Our Number..

آحمد صبحي منصور في الثلاثاء ١٨ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

نص السؤال
I'm very impressed. I wanted to know how many people follow your point of view, do you have a percentage per se of how many would say the same? As you know the Islamic world is only Islamic by name but they have all converted into a distorted version, wahabism and brotherhoodism, if these are real words but this is how I feel. It's sad to see perfectly intelligent people follow fatawy and advices from those who are of less intelligence and are happy to be a part of a losing herd and accept so much persecution. Anyway, I will absolutely keep reading, you have some interesting and fresh ideas and it's really nice to see. Just quickly, how do you feel about hijab and I believe I met you before in NY but do you have something in New Jersey where young people can go to and join rather than going to a wahabi establishment?
آحمد صبحي منصور
It is impossible to give exact figure , saying how many people accept our ideas. We are new trend in the Muslem World. Certainly our trend is increasing. However I can say , there are about ten thousands Muslim scholars who uphold the Quran alone. Please read my article in Arabic that compares between the Quranists and the Whabists asking who is the majority among Muslims.The more you read in our web site, the more you find answers. In two article I talked about Hijab. You are welcome to register in our site , and to share our discussions as long you follow our terms of publishing.
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