MB provisionally welcomes the nomination of Jamal Mubarak for presidency

في الإثنين ٢٣ - يوليو - ٢٠٠٧ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

On July 21, the independent newspaper Al Mesryoon carried a report by Husien al Barbari that said: “A source “who is close to the General Assembly of the National Party uncovered that contacts had been conducted lately between leaders from the party and their counterparts from the Muslim Brotherhood, in a bid to release the MB leaders who have been detained in prison for a long time, in addition to discontinuing the security pursuit against the members of the organization.

“The sources who wished to remain anonymous affirmed to Al Mesryoon that these contacts are not the first to be held of this kind, as both sides carried out [previous] contacts which lasted for some months prior to the Shura Council elections, but they were suspended due to the MB outrage over the campaign directed against the group’s candidates and the forgery in the elections’ results. He noted that the meetings were convened between the leaders of the National Party and the “Brothers” inside the People’s Council and other public places where they discussed the issue of the MB detainees last years, in addition to the ways to release them…

“The sources also pointed out that the last meeting was held last week in the Abu Qayr colony in Alexandria which is affiliated to the National Party and that both sides shared breakfast and lunch. They also asserted that one of the MB leaders-whose name was not identified- will rebel against the group for unknown reason, in what would render him the second leader to withdraw from the group following the famous crisis provoked by Sayyed Abd Al Sattar Al Maliji over the financial sources of the Brothers.

“The same sources revealed that a number of the MB leaders confirmed to their counterparts from the National Party of their approval to nominate Jamal Mubarak, the Secretary of the “Policies Committee” in the National party, to the presidency, on condition that independent figures would be permitted to run in the presidency battle in a democratic atmosphere.

“According to the sources, some of the MB leaders are intending to stand by Jamal Mubaral in return for conditions and guarantees which allow the establishment of political parties without the current complicated measures, in addition to spreading a climate of political freedom. It is noteworthy to recall that Dr. Mohamamd Habib, MB Deputy Leader, had said in previous statements: “We are against inheritance, but we will not object if Jamal Mubarak is appointed based on free and fair elections in the presence of other competitors.” - Newspaper - Middle East, Middle East

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