Robert Fisk: The rotten state of Egypt is too powerless and corrupt to act

في الإثنين ٠٥ - يناير - ٢٠٠٩ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً (English)

In this acerbic column, Robert Fisk takes the Egyptian regime to task not only for its purported misconduct over the crisis in Gaza, but for its overall internal political failings. Suggesting that Egypt's reticence to open the Rafah border crossing is indicative of Mubarak's servility to the US and Israel, Fisk goes on to argue that Egypt's true disgrace is not with its poor response to the Gaza situation, but instead is its internal corruption endemic to Egyptian society-in healthcare, education, and infrastructure. Pointing out cases of political protestors being beaten by security police, women being arbitrarily sexually harassed by plain-clothes officers, and a religious façade in which rote religious traditions are considered sacrosanct by Egyptian civil servants who nonetheless fail to bat an eye at rigged elections or prison torture. Fisk concludes with a stark reminder that Egypt's failure to provide its own citizens with a viable infrastructure has claimed far more lives than all of Egypt's wars against Israel put together, and further argues that "Egypt's malaise is in many ways as dark as that of the Palestinians. Its impotence in the face of Gaza's suffering is a symbol of its own political sickness."

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