Woman rights

آحمد صبحي منصور في الخميس ٠٤ - يناير - ٢٠١٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

نص السؤال
Sunni/Shia Muslims say that women can work outside home, but place restrictions. For example they say that a woman must not work in an environment with non-mahram men (which seems kind of impossible.) They say she has to get her husbands permission first. Also, they say a woman must not do any sort of physically demanding job (like industrial labor, construction, agricultural work,) because they define these as "mans work." This also seems difficult because historically speaking most jobs were (and many still today) were physically demanding so by denying women (who chose to do so) this line of work could potentially make it difficult for them to find work. My question is, are these sorts of things from the Quran or from false hadiths and culture? What is the Quranist view on women working outside the home, or how they can spend their money, or working physically demanding jobs. Does the Quran place any restrictions? Also many sunni/shia say women shouldn't participate in sports. This seems unhealthy and abnormal. Does the Quran say this?
آحمد صبحي منصور

We publish two articles in English about the right of woman to be president in the Islamic state and the right of woman to work and to promoted in her work. It is the same rights of man.

Please read more in our English and Arabic sections.

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