to many leading Yemeni tribes but not Saleh’s Sanhan clan. Such a disqualification, even from a minority religious leader, is unhelpful to a president who seized power 26 years ago amid a succession of bloody power-struggles, runs a highly nepotistic regime, and makes little secret of his desire to bequeath his job to his son Col. Ahmad Saleh.
Saleh also seems to have persuaded the Americans that Hussein al-Houthi was part of a plot by the Iranians to spread their brand of Shiism and politics in Yemen, and that Tehran had been arming his followers. The Zaidi leader is sympathetic to aspects of the Twelver Shiism prevalent in Iran, but ironically it was Saleh himself who first allowed the Islamic Republic to establish medical and cultural centres throughout Yemen and thus seek to spread its political creed. But he appears to have thought it useful to pose as a bastion against Iranian influence, just as he did earlier with regard to al-Qaida. While many Yemenis balked at what they saw as their president’s resort to sectarian incitement, they were equally aghast at his boast that a punitive military assault against Hussein al-Houthi would resolve everything. The campaign turned into fiasco, making a mockery of the state and a hero of the dissident cleric. The Zaidi leader, by no means a warlord, continues to date to hold out. Most of the hundreds of casualties have been on the government side, and the president eventually resorted to hiring and arming tribal irregulars to throw into the battle. One tribe that was recruited for the purpose lost its sheikh in the fighting. Saleh even persuaded a young son of the leader of Yemen’s largest tribal confederation, Sheikh Abdallah al-Ahmar, to send some of his clansmen to join the campaign. Between 30 and 35 of them were killed. When his father found out, while undergoing medical treatment in Saudi Arabia, he was incandescent. He sent an emissary to rein the boy in pending his return. Many Yemeni tribal and religious leaders can be expected to follow the lead set by Ahmar, who is also speaker of the Yemeni parliament, and demand that the state engage the dissident Zaidi cleric in dialogue. Houthi’s followers had not, after all, initiated any violence, and he had not declared any rebellion. His dissent was verbal and his reasoning religious, and his views about the president were by no means unique.
Indeed, Saleh may have moved against him because he felt he was opening the floodgates to public denunciation of his regime and thus bringing its demise closer. Some regime insiders go further, suggesting that Houthi was brought to centre-stage as part of the fierce rivalry for power and influence between the president’s cousin Ali Muhsin, who commands the northwestern military sector, and his son Ahmad. Ali Muhsin was in charge of planning and carrying out the operation ordered by the president, which was conducted in a manner that risks dragging Yemen into sectarian and tribal conflict. As a reputed Zaidi convert to Wahhabism, Ali Muhsin is considered hostile to all forms of Shiism. They note that he was also the commander who failed spectacularly a few years ago to prevent Eritrea’s seizure of the Hanish islands off the Red Sea coast, amid allegations that he was bribed by the Saudis to facilitate the move in a bid to humiliate Saleh. With Ahmad being groomed for the succession by his father, Ali Muhsin may have seen Houthi’s “rebellion” as a suitable vehicle for his ambitions. Hussein al-Houthi may or may not survive, but his message has certainly been amplified by the campaign against him. It rings true to many Yemenis, and echoes their multiple grievances against the regime. The writing may be on the wall for a president who has held power for a quarter of a century through a combination of nepotism, repression and appeasement of the United States. Could his regime be the next to fall after Saddam Hussein’s? And if so, will the Yemeni people be entitled to some $20 billion stashed away in German and Dutch banks?

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